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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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5 May 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [169]

supplied its gas to Poland.
Do you Serbs want to give Putin the middle finger ?

No middle finger neither to Poland, neither to Russia. We are Serbs.

Besides, we have contract with Russia. We are military neutral and didn`t impose sanctions on Russia. In no way we didn`t harm Russia and join NATO and EU hysteria against Russia. Our relation to Poland is internal Slavic thing, same as our relation to Russia. To Ukraine, too.

Probably Orban, he's good at sucking up to Putler.

Hungary and Serbia coordinate in this madness. We are rational and objective.
4 May 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [169]

Poland says it's ready to help Germany with stop using Russian oil.

See, this is good one. Its fine that Poland help Germany goes down, while Poland can buy oil from Hungary and Serbia.
2 May 2022
Genealogy / Are Sorbs Polish? Does anyone know about Sorbish enthnicity? [62]

They were Serbs, as all Slavs and Europeans. Some still are. First, it was that Balkan-Baltic line where Serbian name still live. It was backbone. Then time passed, people moved all-around, non-European influences, novelties in isolated communities, etc and, we have this what we have in Europe today.
30 Apr 2022
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

Nothing is Serbia depend from outside factor. We are independent country. Last free Sarmatian state. The very original core.
30 Apr 2022
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]


Germans are germanized Serbs because papacy wanted that. Go tell to Poles how I am a liar. Tell it to yourself.

Its a scientific fact and as all facts have tendency to go to surface, no matter politics. Sure, especially when it suits to someone.

Why not have Serbia from Baltic to Balkan?

worrying signs coming from the Serb Republic in Bosnia, and Russia is gleefully sponsoring Belgrade

You forgot Corey Lewandowski and Polish diaspora from USA. They have private company to pump money to Bosnian Serbs.

30 Apr 2022
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

Rome and Athens likes it that way and European powers made for it.

Yes it hurts us and that what hurts us will be corrected. Our sea will be free.
30 Apr 2022
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

natural ally.

Did you heard for Limes Sorabicus? See, that is Frankish state (that later split on Germany and France) that cut that Limes thru land of Serbs and other Slavs. They reduced power of Poland and made possible Poland to serve their purposes. To live in servitude to strangers.

But stay stupid if you like it. But know this. If Poland fail as state, we Serbs would work with Lusatians, Kashubs and those Poles who still feel Sarmatian. States come and go. Only Sarmatia is eternal.

France is natural ally only to the Vatican and Greeks in Drang Nach Osten.

I am loyal to my ancestors that were hunted down by enemies of Sarmatia. Self-proclaimed Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Islamic, Jewish, whatever. I fuc* them all.
30 Apr 2022
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

You hater hate me because I am 300% Polish.

You Serbs are a mixture of too many ethnicities to be called Slavs.

Going to toilet again, after reading. Now to look at mirror. Front, profile, opening mouth, ears, etc. Pure Neanderthal. No, no traces of mixture. Not that I know, to put cross on myself.

So, what you want Milo? Are you so limited? Slavs are inter-continental culture from time immemorial. From one part of Slavdom to the other, we differ and its good. But always existed internal migrations and inter-mixing between Slavs. That is why we Slavs are most beautiful people on this Earth.

We Slavs are not united by just common blood origin but also by culture, language, values.
30 Apr 2022
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]


What a stupid statement to read for the morning. Thank you. I now go to toilet.

Please stop.
30 Apr 2022
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]

I dream of Great Serbia from Baltic to Balkan. Time is for Sarmatia to be united and free.

You are against?

Are you communist, papist or Greek?
29 Apr 2022
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

Samatian connections to Slavs are a myth.

its not a myth. Its a fact.
29 Apr 2022
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]


Crown Prince Petar Karadjordjevic abdicates in favor of Prince Philip (PHOTO)


renounced all the rights that belong to him on the basis of the birthright in the family line, for himself and all his descendants.


The one who stand - Prince Petar Karadjordjevic abdicated in favor of his brother Philip, from now on Crown Prince Philip - the one who sit, his wife behind him (his wife is ordinary woman from the people)
28 Apr 2022
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

I want you to know I am first bringing this news to you.

Members of original Baltic-Balkan Sarmatian connection that entered battle with Anglo-Germanic-Jewish-Islamic magnates that dominated former Uni-Polar world >


Pope Benedict XVI - Removed from leading the Catholic Church, only Pope replaced while still alive, pushed to stumble on the stairs in the corridors of the Vatican but survived - Lusatian Sarmatian in origin


President of Poland Lech Kaczynski, tragically died in plane crash during the trip to negotiate better Polish-Russian relations, assassinated by leading NATO and EU powers - Polish Sarmatian in origin


Donald Tusk, former Poland`s PM and high ranked EU official - Kashub Sarmatian in origin


Donald Trump, former USA President, removed from office in a Coup D`Etat - Kashub Sarmatian in origin


Aleksandar Vucic, President of the Republic of Serbia - Balkan Sarmatian in origin
10 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Poland to go out of NATO. Poland should abandon that terrorist and pirate organization that threatening Slavic civilization.
29 Mar 2022
Life / Is it normal for men to abandon their children in Poland? [26]

Poland is now strongly in a grip of EU and things certainly develop in direction of even stronger grip. You can be even wrong about him but if you are Zulu or from Senegal, court will love you.

But if you are Russian. Well, its your problem.
24 Mar 2022

Now when western Europe ie EU committed suicide with a Russian roulette, path is clear for true Polish and Russian friendship, to which Serbs can mediate, and, of course profit. I see profit for us all.