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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2063 / Live: 1987 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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4 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

they're trying to concern troll you into a surrender.

What the hell is that, and how does it work?

New term for me - "concern troll". A form of gaslighting?

In any case, no one is as good at trolling as the Brits and Americans. Russians are junior league trolls, compared to the grandaddies of all trolls.

Is what America did to Ukraine "concern trolling"? They feigned genuine concern and solidarity with the Ukrainians - got them to kill half a million of their best men, wreck half their country - just to get dumped shortly after. That's peak trolling.

I think Poland should be familiar with this type of trolling, due to some recent experience.
4 Jan 2024
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]


Lechina Empire sounds very funny in Russian - Лёхина Империя (Лёха is a nickname for Alexei).

Kinda like Tommy's Empire, or Mike's Empire.

P.S. - I wonder if Slavs are the only ones that suffer from such severe megalomania? I never heard of a German claiming the Christ was German.
4 Jan 2024
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Russia - not unlike Germany - is, by and large, a figment of people's imagination. A mass ilussion one might say.

We may live on the peripheries of Great Slavia, but we are no figment of the imagination, brate.

It is funny, that I have to educate you like this... We too, have our authors. One such luminary is Anatoly Abrashkin. He wrote one of my favorite books - "The Arian Roots of Rus'".

In this book, Abrashkin explains in clear terms the true origins of the Russian nation. For example, the ethnonym "Rus", as he explains, is tied to the name of the chanters of Arian religious hymns. He traces the beginnings of the Russian nation from the moment it first emerged as the Arians from amidst other Indo-European tribes in the 5th-4th millennia BC, and then places Ancient Russian history into a wider context, beginning with Sumeria and Ancient Egypt.

The book examines in detail the genealogies of Russian gods (Baba Yaga, Yarila, Kolyada, Ivan, Marya, etc.) and relevant mythological parallels. It also conclusively dismantles the spurious "Khazar" and "Norman" theories on Russian origin. Finally, Abrashkin provides convincing evidence regarding the Russian ethnicity of Christ.

After reading this book, it will become clear to the reader that Russians were among the first nations to develop civilization, and have continued to play a decisive role in the development of humankind ever since.

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3 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

Your guys were typically mid-20's. Our guys were mostly college athletes back then

It's not every sport, where being in your 20s will give you an advantage

Not for diving, skiing, aerobics, figure skating, and dozens of others.

Maybe it gives an advantage in boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, basketball, soccer, and running.

I'm not sure when human males reach peak performance, to be honest. Based on myself, I would say probably 27-30. After that it's downhill.

But the distance between a 20 year old and a 30 year old I think is only truly apparent in combat sports. For avoidance of doubt, I mean that 30 year olds are generally stronger than 20 year olds in combat sports.
3 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]


I am lost for words. You are simply some kind of Mother Theresa.

If people like you were in power then, it would be Ukrainians apologizing to Poles now.
3 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

I thought we should've shown the Soviets up by beating their a$$es in competition at the Olympic games.

Oh it tickles!

By the 80s, we were routinely smashing you.

What's more, even in 1992 and 1996 our already mixed teams were dominating.

You had to wait till the country fragmented into 15 pieces before you started winning again.

If you add Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan back into the Russian medal count (since it's mostly Russians anyway) - you'll see we are still quite a bit ahead of you.
3 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

Empty words and infantile questions all the time

Hello Pawian, it is your reflection speaking to you from the mirror.

Your entire argument re: the supposed "colonization" of Ukrainians is ahistorical dribble.

One thing Ironside always explains well, is the relative shades of historicity. You cannot analyze events in a vacuum. Context must always be taken into account.

I will also admit, I don't like your argument about Poles having to apologize, because it makes me feel you think we should apologize to the Ukrainians as well. For what?
3 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

then contradict yourself


The Americans f*cked our entire Olympics by not showing up. Everybody knows, that those two countries are always on top of the medal count. That's why, nobody takes the results of 1980 seriously, because Americans were not present.

Well, guess what. We can ruin your Olympics as well.

This was not about sportsmanship, but sabotaging a whole national event into which billions were invested.

I think we were reasonably upset, for them not showing up.
3 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

Soviet Russians boycotted 1984 Olympics. Ha!

Assh*le. The Americans did not come to Moscow in 1980. Apparently, because they were so upset we invaded Afghanistan.

That's why we did not go to LA in 1984.

You don't wanna see me, I don't wanna see you.

Hitler didn't shake hands with Jesse Owens

Where did I write Hitler? I meant the athletes.
3 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

God`s Playground

Oooh. Most interesting.

I will get this book.

I join Ironside and Kania, in asking you - why are you still so bad at history if you read so much?

I respect that you were consistent in condemning the Ukrainian invasion, and the bombing of Gaza equally. This was a little bit of a surprise. It tells me, that maybe you are not an empty demagogue.

However, I still disagree with 99% of the things you say.
3 Jan 2024
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Here on Balkan we know Kashubs as Northern Serbs, too.

I knew there was a reason I liked Tusk.

complete Eastern Germany and complete Baltic were land of Serbs. Baltic was in past known as Oceanus Sarmaticus.


can you say that all Poles aren`t Serbs ie Sarmatians?

May my tongue fall off if ever such a thing escapes my lips.

However, Brate, why do you not mention Russia?
3 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [365]

[login to read]

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2 Jan 2024
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

No country can survive on estrogen.

In the popular film, Fight Club, there's a piece of dialogue:

"We are a generation of men raised by women, I'm wondering if another woman is really the thing we need..."

In this American movie, the words referred to the epidemic of divorces and single-motherhood in the States, and how it affected the guys.

Whenever I heard this phrase, I actually always thought about my grandparents generation. Who raised my father, who raised me. That was a true generation, raised by women, because most of the men were killed.

What a f*cked up generation, my grandparents generation was. Jesus Christ. The most complexed creatures on Earth.

Greatest Generation my ass.
1 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

90s were a bumpy ride

For many people, the 90s ended up being fatal to their health.

Here is, btw, a crazy statistic I can share for my year of birth - 1989.

According to a RosStat dataset I had analyzed at one point, as much as 10% of the guys born in my year are dead. This was before the war.

My generation, of all Soviet/Post Soviet generations, is absolutely the biggest losers and dumbasses.

Born on the fracture point of two epochs, too young to take advantage of the plunder, too scarred to integrate seamlessly into normal civilian life - a largely discarded demographic cohort.

I wonder if in Poland, the 1981-1989 crowd also ended up being losers (in a macro sense).
1 Jan 2024
Love / Smitten and Wondering [81]

still remembers the stupid crap I said 50 years ago

I really wonder, what was the evolutionary benefit of giving women such elephantine memory? Feel we coulda done better with it.
1 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

So far, nobody questioned my arguments. Which means they are correct.

How can one question an argument, when the definition for one of the main subjects is not correct?

What the hell is a Cossack?

In Russia we have many more "Cossacks" than they have in all of Ukraine and Poland combined. We had Don Cossacks, Kuban Cossacks, Terek Cossacks, Yaik Cossacks, and a dozen other flavors.

Today they enjoy dressing up like clowns, playing with sabers, and talking at length about defending "traditional values". Of course, I would prefer that they instead defend the "traditional value" of working for a living.

Open Wikipedia and see what a Cossack is. Where the word comes from. How they understood themselves. What results DNA tests have yielded in modern times.

You will see that a Cossack is an amorphous thing. Criminals, runaway serfs, Tatar outcasts, bankrupted nobles, and everyone in between.
1 Jan 2024
Love / Smitten and Wondering [81]

Which were the best hugs I ever got and I'm not just saying that

Well that sounds nice.

will exit Fantasyland and come back down to earth. Until then, the curiosity is absolutely killing me

I'm not married, but otherwise can probably imagine what you are thinking. As a guy, my advice in a spherical vacuum would be pretty simple and probably disgusting to the women here.

You're gonna think about her till the day you die, if you don't do something. However, you could also sleep with her once - and see if you feel any different. If you get that sudden "post f*ck" clarity of "Jesus Christ what was I thinking", then you'll save yourself a lifetime of second guessing yourself. On the other hand, if nothing changes, and those hugs still feel like the best hugs ever - you'll also know you gotta do something.

None of this is very fair towards the wife, of course. The most fair thing, would be to divorce her, and then go and try your fortunes out in the wild world. Something tells me you're not willing to take such an unhedged risk. Hedging the risk through exploiting wife's ignorance - well that's the oldest story in the book.
30 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

just shows how useless and incapable Russians are.It does not excuse them.Their aim was the the same as Germans,to kill all dissenters

Man you are seriously delusional. Maybe even paranoid.

If we wanted to kill industrially, somehow I believe we would have figured it out.

You praising the Germans even in this instance for some greater efficiency is grotesque.
29 Dec 2023
History / Why Poland achieved nothing at all? [69]

Simple. Whenever Poland was close to achieve sth, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Czechs attacked her and destroyed everything.


In Russia, we say, that for a bad dancer the testicles get in the way.

I don`t want to experience another destruction.

Relax yourself.
29 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

Those millions who perished in Gulag camps

Ehh what?

From what I remember from school, the number was something like 1.5M from the 1930s thru 1953 when Stalin died, and they were shut down. This was in comparison to the approximately 20M people that went through the camps.

Of these 1.5M that died, most was through malnutrition and disease. This is a f*cking crime, and a horror, but if we are having a serious discussion it is not the same as extermination.

According to Wikipedia (English):

Archival researchers have found "no plan of destruction" of the gulag population and no statement of official intent to kill them, and prisoner releases vastly exceeded the number of deaths in the Gulag.

People died in the GULAG because they were prisons operated in a country where free people were dying on the outside from the same reasons. Use your brain genius.