The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
6 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

fight with the strongest not the weakest other way you are BULLY.

Well Poland only starts bullying the bully who bully's her own citizens tsk tsk
Mr Grunwald   
5 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

a history of two nations that never will unite again.

I won't give up that hope!
I won't force it upon them but, I will never throw away an possibility for Lithuania and Poland to be united again!

My roots demands it!

to be Polish when it was more convenient than to be Ukrainian.

Yeah most people think Russian when somebody says he is Ukrainian

What Poland tried to retaliate for by burning churches?

There was some Ukrainian insurgents during mid 30's attack post offices Police offices and railroads or something. Later on the local population started to join them, as the insurgents didn't want mass murder on the local population they withdraw. But Piłsudski couldn't accept that the Polish state will just watch and do nothing so he commanded an action of burning a few Churches (probably around 30) and some villages.

But again it is a part of some other topic.

Oh yeah true
Mr Grunwald   
4 Nov 2010
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

What are the criteria for "centrality"? GDP, geography, history, prestige to be known to be located there,...?

Mostly Geography, although in Central Europe there are very specific highlanders. With special hats and instruments and etc as either they are near the Carpathian mountains or the Alps.

But mostly it's geographically speaking. It's also very common that those countries citizen's know German or some of it. At least it's not unheard of
Mr Grunwald   
4 Nov 2010
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

There can only one country occupy the central spot and that is Germany, sorry!

Germany is THE Central European country but Poland, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria are all in Central Europe (Maybe Switzerland too but I am not sure)

*runs very quickly*

Ey! Don't run from our discussion!!!
Mr Grunwald   
4 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

Yes start grabbing straws that all you have, your statement is not honest and you know it, you lost.

WTF?! Like you know Piłsudski!

Do you blame them?

I do

You said you would behave harsher with Lithuanians than Pilsudski. I don't see the difference in the approach here.

One thing is to set them at place other is stabbing them in their back

Wouldn't you agree, Mr Grunwald?

Yes I agree that's why I hate the national democrats they ruined EVERYTHING
They wanted to create Poland into a nation-state trying to get where ever they could see Poles or somebody who talked Polish. GAAWD I hate them

Pilsudski wanted to Polonize multiple non-Polish lands and people.

He wanted to restore the commonwealth... The ones wanting to Polonize everyone was his men or nationa democrats... As they started it already it was done and they couldn't turn back. Piłsudski tried to negotiate with Ukrainian insurgents but failed as the Ukrainians had been wounded by the national democrats. Later on it was all about showing power mostly.

Pilsudski had his Kulturkampf in Ukraine by banning schools, destroying churches etc.

The churches were destroyed mostly because of retaliation not because of some brand idea of Polonization... Aren't you mixing two things now?

(even though, they didn't)

The National Democrats that's right

why Poland didn't turn to its best of the best friend - Hungary

Last time I checked they did but there was a country between them called Czechoslovakia which was quite hostile towards both countries.

One of Hungary's main goals was to restore a common border with Poland which happened during 1938-1939

At least I hope people get some water over their heads and talk... Instead of waving fists at each other
Mr Grunwald   
3 Nov 2010
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Poles in general have been historically central-eastern Europeans but now we can only say Central Europeans (if we want to be correct)
It makes me sooo angry when Norwegian papers say that Poles are from "Øst-Europa" (East-Europe) because the reason they say it is they always said "Østblokken" (Eastern block)

Their so fricking laaaazy!! It annoys me like hell!!!!
Mr Grunwald   
3 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

At 9 October 1920 general Lucjan Zeligowski occupied the south-east of Lithuania about a third of the country
On 1 October 1938 the Zaolzie area was annexed by Poland

Exactly! Thank you!
Piłsudski "governed" Poland from 1926-1935
If anybody assumes Piłsudski was a dictatorial mass murderer and compare him to A. Hitler or something. Stalin then they should re-think it cause it's inaccurate!
Mr Grunwald   
3 Nov 2010
Food / Taste of food in Poland vs other countries [188]

Bread in most countries tends to taste "weird" to non-natives. As does the milk. Just one of those things : )

I love Polish "£aciata" and "Kajzerki" :D

Polish milk, especially the UHT stuff is ****

*Put's on his iron knuckles and loads his gun*
Yu messen wid mi?

I'd agree with Ksysia, in general. Polish food seems more flavoursome.

Indeed in Norway a lot of stuff have thing's "added" so that they last longer... Yaakh
But in Poland there are so many people, that they don't have to do it! ;)
Mr Grunwald   
3 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

I can't recall Austrians being in an commonwealth earlier on with the Poles and that the Austrians wanted to remake the old alliance once again against common allies, especially I can't remember Warsaw ever being 60%+ (half of it Jewish) Austrian, or pick Prussia or Russia for that matter.

Then why expect love from Lithuanians when your army is on their lands?

Because first it was thought that we all will be a country but then nationalist scum worked against it, I look at them as almost the same as rebels/traitors I would been a lot more harsher then Piłsudski mind you if I were in charge.

What difference does it make that Poles settled in huge numbers in Lithuanian capital? It is still Lithuanian and happiness of those residents to be a part of Poland they may easily express on board of Vilnius-Poland one-way train.

If Lithuanians marched with an army into Warsaw after having fought against an enemy army and join it in an common country, I doubt it would be much hostility. Unless it would be an nationalistic Republic later Fascist state which Lithuania become.

It is still Lithuanian and happiness of those residents to be a part of Poland

II Rzeczpospolita!!! Am I talking to an lunatic? Maybe you got Alzheimer?
If it would be Poland alone it would been Polska, or just Rzeczpospolita Polska!

Just because there was no significant resistance from Lithuanians at the time when Poland broke 2 days ago signed international agreement in Suwalki doesn't mean that Poland behaved in just and noble way, did it?

If I remember correct it was the National Democrats in power at that time and I despise them, I wouldn't behave like THAT.

So who were those pervs who were not able to speak Lithuanian while being Lithuanians?

Polonized Lithuanians or Poles.

So who were those pervs who were not able to speak Lithuanian

and they most certainly weren't nationalist because then they would have same attitude as you, NO they were commonwealthers which believed in a united country fighting an common enemy!

And Poland broke multiple laws. Pilsudski read too much of Bismarck, I think.

Give me some sources then I can ask BB and compare if you want.
(He loves Bismarck so much I guess he knows a bit about him)

respect the country you live in by speaking it, is this so hard?

As a commonwealther I would be deeply insulted, thank God I don't live in Lithuania and that my ancestors moved away from there so that they wouldn't be treated by "Their so called country"

please, but not from newspaper "Kresy - Utracone ziemie" ;)

I would be interested! Maybe some additional info from the old times

That's outrageous - provide me with a link, please,

Exactly my thought

Poland did occupied Lithuanian land

That is somehow correct

and oppress Lithuanian inhabitance that is it and you cannot spin the fact other way.

I know that Poles were harsh about Ukrainians but the Lithuanians?! Come on! ;)
They were Catholics + "Old brothers in arms" + living in in the "Right" country! They didn't move out to get to the Nationalists after all! ;)

not only in 20's and 30's but for centries, in Commonwealth times Lithuanians were opressed, marginalized and humiliated by Polish bustards, allright evil we.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no words for this!!!!
I can agree to a certain extent that until 1926 from 1918 there was some animosity but come on...

Germans and Russians were the largest groups in the areas which took part in conflict in September 1939: does that make their illegal in invasion of Poland just?!

For the love of God! "Tourists" doesn't count!!

with this argument Germany took care of Sudetenland land and then Czech with Polish help and then Poland so to Lithuanians Pilsudski

He was in power from 1926-1935
WHEN did "Poland" occupy "Lithuanian" territory and when did Poland "invade" small minor parts of Czechoslovakia together with Germans drinking Heineken on the way and hanging Czechs for fun?

Those people have lived there for centuries. Who are you to suggest the ethnic cleansing
of Poles from Wilno?

As a Nationalist (I presume) all nations should live in their nation states and minorities in other countries should be shipped to their "original" places. In those cases I am quite the individualist and say: THEY GOT THE FRICKING RIGHT TO LIVE WHERE THEY WANT AS LONG AS THEY PAY TAXES AND LIVE IT OUT!

Please do not exhaust the trust credit you have
and cease your anti-Polish posting. Thank you.

It's not anti-Polish
For him this is an issue of Poland during after WW1 and her problems about deciding which path to take, Nationalistic one, Fascist one or a patriotic one, isolationist one or Commonwealth theory

Some of those theory's stroke Ukraine so in every aspect he sense you could just as good replace Lithuania with Ukraine. But that's not the matter as Ukrainians and Lithuanians are of 2 totally different species!

The Lithuanians are to pass legislation which will eliminate 2/3 of Polish schools. Poles are not immigrants in today's Lithuania like some posters here compared Pakis in UK. You need to understand that first. These kids will now have to go to Lithuanian schools. Let's say they will be allowed to speak Polish during breaks. Wow.

Pawian, Torq, step back

All hear out the Judge

but Vilno was never Polish before ww1 it was Lithuanian.

?????!?!! Somebody gotta learn some History!!!

Didn't the 3rd May Constitution merge the federation into a single state without any internal borders ?

It did, and as any commonwealther they would follow that strain of thought

As far as everyone is aware Vilno was always Lithuanian and never part of Poland before occupation between two wars.

lol lol lol lol
You know that "Lithuanians" called themselves Poles, just as the Poles you seem to aknowledge as Polish?! Just that they added they were also Lithuanian so that they wouldn't be mixed with the "Koroniarze"

Before the nationalistic Lithuanians wanted to break off from the commonwealthian ideas Polish was their nationality: Lithuanian was their province

and people just like Piłsudski thought it was unimaginable to think otherwise!

To much bullcrap here.I say "Na Wilno!"Lets get back what's our.

I'm not asking for much, just give me a platoon to command ;)

Now when we all know that the Lithuanians didn't like it when the divisions "reclaimed" lost territories in 1920 I wouldn't say that if I were you.
Mr Grunwald   
1 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

Nathan when I said occupied Lithuania I ment the part which was inhabbited by Lithuanians which spoke Lithuanian and was anti-Polish

Tell me!! Because I can't remember any riots or uprisings in Vilnius (Wilno)

This operation paved the way for the Polish annexation of Vilnius, and the Vilnius Region, two years later.

I can't remembet the natives of Vilnius area (Wilno) being much upset, do you? Cause the only thing ive heard was that all the others living outside of that area (in Lithuania) were upset.

deputies to the Grodno Sejm, last Sejm of the Commonwealth, in the presence of the Russian forces, agreed to Russian territorial demands.

I say good one but still just because one wavers the flag it doesn't mena it wasn't an occupation.
The thing was there was so very few (almost none) Lithuanians speaking Lithuanian and feeling an bond with the newly formed Lithuanian republic that they didn't even surrender, they just got over flooded by civilians gretting the Polish division(s)
Mr Grunwald   
30 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

oppressor of Lithuanians.

Tell me give a link where Piłsudski issues order to occupy Lithuania and treat Lithuanians like ****! And renaming Kaunas into Kowno! please! Enlighten me! Because those "Lithuanians" in Vilnius (Wilno) were the ones themselves being in the divisions that made it happen that Vilnius (Wilno) came into Poland's hands...

Sorry to ruin your bubble but the Vilniuses (Wilniani) joined Poland themselves!
How can they be occupied when they fought to so that they will be in Poland?!

It's like saying that those Norwegians that drunk the Swedish guards so that the fellas drawing the border would go around their villages were Swedes and were occupied! It's nonsense!!!
Mr Grunwald   
29 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Maybe it's human nature to complain, and not point out every good thing that you come across?

That is a lie! Everybody knows that Poles are the complainers! ;)
Humans? Pffft nonsense

Ive heard most/many "Plastic Poles" don't know proper Polish, I find this sad as the same happens in Norway where Polish parents tries to learn them Norwegian but forget to learn them proper Polish making them into Norwegians with Polish heritage.
Mr Grunwald   
29 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

I only mentioned it because someone on PF said that Lithuanians are Slavs.

That must be Crow ;)

Poland never had any right to Vilno and after ww1 Pilsudski taking it by force cause the hate towards Poles that is understandable

Piłsudski just as his followers (many of them living in Wilno (Vlinius) were fighting for an restoration of the old commonwealth. an National state of Lithuania wasn't in their mind at all, and thinking that Wilno (Vilnius) would be not in the commonwealth was UN-THINKABLE.

Not to make things worse he ordered his troops to stay at Wilno (Vilnius) and NOT take over ALL of Lithuania. As he didn't want to be seen as an occupant (sadly mission failed)

One got to remember that until 1926 it wasn't him being an dictator yet.

if he was Lithuanian then his last name would be different and would not be polish marshal.

Sorry to blow up your mind but Poland has only recently become a national state! Somehow get it into your head Poland has had foreign kings, and an "foreign" dictator!
Mr Grunwald   
28 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

How am I supposed to even think that Poles and Lithuanians are ethnically close?!
I was talking about day-to-days world opinion how the world is shaped how we all look out through the spyglass and see the truth etc
Mr Grunwald   
28 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

It's sad that these problems aren't solved yet, as having noble Lithuanian heritage I am saddened by this "war".

One should really know Lithuanians and Poles aren't that much different...

you know everything and much better than others :D . And who am i?A reliable litwin - are you sane at all? :D There is no such thing at all, in the nature :D. You simply have no right to trust ANY litwin, simply because you have no such right (maybe by God) :D .

Aren't you a funny guy, I hope you stay on this forum it was most amusing to read your post
Mr Grunwald   
22 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

into vodka and Cristians hid it in huge cellars.

Not a good idea, think of the newspapers of the time if they existed
Wouldn't be a good idea at all... ;p

Then they would be free to come and go as they pleased.

Ahhh all this talk makes me want to play
Mount&Blade :)
Feels like an medieval Lord there hehe
Mr Grunwald   
22 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

when you can colonize beautiful Ukrainian/Belarusian girls nearby?

But they expanded Eastwards just like the Germans were always dreaming about

You got to agree it was not the same method as Colonists in Africa,North-America, South-America, Asia and so on...

Poles as a nation did not participate in the crusades, at the time they were more preoccupied with internal wars and struggles for control of Piast Dynasty (family feud more important then some distant land) but there weresome individual knights a

By that standing we can say Britts were Nazi's as they had some individuals being in a Nazi party...
Come on!
Mr Grunwald   
22 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

Poles didn't do Crusades and they didn't colonize either!
But they expanded Eastwards just like the Germans were always dreaming about

There was a lot of "Vikings" like SeanBM said going to the Holy land, but no Poles really... Can't recall any Norse reading saying anything about Polish Crusaders...
Mr Grunwald   
12 Oct 2010

Pakistan and Russia combine for a grand total of zero.


Hey, didn't Russia just invade Georgia a couple years ago?...

Neeh... In Harry world they were helping poor neighbours from other neighbours! THat's not invading right? LOL

(Cyber warfare etc)

Think of it, soem ahckers could later disarm nukes by sitting infront of an laptop miles away...
Nukes? Who needs that when the threat that your countries infrastracture & economy and all kind of comonucation can suddenly DISSAPEAR or get blocked?
Mr Grunwald   
10 Oct 2010
History / How Poland views Europe [44]

I would put away Refrigerator from Norway and put it on North-Eastern part of Russia ;)

Quisling/Fisherman's land/Seafaring Oilmen or something along those lines is more realistic ;)
Mr Grunwald   
29 Sep 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

Don't think so, but if there are 2 kids, most likely only one of them are stubborn.

I am quite stubborn at times hehe :)
Mr Grunwald   
24 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [190]

How else could those planes slip through our air defense?

It wasn't exactly an military plane with Russian/Soviet markings or something ;p
Or Japanese painted "KAMIKAZE" on their sides

Most Americans don't even know where Poland is so I would neutral as they don't see Poland as an enemy either I guess... NATO? Anyone?
Mr Grunwald   
3 Sep 2010
Law / I'm from Nigeria, but want to be a Poland Citizen [44]

Why Poland?

Some go for the easiest countries but some are just very ambitious that they HAVE to try Poland...

Ahhh poor sods

That story should calm you off from any fantasies that Poland is a great place. Now off ye go
Mr Grunwald   
1 Sep 2010
History / Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY [79]

There can be other scenarios

Germany falls apart + civil war

NATO falls apart

Minor countries wants to improve their living so they join in a coalition to partition Poland
For instance Ukraine+Lithuania+Slovakia+ Belarus

THere are many options and we never know what will get hit tomorrow.
Mr Grunwald   
19 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Polish-Ukranian roots and genes [72]

Come on. That's not nice.

Ukrainians are fine people.

He meant Cossacks Ill presume

Muslim? You are aware of when Islam began, no?

He probably meant cultures whom turned to be Muslim afterwords I guess
Although he is silly presuming that we all come from African has anything to do with Polish-Ukrainians roots and genes to do. More of human roots I say. If it was true
Mr Grunwald   
19 Jul 2010
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

Battle of Klushino 1610 occurred on July the 4th - nice victory for Poland.

Indeed but still, CEE doesn't have any plans on invading the Russian federation for the time being.

There are already fights for the shelf and its covered resources in the Arctic ocean.

Let them fight, ill build up the countries while they waste money on fantasy expeditions.

These places are warming up and become suitable for living.

You know what Ice is don't you? ;)

Try to count people that land can feed (guaranteed) - result will be much more realistic.

I got problems imagining grass lands on the North pole

tribes fear that they will be finally dissolved in Russian ethnos...

Same fear in Poland too