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Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]
I can't recall Austrians being in an commonwealth earlier on with the Poles and that the Austrians wanted to remake the old alliance once again against common allies, especially I can't remember Warsaw ever being 60%+ (half of it Jewish) Austrian, or pick Prussia or Russia for that matter.
Then why expect love from Lithuanians when your army is on their lands?
Because first it was thought that we all will be a country but then nationalist scum worked against it, I look at them as almost the same as rebels/traitors I would been a lot more harsher then Piłsudski mind you if I were in charge.
What difference does it make that Poles settled in huge numbers in Lithuanian capital? It is still Lithuanian and happiness of those residents to be a part of Poland they may easily express on board of Vilnius-Poland one-way train.
If Lithuanians marched with an army into Warsaw after having fought against an enemy army and join it in an common country, I doubt it would be much hostility. Unless it would be an nationalistic Republic later Fascist state which Lithuania become.
It is still Lithuanian and happiness of those residents to be a part of Poland
II Rzeczpospolita!!! Am I talking to an lunatic? Maybe you got Alzheimer?
If it would be Poland alone it would been Polska, or just Rzeczpospolita Polska!
Just because there was no significant resistance from Lithuanians at the time when Poland broke 2 days ago signed international agreement in Suwalki doesn't mean that Poland behaved in just and noble way, did it?
If I remember correct it was the National Democrats in power at that time and I despise them, I wouldn't behave like THAT.
So who were those pervs who were not able to speak Lithuanian while being Lithuanians?
Polonized Lithuanians or Poles.
So who were those pervs who were not able to speak Lithuanian
and they most certainly weren't nationalist because then they would have same attitude as you, NO they were commonwealthers which believed in a united country fighting an common enemy!
And Poland broke multiple laws. Pilsudski read too much of Bismarck, I think.
Give me some sources then I can ask BB and compare if you want.
(He loves Bismarck so much I guess he knows a bit about him)
respect the country you live in by speaking it, is this so hard?
As a commonwealther I would be deeply insulted, thank God I don't live in Lithuania and that my ancestors moved away from there so that they wouldn't be treated by "Their so called country"
please, but not from newspaper "Kresy - Utracone ziemie" ;)
I would be interested! Maybe some additional info from the old times
That's outrageous - provide me with a link, please,
Exactly my thought
Poland did occupied Lithuanian land
That is somehow correct
and oppress Lithuanian inhabitance that is it and you cannot spin the fact other way.
I know that Poles were harsh about Ukrainians but the Lithuanians?! Come on! ;)
They were Catholics + "Old brothers in arms" + living in in the "Right" country! They didn't move out to get to the Nationalists after all! ;)
not only in 20's and 30's but for centries, in Commonwealth times Lithuanians were opressed, marginalized and humiliated by Polish bustards, allright evil we.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no words for this!!!!
I can agree to a certain extent that until 1926 from 1918 there was some animosity but come on...
Germans and Russians were the largest groups in the areas which took part in conflict in September 1939: does that make their illegal in invasion of Poland just?!
For the love of God! "Tourists" doesn't count!!
with this argument Germany took care of Sudetenland land and then Czech with Polish help and then Poland so to Lithuanians Pilsudski
He was in power from 1926-1935
WHEN did "Poland" occupy "Lithuanian" territory and when did Poland "invade" small minor parts of Czechoslovakia together with Germans drinking Heineken on the way and hanging Czechs for fun?
Those people have lived there for centuries. Who are you to suggest the ethnic cleansing
of Poles from Wilno?
As a Nationalist (I presume) all nations should live in their nation states and minorities in other countries should be shipped to their "original" places. In those cases I am quite the individualist and say: THEY GOT THE FRICKING RIGHT TO LIVE WHERE THEY WANT AS LONG AS THEY PAY TAXES AND LIVE IT OUT!
Please do not exhaust the trust credit you have
and cease your anti-Polish posting. Thank you.
It's not anti-Polish
For him this is an issue of Poland during after WW1 and her problems about deciding which path to take, Nationalistic one, Fascist one or a patriotic one, isolationist one or Commonwealth theory
Some of those theory's stroke Ukraine so in every aspect he sense you could just as good replace Lithuania with Ukraine. But that's not the matter as Ukrainians and Lithuanians are of 2 totally different species!
The Lithuanians are to pass legislation which will eliminate 2/3 of Polish schools. Poles are not immigrants in today's Lithuania like some posters here compared Pakis in UK. You need to understand that first. These kids will now have to go to Lithuanian schools. Let's say they will be allowed to speak Polish during breaks. Wow.
Pawian, Torq, step back
All hear out the Judge
but Vilno was never Polish before ww1 it was Lithuanian.
?????!?!! Somebody gotta learn some History!!!
Didn't the 3rd May Constitution merge the federation into a single state without any internal borders ?
It did, and as any commonwealther they would follow that strain of thought
As far as everyone is aware Vilno was always Lithuanian and never part of Poland before occupation between two wars.
lol lol lol lol
You know that "Lithuanians" called themselves Poles, just as the Poles you seem to aknowledge as Polish?! Just that they added they were also Lithuanian so that they wouldn't be mixed with the "Koroniarze"
Before the nationalistic Lithuanians wanted to break off from the commonwealthian ideas Polish was their nationality: Lithuanian was their province
and people just like Piłsudski thought it was unimaginable to think otherwise!
To much bullcrap here.I say "Na Wilno!"Lets get back what's our.
I'm not asking for much, just give me a platoon to command ;)
Now when we all know that the Lithuanians didn't like it when the divisions "reclaimed" lost territories in 1920 I wouldn't say that if I were you.