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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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20 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

They are too stupid to predict they were provoking immense anger.

I am all for abortion on demand, for any reason, and at any point during pregnancy as long as the law requires that every person 18 and up is shown a detailed video of how it's done - right before they have a chance to vote in a referendum that would allow it. I remember seeing an open heart surgery on TV, so what's wrong with showing another medical procedure wrapped up in the Constitution and played to the tune of the national anthem. It should be a joyful and a very uplifting experience.
20 Nov 2020
Polonia / Behaviour of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands [43]

1. never smile at a customer.

1989 changed nothing, it seems.

In and around my city there is a lot of agriculture,

I spent nine months in the Netherlands back in 1966 and 1967. In Maastricht, to be more specific. Where do you live? I mean what town.
20 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

In other words, none. By Rich, say hello to the ignore function...

It's "bye", by the way.
I asked what the protesters wanted to find out if they operate to the same script other movements follow, which is to never stop moving by not revealing the end objective.

The risk of doing it is that when that objective is met, the movement loses its reason to be, donations stop flowing, and the movement's top has to go to work flipping burgers. Plus, incrementalism is the best tactic when dealing with stubborn masses that reject the movement's core demands. So you have to justify it somehow. At least at first. Once the skids are greased and the gates are open, the ride to abortion on demand, for any reason and at any point during pregnancy is easy. "It's my body", after all. Right?
20 Nov 2020
Polonia / Behaviour of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands [43]

I am a 22 year old Dutch girl who works at a small shop in a train station in the Netherlands.

Ignore your critics here. I trust every single word of your post and for a very simple reason: I saw it first hand in Chicago. The only people who were close to falling down from being drunk at noon were Poles.

Also, Poles find it extremely hard to construct a sentence without at least one kurwa in it. To them, "kurwa" or "kurwa mac" is like a tattoo, except verbal.

If you don't know by now what "kurwa" is, you can google it.
20 Nov 2020
Travel / American Visiting Polish Military Base. Issues? [13]

Biden has already said that he was going to cut military spending drastically...

RankCountrySpending (US$ bn)
United States732.0
Russian Federation 65.1

Why do we need to spend 732 to stay safe and Russia only 65? Would we be in danger of losing a war with Russia if our budget was, say, 200?

I don't like the old corrupt fool, but even an old corrupt fool may be right once in a while.

Keep to the topic please
19 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I am about running out of no's. No, I am twisting nothing. I am claiming that being for abortion in any form and being a Christian cannot be reconciled. It's one or the other. In that sense, I am very much on topic.

Now, I just used up my last no and this is where I stop.
See you around.
19 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

You forgot to begin that sentence with: I believe.

I didn't forget anything. If a person is tolerant of child molesters, he is, by the rules of the Church, not a Christian, just the same as a person who does not believe in God. Those concepts are mutually exclusive. Just for fun, next time you are in church, go to the front and say: I am for abortion rights. I would go easy on child-molesting priests. But I am a Christian. And see how it goes.

You can be a Catholic and against the abortion, but support pro choice movements. Do you comprehend such possibility?

No, again. Just as you are against beating up Jews but for pogroms as long as they are done by others.
19 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Do you get it now?

No, I don't. There is not a single Catholic out there, who is not part of the management, that is in favor of allowing a child molester to keep at it.

To me, a moderate Catholic is a cafeteria type like Biden and Pelosi who claim to be Catholics and in favor of abortion. That square peg and the round hole will never fit no matter how hard they will push.
19 Nov 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Frenchmen basically are becoming a hostage in their own country.

They wanted it, so they got. Elections have consequences.
Or, as they say, play stupid games, get stupid prizes.
19 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I just googled "feminism" and got this:

What are feminist values?
It begins by establishing a link between feminine gender and feminist values, which include cooperation, respect, caring, nurturance, interconnection, justice, equity, honesty, sensitivity, perceptiveness, intuition, altruism, fairness, morality, and commitment.

Who on earth is against "cooperation, respect, caring, nurturance, interconnection, justice, equity, honesty, sensitivity, perceptiveness, intuition, altruism, fairness, morality, and commitment"? Manly men?

This is insanity. Funny that the first objective of feminism - the right to an abortion on demand for any reason and any point during pregnancy - is not mentioned.

But generally the protests are against making the abortion law stricter and banning abortion due to fetal abnormalities

Which would be just like what the NAZIs were doing when selecting which kids would be gassed and which ones would be allowed to live because of the color of their hair and skin. Except while a fetus, but the concept is the same, isn't it?
19 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Can somebody explain what the protesters wanted and what they got?
Also, are there any women here at PF who are married, have kids, and are for abortion? In the US, it's almost a sure thing that the most vocal pro-abortion women posters are single and childless.
18 Nov 2020
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [925]

Isn`t it obvious that those values are mostly kept up by centrist and leftist people?

Is there any evidence that conservatives are less compassionate and generous?

or for Bush and Romney

Bad examples as both are seen as spineless RINO's. You should know that to many Americans "RINO" is meant to be just as offensive as "leftard".
18 Nov 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Alright. Forget Germany. It lives its last days.

It's sad to see the West in self-destruct mode. Little doubt that Western Europe and the US will be unrecognizable 50 years from now. And it's ironic that it will be China and Russia who will preserve their identities, culture, language, and traditions just the way they are now.

I wonder if the average citizen of Western Europe or the US can explain how he benefits from open borders and the flood of economic refugees.