The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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1 Feb 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

its funny how Pauling talks about unrealistic expectations and expects guys to settle but why doesn't she take her one advice and settle then? why dont females settle including look for mr right or mr everything and always marry up or even only fuk rich dudes or dudes who have it all: athletic, rich outspoken in a suit etc. vs just their own level then? Paulina I bet never gives the same advice she gives dudes to her female friends to just settle. females are like this they think they're like superior or have higher standards while dudes should just settle.
1 Feb 2021
Real Estate / About terminating my flat contract in Poland [23]

how has it worked for you when you are still undecided what to do and asking the question here. it obviously hasn't lets not get ahead of ourselves here. you think it may work for you. what did the letter exactly say and who was it addressed from?
1 Feb 2021
Real Estate / About terminating my flat contract in Poland [23]

Yea but the courts or Polish govt is still so backwards they don't consider email communication as legit and he can still die and win. I recently researched it in Polish just google "wypowiedzenie press email wystarczy?" And it should explain it or come up that lawyer claims it's not official.

Wypowiedzenie also has to be like two months in advanced or after they get the letter in stupid Poland it's only valid then the 31st from the month you sent it so another months is when the time officially counts past the 31st.
1 Feb 2021
Real Estate / About terminating my flat contract in Poland [23]

yea but was his notice official? in poland its so ****** up they can say youre notice wasnt mailed or in print or written a certian linguistic way to be valid.
1 Feb 2021
Real Estate / About terminating my flat contract in Poland [23]

that sucks man maybe change your name when you come back or dont melduj sie anywhere stay off the grid so the fourts or he cant find you.
1 Feb 2021
Real Estate / About terminating my flat contract in Poland [23]

how can they take you to court if you're in another country or force you to pay? just dont come back. just ok him and be like ok ok I gotchya then disappear like the wind. like the wind son.
31 Jan 2021
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

whark meat is the best meat for fish or really any met. ive eaten it like five times.monly in the us tho i dont think they have it in poland.
30 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

so Polish women are not normal admit it. why do they look for grooms abroad or men in Warsaw from other countries?

" Don't worry about Strzelec35, he prefers 12-year-old girls."

that was more than 10 yrs ago i am completely rehabilitated and an ex whatever u call that. not current.
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

lol at "you American men. she wants to **** you bad bro.

"You American Men You. Remind me of james bond."

"Natasha told me from Moscow never trust such handsome types."

I actually noticed this. Polish women like Paulina love that festiveness that argument or anger. It makes for better sex.
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

true dst my friend. true dsr.

" Btw I have both a dog as well as a new woman, so thank you again for your judgment, had a good laugh nevertheless :)"

of course undo. i dojt need sny of thwr. just a lonely divorced mi kife crisis middle aged lady once in a while thats all.
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

I don't see how he is lying. I remember before covid sitting at this br across form dom vodki i whiskey on nowy swiat in this bar that wasn't even expensive when I still worked at fakturownia but this was after work (my last real job) and this polish chick was with this foreign dude. And the dude was cool he wasnt polite etc. and she started treating him like a friend putting him in the friends one and revealed to him with me listening in that she is going tomorrow on a date to her fav restaurant with some other foreign dude And the dude I could tell was mad or pissed but didn't say it like I could tell he wasn't just a friend but considered the beers they were drinking a date. I also remember in platz zbawicielski how this polish pretty little thang blond ***** came inside this french baguette place near the Plan B klub (Dirks fav spot in Warsaw) and how they were some couple and he was explaining her or telling her how America is. This was like a 50 yr old black guy and some retarded pollack 23 yr old student *****.
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

Yea especially since these two alfons or pimp dudes come in one polish dude and one ukrainian with hookers and you never know which of them are it. But they all think theyre hot **** and wont come over to your place and ask how much money u make.
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

hey john if youre reading this, arent all those women hos or hookers or sluts at thst irish pub on miodowa? wy do thry even wek or care sbout dudes eork or money if thry just fuk anything?
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

"She's not the problem, you are. "

How is he the problem for dealing with retarded Polish female people? Because they are selfish egoistical garbage isn't the worlds problem its only their own. Just like how retarded they act at the post office here or any govt building you yourself admitted to. How is that anyone else's problem but theirs and their country alone?

Jon don't you agree? Why is it females get never blamed for anything or their problems but everyone else is but if you're a guy its always your fault in life even if dealing with morons somehow its up to you to set them straight? Feminism did this to humanity? Crow what u fink?

This dirk guy is basically an Armenian, he is like this guy named Robert I met at the ICE center in Adelanto or Mathias from Santa Monica the Lithuanian guy (ith I suspect Jewish ancestry who spoke perfect Russian and his dad was born in a gulag). He thinks that women should be slapped around and taught like dogs behavior otherwise its your fault if they act like spoiled children or brats or retards.
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

very few Polish women will give you a dirty trombone or rim. i can say the same thing about any women few women of any ethnicity will but more so as a percentage than Polish women. do you guys agree?
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

not all. some women actually go for artists only or bad boys most bad boys are either gangsters or wannabe musicians, artists, etc. they sleep with thenboring marketing guy with an artist on the side. just not polish women. its like they wont even sleep with a dude who is an artist. oh and some women like Mexican women in California only date actual losers or gang members. its normal in their culture or black women how they always support their men so don't come at me with all women ****. maybe all white women. miss me with that **** all women want some retarded looking corporate jock.
29 Jan 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I hate the catholic church too. i wish polish people didnt always try to be west and embrace those values like two face hypocrytical catholicism instead of the byzantine and cyryllic alphabet. catholics are the biggest hypocrytes. look wt their history and burning witches and ****. its one thing to believe in god and pray but why subscribe to their dogma?
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

I don't even get the big deal about sex. It is way too much effort in Poland to even get it and energy spent and most of them are selfish and don't even know how to please but just want to receive. i literally can get way more pleasure jacking off or using a shower spray around my balls and **** then any of these polish chicks can do for me. Plus I don't have to listen to questions about what I do or how much money I make every time I see them. all they do is use and abuse men. they get foreigners to get them free meals every day of the week in Warsaw pretending they are being taken on "dates." why would i have any respect for the female gender outside my family and how they act? if anything i can just run into some lonely and divorced middle aged woman and im sure ill have sex again anyway.

The other thing about many of these polish women is they don't seem to be into artists or want a dude in transition in life. if you ride a moped or the bus and don't own a var and don't have a fancy place it seems to be a deal breaker and its pointless to even meet or date any of them. its sort of pointless for them as well because i never dated or was in a relationship. i just use women usually even subconsciously to throw all my frustrations on and nag to them about the world. i end up ******* them and using them for my problems as someone to talk to.
28 Jan 2021
Life / Single mothers in Poland [175]

im gonna for sure stay single forever. to tell the truth ive never been in a real or serious relationship my entire life and Im 35 now.