The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2133 / Live: 993 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
29 Apr 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

and expelled the Germans in the West.

"and the Germans got expelled in the West" Don't you mean?
and expelled the Germans, could be picked up as Poles wanted it and and did it by them self with great joy

twisting of words how lovely

Minus the Germans, the Belorussians, the Ukrainians...all what was counted as polish citizens before the war.

There were minorities wanting peace, some other a Poland, some other an independent country of their own... Mix of mixing I would say :)

Back to the topic: Both nations have wrecked the country and killed Poles BUT, I can fairly add that an German soldier would offer some sausage to experience an family Christmas in Poland and Prussia (proto-Germany) tried to build up Polish terrain (for self gain, but non-theless) while Russian nation... Did what it did huhm
Mr Grunwald   
12 Apr 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I am disturbed and offended by your assumption that Poland is some backward place where women have no rights.

You don't wanna know... I live in that country (if it's Norway ;))

just hire Polish women

yeah right... hahaha! Good one! Norwegians hiring a Polish women for an high income job LOL

If you go out w a girl/guy, who usually pays? Does the men always end up paying for woman on a first date, regular basis, etc?
Or is is splitted up?

Well ive been trained/learned to act like a knight :=) but it could have changed over the years...
Mr Grunwald   
26 Mar 2011
History / Vikings in Pomerania (near Gdansk area)? [19]

map is that of political influence, not settlements

That is correct, I remember from my history lessons of the Danes having huge influence in Eastern Norway.

were vikings ever in poland

Certainly but they loved France and Britain a bit more
I am guessing some of the Viking rulers/kings recruited men from the area of Pommerania for future campaigns in western Europe. I recall reading it somewhere...
Mr Grunwald   
22 Mar 2011
History / How much Poles trust to France? [94]

After 1989 Poland was freshly out of the Warsaw pact and didn't "wake up" just yet.
I think you clearly know that a person which is asleep says no words

and while Poland didn't say any words how could the French know about Polish interessts in the balkans? I bet they even STILL don't know ;)

Nor care really
Napoleon's generation is gone and me like Frenchies no more
Mr Grunwald   
16 Mar 2011
History / Polish pirates [58]

So adding any Polish pirates to "Pirates of the Caribean" would be "wrong"?
Mr Grunwald   
14 Mar 2011
History / How much Poles trust to France? [94]

Poles must really hate em with a passion.....

Those frog eaters sat in their trenches... Their airmen drinkign champagne as they hoped that it wouldn't be any war and their leaders praying for Mr. H to give up and sign a peace treaty! HOW ON EARTH WILL POLES EVER TRUST THEM AGAIN?! + Sarkozy was rude with the D-day celebration if I don't recall.

On the other hand De Gaulle... hmm
and that French anthem! :S

Some yes some no
Mr Grunwald   
26 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

As for taste, the snails I've had were lovely anyway : )


Whales are magnificent creatures. Does anyone really need money that much?

We need it's oil and sometimes meat

Also it's a thrill to kill such a giant creature! ;)

I'd give it a go maybe!


we must eat everything we see on our way?

goats eat everything ;)

thinking I am eating pork and have it be a dog or a cat.

the horror
Mr Grunwald   
24 Feb 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [442]

yes, yes. Polish post service is serious institution

You should know what they did when they got to know about the Germans wanting to take all their stamps! in 1939


What ye guys think? Crowist or un-informed slavo-phil or Polish patriot sharing some "slavic" feelings with his fellows slavic people?
Mr Grunwald   
24 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

There's one asleep at the end of my bed as we speak.

I mean a real whale! Not a fantasy or a ... teddy like thing

That's the thing really - sentimentality and how we view a particular animal.

Also the appearance! I don't have any sentiments towards Spiders but I wouldn't eat one...
and it's not per say disgusting like a snail
Mr Grunwald   
24 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

What's the problem about this whale stuff... Aren't we talking about pet's ---> food? Who has a whale as a pet? Come on! :)

(besides whale catching gives money so (censored) you all)

I would maybe have certain negative associations with food being made out of a dog infront of me (I would only think of my dogs) and if somebody would touch my dogs (like the police) they will taste my.... hidden powers!
Mr Grunwald   
17 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Yeah...must'n mix up ethnicity and nationality...not so easy these days!


That's why many people have a misunderstanding when coming to American nationalism... Many have ethnicities from Europe or other places and are have some cultural roots from there. But in nationality= American
Mr Grunwald   
17 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

They spoke German AND Polish! We still do! the "polonization" your talking about haven't had full effect until it reached my dad which knew zipp German what so ever! Now ofcourse he tries to learn soem as he is working in an German company but but...

so were Germans living in Poland better polonizing.

One can still be ethnically German and consider himself Polish by nationality! Polish nationalism is a bit more open then the German one BB. It had to accustom to all the minorities that allways been living IN Poland. That's why for instance there were Jews whom considered themselves to be Polish! Like in the pianist! When they were marching and throwing bread over the wall they were singing a Polish patriotic song... go figuere?

PS: I'm not quite sure what to make of your family Gruni. But it always sounds really sad how your family was made to so absolutely deny their roots. One could even call it "self-hate"...that is never healthy..

Well thank the Nazi's... After ww2 anybody even reminding anythign about Germans were a bad thing! + add nobel roots! The commie party WERE NOT fond of my family AT ALL!
Mr Grunwald   
17 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

I agree strongly with your premise that Germans don't want to shed their German heritage to be Polish.

Utter BS! My family is quite a good example of en "pre-German" family that became Polish! Why do you think so many Poles have German surnames? Hmm? Is it becaouse they thought of it as a trend? COME ON!

Being more prescise about Fahrenheit it's a large chance he is German as Danzig until 1945 were mostly German. (Although through periods of history they resisted the "main-Germans" the Prussians... He could maaaybe feel more Polish then Prussian if asked.. But ethnicly he was probably German and spoke German.
Mr Grunwald   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

I didn't realise that you had Jewish blood in you.

What on earth are you talking about? When the Germans invaded Poland people got caught and shot in the streets for no good reason. Having a German "paper" would save you from that... But my family felt disgust over the Nazi's and their "lackeys" so they didn't think they really were Germans... They felt more Polish then German in that sort of sense
Mr Grunwald   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

But your family were Polish, unless you want to take the word of the Nazis over the word of your own family....

Culturally they were more German... But in sense of nationality they felt more Polish then Germans... Especially at those times
Mr Grunwald   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

...especially as they are Norwegians! ;)

I was talking about my Grunwald/Szulc side, not Milde

...especially as they live in Denmark! ;)

Mr Grunwald   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

I don’t think there is any German that has ever wanted to be Polish and not German. The Germans have always been a very proud people.

You take that back! The Germans insisted that my family were Germans as they derived from "Schultz" (They wrote it Szulc) but they said: "NO! We are Poles!" :)

So don't come here and tell me no Germans wanted to feel Polish! Lies!

(including overseeing the destruction of Warsaw)?

No "true Poles" would ever had done that if you catch my drift...

Polish nationality is so complicated... At the same time anyone can become one... at other time only a few... It's so confusing!
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

abolished in (eatern) Poland by the Russians in order to weaken the Polish szlachta.

and some Poles wanted to free their peasents as well, that's why the Russians had some support from Polish aristocrats
after the constitution EVERYONE was equal to the law. Pitty it lasted so short :/

but I see what you mean. Up to a point.

Thanks, just trying to explain why Poles are Poles and it isn't sucked out of a finger ;) (Polish expression)

oh, who might that be?

You don't wanna know
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Quite. One day we hear on this forum that Poland was a great European power, from sea to sea, the next day we hear the opposite, that they never conquered anyone

That's becaouse Ukraine (land&territory) was inherited by Poland as Kiev Rus had no heir left, while Lithuania allied herself with Poland and later made an union. After the constitution was created all those lands were "legally" Polands in terms as sucessor of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth. Remember that Piłsudski that wanted to restore the commonwealth tried to make "Intermerrum" but it was the National-Democrats that ruled Poland until 1926 when Piłsudski did what he did.

The National-Democrats wanted an Poland with Poles as dominant majority and enlarge the Polish middle class. No minority in Poland wanted that. Later presecutions (thinking of Ukrainians) were caused from "revenge" or making a stand like: Ey I actually control this place. None of the alleged actions was aimed as destroying the whole nation.

That's what is meant with Poland didn't go colonial. The ones having the largest urge of going east was "converted" Ruthianians/Ukrainians or "converted" Lithuanians as they wanted to enlarge their safety as far as possible from home. the "Crowners" (from Crown) in Polish, didn't worry THAT much about their eastern problem as their eastern counterparts.

Poland got her interesst in owning those land from having a "moral" or "legal" right to have them. moral as keeping them safe from eastern hordes (Russians/Soviets) as legal ive explained earlier in the post. Ofcourse there allways been an military thought behind it aswell. But now it's mostly gone to diplomacy.

This is ofcourse entierly different then what Western countries did to other parts of the world introducing slavery to them (in a much broader sense, in many parts slavery was there allready) While Poland-Lithuania aimed at making Cossacks into farmers and so on.
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Just found out I'm Polish! [45]

are you trying to help this person or trying to be annoying?

I come with theories, it's up to any individual to accept those theories or throw them at the junkyard... No need to be hostile!

because we all know that there were settlers from all parts of the globe

I can't agree with that statement

if people dont have anything good to say when someone does a genealogy request
then stay the hell out of the thread..

Oh fine! Miss polite!

people take this seriously, so if you dont like it, dont fricken respond to the thread.

I was 100% serrious! Of course there is an possibility that the persons mentioned family changed names early in the stage of settling but, blacking out all options... Hello?
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Just found out I'm Polish! [45]

wilson is very common name.

Maaaybe there was some settlers in Poland from England/America, and then move to USA later?

told my father that we were of Polish decent.

Mr Grunwald   
31 Jan 2011
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]

Also, did you notice that noble people are always skinny? Must be the breeding, I guess

They want to look good, as they see themselves as better/an example of what other people look/should look like
Mr Grunwald   
30 Jan 2011
Language / Polish sayings [237]

What does "a noisy cow gives little milk" mean?

The same as an talking girl provides little homework, if you catch my drift
Mr Grunwald   
29 Jan 2011
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]


Riiiight.... Great PR! ;p

eye on Poland - CNN - Polish nobility fight for lost property

Yeah my grandmother had the same problem, but there were more then 2 other families also having their claims to her "ancient" household so she just accepted some cash instead as she is too old to fight over it. I wish I could bought it for her :((
Mr Grunwald   
29 Jan 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I ask one of them to use a different tool because of regulations/standards/it's the wrong tool/not according to protocol.

Ahhhh... So they like using their own tools? Yeah breaking old habbits may get problematic. But as others have pointed out there are several female bosses in Poland... Although I don't know much abou the construction works tho!

I think you should gain their respect simply, not becaouse your a women, or a man! Becaouse your their boss!
Mr Grunwald   
29 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

Poland is a more racist country than most but you'll be fine, expect stares often, more so in smaller cities and towns.

That's just becaouse one is allowed to speak in Poland while in other European countries people are afraid to speak up becaouse they will be socially "un-accepted" as the official "policy" is not to be a rascist becaouse of what had happaned in ww2. Europeans what to make a distance with anything with Nazi's maybe becaouse of a certain guilt too idk. Becaouse Isreali's don't seem to "lie" or hide it, neither do Poles. As the Nazi's saw them as enemies to be extinct and can't possibly imagine that they would be linked with Nazi's as they wanted to exterminate them. That would explain "Nazi" behavior of some Polish natonalists as they feel kinda like "The victims" so per say they can't be Nazi's. It is an paradox which I hope will get solved one day

But I must clearify that the attitude you may meet (if you will ever meet it! Poles have a huge "prestige"/"pride" in hospitality, if a Pole offends you in your own home or his own without any reason then he probably isn't a Pole or has had a very bad childhood without proper upbringing) will be more of an attitude it's not that they "don't like you" becaouse of your belonging to a specific "race" "nationality" "religion" or what ever. It's more of your not belonging to the right one. European or Catholic or if we are going into some rascist fantasies "white". It's not more of what YOU are per say, but more of what you isn't. Foreigners will experience hospitality, but they will never feel that their fully accepted until they accept themselves as Polish. That's one of the main reason I think that so many Lithuanians spoke/speak Polish and that Belarus&Ukraine&Lithuania was influenced by Poland in the past. Also those that settled in Poland like: Muslim Tatars, protestant&catholic Germans, Italians, Jews etc... There are many Poles that have different heritage I am an good example of that! Poland was allways a huge meltingpot. Even today when Poland has 98% Poles, it still full of diversity! It will take a long time for it to be fully Polish by blood (not that I care about that, not an Nationalist) But the thing is, the spirit of Polishness is very VERY strong.
Mr Grunwald   
22 Jan 2011
Language / Polish sayings [237]

Put an W between R and A then you know
It's mostly about a female staring/watching at you I suppose (I guess most often about an older women 60+/70+)