The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
Posts: Total: 9264 / Live: 4016 / Archived: 5248
From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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29 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

Spot and free yourself from every stress

Insert from Serbian movie `Vratice se rode` - `Bociany wrócą` - `The Storks will come back`



Znowu się pieprzysz?


/village life - Wife coming back to home from work, and finds her husband punishing his kur*a from neighborhood and have sex/
27 Aug 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Strange feeling looking that game. Sadness. I didn`t want Serbia to win but we did. That`s what we Serbs do. In the end, at least. But then why they lost? They are also Serbs. In great deal. No, not Serbs in a wide Sarmatian sense. Just Serbs Serbs from here. Refugees from time of Ottoman invasion. The Angles, now fallen Angels. Used by the dark side to penetrate the Scythia. But they shall return to us.

It reminded me of some others .. >
27 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

now Greyfus is gone. I walk past his grave every day and miss him so much. :(:(:(

Don`t be sad. He now drinks with my hamsters and guinea pig.
26 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Serbia is world`s No1 in sport.

We are nice, smart and tall. Sarmatian finest.
26 Aug 2022
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

There are some great people that makes Poland still looks great. Great honorable brat Korwin Mikke.

Korwin-Mikke: PiS to komuniści

Janusz Korwin-Mikke on Committee on Foreign Affairs - the situation in Kosovo

Velika je Poljska
26 Aug 2022
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

No, it is you who is a traitor to Polish cause coz you want Poland to be isolated

Exactly my thought.

While I can understand his ignorance of Serbs (man is hater and that`s it), I can`t understand his ignorance of vital Poland`s interests. Balkan Serbs are traditional and most loyal Poland`s historical partner. Worth to tell here, only times when Serbs wared with Russians was when they had deal with Poland, in middle age.

So, where is Poland`s interest to support Grater Albania that is destructive for Serbs? It even reduce Poland`s access to warm seas of Mediterranean. So where is logic for Poland to support it? Or, where is Poland`s interest that Vatican commit genocide on Serbs? Who else would guarantee Poland`s access to the warm waters of Adriatic? Croatia? Its Vatican-Germanic project, created to serve that specific mix of interests that always were anti-Polish? Exclusive German sphere of influence. Then, where is Poland`s interest that NATO destroy Serbs? EU to work against Serbs? Where is Poland`s interest to have double standards on all international affairs? Where is Poland`s interest to spit on legal world order founded on UN charters? Etc, etc, etc.

Nothing of this is in the interest of Poland.

But still, that @Miloslaw support all this. Meaning, he hate Poland. Not only hate. He obviously wants to see how Poland suffer.
25 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Real drama


Srbija - Grčka Uživo (Serbia Vs Greece LIVE Basketball)
25 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Incoming - FIBA - The Basketball Channel - Livestream at 20:00 PM Central European Belgrade time

Serbia vs Greece / qualifiers for World Championship
25 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Novak Djokovic won`t take part in this year US Open


24 Aug 2022
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

Down with dumb Polish rightards! Long live Donald Tusk the Wise!

I told you. You realize now dobri brate. See? I prayed for you and set cross on myself after every our talk here. Tusk will make Poland closer to Hungary and Serbia.




Evil never managed to destroy Tusk`s spirit. When Polish students asked him why Poland recognized Kosovo he nicely said, to paraphrase him, `To satisfy our partners in NATO and EU.` In other words, whenever he fingered Serbs, he honestly admitted he is forced to do so. The day will come and Poland would refuse to be forced.
21 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Humans aren`t robots. Australia wants to prove they are. Not just Australia.
21 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

I didn`t start this analyzes of Djokovic-Australia issue but nevertheless, interesting where truth pointing out, isn`t it.

This is most interesting value of this venerable forum. Developments of discussion.

Tennis and Auschwitz.

or Tennis and Jasenovac.
20 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

How precisely?

In any way. With vaccine of unknown components, for example.
20 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Would you lie if somebody wants to violate your body?

You say that Serbs in Jasenovas and Jews in Auschwitz were not ready to lie to save themselves from their murderers? But still they died. See, same is with Australian government. They insist you to take vaccine no matter you are declared healthy. Just Djokovic was able to avoid vaccine and Australia. He was of better luck.
20 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

If he was set against vaccine, great, don't go there.

but he live from tennis. And was invited and had visa. And some others also avoided vaccine and escaped with it.
20 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

When asked Djokovic always said he won`t receive vaccine. But he never (!) called anyone to resist.
20 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Just now!

LIVESTREAM LINK - Serbia destroying Germany - BASKETBALL / SRBIJA - NEMACKA UZIVO/LIVE 20.08..2022
20 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Zmień chłopie swoją płytę na jakąś nową bo jej już nie można słuchać i wróć do realnego świata proszę. W końcu inteligencji ci nie brakuje.



W pewnym sensie Polska już jest kolonią Niemiec.

Ale Niemcy sprawiają nam wszystkim dużo radości. Kobieca rzecz ma więcej mózgów.
19 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Radujcie się Polacy! Niemcy są głupi. Pierdoleni głupcy. Razem z Rzymem atakują Serbię. Wkrótce zostaną przerżnięci. Więc schrzanimy dla ciebie Rzym i uratujemy cię od okropności. Wtedy jesteś naprawdę wolny.
18 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Polaków łatwiej jest nienawidzić niż kochać. Serbowie kochają Polaków, Serbowie są dobrzy, utalentowani, piękni i bardzo szaleni. Wszyscy inni nie kochają Polaków, ani Polacy nie potrzebują ich miłości. Co ciekawe, Rosjanie dobrze myślą o Polakach, z wyjątkiem szalonych faz.
18 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Nie marudź jak starsze panie. Powinniśmy pracować nad poprawą stosunków między Rosją a Polską. Rosjanie czasami szaleją, ale jesteśmy pewni, że Watykan naprawdę nienawidzi Polaków. Jak więc można tolerować papieża, a Rosja nie? Bądźmy uczciwi.

I Niemcy. Którzy Niemcy?