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Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed [420]
a fairytale told to unhappy people who were unable to thrive
I thrive very well, thank you.
But yes, during PRL era many valuable and virtuous people were pushed down to make place for human thrash who were dispositional to a communist party. I understand that those who received unawarded priviledges want to keep them and will fight for it.
Who I find amusing, though, are those naive people who want to defend a pathological system that kickes them in the ass on a daily basis because they think that they're fighting for a "free judiciary" in Poland. There's no cure for fools.
As far as I know, PiS considers nationalists and Konfederacja as rivals on the right side of the political scene
A well-being of Poland is above all political symphaties. And Poland is still being eaten by post-commie parasites. When a patient has tapeworms a doctor doesn't discuss a therapy with the parasite but removes it. And that's how I see all those "judges" who started their carreer in PRL and thrived through martial law of 1981...