The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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21 Feb 2021
Life / Drugs in Warsaw [111]

how does one consume or drink ether? also what is the high like?
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

he should watch the kingdom of heaven instead to see what blasphemy is all about. have you seen the kingdom of heaven Crow?
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

vatican is the roman catholic church extering its control and influence over other free nations and societies. it is basiclaly the cult of the church.
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

what is crazy is that they wont even offer to replace the old sushi or one time they even made coffee with water like americano and tried to pass it off as a cappuccino this new chick who works at that Warsaw radio telewizja cafe bookshop place and in every other country if you point out how cappuccinos are not made with water but milk or complain they themselves offer to make new versions or refund they dont argue with you and in here you have to threaten probably sanepid for them to even stop arguing and give you the right **** or produce the right **** on your table as the customer. have any of you found yourself in any first world countries where you are given old sushi or coffee with water passed off as a cappuccino?

actually I take it back there is nothing i like about this country besides only two things: the justice system and cops not being usa or what exists in usa and its cheap. nothing else. i still dont know how to deal with them or what to do if im given old sushi or something in the future.


no this was at a restaurant. but i didn't make it a big deal because the other sushi were food it was only two sushi that had the flavor of tuna that were bad out of like 8-10 but still thats unacceptable in the first world. ask any Americans here or even Brits. they should right away kiss your ass replace the sushi free of charge and apologise hoping you dont call sanepid or something. thats how its done in every country but Poland or every civilized first world country.
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

i feel the same and not due to the politics but the people. i just cant stand them. Its as if 28-30 if the ones I meet are hard headed, never wemit to when they are wrong and always have to have the last word again even when they are wrong and just love to argue. also the customer service and not just at zabkas but even at restaurants. they gave me once old tuna in a sushi once in this place in Gdansk off the beaten path a bit from the old town where no one was at and wouldn't even replace it or try it themselves when i complained. what country does that? sells old tuna or fish in sushi to customers?
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

I am watching barbarians on netflix right now and in the first episode they show the courting process. What is you guys' opinion of how the courting process used to be amongst Germanic tribes or in the world in general back then with the man simply being picky on how his soon to be bribed looks and even somewhat abusive by modern standards in being able to feel her out or judge her or even grab her as he pleases like a trophy? back then there was something called dowry I believe where a woman was traded for like five horses to the clan. How did the nords or vikings have it? have you seen the scene paulina? what is ur take on it? was he a male chauvinist or just a product of his time when assessing his future wife?
20 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

"And if you are right, then one day, Russia may become free of tyranny and dictatorship."

what about poland tho? also free of tyranny of vatican?
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

would you guys rather be emo mgtow or incel?

i vote for mgtow or men going their own way:
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

dependency on what? what about female dependence on sugar daddies?
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

yes definitely. thats what king cobra claims that incels and feminists should fck each other while denying about being an incel himself. but he is not in denial about his ass bergers.
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

are we really living in such woke times where we need to have safe space just to hear or have hard conversations? is safe space online always needed now like with lgtbs or can they be had without the safe space online?
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

" That is why God created beer to promote sex between undesirable Incels and ugly women."

what about king cobra tho? he talks about incels right her ein beg of video? what u fink lenka and johnny?

" However it's hard to deny incels are complaining like old ladies on the internet and can be agressive (few instances shown on this thread)"

so can old ladies in Poland tho who complain about every little thing so how are they better than incels? since you yourself just compared them?
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

" I'm not the one moaning about my life and ******no about man all over and getting aggressive. Incels are"

what about them tho? why are they complaining if you say youre not?

how are those woke women complaining men not wanting them better than incels?
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

" If there's a market, somebody will fill it. It certainly isn't only women doing it either.

there is wlso a market for drugs. that somebody also need to fill it?
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

what is it with all these females on twitch and other sites or apps making a killing off lonely dudes watching them play games and sending them donations and **** and even buying their ****.
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

"Socially inept people who were probably loners at school. Very sad, but inappropriate to blame and hate women for their own failings."

not really their own failings. Society as a whole is failing and is failed full of normis. Females are just as big failings for being gold diggers and users as any of those guys. why cant they buy their own **** or make their own money instead of always looking for some man to do it or save them? just because someone isnt social or whatever isnt a failing. neither is being rich. its normi bullshit capitalist society especially new capitalisms like in Poland that lie to its people and claim so.nall those watches and cars mean jack ****, just like those stupid hosnat halamkoszyki or santana row that always feel the need tow ear them and show them off.mthey are the true failings not these guys.

anybody that needs "game" or to have game to get what they want or accomplish tasks or need to be fake or show off is the true failure.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

they have no tact or class in their rejections especially those hanging out in high class places looking to meet a man like santana row or hala koszykow or meetup events. they think their **** dont stink.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

i think the issue is men should be more picky and treat those gold diggers and hos like they deserve to be treated and the users and losers they are. and those rude hos in hala koszyki can fuk themselves like Santana row.
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

yea let your enemies sort it out than clean up afterwards. plus logistically they weren't even ready and London just did that as a slap to their face as already an early cold war tactic. just like NATO is doing encroaching on their borders today.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

what I dont get is how women handle rejection so bad and how they expect men to be ready for sex at all time or be willing at all times.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

lol at the last roly to that thread im gonna find my old profiles on there and try to log in and contribute again:

"Stirolak123 ... is that you? These Santana Row, Asian racist rants sounds awfully familiar. How many self proclaimed writer with bad spelling & no proof reading skills, and apparently no game, can there be in the south bay?"

isnt it crazy how my situation never changed lol after like over 10 yrs?
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

its not just teenage girls to to santana row in San Jose and those groupies there trying to bone black rappers or forty niners and see how they act particularly those Mexican women from San Jose who dress up and go there. they're just users and losers themselves. they just jump from dude to dude.

lol i found my post from years ago about my experiences with them there
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

no but the red army did so why would thy help their enemies? you're really dumb if you think their action or inaction were not predictable and should blame your buddies in london and not them. everyone knew what would happen especially london. you really expected red army to help the people sworn to destroy them and communism?

and to answer your question i am neither a capitalist nor a communist more of an anarchist.
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

"cause the red army did not contribute"

and hy th hell would it? would you help your enemies or people who vow to destroy you and communism?
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

so how do you react when youre bullied by anyone or females in particular? or when they try to cuck you for free drinks or vodka bottles like those teenage girls near the plaza in front of zloty tarase tried to me. also to add to the above some people like me are artists it is just in the blood. and artists always were and will be starving. its a calling in life though something that grabs you and you cant control you either are one or are not. no one is more of w loser. id. uch rather be a free thinker and an artist than some tight ass retarded normi tight pant wearing posh faggit in a suit going to some office building every day.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

why do girls create incels by bullying them?

" Don't wear crap, shave, work out, eat right, take two showers every day, live on your own, not with mommy, hold a well-paying job"

if everyone was able to do that and it was that easy they would be gifting out college degrees for free and criminals would not have to re-offend for being constantly rejected at job applications for being ex cons and no one would be doing the ja itorial work or work at retail. some people like me have journalism degrees others graphic design degrees its not our fault how ****** these markets became and how hard it is getting any work in our fields.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

you can look them up or google is your friend. not just hooligans but revolutionaries guys that made maidan and the overthrow of mubarack possible. and in Poland recently fought the metoo and abortion culture.

these guys

"create some obscure idea that their willing to die and fight for (basically having nothing else to do, they seek purpose)."

isn't that the same thing as what the ultras do? which of these groups would you guys rather be part of?