The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Feniks  

Joined: 14 Mar 2024 / Female ♀
Last Post: 18 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 790

Interests: Reading, Hiking, Science, Travel, Art

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13 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Polish Music. [270]

@ Milo, loved the first Akurat song :)

Beata Kozidrak- Upilam Sie Toba

13 Jun 2024
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

This one is rather easy actually! xD

It's torturous!

Here's another:

Wyindywidualizowaliśmy się z rozentuzjazmowanego tłumu
11 Jun 2024
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick seems harder.

Strangely enough, I find that one easy.

I find this one hard too:

Przeleciały trzy pstre przepiórzyce przez trzy pstre kamienice.
10 Jun 2024
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

I found it not too hard.

I don't have a problem with pronouncing szcz, but in that tongue twister I'm tripping over these 3 words, szczypcach strzęp szczawiu.

czcigodny mistrz

Odd turn of phrase!

naturally want to say it with transference from English as "czczygodny myscz".

Not that unusual I would think.
10 Jun 2024
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

Those with lisping disorder wouldn`t. :):):):)

Perhaps we should ask our Polish members how hard it is for them to pronounce that tongue twister :):):)
10 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Polish Music. [270]

It happened to the previous thread a few days ago after it had grown too big.

I get what you're saying but if that's the case I'm surprised the music thread wasn't moved either.

Anyway, I'll post a couple of tunes:

Beata Kozidrak x Kamil Bednarek - Biegiem

Haven't heard this for a few years now:

Tyle chciałem Ci dać - Universe & Beata Kozidrak

10 Jun 2024
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

This one's not too difficult:

W czasie suszy szosa sucha.

This one's a nightmare...

Czy rak trzyma w szczypcach strzęp szczawiu czy trzy części trzciny.

szcz however that combination occurs in English too.

4 Jun 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

those birch crosses are characteristic for a certain group among Polish war heroes though...

I know the grave is that of Jan Bytnar of the scout "Zośka" Battalion at the Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw. The graves of those members of that battalion of the Polish Home Army had the birch crosses.

As for the fabrics - look at their shape and that hat on the top of the cross.

They look like the sort of articles that scouts would wear. Berets or caps and some type of neck tie or scarf.
4 Jun 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [141]

They are for the 27% of people who live in the cities but what about the other 70% that live in rural areas ?

70% do not live in rural areas. That would be 40%. You're forgetting that people live in towns as well as cities.

It's not even that cold,

It can still get pretty cold. I remember once when I went to stay with friends in Poland it was - 24 C. The Baltic Sea froze that year.

The braziers are put out when it gets really cold.

Can you post a photo of such thing? I

Here's an article with a picture of one. I must admit I haven't actually seen them myself when I've been in Poland.
31 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Attack, Diminish, Shame and Repeat over and over and over.

If you stand by the views that I have posted in your quotes, how is that attacking, diminishing and shaming you? They are your own words and opinions. The fact that most people in this thread are as repulsed as I am by your views suggests that underneath it all you know that your views are abhorrent to most people and are very far from being the norm. That's why you perceive anyone who counters your views or even to have an opinion that differs from yours, as being on the attack or trying to shame you.

If you're not ashamed of your views then why are you whining?

quote me. If you can't, you are a liar.

The only liar here is you:

those tramps that say no but really mean yes.


Yesterday you accused me of being dishonest and posting ancient quotes about Johnny which don't apply today. I answered and told you that none of his quotes are old. This one was posted by him only a couple of days ago, post # 115 in this thread:

When a little girl is dressed like a slut she is putting the bait out there, stupid.

You were wrong but I doubt I'm going to get an apology or even any acknowledgement of this reply to you either.
30 May 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

What`s the matter???

It's a humorous sign commemorating the parish priest's 40th birthday. It's on a private road leading to the parish building. It was a gift from the parishioners. Nice idea!
30 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

It is very dishonest to apply ancient quotes and pretend that they apply to current events.

They are not ancient quotes. All have been written in recent years. He wrote this yesterday in post #115:

When a little girl is dressed like a slut she is putting the bait out there, stupid.

mature and responsible Johnny of today.

Are you nuts?
30 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

try to destroy a man's masculinity

You think it's a young girl's fault if she gets raped because of the way she is dressed.

You think that when girls ( tramps ) as you like to call them say no to sex they really mean yes.

You think that little girls put the bait out there.

None of this has anything to do with masculinity. These are the sick twisted thoughts of a pervert.

How old are you again?

Over 70.

focus on our common humanity.

If you had an ounce of humanity you would not be condoning the things that Johnny writes about young girls.
30 May 2024
Life / Polish patriotic tattoos [45]

Why exactly?

Presumably because that makes both people identifiable. It doesn't mean that because someone is a suspect that they necessarily committed the crime. It could prejudice a forthcoming trial and if members of the public knew the people involved some people might take matters into their own hands if a crime is particularly nasty.
30 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

whatever what about girls and women being irresponsible, reckless, or just provocative?

You know what my opinion is and from the way you've spoken to Lenka my views will be treated the same way simply because I'm female.

My kind of stupid is a guy who knows the answer to my very legit question but won't answer it because the azhole knows that it is a nailer.

Talking about yourself here. I was right when I said that you would defend the indefensible by saying nothing about JR's vile quotes that I posted. That means you either support his views or you're too much of a coward to stand up and tell him that his views are unnatural and abnormal.
30 May 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

I searched in Polish. It flew across from France and landed on a windowsill in Poznań.
It's a bearded vulture. There aren't that many of them and it was released in France as part of a reintroduction of the species program.
30 May 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

Yes, exactly!!!

I wouldn't have thought of that.

It has been proven a few times here that inquisitive reporters hire lip reading specialists to find out what some politicians said

They really must be desperate to dish the dirt!

When I said innovative

Yeah, I took you at your word! Nice to have others contributing to this thread !

Is that an eagle?
30 May 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

Skip traditional thinking and apply modern approach.

I'm probably wrong but Is this anything to do with Pegasus spyware?
30 May 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

It is in the first photo.

That's the one I meant. In post #67.

It is the secrecy of another kind.

Please don't tell me it's going to be obscure. If there was no danger of either party being overheard then why cover the mouth. Presume this was after Covid.
30 May 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

what exactly can we see???

Ziobro clearly being secretive whilst making a phone call. Looks like he doesn't want the conversation overheard.