Off-Topic /
thinking of writting a book about myself [219]
Attack, Diminish, Shame and Repeat over and over and over.
If you stand by the views that I have posted in your quotes, how is that attacking, diminishing and shaming you? They are your own words and opinions. The fact that most people in this thread are as repulsed as I am by your views suggests that underneath it all you know that your views are abhorrent to most people and are very far from being the norm. That's why you perceive anyone who counters your views or even to have an opinion that differs from yours, as being on the attack or trying to shame you.
If you're not ashamed of your views then why are you whining?
quote me. If you can't, you are a liar.
The only liar here is you:
those tramps that say no but really mean yes.
Yesterday you accused me of being dishonest and posting ancient quotes about Johnny which don't apply today. I answered and told you that none of his quotes are old. This one was posted by him only a couple of days ago, post # 115 in this thread:
When a little girl is dressed like a slut she is putting the bait out there, stupid.
You were wrong but I doubt I'm going to get an apology or even any acknowledgement of this reply to you either.