The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by dolnoslask  

Joined: 19 Mar 2016 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 13 Jul 2024
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 2 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 2805 / Live: 1222 / Archived: 1583
From: Lower Silesia
Speaks Polish?: Yarp
Interests: Poland,

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27 Mar 2020
Life / Amazon Alexa/Google Nest in Poland [10]

When you say it works fine

I have two Amazon firestic tv's A Amazon Echo and a Amazon show all linked to my UK amazon account.

All works well (In English) alexa can even do English to Polish translations.

If you wish to have English/American or whatever tv and radio available on firestick and echo, its best to configure them on a separate router which uses a smart vpn to pretend that all the devices are in the uk, us ,etc, I use the smartdns proxy service.

Don't think Alexa is available in Polish yet ,might be wrong
23 Mar 2020
Off-Topic / English teachers - 'functioning alcoholics with a superiority complex' [54]

Fvck all about the actual topic....

Well to be fair when we are talking about "English teacher functioning alcoholics" they are either dead or off walking the dog at the moment, but if we could make it Polish/English we would drag in far more candidates to talk about , especially when it comes to "Superiority complex" would you not agree Pawian?.
23 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

become PiS politicians with a spectacular career.

Only because it showed young people were starting to get an opportunity in politics where traditionally only old gits ruled.

I would not of minded if it was **** or *** or pawian commie/nazi party , my point was youth were getting political opportunity.

Pawian you are so thick sometimes , for gods sake sort your comprehension out.
22 Mar 2020
Off-Topic / English teachers - 'functioning alcoholics with a superiority complex' [54]

There were two reasons, dolno.

Hey did you notice I never asked you to answer the question, that's because i'm not bothered.

As for your cockroach stories you just don't get that problem if you have an apartment overlooking central park.

Your own fault that you couldn't earn enough to buy /rent a good place to live.
20 Mar 2020
Life / What the idea of a black person is to Polish people? [14]

Black people in Poland are accepted and integrate well into society , but there are far left elements here that will try and put a negative spin on relations, often citing a very small minority of right wing football hooligans.

See for yourselves .
18 Mar 2020
Language / What were the first Polish words and phrases you have learned? [63]

. Polish parents who refuse to teach their kids

My parents had to work double shifts in menial / manual jobs as they did not speak English very well. my grandmother took care of me and taught me to speak Polish until the age of five years old, after which I went to normal English school.

My parents were exiled in the UK, never once id they think that Poland could be free from parasitic Communist rule.

Don't forget mum was 5 years old when she was freed from Siberia and exiled to Africa, My dad was 14 when he left Siberia and joined the Polish II corps in Egypt.

Mum and dad had little or no Polish education themselves.

Mum and dad wanted me to concentrate on my English studies so that I would be successful in my host country, I did not have much contact with other Polish kids and there was no Polish school available to me.

The idea of ever being able to return to Poland seemed impossible during those dark times of the iron curtain, don't forget I was out of school and busy working in the mid 70's and commie dogs were still in charge.

I hope that I am not off topic , I am trying to explain why there is so many things Polish words phrase ,that some of us have not learned due to circumstance out of our control, and how it is so easy for some smart arse to criticise those who who did not have the same opportunities to learn Polish as they did.
17 Mar 2020
History / Do you regard the Polish Communist Partizans as heroes? [36]

Pawian has some strange left wing views

Sadly mate if you come and live here you will come across them, I do from time to time , so far they have shut their gobs once they see what side of the fence I sit on (No balls), It amazes me, where in hell do these soviet apologist come from , are they born deficient or is it breeding from their old soviet conspiring parents / grandparents.
17 Mar 2020
History / Do you regard the Polish Communist Partizans as heroes? [36]

They fought for Poland, doesn`t matter they wanted communist Poland.

You are sick get some help , you sure you are Polish, you don't seem to have a clue about what the communists did in the east during WWII, my family does sadly only half of us survived your hero's.
16 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

easy and lucrative job.

I see many passionate and committed young poles who want a better future for Poland, my local councilor is a young hardworking lad who works hard for improvements to our community, whilst having a self employed status job which involves long hours and no real long term security'

I see a great future. The educated youth will effect change in Poland for the better.
16 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Things have changed recently.

Law and Justice has always had a patch of old people's party for old people. However, this has changed significantly since the middle of last year. Nowhere else in politics do young people have the chance to make such a fast and spectacular career.,114884,25763112,mlode-wilki-pis-u-rzadzacy-chca-pozbyc-sie-latki-partii-starych.html

9 Mar 2020
Travel / Palm trees in Poland [19]

Does anyone know where I can buy full size plastic palm trees, I am building a house and want to go with a chav'y tracy island theme ( no I am not kidding) , would also be interested in any other plastic shrubs, needless to say I want things as lock up and leave, therefore no gardening.
6 Mar 2020
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [571]

close to Swieradow Zdroj

Hope it's not mirsk .

Get in touch with john and barbara at the Blue beetroot in boleswawiec, they will put you in touch with local expats .

any other help send me a pm.

Is that polskie indian restaurant still open in swieradow, not far from greek place.
5 Jan 2020
Genealogy / Polish Romani (gypsy) surnames [64]

Pikeys diddies , bogtrotters call em what u like , they are people who are prepared to uproot and move to where the money / action is , brave self starting , confident and successful, they are no different to you rich when you left Poland for better pickings in the good old US of A , yes rich you are a Polish Pikey.

Mazur is a gypsy/ Romani surname , just google it.
28 Nov 2019
History / Polish treasures in Sweden? [18]

Yours too!

Yeah cos I was born there , no worries , but sorry my family suffered and lost to imperialism, as Lenka suggested let me know where you park you car , I can steal it for a very long time and it will be mine.

Please don't let it be a prius.
28 Nov 2019
History / Polish treasures in Sweden? [18]

war would have to part with their historical items.

I'm shocked Jon , I never took you for a supporter of imperialism, guess it's down to your roots where your country enslaved and pillaged most of the globe, so the Greeks won't bet their marbles back any time soon?
20 Nov 2019
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [401]

/Proboszcz probably derives from "Probst", as in the well-known German artist.

No it doesn't, there was a huge dark forest that used to keep imperialist Germany away from Poland, there was never any kind of integration between the Poles or Germany , well apart from their plan of exterminating us Untermenche as they used to call us.
20 Nov 2019
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [401]

Probosz or Proboszcz

You beat me to it, I know a family ] Probosz, too many Z's cause a problem to westerners , I had to drop my z from my name at one point in my life, I have reclaimed it now
29 Sep 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

summed you up well - you know little of contemporary Poland

You only say this because you do not agree with his point of view , you know precious little about him , and non of you have a clue where he lives, but I can assure you he is proper Polish, he doubts my credentials which is fantastic'

BUT on topic, whatever happens PIS will keep power in Poland and probably don't care about who's who in Europe, lets face it donald tried but failed to damage his home country whilst holding one of the highest positions possible within the EU.