The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wslipach  

Joined: 27 May 2024 / Male ♂
Warnings: 8 - TTATTTBT
Last Post: 17 Jul 2024
Threads: 8
Posts: 97
From: Dupa
Speaks Polish?: Aha
Interests: To the fucking idiot who set up this form: I don't have gender you moron, I have sex , my sex is male you stupid lefty cunt

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23 Jun 2024
Polonia / Serbia`s free trade agreament with China, great chance for Polish business [29]

Please spread the word. This is the great business opportunity for Polish business, from Poland and Polonia.

Yeah, but it will never happen under the current government, the current **** government already, after 6 months has driven Poland into a deficit of 53 billion PLN (about 16 billion Euro). Forget about business with this government , Polish GDP will again start to plummet , just like it was prior to 2015 when Tusk ruled, he rules again, Poland is getting poorer.
19 Jun 2024
News / Because of Tusk and PO lefty politics our soldier died [7]

Tusk indeed but more precise Bodnar. Tusk wouldn't do anything as he is too lazy

Tusk is too cunning, just like Hitler he doesnt put his name officially on it. Polish soldier was killed for the first time since the border fiasco started and how soon after Tusk took charge of the government. This is not a coincidence, this is the effect of the left-side policies , faking immigrant can throw a deadly weapon towards a soldier, but a soldier is not allowed to use his weapon or even faking shovel. Immigrants know that, they know that if they keep passing pass our border and the worst that will happen is that they will be...poured with water (if there is water container around. I wouldnt be surprised if after poring them with water the current government served those fakwits with medical aid.
19 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / Better being female in UK or Poland? [33]

Men and women were never meant to be friends.

Is that what she meant? I think she meant in general, she didnt explain it well, I will explain it better, she meant that the relations are more mature in Poland between males and females with greater understanding and respect of each other. I would say to Lenka that it is more about mutual agreement , one accepts the other better because of long established social relations and in Poland it is not skewed towards patriarchal or matriarchal scheme , it is still somewhere in between, whereas in the west it is now more matriarchal based - ***** rules and man is the barely tolerated enemy.
16 Jun 2024
Life / Polish church music versus African-American gospel [29]

In church I don't want iron pee pee up anywhere near my body, but you are welcome after the mass, nearby the church, so much rolling on the grass we could do....That would make my Polish church mass a little bit more bearable.

However, not everyone has ironside by his side and then on the inside, so realistically Polish church - oh sorry Poloniusz me again, allow me to correct mystupidself for you Jewish asswipe. So, the non-existent Polish church... with its non-existant church goers is driving people away from itself, we live in different times grandpa and we need readjust the way some institutions operate, including church. Yes, contemplation is all nice, but what contemplation are you going to generate by younger church goer if all the friking kid is thinking is when the mather faking boring mass will end! There is a great need for excitement and new ways of communicating the doctrine or whatever.
16 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / Better being female in UK or Poland? [33]

I feelbeingtakenmoreseriouslyin Poland.

That is friking changing and about to become a fairy tale with western europeanisation of Poland, just the way the leftist horde wanted. Now we get more pissy fricking feminists , mental faking cases in every work place, uni, school , whore house and politics , Jachira rings a bell anyone with "dont touch me , dont look at me or I will sue you for molestation and harassment"? So keep it up lefties and soon we will lose that nice deep friendship between both sexes that we have in Poland. Polish learn from the west because they think they should.
16 Jun 2024
USA, Canada / Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools? [90]

Why do fat Euro men all wear speedos, arent they embarrassed at all? Or do European women think thats hot? @ Joker

Why faken not? Dont bullshyte here , it is not abt fat ot not for Americans , it is about shape of man's gonads that Americans can no bear. Maybe it is time for Americans to also wear burkas. Also, why the double standard? Fat women in bikini are ok , but fat men in briefs are not ok?

Joker is a prude and your are a prude too so you understand each other well. No, no need to wait for next life, you and Joker are already gay, when you spend a lot of time around American prudes on PF you become gay.

Women like to look at the bulge in man's undies, it is just that not many will admitt to it to old gay men like you too, but they tell me all the time, especially the younger ones who you would think would buy into that new fashion of surf shorts , but the reality is that nature has the upper hand and women's natural instinct is to like man's body , just like man's instinct is to like woman's body. Speaking of witch Novyprawiczek your gayness rejects women in bikini or g-string. Well I don't see a problem , women look good in undies or even bra and undies on the beach.

But I still let you be gay if you want , its ok , just dont wear those faking shorts to the beach and put on some manly undies like real men do
16 Jun 2024
Life / Polish church music versus African-American gospel [29]

Polish church is BORING!!! That is why so many youths don't want to go there. African Americans like going to church, these ppl are fun. Polish love misery in church. No wonder more and more younger wankers leave church and even if parents force them to go , once they turn 18 they show it the finger and rebel against it.
16 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [289]

Slippers - all leather , there are more colours

16 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [289]

I havetheminwhiteforsummer; theylookquiteacceptable - andI haveredoneswithsheepskinliningandgoldembroideryforwinter. I prefer open backbecause they can slip on and off quickly. I only started wearing slippers in the house duringthedaywhen I came toPoland.

Thank Gods and Goddesses for that. Good job. Thanks to that you not only are more hygenic and esthetic but you look more feminine and sexy.

OK, but leather slippers? They'renot particularly soft andthey're usuallybrown (I somehow don't find that sexy in home slippers for women). Could you post a photo as an example of what you have in mind? 🤔
@ Paulina

10 Jun 2024
Life / Polish church music versus African-American gospel [29]

What is the wallowing about then? Stretchng out the vowels is said to have come from Middle Eastern culture. At least African-Americans don't do that, they are too happy ppl to do that.
10 Jun 2024
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

i am curiousto foundout whatPoles thinkabout Tusk. Shallwe saythat he behavein thestyle of dictator?

as a Serbian i am very upset with this man. But, its me. More important is what Poles think
@ Crow

That bittch is faking up Poland like a bulldozer on drugs, he will do whatever Germans want him to do. He is weak so Germans bought him cheaply. He is a German ***** destroying Poland from within. He has to be stopped. His cat's crap face says it all, it says I came out the wrong way , screwed up so forgive me , I have a mandate for doing assjobs for Germany. His mother shud never have given birth to that *****, she knew it the moment his head popped out. He lost all elections including yesterday's one but he manipulated the voting, all eletrorial commitees have his people there throwing away opposition votes.
9 Jun 2024
News / Because of Tusk and PO lefty politics our soldier died [7]

Soldier couldn't use a gun to protect a Polish-Belarussian border or himself - dies in June
In January 3 soldiers get arrested for firing warning shots - get cuffed and placed in custody awaiting trial, accused of a lot of bullshit
Other minor incidents - soldiers get reprimanded for using fire arms
Tusk hides this information from the public for manyt months until it leaks out
Fak Tusk , he is faking with our army,
9 Jun 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [129]

So coal is bad , but plastic is good? Plastic has to be produced so energy has to be spent , what energy source will be used for that? Coal doesn't need to be produced , just extracted form a mine. Plastic is toxic.
9 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

Jim the rapist will soon be back in prison, where he was for five months last year on remand, so take those opportunities while he's still able to use the Internet.

Hahahah, this is faking hilarious stuff, this thread is the best of all! Great job Johnny Reb!

it is, Harry ! Hoot !

Hahahahahahah, this is even better, that Cargo guy ...fantastic heheh Great! Yeah bring that ******* back!

No, no, you're confused! It's YOU that enjoys sexual relations with fish - I definitely remember this.

Ohhh faaak , this is well enjoyable , you motherfakers made this thread excellent! Moderator has to do something with that out of control fish molesting JR

No, it's jon alright, remember when you first introduce him to your Russian "skating" bestiality sport that you seem to enjoy so much.

Hahaha, yeah its bestial Jon dont go anywhere near it , stay with table tennis

I have to tell moderator tonight what you all up to, we crack up together , it turns her on , it turns me on when shes turned on so keep it up dudes , good stuff, nice job Reb being snitch , moderator tells me she loves you for it.
9 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

Hats off to her ! 🤩
Excellent to see our new Mod doing her job with diligence.

Yes indeed, and I feel so ugly., No, hats off to you for two good jokes. I like it.
9 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

there will be a crackdown on the rules here.

Fak u and fak your cocksucking fat ass you asslicker , this better be Prima Aprilis you shithead from motherfaking ******* land , you are trying to do what? NIE STRASZ NIE STRASZ BO SIE ZESRASZ you faking cant

The above was my original message to this nice kind man Johnny Reb , but afterwards I have been warned and punished for my explicit language and arrogant attitude and most of all for my disobedience, I am trully sorry and scared of the new moderator. I read the rules, my mum read them, may grandma did so, my skinhead friends sort of read them , they cant read well, my lawyer also read them, From now on me and my crew will be selectively nice and politically correct. I see now that I should be scared and never abuse the wrong people. Please accept my apologies
9 Jun 2024
Life / Polish church music versus African-American gospel [29]

Okay, Szlomo

Szlomo? What the fak you bittch? Your vagina is szlomo. I have foreskin longer than your uglyass nose.

Youth is not interested mainly because the church is so gloomy. Studies show that church attendence picks up when mass and church activities are more lively and engageing. How do you engage average youth with prayer wallowing aka precisely what your favourite club serves: synagogue hits like punish me Jewish God, hit me with bad luck and fak me up for the sins of my family. Church music in Poland in many ways resembles the sounds uttered by Jews during their mass, why?
8 Jun 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

Hmmm, now imagine sausage how I would celebrate 20h anniversary with you and other Germs, any ideas? Actually I have smaller than Micron , I can;t even see it, often wonder if its sill there , and so what? I dont need it big , we Polish can do more with small things, we turned Orlen into mega company , but sadly it was wihout the intervention of EU, actually when EU spotted that we are doing big things wih small things, and our small things become big the ***** forced us to do deal and sell 10% of Orlen's share . Thanks again EU for nohing , for lowering our GDP.
8 Jun 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

Ironside I feel like I want to celebrate the 20th anniversary of you and me in EU especially with you close beside me, but you clean up that iron and you wash yourself too before you sit next to me because I think you are not the most hygenic person around. You reject everything bio and clean , you like dirty stuff too much, but I like like you , I think I am becoming more and more attached to you and I think I may never leave you...alone.

You are so critical of EU, you fail to see the benefits, but I will make you, I will faken force you , like Bill Gates, I will hunt you down like the lefites hunt down Trump since they own 80 of enterprise in USA, you wanna fak with that?! , I will use every illegal method to fak u up if you continue your right wing **** here, just like Von Der Lyon did to refuse Poland its money, I will send Marta Lempart to your house , she will bang on your faking doors and harrass you like she did with Kaczynski and she got away with it, because courts are corrupted and tied with PO party which EU wants to regulate for iself and exclde Poland from it, that is severe-inghty and freedom we get from EU, so u better appreciate that, so you better dont dis abortion you right wing asswipe or I will get Tusk and he will take over your ass just like he took over public tv and sold to it to foreign entity form motherfaking Western Europe . Long live EU and fak you Ironside if you step out , otherwise I will cherish and worship you, your irondick especially . and you will be even rewarded like all Tusk has been rewarded for selling Polish everything to Western European hands in the name of EU solidarity.
8 Jun 2024
Life / Polish church music versus African-American gospel [29]

@ jon357
Yeah , something like this , but with better beat.

There is no Polish church.

Who cares, there is music played in Polish churches and that is my point , oh sorry Vatican churches borrowed by Poland for a while.

If gospel music is only for protestants then Catholics should copy it, sounds faking good and kids would like to come to church if some ****** jumped up on the desk and danced for the Lord. Instead we have white crap funeral music.
8 Jun 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [129]

Yet plenty of people use it, and there are productive and profitable solar farms in places with a less sunny climate than Poland.
@ jon357

What places? For some productive means 1 dollar for others 1 million dollars, you just used beautiful words with no meaning to post something meanigless again. Before you came along I was ready to vote for greens and embrace solar panels - I had no idea what it was abt but sounded beautiful, and then everyhing came down to **** with every one of your posts. Greens thank this loser for exposing the green bullshit and preventing me from making a big mistake.
8 Jun 2024
Language / Why is the Polish language so difficult? [309]

Anyway, I am driving myself crazy with this Polish language. It is going to be the death of me.

Someone should show you an easier way of learning Polish, but it has to be someone patient and inventive so they will adjust learning to your capacity and needs.
7 Jun 2024
Life / Polish church music versus African-American gospel [29]

Polish church music is kinda boring, out of that church organs are impressive as is the church choir, but other than that it is dead boring. Compare that to African-American music which is hip and fun. If in Poland we tuned it up a bit , it would be more interesting and more ppl would come to church.
7 Jun 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

Poles often assume that nobody understands them and their culture, whereas in fact many people do

Just when I thought nobody understands me, just when I thought that you are just a dumb hard nosed fatherfaker who thinks he knows everything, but you know us Polish people, relief. Reading it you motherfaking dumb Poles?! Read it, this man understands us, better than we understand ourselves, go to him if you need anything, he will tell you what you need to know. Trust him

And yeah, long live EU and fak Ironside!
7 Jun 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

Does anyone really think, that the actions of Orban's Hungary and Fico's Slovakia align more with Poland's interests than what Germany is doing? Or how Austria's neutrality? How about Greek reluctance ....?

Because Poland really needs these big economies, especially Greek dying ass or Austria's 0 natural resources prowess. Three Seas is already crowded , the lessser the better, Poland has big economy now and it is growing and growing and growing and Germany's economy is not growing and not growing and desperate to grow again. There wont be 40 years of EU anniversary with Poland in it, there wont be EU at all hahaha
7 Jun 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

Most of the Three Seas countries are in the EU and they have no intention whatsoever of leaving the union, so there goes your plan, genius.

What has that go to do with Three Seas management? Even if Poland stays in EU It can continue developing TSP, eaither way, but better without EU

You mean you masturbate furiously to German p0rn three times on this day, instead of your usual two times?
@ Torq

No you dumbass it would be doing germs a favour by promoting german **** which = LGBT ****
7 Jun 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

.there is no other, don't vote for politicians who fak things up IN the EU. Voting instead for Poland. Logical, right?
@ Bratwurst Boy

Thats what old sausages like you want the people to think, that there is no other way. The only way Germans can stay in power is through EU power grip, once that breaks apart Germans will start to slide downwards, German economy relies heavily on EU , that is why it is in the interests of Poland to break away as soon as possible from EU and continue to build economic independance and strengthten its hold on the Three Seas Project , we are the leaders of it, we should press on with it and grow our power that will be an offset to the faking EU.

Every anniversary of Polands entry to EU I do something extra bad to Germans, thats on top of the usual horrible things I do to them, I just want to celebrate, after all its about EU
6 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [289]

Sure, I like slippers at home, but I never slippers as something that men would find attractive on a woman only time I noticed a man interested in my home slippers was when he ;D

There you go, some dude liked your panda slippers, if he wasnt gay then you can bet his positive comments were not about animal like cuteness of your slippers , but he actually liked them on you like a guy would like a sexy looking skirt on a woman.

but leather slippers? They're not particularly soft they're usually brown (I somehow don't find that sexy in home slippers for women). Could you post a photo as an example of what you have in mind? 🤔

No probs, I will look for some pics and post them here. Some do look good on women.

Here Paulina, I bought these for you to wear in the winter around your house.

Americans only wear house slippers after shower or after dressing down at night and before shower in the morning, rarely do Americans wear slippers outside of those time frames , if at all - many wear shoes or socks in the house. So, where is that enthusiasm about slippers coming from? Fake?
6 Jun 2024
USA, Canada / Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools? [90]

Never actually met one that would...

I happen to meet women , a lot of women and while some don't pay attention to what I wear to the beach , others give positive comments. Some like tight boxer shorts (I rarely wear them), some like briefs (which I wear) , others like speedos (I rarely wear them , casual briefs are more comfortabe) and most like all of these. Your company must be a little limited in number perhaps and may be a little conservative too, women are visual , just like men are.

Only men who are fit :P Old men with bellies in speedos isn't something many people would like particularly witness, I think ;) you could say that speedos are the equivalent of women's sexy bikini. 🤔

Yeah, that is what many women say, and one of them made the same comparison between woman's bikini and man's speedos.