The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Matyjasz  

Joined: 20 Jul 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Jul 2013
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Posts: Total: 1543 / Live: 125 / Archived: 1418
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes, though Polska język trudna język. ;)

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21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Yeah, I guess that Poland of XVIII century could be described as the "sick man of Europe". Just like post soviet Russia is being seen these days by many politicians. It's too early for Poland to help you out but who knows what will happen in a decade or two from now. ;)
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Well Kostia has a point there.

PS: Why do russian and Ukrainian male names sound so femaleish? Anyone noticed this? Kostia, Sasza, Żenia, Wania... ;)
17 Dec 2008
Love / Do Polish Women age well? [153]

The stunning milfs who have been named here are all actresses.

Do you know any stunning women in their 40/50's that have been working their whole life in a factory? Well there weren't many business women in communist times around here.
4 Dec 2008
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]


The situation is totally different in the UK where the word Paki is commonly known as a very racist term. It’s all about intentions.

nope again. do you just call everybody a nigger then? i am sure that's not racist either as you have no intention of hurting them with that word, right?

Of course it's all about intentions. It's just that some words have been used so many times in offensive contexts that the offensive message became part of the meaning of the word, as it happened with the word nigger mentioned by you in your post.

What do you reckon is so offensive exactly about the word nigger? Do you think that it's the specific combination of vowels and consonants that make it so derogatory? Maybe there is a rule that says that every time a vowel "i" follows a consonant "n" a word becomes offensive to the listener?

What do you think, wise-guy? And do you feel offended when being called a wise-guy? I met some people that clearly were, even though there is nothing wrong with being wise, innit? Do you think it could have got something to do with the intentions the speaker is using this name?

Ohh and if I would call my good friend a nigger I don't think he would be that upset. Back in my punk rock days I didn't mind being called brudas by my friends, even though I would get into a fight if some stranger would call me that.
3 Dec 2008
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

I worked with a girl who married a guy called Hardcok - now that's an offensive surname :)

:)) It could have been worse. He could have been called Floppycock. ;)
2 Dec 2008
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

There is 2600 with Murzyn surname in Poland.

I don't find Murzyn racist.

Ahh but have you met all of them? ;)

What should a man called 'Dick' think?..

Or DICKinSON? ;)
2 Dec 2008
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

A word in itself, and here I mean any word, is not offensive but the intentions can be. The word "murzyn" for me is a neutral word, however it can be used as a derogatory word if the person who uses it will have the intentions to offend.

Let’s take the word Paki for example. For a person from the US it’s just a short form of the word Pakistani. Nothing insulting about that. The situation is totally different in the UK where the word Paki is commonly known as a very racist term. It’s all about intentions.

And “Murzynek Bambo” is definitely not racist.
19 Nov 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Yes, galaretka or gelatine. Its disgusting stuff, why do you poles eat so much of it.

I don't know, but there's just no family gathering without galat. Mmmm...

Actually I always wanted to introduce my British friends to that dish. I imagined that since Brits love vinegar so much that it would be a smashing hit, but I guess I was wrong. :)
16 Nov 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I HATE the fact that Poles eat meat, fish and veg in spam jelly. In UK we throw that **** away, here they love it. UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH

Are you thinking about galat?
20 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Yeah Bubba, but what do you know about polish food. You are vegetarian and like curry. Nuff said.
8 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Believe me, I am Polish and have spent most of my life in Poland, and I see no difference either way, except that the British authorities seem absolutely hell-bent on getting rid of their post offices altogether.

I understand your frustration. Nevertheless, I stand by what I wrote. :)

As for my list:

1. January, February, March - I love Polish weather. I like it that we actually have four seasons, but those three months are too much for me. I really wouldn't mind if spring started, lets say, in February.

2. Complaining, although to be fair, it is slowly changing.

3. Talking but not acting. That is what really drives me mad. Alas, I have to say that I'm also guilty of that trait.
8 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

"Sorry you were out'? Ohh, that's so sweet. In Poland the notice only informes you that you have to pick up the letter at the post office.

As for Poczta Polska, well it inherited a very inefficient structure from it's communist predecessor and I doubt that they will make it once the monopoly will end in few years time.
24 Sep 2008
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [169]

Name me one twentieth century battle that poland won and cite sources. ?

Battle of Warsaw, 13-25 August 1920 caried out bewteen Poland and Bolshevist Russia, included by a british historian, lord Edgar Vincent D'Abernon to 18 most significant battles in the world history. Here is your source:

How does that foot taste in your mouth? ;)
6 May 2008
Life / Any good Polish films to watch? [112]

Seksmisja is a classic but I think u really need to know the nuances of Polish humour. I much prefer British humour, it's different for sure. I'm glad that many Poles like Monty Python.

Seksmisja isn't a hilarious comedy, but it is definitely fun to watch.
If I were to recommend someone a quality polish humor, than I would have to go with Koterskis "Dzień Świra". It's not a typical comedy, but certainly a great one. For a more lighter note I would recommend Kabaret Potem or Moralnego Niepokoju. Just keep awal from Koń Polski, Rak, Elita, Jurki, Pod Wyrwigroszem or that Ani mru mru nonsense.... :/
30 Apr 2008
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

i know what you are saying Maty, and dont know the answer. there is a gene that seems to produce a very distinct nose aparent amongst many in poland. where this gene originates i can only speculate. with a bit of luck, some clever person will tell us what we want to know

I like the term distinct. :)

Keyholes galore ;)

Dear God, my girlfriend likes to make fun of my enormous nose. If Poles are known for their big noses, and I'm being accused to have a huge key hole amongst Poles, how my nose must had been perceived by the anglo-saxons? The horror! ;)
30 Apr 2008
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

do you think many large nozled people who consider themselves 100% polish are actually of jewish decent?

I know what you think about 2+ generation Americans who consider themselves Poles. Still I'm talking about all those Wrocław or Szczecin inhabitants who speak fluently polish but don't have to necessarily have polish blood in their veins.

As for the Polish honk, who am I to argue. I will live it to people who are more concerned with this fact. Still, I have many friend with names as Poznański, Weiss, Bluma, etc, so the Jewish gene could be responsible for this bane. Another reason fro my Polish anti-semitism. ;)
30 Apr 2008
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

are you the proud owner of an over sized nose per chance?

As ridicules it may sound for you Bubba, you can consider yourself Polish and not exactly be the owner of "polish genes" at the same time. For example, after the end of WWII Polish eastern frontier has been shifted more to the west and few millions people made their exodus from their home land which suddenly became part of Ukraine, Lithuania or Belarus to the new established Poland. Many of them were polonaized Lithuanians, Tartars, Belarusian's or Ukrainians. They were called "zza Buga" (Poles from beyond the Bug river). So, you don't have to have Polish genes to be polish. You can have Armenian genes for example, as myself, and still consider yourself Polish.
7 Feb 2008
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Why is there so much fuss about it?
Poland is an Eastern European Country as far as the political and historical background goes. There is NOBODY in the world, I assure you who will hear the word "Poland" and will say to him/her-self: "Oh yeah, Poland is in CENTRAL Europe". No! They'll think of a former Soviet Satellite, Warsaw Pact, etc; EASTERN EUROPE.

Why is there so much fuss about it?

Maybe, just maybe because the commie period lasted for over 40 years while the whole history of Poland is over 1000 years old.

But it's just a guess. :)
20 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Read the third post down from Grzegorz and honestly tell me he is a good person and not racist.

Grzegorz is a good person and not racist. Don't be afraid to use the part of your brain responsible for your sense of humor. It really doesn't hurt. :)
18 Jan 2008
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Germany is Central!
France West and Poland is East....where is the problem???

It depends what classification you apply. If purely geographical position than Poland is as much central as Germany is. If you apply the post WWII division, than Poland is Eastern Europe together with half of Germany I'm afraid. :)

The term Eastern Europe is the legacy after Cold War and is pejorative. Somebody realized it in the west and I see that the EE countries are more and more often being called New Europe. (Ya old mugs! ;) ) Personally I don't mind the term EE. I think that there is a huge potential in this part of the world and with time this term would redeem itself but then again the way that you and noimmigration defend yourself from the sheer thought that Poland could be called Central European country makes me think...


you seem to claim that Polish culture is very different to the western one. Considering that the western Europe consists of Portugal as well as Wales I would like you to elaborate more on that. I'm looking forward to hearing from you especially about Polish literature and art. Might be quite an interesting read.
9 Jan 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

Jesus Christ southern, you really believe in what you write, don't you? I really like you better in non-sex related chats.
30 Oct 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Direct translation of Murzyn (Negro) and Murzynka (Negress) have been the subject of discussion in Poland. There is an argument for finding new words due to the associations with slavery and an be viewed as derogatory.

Murzynka means "black lady/woman". Negro would be "Czarnuch" and not "Murzyn".
30 Oct 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Why does this constantly come up as a topic and ends up as one big slanging match with the Polish contributors usually coming off worst?

Could you point out few of those posters?
23 Oct 2007
History / 1612 new russian epic movie. Polish troops in Moscow. [25]

i can't wait to see this film. our history is really complicated with guilt on both sides.i hope one day we will be like brothers again...there is a great chance now once that stupid duck has gone down the loo.

Unfortunately Putin is still in his position.

As for the film, sounds interesting.
23 Oct 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

My thought also. Hes still an ignoramus though. (love the expression) :))

Watch it G. I'm black.
