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Posts by ConstantineK  

Joined: 10 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Jun 2024
Threads: Total: 26 / Live: 2 / Archived: 24
Posts: Total: 1298 / Live: 230 / Archived: 1068
From: Moscow(Russia)
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: History of Late Ancient World, Tragedie Lyrique (J.B.Lully)

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27 Jul 2023
Love / Connecting with GAY MEN IN POLAND [55]

If you didn't say it, would anyone walking down the street know that you are gay?

I dont like to show off my personal sexual preferences. Besides i left gay scene two years ago. It is so much permeated with drug abuse, you know kinda mephedrone, alphaPVP etc. I find it is dangerous though i am not too addictive.

After all i am married and have kids, so have a bit different life accents.
27 Jul 2023
Love / Connecting with GAY MEN IN POLAND [55]

Gay life in Moscow and SPb is quite intense. I think it is third only to Berlin and London.
27 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Russians first [14]

Russians are modern Macedonians. Ancient Greeks had also denied them civilization until the moment when king Philip II took them over.
2 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

Any evidence? You know, real evidence that suggests that Russians actively monitor websites, and for what purpose.

Yes, he is right, we are watching you... Every more or less interesting polish article related to Russia is translated in the same instant and becomes the part of Russian Internet humour...
2 Aug 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [225]

Each true Pole, not blinded by the Prussian and royalist cabal, is convinced, that our Fatherland can only be saved by Russia, otherwise our nation will be enslaved".

Golden words...

"About past Poland and Poles [I don't want to talk anymore]. Gone is this country, and this name, as many others have perished in the world's history. I am now a Russian forever."

...and reasonable choice...
4 Mar 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Damn, it is a long, long way to get some decent reforms.

And what do you want? Reforming big country requires patience and perseverance but the result will be amazing!

I agree with Sasha here - "srannaja intelligencia" is more people of your caliber who got a cozy job sucking to some bureaucratic lackey and

I like Sasha (for he is Russian and he is Sa-a-a-asha-a-a), but certainly he is not "founder of Marxism-Leninism" and, therefore, his "new reading" of Lenin's words cannot be valued higher than the sense Lenin himself put in term "sranaya intelligencia".

Let me give you brief lesson from "Short History of VKPb", for it seems to me I should complete your education. Apparently you were not as good in schooling in your past as your are skillful in painting now. Under the term "sranaya intelligentsiya" he (Lenin) means always reflecting, always dreamy intellectuals in Russia. They have ideas, they have ideals but, alas, always lack guts to resolve. I can only hope that paint roller "artists" IN independent Ukraine still able to read Gogol not in vulgar Surzhik but in pure Russian. Is that so? Well, the character of "Manilov" from his "Dead Souls" is perfect example of such intellectuals.

Soviet Union sent Ukrainian artists and poets to Siberia, many of them were tortured and killed in prisons.

Please tell me whom? Who knows, it might be well happened they were so "talented" that Soviet Union rendered a good service having delivered world civilization and culture from such artists and poets.

Scientists were advanced only in the fields of rocket-building while medicine was on the level which makes one cry even to recall.

Oh! What are you saying, babe? Even in the beginning of XX cent south of Ukraine permanently suffered from manifold cholera eruptions. And what is now? Hope that you are doing well?! However, I dare to conjecture that 20 years of independence ruined most of Soviet advantages on Ukraine.

That limited knowledge was worth something in the dump-hole which was called Soviet Union, but nowhere else.

Apparently "Bandera state" has more advantages. Paint! Paint well dude!
20 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

And you Kostia... would you be so kind as to explain to me the phenomena of putinoids' existence over thirty (I could have said "over twenty" which would have been more plausible but I consider your age)? I thought that all those bed-time stories about stability and (ba)nanotechnologies had sunk into oblivion, hadn't they? What makes you support the guy?

Sasha, Sasha.....There is only one problem with people like you.... Yes you are educated and agreeable, liberal and people-loving, however, at the same time you have some vague but typical lack in your character. You always want reforms and results just now, immediately. That is wrong.

You are too far away from common people. There is only one good expression to describe your social stratum - "sranaya intelligentsiya". You cannot understand one simple truth that all reforms in such state like Russia need to pass several stages:

1. Government should realize that something is wrong
2. They should discern what is wrong specifically
3. They should formulate the idea of reform
4. THey should surge this idea into society
5. This idea should be discussed within the social groups
6. It should be adopted
7. and then carried out

All reforms of Peter I (for example) where conceived, lets say 200 years before his birth. Now we observe that point 4 is executing.

You are one of them. And since even after 20 years you are still dumb enough to profess

Oh, dear Profane, your annoyance quite delighted me. Certainly you could not be more sensitive to the wrong Union has done had it done it to you personally. Please tell us your expirience and the history of your "Bandera" family. I will not be surprised that your grand-grandfather had collaborated with Hitler and then was hiding in the forests like beastly being.

Empire which after stealing billions from people and producing nothing but rockets had people waiting for hours in line to get a piece of bread?

Yes, now I understand why Malorussians are trying to stay within Russian premisses with all their strength...They just want to share bread with their Russian brothers.

Dear Nathan,

The problem is not that your business is painting; alas, it is more complex and lies more deep in your tumultuous character. Soviet Union had given you both education and opportunity to be scientists, poets or artists. However you preferred to be "free" and "independent". The result of this choice is evident both for me and you.

Do you think, my good friend, that I need your reprimanding to make me feel pity for you, when I know that you are suffering having lost all these opportunities? And all your bursts of rage serves me as evident of your sorrow....
7 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

The Russian revolution and Stalinism is humanity's answer to Some mothers eating their young in nature.

Well, I should confess. My mind is slightly bifurcated. One side tells that Russian revolution was absolutely unavoidable, it tells me that revolution was an extreme pitch of Russian history, but another one feels passion to such men like Constantine Pobedonostsev who had fiercely opposed revolution but somehow, ironically, brought it nearer.

As for Stalin, certainly he was genius, he stopped revolution and he reshaped old Russian Empire.
6 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

May be my translation of following quote is not perfect, but... "Revolutions is planned by geniuses, performed by enthusiasts, and bastards use their fruits"

It is not so in case with Russian Revolution. There were enough enthusiasts even at the end of the span
6 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Fan? I have never said this! Union had many defects, but there are no doubts that that was one of the greatest civilizations the world had ever witnessed, far more greater and human, at least in ideas, than so called Western one and American in particular. This experiment failed for some reasons but intellectual work is still active and some new forms will emerge soon.
5 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

But i guess you are using you favorite trick Of soviet propaganda

Union collapsed twenty years ago and only stubborn idiot may see "soviet propaganda" in my words.
10 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Nope, I think that the real reason is Russian culture, because otherwise they should mix themselves with Arabs or Africans
10 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

So why do they choose chinese then?

Who said that they choose? Not me! It is Chinese men strive to engage with Russian women for better assimilation.
10 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Southern, the natural course of genetics requires exactly big penises. They provide more pleasure for women, so unconsciously they will choose the best combination. The size is important.
10 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Is it possible that our friend Constantine is, in fact, Konstancja? ;)

Actually that means only that I prefer to play on the same side.

Yes, I look forward to hearing the Chinese sing the "Volga Boat" song.

Oh that will be great. However, be sure that mixing with Chinese will add only amusing diversity to our faces in the future. Beautiful almond-shaped blue eyes will be combined with hairy chests and long penises. Believe me that will be insuperable force.

Every year the nation becomes more beautiful, I see the result of this genetic enrichment.

am impressed by what you're saying, but is this opinion shared by most of the Russians?

Consciously or unconsciously, but the result is evident and on the surface.
10 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

But isn't it slavic culture that makes Russia what it is? If Russia becomes Chinese or Muslim than it is no longer Russia. It has become 'something else'.

You are either disingenuous or inattentive man. Nevertheless I am going to repeat this magic word - ASSIMILATION! This implies all secondary generations being produced as a result of liaisons between Russians and foreigners will adopt Russian culture, custom, habits, religion. Personally, I don't care about the skin colour. Provided that they think as Russians, associate themselves with Russian culture, they are Russian!

Well in that case you should better adopt to Chinese and Islamic cultural practices. LOL

Actually I am not that interested in Chinese culture; but this lack of interest is the result of my narrow mind only. But I understand that their culture stands pretty well above both Russian and European cultures. For your information, it is longest continuously existing state in the world. I wish Russia had the same stable political and social structure as they have in China. It is real miracle that they managed survive all European states and "great" empires.

Please try to hide you latent racism.


Oh another cliche - Russian alcoholism! I do not like to refer statistics data but in this case I see no other satisfactory arguments. Visit wikipedia and try to search "alcohol consumption by states". I swear your eyebrows will get up.
10 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

But if you believe that it exists, and as you say the Russian minorities will mix with the Russian population, that will be even more reason to dislike the Russian

So Russia will lose its slavic roots? Hmmmm

Oh I see here clear manifestation of my observation on Poles! Why do you think that slavic roots are so important? I always thought that culture has evident superiority over nationality.
10 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Costi, when are you going to live in the real world.

Great agitating force. You overestimate its importance. It serves to force minorities to adopt culture. Let's live another 30 years and you will see that I am right. Btw, latent racism, as you have it in Poland/Europe is much more dangerous than sporadic eruptions as we have here.
10 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Ok, now well advertised Muslim threat to Russia. I should admit I hate this barbaric religion in every respect. But the fact that we have 20 millions of Muslims dose not automatically mean that they somehow will shake foundation of Russian state. Some minor conflict may take place but I am sure that we are able to handle with this problem. Several reasons:

1) We have been living side by side many centuries more or less without problems
2) Russia is secular state. Religion in Russia plays far less significant role than let's say in Poland. Everyone has a possibility to be admitted in Russian power holding structures regardless and therefore can share the power regardless his/here religious background. There are a lot of celebrities in russia who have Muslim roots and openly professing their superstitions. So, here we have the situation when nobody cares about your faith until you are loyal.

3) All native Muslim population is highly distributed and intermingled with Russians (one exception is north caucasus for some reasons - war). They may have their autonomous republics but all these have been made just to flatter their vain. For example, Tatarstan has almost 50/50 distribution (plus some unsolved problems with its neighbor Bashkiria)

4) Their leaders can name themselves whatever they wish - presidents, sultans or even padishahs - it makes no difference to bold russian state. We all know that all important post on the middle level are in hand of Russians. Simply Russians are more competent in technical questions.

5) We do not have ghettos in Russian cities. What we do have, is the problem of ethnic crime gangs, but they are too concentrated on money making process.

6) Since Muslim population is highly dispersed and/or unorganized, the assimilation process is highly possible. And we do have it. I should confess it is a great source of delight for me. I am almost 35 years old, sure it is not sufficient to make any bold assertions, but anyway it is enough to make some private observations. Several years I am observing enormous increase of interracial marriages. All russian women have a soft sport in their hearts for cocaucasian men. They are manly looking, have hairy chests and very hot, believe me, I say this with competence. And I cannot blame them for this. But we perfectly know it from history thar woman is a motive power of assimilation. All these Muslims being placed in Russian society surrounded by their wives, mothers-in-low, fathers-in-low etc., what they have to oppose? Their children are taught in Russian schools finally. How can they resist all this family power I wonder?

And indeed, I see the result of this "struggle" every single day on the streets of my own town near Moscow - mixed children. So, in short, we have much more health concerning this question than Poland with its latent racism and polish superiority or Americans with their open segregation.
9 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Open you eyes, all these Chinese immediately adopts Russian names, custom, behavior! A couple of years in Russia and the drink vodka better than native population. Assimilation on its way.
9 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

How many books about Poland did you read recently? How many Polish movies did you watch?

Shame on me, I can remember none. But you should forgive me this uncouthness, since it is quite common among imperialistic nations to have only shallow comprehension of their neighbors. We are too absorbed with our own culture or how it is reflected among other, by the way of thinking, nations.

But you see Costi, In Poland we have a free media which tries to be accurate and objective, whilst your countrymen are brainwashed by your state dominated media, which only reports what the government wants it to. If they not they get killed like Politovskaya.

:) You are amusing!

1) Why do you think that you have free media? Somebody told you this?
2) Why do you think that Russia dose not have the same? In your denying I see only arrogance and the result of the same brainwashing. It is your media is constantly working with you.

4) Do you really think that it was Putin who killed, directly or indirectly, Politkovskaya or Litvinenko? My God, in this case you brain is so blank that even you media can do nothing with it. I can advise only one thing, just think who is in profit! Certainly it is not kremlin.

A far more relevant question is, what is the Russian opinion of China and vice versa.

OMG! Please stop talking about China, this phantasmal threat invented in Washington. Please tell me why the should wage war against Russia? What for? Over millions kilometers of permanently frozen soil? Do you think they are idiots? They already have many kilometers of deserted lands, and you think they need more?

They have big problems, God bless America, with their own Tibetan population, so you think that they need full scale atomic war as appendage? I don't think so.

Now China have faced with urbanization process and this social phenomenon hides many dangers itself. Few of them:

- Low birth rates. Can you imagine millions and millions of aged? Believe me, this will require some money
- Decrease of rural population. Therefore they will face significant lack of labour resources in the further 30-40 years
- Flourishing cities. Something tells me that prosperous bank clerks is not a good stuff for army.

Other reasons:
- China is surrounded by envious enemies, God bless America once again
- Do you remember at least one war where China have been victorious by itself? Can you help me to deal with it?

Well, now let's analyze other highly hypothetical threats, Muslim population in Russia for example, another favorite danger of all who "cares" about Russian future. Should I do this?
8 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Torque, Cameroon, Dofin'sAbdomen, my dear! Believe me or not, but I like Poland very much and wish it to be prosperous state. However I want to warn you against your own government and it's allies in Washington. Why you should alway be an obstacle on Russia's way? Just think about this. Look at Finland, it is a good pattern for you own behavior. Instead you own gov constantly involves you into risky enterprises further and further.

If you have some skills in Russian, read, there in readers' comments you will see what Russians think about Poland, Polish gov and other Polish now. You only exacerbate this opinion.

Polish audience feeds only by rumors about Russia while we, Russians, are reading you real newspapers and all laughable notions presented in this papers.
8 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

You can try, but I'm afraid we can be a very heavy, or in fact indigestible meal for you :)

Oh, let me explain myself boy. Certainly, there will be no any direct invasion; after all we have XX1 century on the yard.

But sooner or later, perhaps sooner I think, your present patron - US - will not be able to support you. Seeing this, your political elite will be searching for sponsors. And here we are, your old friends - uncle Germany and aunt Russia!

You can oppose that it is better for Poland to be with more prosperous Germany, you have a right! But I am sure that we shall find some members of elite who will be eager for "reconciliation" - let's name this so - with Russia.

And here is the open road for rivalry between Russia and Germany over Poland, in short, who will have an upper hand in Poland affairs.

Then, everything become easy. Rivalry means partition, partition means that Poland will cease to exist. The curtain drops!