The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Velund  

Joined: 10 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 2 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 493 / Live: 302 / Archived: 191
From: Moscow, Russia
Speaks Polish?: Read but does not speak
Interests: Ham Radio

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31 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

The facts are established in a court of law

As with Litvinenko case, where zero public evidence was disclosed as well?

It is good idea to accuse jon357 in a number toddler rapes based on "secret evidence of undisclosed witnesses" and put jon357 to a Interpol red list.

Debating idiots is as hard as climbing 60-degree dunes...

I have to agree. Fortunately, there is experienced guys from Wagner that is able to talk with any idiot with success. ;)
31 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

Don't you recognise the sovereignty of independent countries?

I will gladly recognize sovereignty of independent People Republic of Texas, for example. Will it automatically cancel any rights of US federal government that it may had on territory of PRT?

By train twice to Salisbury?

Even if three or four times...

Is there any evidence that this two guys approached Skripals home during their visits, for example?

Or maybe looking at Sailsbury architecture is a crime by itself?
31 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

Even the guilty individuals were caught in camera.

Walking the streets and escorting prostitute to their hotel room?

Is there something related to poisoning, not to "tourist activities"?
31 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

if the outcome is to the advantage of and approved by the ruling DC scumbags

Thank you, teacher! So, is it enough to declare yourself Estonian to get rid of such sad limitation?

For example, would be enough for Juan, who crossed Mexican border a week ago, to have the right to point their gun to jon357, and tell "I'm Estonian and you have to GTFO from my new home and disappear, or die"? Or recognition from Jose who just shot former nearest neighbours of jon is necessary to legitimise such property rights transfer?
31 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

Do they have human rights and the right of self determination, as Estonians do?

Do people of Texas and New Mexico have human rights and the right of self determination, as Estonians do?
Do people of Donbass and Crimea have human rights and the right of self determination, as Estonians do?
31 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

unless the citizens

So the cockroaches in the kitchen of your house can change the property owner at any time? ;)
30 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

And which have subsequently seceded and are recognised by the global community as sovereign states.

So, what about property rights?
30 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

Yes, I thought I didn't need to remind you of Livonia and Estland, which were bought by Russia from the Swedish Crown in 1721, and Kurland, which was bought from Duke Biron in 1795. But for those who haven't even bothered to study their own constitution, I suppose I should remind you that Estonia and Latvia were recognized as independent states by a third party (the Bolsheviks), who at the same time renounced the legal succession to the Russian Empire. It looks like we walked into a park and got the rights to part of that park from an alcoholic sitting on a bench under a tree. ;) So, this fake countries should return to their legal owner as well, without any doubts.
30 May 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

puppet fake states like 'Abkhazia' and others must be de-orced and returned to the countries they were seized from.

I can't wait for fake states like New Mexico, Arizona, California and Texas to return to their rightful owners. Don't forget that Sonoma County, CA is Russian land for which its American buyer has not paid as was agreed, so it must go back to Russia, not "stick" to the rest of California just like Sevastopols "stick" to sticky ukrainian hands while nobody agreed to pass it to Ukraine at all.
26 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

I didn't feel "oppressed".

Milo had this feeling for you, and very much so. Britain is a very special land - everything is seen and felt much better from there. ;) ;)
26 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

Another dumb statement...

It doesn't matter that much anyway. Once it was proven that NATO is not interested in search of any forms of mutually acceptable security configuration with Russia, new configuration of Eurasian security will have to be mutually acceptable to Russia and China.
26 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

Poland chose NATO.

We respect sovereign choice of Poland. Their number is 2 in line to slaughterhouse.

No he didn't.

If you was too busy masturbating in time of live translation of historic speeches, it is your own problem. Reply available only in russian language.
26 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

Just stay in your own terrible country and there won't be any problems.

Putin offered many years ago to build mutually acceptable international security system on European continent. US deep state and NATO was simply not interested (no wars - no orders to MIC, no threat - no need to spend a lot for most of NATO toys), so now ukrainians die for their profit and poles is in preparation for delivery to slaughterhouse.
26 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

How "destruction of the last vestiges of the letter and spirit of the Yalta agreements" is a bad thing?

Because current Polish statehood and significant part of current Polish territory is based on agreements of Yalta and its "derivatives". No Yalta anymore - many questions arise.
25 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

Western "democracies" and the USSR decided to move Poland closer to Berlin.

But now, with the destruction of the last vestiges of the letter and spirit of the Yalta agreements, the time may come to push Poland back from Berlin, the capital of the German Democratic Republic.
28 Jan 2023
Language / Test to determine proficiency of Polish? [7]

online test to determine what level (A2, B1 etc) I really am at

Hm... I can offer you some mean to determine how objective is that online test...


Push trigger three times to produce loud "Pshhhhek", and add "Kurwa" at the end...
9 Jan 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

People who condemm pilsudski are traitors and will be dealth with after the next election

I've always been fascinated by Western versions of "democracy." And especially expats eager to turn their homeland into a concentration camp, while being at a respectable distance and risking nothing. ;)
18 Jul 2022
News / Scandals, conflicts, tensions, arguments - real life examples from Poland [477]

The Warsaw prosecutor's office terminated the investigation against a group of American soldiers who beat a resident of Lodz to death.

The attack took place in May. A group of drunken Americans started insulting a woman in a bar, and when her husband stood up for her, they beat him, breaking a bunch of facial bones.

❗️The reason for refusing to pursue criminal charges:

"The legal statutes cited give priority to the jurisdiction of the U.S. authorities over the members of this state's military in the case of convergent jurisdiction."

In other words, if you get beaten by Americans in Poland, it's your own fault, and they serve democracy.
16 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

galeev links to russian media sources

Are you tried to translate original text of the russian source? Here it is:

There is story about 26 yo "boy" who lives with mother (and, as I understand, on mother income), in constant conflicts with mother and after bankrupcy of attempted small business. Jobless, of course...

There is zero chances to went to Ukraine for conscripts now, but I suspect that mother used their last chance to transfer hard work of teaching their son about meaning the word "responsibility" to specially prepared specialists. ;)
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

There could be no West, no Russia.

Simply choose your side and stop worrying.

As to me - I did it long time ago...

Of course he would.

Is this so common between anglos, so you project this to whole world? goes that saying.....who laughs last laughs best? Loudest? Longest?

Last, bro. So, let's wait a bit, and determine who will laugh really best.
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

how important our own renewable energy supply is.

I suspect you select wrong word. I would prefer "pathetic"...

Last time I driven through Germany (from Belgium), last rotating wind turbine was at sunrise near Koeln. Then, till Polish border, It was quite static installations. ;) Monuments for stupidly spent resources.
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

My question is why would a Jew be a Nazi when Nazis mass killed Jews?

Have you ever heard the word "corruption"? And for the last years he seems to have been living so densely under substances (a.k.a drugs) that he may not remember if he is circumcised or not. ;)
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

It just needs a few nuclear bombs and everyone's dead.

Calm down. Enough people will survive to go on safari for the "superhumans" crawling out of their bunkers, whose representatives have pushed the button.

I live very close to where something is bound to fly in, so I've already had time to get rid of the fear for myself.
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

For hard money you then use to buy stuff you yourself can't produce?

Recent years have shown that the "money" you have in mind is not that hard money, can be easily confiscated by Western governments even from someone who has given no reason to do so, and the list of "stuff" that can be bought with that "money" is very limited, slipping into the classic set of beads and mirrors for primitive natives.

So, upcoming winter will be great experiment, how long white man can survive on a dollar porridge prepared on a dollar bills fire.

Little children even are killed and their families. That is a horror.

When Donetsk childrens was slaughtered for 8 years, it wont been considered as a horror. And now, suddenly........
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

what do you need from anybody else?

We don't need almost anything. With Russia, it would mean no more looting of resources in exchange for banker' mouse clicks. As Putin said, the era of virtual assets is over, we are at the beginning of the era of real assets.
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

Why won't this horror just end?

What horror do you mean? The Slavs killing each other? That is not a horror. The horror would be if this war suddenly ended and the respectable families that own the western world (those who stand in the shadows behind the clown politicians) lost their income and influence. A million or two less Poles or Czechs is nothing. Russians have been so designated sacrificial lambs for centuries. They are all not worth one tear of a truly white man's child.

I live a very happy and comfortable life as do Joker, Novichuk, and many other posters on this forum.

I'm sorry. You won't anymore, because the planet's resources for overconsumption were barely enough for just you, and now the Chinese, Africans and Russians have come to take their fair share from them. Do you have something to object to?