The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by richasis  

Joined: 25 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Dec 2019
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27 May 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

I just want to walk where they did.

I think that is so cool. I did the same a couple years back. It's awesome.
26 May 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

Yeah, I got the same vibe from Warsaw (and other parts of Poland).

Here in USA, it's the same thing: people just all up in your business!

26 May 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

Wow your stories are horrible

Horrible stories? How so?

Weirdly enough it doesn't stop me to want to go there .

Good for you! Poland is a beautiful country.
25 May 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Just don't make it a permanent ('illegal') stay... :)

Why not, plenty of Poles do across the world;)

Yeah, but that's different. They're Polish :)

Actually, I say punt all illegals everywhere.

I invested 2+ years to enter Poland legally
(and I'm still not there yet - but I will be!)
25 May 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Geeez, not even allowed to go on holiday these day???

Just don't make it a permanent ('illegal') stay... :)
25 May 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Good for you! :)

Feed the Troll :)

BTW, this post was posted to its own thread.

EDIT: I see it's been merged. Nice Job, Mods. :)
25 May 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Its some full time user having a shytfest again,

Exactly: two posts. Google must be down.

As a Black woman in Poland, you may want to avoid the 'culturally enriched' areas of larger cities. Actually, this could be said for all of Europe and USA.
25 May 2010
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

Don't some religious martyrs receive 72 virgins in heaven? If so, then they're just cashing in early ... in Poland.
23 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

No.. they aren't easy but painful times are necessary

IMO, you have really hit the nail on the head with everything you have said here, Pete.

I've always said that America needs to experience a bit of hardship to breed character.

As strange as it sounds, it is this exact thing that I admire in those of Europe and Asia.

I only hope that Americans are ready. I wasn't sure at one time, but now I am more so.

Disagree? I suggest you spend a night out in a predominantly 3rd world immigrant area. Make sure your health insurance is up to date.

Absolutely. The Ultimate in Litmus Tests. In USA, Third World Glory is as close as one's nearest 'Urban Center'.

Yep caucasians have realllly messed up. We deserve to die out.

As much as you may be disparaged for having said so, the truth is that it's happening now, as we all debate it.

Will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? In Poland? Yes. In Detroit, MI? Probably NO.

More thoughts to follow...
22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

I asked you do you support Apartheid, you know the South African thing, am I to take it that you do?

SeanBM, to briefly answer your question: No, I do not - I didn't then, I don't now.

for thinking that HIV was not linked to AIDS

If I'm understanding this correctly, some scientists (and pundits) do not believe in this link.
If there is debate within the scientific community, then a lay opinion is to be regarded, no?

if you can't follow what is being said I recommend you stop posting.

To be fair, what we (and others) are now discussing is a bit off the OP's original question.
Will s/he "be fine"? In my opinion, yes, of course. And that speaks to the people of Poland.

Still, should the concerns of those who feel alien to immigration be ignored? Of course not.

I'm the product of a multicultural, multi-religious (and, some might add, multiracial) family.
This fact alone does not preclude me from being critical of those - even against "my own".

Am I biased? To the extent I am human, yes. IMO, anyone claiming otherwise is in denial.

Like I said, I'm as sympathetic as the next guy. It's those that might exploit this I detest
(and no, I am not addressing this to anyone here on the forum - I welcome the debates).

Again, my apologies to you if I misinterpreted anything you said. Like I said, I like debate.

22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

There is no point in giving more evidence because you simply ignore everything that doesn't fit your world view.

Apparently, this is the truth. And, unlike our so-enlightened SeanBM, you said this without any disparagement. Go figure.

Still, to demonstrate that there is no ill-will on my part, I share with SeanBM and all others a Postcard From Zimbabwe:

"When the country changed from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, we were very excited," one man, Kizita, told me in a village of mud-walled huts near this town in western Zimbabwe. "But we didn't realize the ones we chased away were better and the ones we put in power would oppress us."

"It would have been better if whites had continued to rule because the money would have continued to come," added a neighbor, a 58-year-old farmer named Isaac. "It was better under Rhodesia. Then we could get jobs. Things were cheaper in stores. Now we have no money, no food."
22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Admittedly, I'm coming into this conversation a bit late (and following a new thread can be difficult). I think I understand now what you were saying.

To be fair, I believe jarnowa's point was that efforts by the West are laudable - despite the behavioral patterns of some peoples (regardless of race):

South Africa was once a crown jewel of Africa (pun intended) - that is, before the racist, Marxist ANC took the helm from those 'evil-doer' Apartheidists.
22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Show me that everyone is educated about STDs in Africa.

Everybody? Who's RESPONSIBILITY is that? The West's? You mean, Africans are not capable of taking care of themselves?

And, what to make of the rampant incidence of HIV/AIDS among Blacks in the West? I dare say this is a BEHAVIORAL ISSUE:

Black Americans account for more HIV and AIDS cases, people estimated to be living with AIDS, and HIV-related deaths than any other racial/ethnic group in the U.S. Today, Black Americans make up about 12 percent of the U.S. population, but account for half of all new AIDS cases. And, despite medical advances which have sharply reduced HIV-related mortality rates for all racial/ethnic groups, HIV death rates are still significantly higher for Black Americans than other groups.

Apparently, no matter how much time, effort and money is expended, there is no helping those who cannot help themselves.

Look, I'm just as compassionate as the next guy, but this line of thinking can only lead to increased dependency and liability.
22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

So, you cannot be bothered...

I don't owe you an apology, I asked for links

by the very thing you ask for.

In Africa, thanks to Western aid, condoms are free or very cheap and everyone is educated about STD's.



Britain sends South Africa 42m condoms in HIV fight before World Cup
Britain is to give 42m condoms to South Africa in response to a request for an extra billion as part of an HIV prevention drive before the World Cup, the government will announce today.

The request for British help in stockpiling sufficient condoms for the expected influx of thousands of football supporters in three months' time was made during President Jacob Zuma's recent visit to the UK to meet the Queen.

HIV and AIDS in Africa
Condoms play a key role in preventing HIV infection around the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, most countries have seen an increase in condom use in recent years. In studies carried out between 2001 and 2005, eight out of eleven countries in sub-Saharan Africa reported an increase in condom use.

The distribution of condoms to countries in sub-Saharan Africa has also increased: in 2004 the number of condoms provided to this region by donors was the equivalent of 10 for every man,8 compared to 4.6 for every man in 2001.