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Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]
I asked you do you support Apartheid, you know the South African thing, am I to take it that you do?
SeanBM, to briefly answer your question: No, I do not - I didn't then, I don't now.
for thinking that HIV was not linked to AIDS
If I'm understanding this correctly, some scientists (and pundits) do not believe in this link.
If there is debate within the scientific community, then a lay opinion is to be regarded, no?
if you can't follow what is being said I recommend you stop posting.
To be fair, what we (and others) are now discussing is a bit off the OP's original question.
Will s/he "be fine"? In my opinion, yes, of course. And that speaks to the people of Poland.
Still, should the concerns of those who feel alien to immigration be ignored? Of course not.
I'm the product of a multicultural, multi-religious (and, some might add, multiracial) family.
This fact alone does not preclude me from being critical of those - even against "my own".
Am I biased? To the extent I am human, yes. IMO, anyone claiming otherwise is in denial.
Like I said, I'm as sympathetic as the next guy. It's those that might exploit this I detest
(and no, I am not addressing this to anyone here on the forum - I welcome the debates).
Again, my apologies to you if I misinterpreted anything you said. Like I said, I like debate.