That is exactly what it is although in Polish that dish is called Zupa jarzynowa z klopsikami.
Those ignorant Brits!
Do you know I'm getting really tired of reading non-stop insults and arguments on multiple threads. If you want to talk about ignoramuses look no further than Johnny who knows nothing about Poland. Milo contributes to Polish threads which is a lot more than some people on here do.
Heating of the grape vines. There has been temperature extremes across Poland this month. A very hot start to April but at the moment the very cold weather is having an effect on both crops and pollination.
You haven't even addressed the subject of the unborn child that died as the result of a shooting. All you've done is to detract by asking how many pregnant women have been accidentally shot. That's not the point. That mother and child would not have died if there hadn't been a gun available.
Funny that you are so eager to condemn women for abortion but put guns above the life of the unborn child. Hypocrisy much?
I think you Americans are so used to people being shot and killed that you don't regard it in the same horrific way that non-Americans do. And you are keen to import this lunacy into Poland, a country that had only 35 gun deaths and a gun death rate of 0.08 per 100K.
But if you eat your pancakes quickly, then they won`t have enough time to get soggy. J
I would prefer the sauce to one side so i could cut off a bit of pancake, load it with prawns and mushrooms and then dip it in the sauce. Not that I'm at all fussy.......
I always hope a not native Pole or Poless will do. ;):):
maf generally contributes but I always tend to think of him as an honorary Pole as he's been in the country for so long. He probably knows a lot of the idioms too. Most of the males on here seem to be preoccupied with war and gun threads and of course there are only 4 women here.
Of course. I'm sure my idioms are very easy for you though.
my Polish relatives use that Polish idiom when I was a kid many many times.
If your imaginary Polish relatives had used that Polish Idiom then you should know it has nothing to do with alcohol. Keep arguing the toss though, it's good entertainment value!!
The subject of abortion has nothing to do with the right to own guns. Discuss it in the relevant thread.
However, if you want to rant about the rights of the unborn child, perhaps you'd both like to comment on the unborn child that never got to see the light of day because a two year old boy shot his mother who was 33 weeks pregnant in yet another accidental shooting. The mother also died. No doubt you'll see this as yet more collateral damage.
I definitely would have to get more experience with watercolours to try it.
I think that would be the problem for me. I've barely used watercolours so I would definitely need lots of practice painting with them first. If I can't manage to do a good job on paper then painting a book edge would be a bit pointless. Let me know how you get on if you try using fineliners.
Yesterday I watched a video of that guy Martin Frost showing his method for fore-edge painting. Interesting to watch. He divides the picture up into grid sections so one grid is painted at a time and he layers the watercolours until he gets the effect he wants. Here is the video:
it doesn't seem so terribly difficult and complicated
Iron temperature would be a bit crucial plus I don't have an iron. That's only a small problem though. I would only be trying to gild books if I was happy with the painting!
I prefer the hidden to the non-hidden type of fore-edge painting but there was some good pictures in those etsy links.
The Bible was the book that I had with gilded edges. I remember it had extremely thin pages and some lovely colour pictures in it. I honestly can't remember where I got it or what happened to it but I guess it had been given as a present.
As long as it's something you enjoy that's the main thing. Maybe give it another go.
maths 'zeszyt ćwiczeń'
Yikes! I've had to do a lot of maths for science but it's not something I would choose!
Juggling is beyond me in terms of coordination.
It requires a lot of practice!
Someone in my family can wiggle their ears. Fascinates me because there is no way I can do that. I can't wink either. Last time I tried someone said it looked like I was having a stroke......
Superficial foreigners judge the dishes only by looking at them, having no idea how they taste. :):):)
Certain ingredients compliment each other Pawian. That looks like you used up the leftovers in your fridge for the tortillas. Additionally, I would say only the fermented cucumbers are 'Polish' as such :)
That really appeals to me. I'm going to research it further. I'm not talented enough to be able to do something like that but those books look amazing. They're done with watercolours too. I bet it's incredibly tricky to get right. Shame there are so few artists doing it :(
I had a gilt edged book as a child but I haven't seen any for years and I do spend time nosing round old and second hand bookshops.