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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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4 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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4 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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4 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Maiden and march of banderists in combination with more and more talks about NATO, while worsening relations with Russia and molesting local Russians, was a direct path to what now happening in Ukraine.

You will see, the same would happen with Baltic states. They behave the same way as Ukraine before the special operation.
4 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Russian tolerance only functions when they're trying to concern troll you into a surrender.

Who hates Poland and Poles more, western Europeans or Russians?

russia is responsible for every death in the war and every bit of property destruction

Being part of an alliance that is hostile to Russia invites Russia to commit violence to defend itself. Same way, the intention to become part of such an alliance also invites Russia to be violent in defense.

That's why Serbia is neutral. Even that invites NATO to commit violence against us. If are not with them, we are against them, they say.
4 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

I'm sorry - I don't understand this plan. Russia should be very forgiving of Poland, while Poland meanwhile f*cks off to make friends with Serbs and Hungarians?


I said Russia needs to be tolerant right now, not forgiving. Both, Poles and Russians have their sins. But now, time is of the essence. Now we need to avoid the destruction of Poland considering Poland`s NATO membership, in a situation when major NATO non-Slavic powers moved in Drang Nach Osten against Russia. Why would Polish children suffer as collateral? Or Belarus or Russian children?

So why Russia to be tolerant? Because Poland has a complex situation due to its specific history. Poland finds itself in NATO/EU because western Europe looted Poland for centuries, developed genocidal ideologies against Poles, killed, and assimilated many Poles, and made Poland (not only Poland) poor, while they themselves became very rich. Also, if Poland didn`t opt for Catholicism, Poland would be destroyed by the Vatican-sponsored Teutons and other maniacs. In turn Catholicism helped in convincing Poles that Russians are enemies, etc, etc,..... So, Russia needs to understand this and ignore Catholicism in Poland. Not to say that Orthodoxy in itself isn`t perfect so who are we to judge? Especially if we are aware that animosity between Orthodoxy and Catholicism isn`t our Slavic war but a war started by greedy Greeks and Italians.

So Russia must maneuver, and find a way to buy time for Poland`s politics to be able to move Poland from the line of fire. That is why Russia needs to be tolerant.

See, Poland don`t need to f*uck off. Poland needs to be wise, not to work against itself. The era of slavery is over. Things changed. Turks fell, AH fell, German reich fell, Constantinople fell, Rome fell, and Jews fell. Slave hunters are gone. Serbians are back and with every new day stronger. Poles are free to choose to align themselves with those who love them, Serbs and Hungarians. Poles don`t need to do fellacio neither to Russia, nor to western Europe. Poland only needs to work for Poland.

The northern dragon can arise free. Brate, we have many things to do. We must stop to serve strangers. That is what historical moment ask from us for our children. Its thanks to Russia. Why not admit it? But you don`t need even to admit it. Just accept the situation and live. We all have our moments of glory. The rest of us should be satisfied to not just survive but to have a chance to be free. No humiliation of Poland in it.

Pleeeaaase. Not this same bs again. hahahaha

You are old but there are new members. Children even, that needs guidance.
4 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

The cover for the strategic game Cossacks 3 : a Cossack on the left, Polish winged rider on he right

while both rode horses in Serbian fashion. Cossacks used Serbian loose light cavalry formation. Poles used the Serbian knee-to-knee light cavalry formation (bdw, same was used by USA Wild West army cavalry). By all military experts of the time and later was/is admitted that Serbians developed the best cavalry tactics in world history. In a split second, you could transform light cavalry into heavy cavalry simply by the fashion of riding, by moving from loose or close to tight knee-to-knee formation. That way even lightly armored riders form a wall of horses that besides the physical impact on the enemy also has an enormous mental/moral impact. The addition of wings to riders gave new special effects. In older times, our ancestors used dragon standards not just for moral purposes but also to be able to monitor the direction of the wind. It was essential for firing arrows.

Racowie, Sarmatian finest.

Role of Serbian medieval cavalry in the formation of Polish hussars >

3 Jan 2024
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

I don't know Crow. Poles are Northern people and Serbs are South, don't see much of a connection.

What was Europe in the past? We live in informative age, you have all on the net, did you bother to look?

Some 13.000-11.000 years ago 2 km thick ice in western, Central and Eastern Europe started to melt. Very slow process. At that time what was civilzation in Europe existed only on Balkan. Lepenski Vir culture (modern day Serbia, former Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria).

So what was Europe was Balkan. Now, take the map of the world and look how close is Balkan to Iran and India. See? When you look to Scandinavia, Balkan is practically center to Scandinavia and Iran/India.

Why I telling you this? To go out of the box. See, Ice age existed for many many thousends of years and Europe IE BALKAN population had to spread somwhere and that is why SANSKRIT was a Slavic language and that is why oldest Indian manuscripts and Rg Veda texts speaks of Srbinda (only European ethnic name mentioned ever by Rg Veda texts), being that was enemy to black Indra God. In short, with time and due to similar but still different reasons we got names such are Persia and Prusia. Name of Serbs goes with the name Ras. Its dualism under the scientific investigation. All in all many traces. Proved by science as small peaces of one bigger picture. From Balkan to Siberia and modern day Pakistan/India border existed oldest Sarmatian civilzation.

Now, when ice started to melt in Europe, the population from Balkan started to re-populate Europe. But not only from Balkan but from entire Sarmatian civlization.

Balkan-Baltic line was first backbone of civilzation in Europe. That is why name of Serbs in Europe survived solely there from Balkan Serbs, Molise Serbs, Lusatian Serbs, Kashubian Serbs. There was core and tradition was strongest. By all what I found on the net and sow, at the moment when Europe was entirely re-populated and Ice age completely gone that was maximum of old Sarmatian civlzation. In its farest extent Sarmats/Serbs covered entire Europe, Anatolia, Siberia, Kazahstan, etc, etc... Iran and Pakistan to Ind river and bordered with ancient Chinese. For the record, at that time 5.000 bc Black sea wasn`t sea but it was lake. Important fact for inteligent.

This my friend is European history. Only fraction of history of great Sarmatian civilzation.
3 Jan 2024
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Why Northern Serbs? Kashubs are

Because that`s how they called themsleves in the past. And they still know they are Serbs. Deep in themselves Poles also have meta-ethnicity. Many knows they are Sarmatians in origin. See, name of Sarmatians comes from the name of Serbs. That`s how Romans were able to pronounce it. When Franks expeled (killed, expeled and germanized) Sarmatians from the west of Europe `Limes Sorabicus` was formed to separate Germanized Sarmats from those who were free. In Europe, originally, Romans bordered only (!) with Sarmatians. Or take Britain. Picts/Scots. They were westernmost Sarmatians. But also builders of Stounhendge were Sarmatians. Its written that people of Sorbiodunum/Old Sarum/Salisbury built Stounhenge.

That Sarmatian line from Balkan to Baltic was first population in Europe after Ice age, and from that line not only Slavs originate but all what is White race. First, what was Europe was Balkan in its entirety and then also some parts of Spain and Crimea. Those were only zones ever excluded from glacial ices during Ice ages in Europe. West of Europe, Central Europe and great deal of Eastern Europe were covered with glacial ice 2 km thick. Absolute desolation. Anyway, all traces and scientific proofs confirms that after Ice age was over and ice started melting Europe was re-populated from Balkan along the Danube river. From Lepenski vir culture. By all we see in traces of Serbian name, it is quite clear that when population from Balkan moved to re-populate Europe, that population used to call itself Serbs. That is why many linguists and historical records speak of Serbian name as original name of all Slavs. But there is more to it but its another story...

Kashubs are a Pommeranian tribe

Pommeranian Slavs were Serbs.
3 Jan 2024
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

Good for who?

I hope for children of Poland, Belarus and all other Slavic children.

A force of evil that's for sure!

I think not. He told to Polish students even back in 2008 that Poland recognized Kosovo under pressure of NATO and EU partners, while he love Serbs. In other words, Tusk told to NATO and EU, and to public, that `red line` in pressure on Poland by NATO and EU do exist.

One needed to be brave to tell that at that moment. Also, to survive that, one needed to be holder of balance of interests.
3 Jan 2024
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German.

He is Kashub alright. Here on Balkan we know Kashubs as Northern Serbs, too.

Have in mind that complete Eastern Germany and complete Baltic were land of Serbs. Baltic was in past known as Oceanus Sarmaticus.

3 Jan 2024
Life / Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :) [99]

Crow, they should add you to "1670" - you're crazy enough ;D

Don`t talk like that Paulina. They doing it to themsleves by their suicidal policy. Not to say that we live in era when all artificial constructs of Drang Nach Osten tend to wanish.

That for sure.

3 Jan 2024
Life / Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :) [99]

...and Lithuanians..."

Lithuanians betrayed themselves and their ancestors so Lithuania is a failed state. As all Germanized puppet Baltic states. I see modern day territories of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia one day finish as part of Poland and Belarus and maybe even Russia.
3 Jan 2024
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

So brat Tusk won position of PM. Good. Good. Force is strong in him. Very good. He is good friend of Vucic. Northern Serbs- Kashubs, Balkan Serbs, Lusatian Serbs, we have especial vibe for each others. Its that old Sarmatian connection from Balkan to Baltic from such a deep past, from even before time when glacial ice in Europe started to melt and when Europe was again repopulated from Balkan ice age refugium. But its another story...




But sure, I would be man without honor, if I as a Serbian, complain on any political player in Poland. All were and still are, despite these increasingly crazy times, willing to allow (via Poland`s air space) import/transport of most heavy weaponry from Russia and Belarus to Serbia. Not to mention brat Corey Lewandowski (and Polish USA diaposra) that via his private company pump money to Bosnian Serbs that are under constant German, Islamic and Vatican pressure.

Anyway, I hope that brat Tusk won`t betray our trust in him. First, let us remove Poland from the line of fire.
3 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first

Wait. Wait till you get to Ukrainians. We see that right these days NATO, EU, awakened banderists, papacy and Zelenski tries to create Ukrainian nation. To finish the process. But its like carrot. Always escape to them. Even when they do it there won`t be Ukraine and subjects of experiment would get new suggestions who they are. As Freddy said, show must go on.
19 Oct 2022
History / Differences between Poland and Russia [43]

We live at a times of wonders. I clearly can feel energies clash above humanity. Good vs evil.

You shall all see! Before the end of this crisis, Poles and Russians will walk side by side. Its the final countdown.

The greater evil threatening whole of the Slavic ie Sarmatian realm. And then also the entire world.
16 Oct 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]



Golden girls - spectacular Serbia retained the world crown!

> b92.n../eng/news/headlines.php?yyyy=2022&mm=10&dd=15&nav_category=159&nav_id=114661

Serbia women's national volleyball team defended the title by winning the World Championship in the Netherlands, sweeping Brazil 3:0 (26:24, 25:22, 25:17).

16 Oct 2022
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

Nikola Tesla about Poles



In an interview to one of the best-known literary and art magazines of the period, "The Century Magazine" in 1894, Nikola Tesla, among other things, said:

Quote >

``Europe can never pay off a large debt owed to Serbs by heavy casualties, which they have succumbed to fighting barbaric intrusion. The Poles under Vienna completed what the Serbs could not do, and almost the same as these were rewarded for their services to civilization.``

source >
12 Oct 2022
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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