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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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27 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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27 Apr 2024
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

My venerable Russian brothers who are on this forum.

If I were Putin, I would drop a nuke on some western European country, for every BS said by some official of the Polish government, PM, or president. Only this way Russia can prove to be a decent world power. Only this is the way for us Slavs to prevent foreign meddling. And this is how we liberate Slavs under NATO and EU occupation.


They would start begging Poland`s officials to stop BS.
27 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

See, people like Lech Walesa would be first to escape when sh** start. His job would be done, and Poland would be on the way to ruination and oblivion, serving its purpose as canon fodder. So why would Walesa stay? No, he is used to luxury.

But, who knows, maybe he stay as Zelenski did. To secure his job is done to the very end. To the last Pole.
27 Apr 2024
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]


Polish-speaking government (so, not of Poland) hurry to join in Drang Nach Osten against Slavic civilization

I follow these days' stance of government that speaks in the name of Poles. To me, to most of us Serbs, throughout Polish history also known as Racowie, that government is just a Polish-speaking government. Usurpers. Puppets, that work for who knows whom, are ready to ruin Poland.

an article:

Ready for a major war with Putin: Deploy nuclear weapons

The Polish authorities are ready to deploy American nuclear weapons on their territory, Polish President Andrzej Duda said .

But not in silence! As a Serbian, I will point my finger at those traitors!

Oh, I expected more from Duda and Tusk. You two to distinguish the light of freedom in Poland? Light of independence. To officially create Poland by the Kanopisht. Country of slaves. Who are you two? Turning Poland into negation of itself. Into servants of Brussels and Rome. France. Germany. Turkey. Britain. The USA. NATO and EU. With banderists. With ustashe.

For Poland isn`t THAT.

Velika je Poljska and must be free!

Regards to sisters and brothers from Serbia! Resist! Protect children, defend Poland!
25 Apr 2024
News / Should Polonia and expat Poles lose voting rights in Polish elections? [74]

I hope Polonia gets more rights and brings more sanity to the policy of official Poland.

And thanks Polonia for all the money you sending to your brotherly and sisterly Serbians in that madhouse that is called Bosnia and Herzegovina! When freedom comes we will remember what Poles did for us.
8 Jan 2024
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]

Amazing. I see Lusatia and Galicia will be in Poland soon. Just that Russia push NATO out of Europe and create some maneuverable space to other Slavs.

Duda say "We are a nation that has lived here for more than 1050 years!".

Thanks for sharing this video. Duda said it nicely but, of course, we Slavs and Slavs in Poland, in particular, are much older civilization.
8 Jan 2024
History / Greatest Polish and Slavic scientists, their discoveries, inventions and achievements [27]

Great scientists (greater than Tesla) are the ones that come up with ONE correct (proven to work in long period if time) theory in lifetime. Einstain came up with FIVE!!!

All mathematics in Einstei`s theories were written by his wife Mileva Maric Einstain, a top ethnic Serbian mathematician. Einstein was a poor mathematician. Proof that he was scientifically incomplete. It tells much about his faltered IQ. On the other side, by being able to transform Einstain`s indeed great ideas into mathematics, Mileva Maric, his wife, proves itself as a rare and brilliant woman and human being, with a truly high IQ. So when Einstein said that Tesla was smarter than he is, you better believe it. Einstan was sincere here. Tesla was complete. He was a genius inventor, genius technician, and genius scientist. He himself made all the mathematical calculations and formulas for his ideas.

On top of it all, as a man, Einstein can`t be even compared to Tesla. You know how Einstain rewarded his wife Mileva Maric Einstain, that literally made him glorious? Well, see, Einstain abandoned his wife and their two children and escaped to live with his sister. Later, he turned back to her, too, falling in love with the daughter of his sister.
5 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

Ukrainians were in the process of artificial and sponsored formation of the nation. Russia ended the process. Rightfully, so. If were able, Poles and Serbs would themselves react. Do you think that USA or Germany or France or Britain or Vatican ... all have bigger right to have to say somethning, while Poles, Russians and Serbs don`t have that right.
5 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

Today`s Ukrainians are former Ruthenians.

They are NOT. Today`s Ukrainians do now exist as Ukrainians. Slavs of Ukraine are Ruthenians, Russians, Poles, and Serbs in origin.
5 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]


Russia was not only forced to intervene in Ukraine but obliged. If the process of forming artificial nations from Slavs, by outsiders, further escalated, it would destroy the Slavic world. Look Balkan. From Serbs, we get `Croats, `Bosniaks`, `Montenegreens` and `Northern Macedonians.` Why they doing that? To increase the level of control over Serbs and at the same time slowly annihilate Serbs. Later, this process of Serb's segmentation, as seen here in the region, always ends in germanization of these segments, where germanization represents the tool of the Vatican and Germanics sword of the Vatican. Fortunately, times changed, and the Serbs strenghten and reverse the process, influencing their separated segments.

BDW, among naturally formed Slavic peoples, together with Serbs, Poles, Russians, Czechs, Slovaks, and Bulgarians also goes Slovenians.
5 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

It is Russians who consist of Ukrainians and Ruthenians.

Of Ruthenians probably, but not from Ukrainians. Term Ukraine in the region was introduced by Serbian refugees who came to the region when the Ottomans invaded. The original term is `Krajina`. Meaning, the bordering region, back then originally referred to Russia. Because Serbs settled and formed two states in what was the Russian Empire. So, Krajina was a bordering region of Russia. Later, Russified term became `U-Krajina - Ukrajina` and kept same meaning.

So, you can say Rus came to be from Ruth. Eventually, because for all we know the original term was maybe Rod, Ras, Ros or Rac and always followed with some form of Serb name. It`s that phenomenon of dualism. But it's irrelevant. Russians are people formed on their own, spontaneously. Non from outside sponsored or financed formation of Rus. The same is with Serbs, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, and Bulgarians. Those are Slavic peoples that today exist. They suffered outside influences but they are formed as people in a natural process.

Ukraine as the state is a direct product of the political and military pressure of outsiders onto the Slavic world.
5 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

I am focused on Ukrainians.

Poles and Russians are people. Ukrainians are or were a nation in formation, consisting of Russians, Poles, and Serbs. Of Ruthenians, too, but we can`t be sure how much they were unique Slavic ethos and how much product of AH social experiments so they themselves aren`t sure (I know, I had on in primary school, very good friend of mine). If you ask me, AH meddling destroyed Rythenianm potential (if they were unique Slavic people) or destroyed their chance to become unique Slavic people.

So, it's alright for you to focus on Ukrainians but you should know some historical facts and be aware that others around Ukraine have to say something because if someone creates (for its own intersts) a Ukrainian nation it attacking the history and interests of some unique existing Slavic people. In other words, if the process was spontaneous, without AH, without the Vatican, without western Europe, Ukraine wouldn`t even exist. Just, bigger Poland and bigger Russia. Or, we would also have, not Ukraine but Ruthenia. Smaller the what was Ukraine but, still. See?
5 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

Exactly. Ukrainians are former Ruthenians. They have lived in the area for centuries. Even a millenium.

Millenium? We can easily say since the beginning of time. But what do you think about how Russians came to be? Do you think that Russians fly? Our Sarmatian (if you want, complete White race) civilization was spreading (just now speaking of Europe) in concentric circles from Balkan, around Lepenski Vir (around 11.000 BC) and Vinca culture (7.000 BC) along rivers, how glacial ice melted. So, with time, speaking of East Europe now, Yamnaya culture (around 3.000 BC) appeared as one among the offspring of Vinca culture. Later, the ancestors of Ruthenians came to be as an offspring of Yamnaya culture. More later, more offspring and Rus and Kievan Rus came to be. And, so on..
5 Jan 2024
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

People, Germany is in deep sh*t. Karma is ku*va and coming for them. If wise, Poland can relatively easily annex the entire Eastern Germany, in the near future.
5 Jan 2024
Life / Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :) [99]

I thought there was a bit of Serb in each of us... and a bit of Neanderthal.

In Dinaric Serbs (tallest and most robust Europoids, two types- robust and gracial- for example, Nikola Tesla was gracial Dinaric Serbian) is the biggest preservation of Neanderthal genetics. To those who don`t know, Neanderthals are confirmed to be the first Whites (their skin was pale) and the first human inhabitants of Europe that we know of. And they were not other species of humans but humans accommodated to life conditions in cold climates. By the science, Neanderthals came in contact with newcoming humans that appeared in Europe from Anatolia (out of Africa theory). They wared and they mixed.

By some sources, during WWII, Hitler ordered experiments with most yellow-haired German woman and Serbian Dinarics picked among imprisoned Serbian officers. Many woman was inseminated.
5 Jan 2024
Life / Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :) [99]

It's the same, yes and no. The term Sarmatians was first invented because Greeks/Romans were not able to pronounce `Srb` form of Sarmatian name with which they were first in contact. Then,... Serbs of Shtokavian linguistic dialect (designate them as Balkan Serbs). Roman provinces of Ilirya, Dalmatia, Moesia, and Panonnia. Minimum. So old chronicles even speak of Serbs Serbs in the sense of real Serbs, core Serbs, overlords to other Slavs/Serbs. And Serbs in a wide sense and that all Slavs come from Serbs. Very true historically valid recording. Then, later, after the Roman empire collapsed, when European politics became more complicated name Sarmatians was used to replace name of Serbs (it was official politics involved in science), and then also started stating how Slavs aren`t Sarmatians and how are Slavs newcomers to Europe. This view comes with the ideology of Drang Nach Osten.

Still, it's one episode of the series, maybe they mention Serbs till the end. That is if the series is historically accurate. Because the complete doctrine of horse riding that is the focus of the series originates from Balkan Serbs. Not to mention that at that time, in these events in series, Serbs from the Balkan did rode with Poles. And in many other occasions.
5 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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4 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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