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Posts by sobieski  

Joined: 1 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 106 / Live: 95 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 2118 / Live: 1951 / Archived: 167
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Good
Interests: Polish culture and history, cooking

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20 Sep 2013
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

Another stupid thread.

For somebody throwing around abuses, you are mightily involved in the topic.
For me the cases are really very bad. In my native Flemish we do not really have them - except in some old-time texts. What baffles me big time how numbers are also affected by cases.
20 Sep 2013
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

I came across this entertaining blog:

Extremely Hard: The hardest language to learn is: Polish - Seven cases, Seven genders and very difficult pronunciation. The average English speaker is fluent in their language at the age of 12, in contrast, the average Polish speaker is fluent in their language after age of 16.


I am curious about the views of my fellow non-native-Polish speakers.
19 Sep 2013
News / Poland to appeal to ECJ - Ex-USSR republics might be late [4]

The point is that Poland is going to appeal to ECJ and to the government of Lithuania with request of returning Wilnorejonowa to Poland.

Which Poland?
The usual suspects (Torq, Iron, P3) creep up with the most funny postings.
Breslau and Stettin for anybody here?
17 Sep 2013
Life / Why foreigners in Poland do not respect Poland's culture and traditions? [68]

But after all, Serbs don`t feel like foreigners in Poland.

Poles do think you are foreigners, big time; Or maybe I have the wrong kind of Polish friends? The ones who watch TVN24, Polsat News...the ones who read GW...the ones who think Rydzyk is a crooked businessman disguised as a short the majority here in Warsaw?

My colleagues at work do not associate Serbia with Europe.
14 Sep 2013
Life / Why foreigners in Poland do not respect Poland's culture and traditions? [68]

Maybe leniency and hospitality Poles extend to foreigners lull them into the false sense of self-importance and they simply do not care about Polish culture and traditions.

Fyi Poles do not extend hospitality to EU foreigners. These people live here, pay taxes, some of them (including me) vote in local and European elections.

Poles in my native Antwerp integrate far less in Belgium as Belgians here in Warsaw. But this you as a PolAm probably do not know :)
13 Sep 2013
Work / IT Project Manager moving to Krakow Area? [6]

Business Process Outsourcing. Type in Google BPO and Poland.
Companies such as CapGemini, Accenture, Infosys (although Infosys is in £ódż)
CapGemini is in Katowice.
6 Sep 2013
Travel / Warsaw Chopin Airport Exchange [7]

so I saw the exchange at airport

Is there any airport in the world (or railway station) which offers a good deal on currency exchange? Don't think so.
2 Sep 2013
Study / Private Universities vs Public Universities in Poland [31]

I would personally stay away from those so called "English-language" programs organized in Poland just to attract Third World students.

Exactly. They are doing business - nothing to do with education - on the fact that these "students" are hoping to get a foothold into Europe. See all the postings here from Turks, Pakistanis, Indians, Jordanians...asking about residence and working permits...And applying for for example maritime studies in Gdynia.
1 Sep 2013
Travel / Poles the worst-dressed tourists in the world? [25]

It is only a poll, but an amusing one.

Where from do they get the idea the British are among the best-dressed in the world? No offence, but the British I see in Warsaw...

And why the Poles are the worst-dressed tourists? That decoration goes to the Dutch for me.
1 Sep 2013
Food / Using Polish cooking books in an English version? [16]

I find American recipes to be a bit of a challenge because of measurements given in 'cups'.

Flemish cookery books quote in measurements, e.g. 110 ml, 250 g....Whereas they explain somewhere which measurement contains what...for example a teaspoon is so much, a glass is so much....

I find Polish recipes on the whole (and I do like Polish cuisine) very time-consuming, elaborate, and lacking the use of half-products.
1 Sep 2013
Food / Using Polish cooking books in an English version? [16]

But for you, why not try a Polish language book?

I think using cooking books in any other language as your own is per definition is a challenge. I have a few Nigella Lawson's at home and Jamie as well, but I admit they are more for reading and getting inspiration. That being said and done, that guy Strybel does not have an inkling how to write a proper cooking book which actually works.
31 Aug 2013
Food / Using Polish cooking books in an English version? [16]

Rather a combination of bad recipe structure - I wonder whether that Strybel guy even tried the recipes - and the language.
Of course we have at home the classic Polish cooking books. Nasza Kuchnia...
Harry, I think I am talking fluently in Polish, but analysing kitchen recipes is another matter.
The "unworkable" part comes from my wife. She is doing the Polish cooking in our home. She thinks that Strybel guy writes like an idiot
31 Aug 2013
Food / Using Polish cooking books in an English version? [16]

Does anyone of your non-Polish guys ever tried to to use a Polish cooking book in an English version?
I came across a horrible example - Polish Heritage Cookery by a guy named Roger Strybel. Not only very bad-written but also unworkable

Are there any better examples which actually promote cooking?
25 Aug 2013
Law / How do I arrange a Dowód Osobisty / ID card in Poland? [10]

I'm a polish foreigner moving to Poznan in september

Which country do you come from originally?

can someone give me addresses ?

You do not speak Polish?

I have a polish passport

How did you obtain a Polish passport?