The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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28 Jul 2022
History / Polish patriotism - through the ages [25]

Ive had some personal life problems lately, had to break up with my fiancee. Ill get back to it when I can
24 Jul 2022
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

Jesus is against those who perform wickedness in the name of the good or the bad. After all he is the fullfillment of the old testament, not it's destroyer. Which many people very wrongly excuse their mentality
23 Jul 2022
UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland? [150]

@johnny reb
Poland has every reason to not trust any political statesman, foreign or own...

That's a thing many americans have in common with Poles, Americans from experience/Logic/ideology regarding being opressed by a British monarch in the past.

Poles by foreign statesmen ruling badly/invading Poland/betraying Poland/breaking alliances in critical moments (due to them thinking they can get away with it, basically like stealing Aztec Gold in Pirates of the Carrabean).

And recently "Polish" communist statesman who tricked a lot of Poles in thinking their ruling and government had anything to do with Poland. (Which is why commies from Kremlin put them there! Duh!)

And the after effects are what they are, very critical and scrutinious view of politicians. Own or foreign, it might Please an American to read it but, it's damned bad situation. Prospectively wise so far
21 Jul 2022
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

Cause they lacked understanding of how society works, now we suffer the effects depopulated elites in Europe.

Comparing societies pre and past WW1 one can see it very clearly. Best example is Germany, how it turned out in it's rawest form when exchanging elitists with volkists.

Catastrophic, managers without tradition and brutish, people don't know what they have or what is best for them.

Cheering for another Ceaser figurehead only makes me feel sorry for them, us and mankind
21 Jul 2022
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

Darling, you don`t need to instert that Kremlin propaganda everywhere.

I automatically assume any atheist thinking, dogma, mentality has it's origin in the French revolution or Soviet revolution due to their petty, vengeful and blind rage towards the clerical establishment that was/is/allways will be against them.

For the same reason my brotherhood is almost gone, have a very hard time living and finding like minded people and know very well which forces would like to burn me at the stake, guilotined or shot in the back of the head or any of my ancestors or future off spring. Simply cause: I cannot exist within their mindset, everything I am and have become is thanks to God.

By being atheistic, it's automatically dismesses said gifts.

And if there is anything dislike the most is ungratefulness. Atheists are per definition ungrateful for their lives

Religious wars had very little to do with Poland. Am I going astrey?

The closest Poland got to religious wars were fighting pagan raiders and Ottomon campaings, Polish knights barely partook in the crusades due to lack of mead
21 Jul 2022
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

And which data are those? Kremlin propaganda factory?

We are comparing it to many more casuelties you know

Either way, everyone seeking God are welcome in to Poland. After all, one of the reasons for freedom in Poland is to be able to practice freedom granted by God without persecution.

Something a lot of forces would like to twist and change
21 Jul 2022
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

Said each side of religious wars in which millions were massacred. :):):)

If you compare all the wars in the world through time, religious once were the least occurring. And that's in the thousands, not millions. It didn't live that many people in the past

Most wars are done and performed by secular statesman, not by clergy.

Your misinforming the public
21 Jul 2022
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

There is only one right God, any other "choice" always leads to damnation.

Everything else is a distraction to test us as humankind of our faith in God.

When somebody shows that they think other options exist or are possible. It's an issue with faith, not that one vies religion as a supermarket
21 Jul 2022
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

You are acting as if the Spanish Inquisition and scale was quite present in Poland. Yet burnings at the stake wasn't that widespread in Poland. (Certainly not now either)

But yeah, people like you seem to willingly choose eternal, carnal fires. Which boggles the mind

Heretics were also burned during the reformation, Protestants burned catholics too.

You can read up on English king during reformation and about one of his close legal aides. Refusing to acknowledge the king of England as head of the English church.
21 Jul 2022
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Your acting as if Saddam Hussain was never at war with Iran or Kuwait :)

It's the fault of dictators and their sick societies who can't function normally without a whip, now their doing everything in their might so that the west "also" uses the whip as to say: that there is no difference.

Take responsibility for your own lives!!!

Their just blaming others tfu
19 Jul 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

Obie strony mają rację, Polska strona bo Polska część tego kawałka ziemia w swojej opiece i póki Polski żołnierz stoi na granicy, to zagraniczne państwa mają tylko to do powiedzenia co Polska będzie tolerowała w zamian za tolerowanie swoich zagranicznych potrzeb.

A strona Żydowska ma ten mankament że musi spodziewać się ataków terrorystycznych, porwania i jest wyczulona pod kątem ochrony swoich obywateli (i nawet tych którzy nie są jej obywatelami ale z łatwością mogły by nimi się stać)

Żydzi czuli się bezpiecznie w Polsce przed zaborami, w czasach zaborów zapomniano i wspychło Polskę i Polaków na śmietnik historii (tak wydaje się być po ich zachowaniu podczas rozbiorów i tuż po rozbiorze) czyniąc myśl że Polska po pierwszej wojnie światowej jest krótkotrwałą istotą, podobnie jak stosunek Polski do państwa Czechosłowackiego, i Czechosłovaci do istnienia Polski.

Nie bez powodu Żydzi używali prędzej Yidish niż języka Polskiego między sobą, i uznawali Niemców za bardziej cywilizowanych od Polaków (co większość Europy uważała/uważa)

Jest to oczko frustracji i zdenerwowania dla każdego Polaka patrzącego na Niemców zwłaszcza pod kątem drugiej wojny światowej gdzie Polak widzi to za niemożliwe aby Polska przeprowadziła holokaust, zwłaszcza że na własną rękę gościła społeczność żydowską przez ponad tysiąc lat. A większość Europejczyków i Amerykanów zachowują się jakby sami mogli tego też dokonać pod kątem ludzkiego mechanizmu społecznego które było używane w Niemczech po pierwszej wojnie światowej, co na ironię losu Rosjanie dzisiaj prędzej kopiują dzisiaj i są tym inspirowane!

A jako że Polska przegrała wojnę obronną w 1939 i nie potrafiła powstrzymać holocaustu i mordów własnej ludności (z punktu widzenia państwowego)

To właśnie takie wycieczki są nieufne państwowym Polskim służbom, zwłaszcza jak mają informację o pogromach po drugiej wojnie światowej i uznawają rządy PRL za 100% Polskie podczas ignorowania faktów tamtych czasów (bo nie pasuje do narracji).

Jeszcze dodając negatywne doświadczenia Polaków z kontaktem z stroną żydowską i negatywne doświadczenia Żydowskie z Polakami, które obie strony wyolbrzymiają, podchodzi do tego bardzo uczuciowo i obie strony czują się zranione i usprawiedliwione w swoim zachowaniu.
17 Jul 2022

Purpose of tanks (originally) was to breach fortified positions of the enemy (during world war 1).

Nowadays it seems it's being constructed to counter other tanks to a larger degree, while becoming focused on range to a larger degree and offensive capabilities instead of staying a modern sieging ram as it was intended originally.

(A fast moving cannon has it's use, but shouldn't be used as a battering ram. Especially a very expensive one)

While there are lot of cheaply produced weapons and tools countering it. (Explains the success of less developed countries using easily cheaply produced equipment, while being highly motivated to undergo tremendous suffering to beat the enemy).

While U.S.A was heavily depending on support from France and Spain in the revolutionary war to counter a significant navy and masses of line infantry.

Any massing of units in one place, risks a nuclear warhead attack, which is why smaller combat units are more preffered.

The more irregular, and less easily hacked systems are being used the better (especially decentralised systems against an enemy with superb hacking possibilities)

If Russians hack one Ukrainian system among thousands, it has small significance.

If 1 centralized Russian system get hacked, Ukrainians have access to everything, and can use it everywhere

One of the main key sucesses of German Wehrmacht was highly trained and motivated under-officers (Seargents etc) and low ranking officers (lieutenants, captains) given a general plan of action and trusting them with handling the situation until reinforcements were needed, while having as much communication as possible.

While more loyalist corrupted armies tend to wait with performing anything until a order is given from higher ranking officers, useally too late and wrong orders due the threat it's meant to handle has become outdated.

Macro managers trying micromanage vs micromanagers trying to micromanage.
17 Jul 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [169]

It's like saying: "Fu** the police! They can go do whatever! Do their job! Handcuff me! Handcuff you! Arrest criminals! Arrest innocent bystanders! I don't give a ****!

You better tell em what needs to be done cause you clearly care! I do not! Now leave me alone! Don't want to hear about them!"

Kind of, emotional outburst to say the least
16 Jul 2022
History / Sensational : the biblical Philistines - were they Slavic people? [8]

they must have come from somewhere. And they would have lived there and speak some language

This truly is sensational!

Ludzie podejdzcie (aby) na to (po to by/powidzieć/pozobaczyć) (zobaczyć) widzieć.

This is amasing
16 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

I actually disagree, I haven't heard that Russia is so good at producing fertelizers. Biological or not. Wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine was even better at making crap to grow more wheat!
16 Jul 2022
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [124]

It is predictable, young teenagers are rebellious and aggressive (especially young men filled with too much testosterone men, why you think testosterone reducing attempts are done worldwide? ;) ) and push boundaries to assert their position within society (as they have none or very low).

Instead of creating jobs, increasing possibilities of creating workspace most are very easily put in jails until their testosterone period has lowered itself (why you think there are women who want to "save" testosterone filled men right?).

So a as teenagers are like that to create their own nest, build a family, have kids, the worlds makes every attempt to jail, punish, restrict or send them out in droves for mass slaughter against each other. (As part of competition of access to wider pool of by effect single lonely women and less men owning produced goods+land)

It's not without reason that a lot of top hierarchies with the business world want to recruit as many single women in to their companies, pushing hedonism onto them to lessen competition, lowering amount of humans giving birth.

It's just disgusting, yet the church is to fear? Give me a break here
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

One doesn't change the world by control, as human beings it won't help to deceive one's self that oneself is a God. No matter how hard a guy tries, God is God, humans are humans. A guy has no chance of achieving anything without God
14 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

How would you react if there were people cutting guilotines from being used, even as far as killing henchmen?

Lack of unity and living lies threatens Christianity, I ask again... why do you bother with the church?
14 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

And you are not despicable but rather fanatical.

Better be fanatical, living in truth and siding with the church, then living in lies, blaspheming and downgrading what can't be downgraded as only God can rule the church, no matter what you write or think, same with any emperor or ignorants/critics.

The church has a divine right to evangelise, meaning performing missionary work, especially where it's lacking. It's called being responsible, and you can keep your BS greed/materials propaganda too yourself.

Nobody is forcing you to give the church anything, far from it.

And if personal sacrifice is such a foreign concept to you. Why do you even bother about what the church is doing?
14 Jul 2022
News / Lukashenko - removes graveyard - AK resistance fighters [51]

According newspaper regarding Polish army, there are unofficial information about Lukashenko preparing to do the same with graveyard of soldiers that died in the Polish-Soviet war...

That scumbag needs to be taught a lesson soon, he has no self reflection, obviously missing a vital part of his brain
14 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Your hatred towards the church is appaling, just as your paranoid mind basing your convictions on poor knowledge.

Teutonic order was created for the purpose of escorting pilgrims to the Holy land (just like other crusader orders).

After the drawbacks of crusades in holy land they relocated to Hungary, then to Masovia. So at first it was created with the purpose of defending pilgrims and not the destruction of slavs...

Also with regard to religion, your mixing politics into it. You are disregarding the religious element of it, leading to failure of understanding the problem of having a non-religious leader deciding religious doctrine (abusing it = not keeping himself to the truth)

It all correlates with your lack of faith in catholics being filled with the holy ghost, which a clear indication of you not being a christian. So with your anti-church attitude it is very clear who you serve and what your aim is, destruction of mankind and opposing God, Gods creation and Gods gift to mankind.

If you think that Orthodox and Catholics can live side by side forever, it means your aim is not salvation of mankind nor positively looking on the church spreading it's faith and influence and again wishes ill and damnation of as many humans as possible to hell.

You are despicable
12 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

I mean Tsardom of Russia agreed to partition Poland, Soviet Union partitioned Germany, why would Russian Federation be against splitting up it's country? I thought it was type of politics Russians generally support
11 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Around 27 million*

As long as Poland was outside of NATO, and a large Chunk of Germany was in it. That threat would had been valid.

Now Poland and Germany are part of same military alliance and western-Poland+Kaliningrad would only be for purpose of semantics+nostalgia.

Not to mention, potsdam agreement was broken few years later after signing it due to Soviet interference and not having free and fair elections (leading to a cold war).

After Soviet Unions collapse even among eastern NATO members, NATO infrastructure was horribly small. Insignificant and served only as a free-earning meat shield for the west.

Now that Russian Federation not only broke it's promise of guaranteeing Ukraines independence (state of Ukraine, not Kremlin loyalists) for nuclear disarmament. But also seeks to annex Ukraine, gloves are off and all earlier understandings are scratched due to Kremlin scratching theirs.

Which surprised Washington and most western leaders and gave Warsaw a lot more influence then ever before.

Now any truce/peace/understanding will difficult without Warsaw. Yet it also provides chance for Kremlin to sign a lasting agreement with Poland. (Especially it's right-wing factions, Russian Federation have mostly come to an understanding with the left wingers of solidarity).

If Russia plays it's cards smart, Russia could create something more terrifying and challenging then when Prussia created Germany.

It choose to end up like Prussia losing a war to Denmark, or be victorious over France and creating Germany. Metaphorically speaking.

It would require statesmanship however, and Putin is a tactician, not a strategist.

He is good at performing snub operations (Crimean operation of green men)

But, something of the magnitude of Bismarch/Catherine? You would have to be joking
11 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Rusophobia would be if they were arguing for the destruction of Russia due to it being a threat to the state of Panama.

No matter what you call what Russian military is doing in Ukraine... It's not phobia

It's very real and rational, not irrational
11 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

russians suffer from collective narcisisstic wound exacerbated by putin for 20 years

Only things Russian Federation is superior in anything is it's landmass. (Largest state on the globe, so if any state is to be re-sized and downgraded it's Russian federation)

Gas production and alcohol production&trafitions.

If Russians think they feel superior like after Napoleonic wars or ww2... Surprise!!! Their losing to Ukraine.

Russia acts like that teenager girl drama queen who lost her following and attention and screams like crazy around her and points fingers at the newer popular girl, which only makes herself look worse.

Behaving same way as when she had more power and influence (which still was despicable but could get away with it)

Rabbit is out of the hat