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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Dec 2013
Threads: Total: 76 / Live: 12 / Archived: 64
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From: USA
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22 Dec 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

We call ourselves yanks, gringos, americanos and do we really care? I think its the Polish people who think everybody is picking on them that have a problem with being call a Polak.

That's the stupidest thing i've ever heard call an Italian a Wop, Irish a Mick, Hispanic Spick if you're not that ethnicity see if they wont get offended, my bro-in-law is Italian American some guy said shut up you f-in Wop to him i thought he was gonna kill him. It's derogatory as is Pollack, they're not saying it to be nice.
21 Dec 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

Is Polka also derogatory? Everybody in Poland is a Polak, you have a problem with that?

When speaking English Pollack/Polak/Polack however it's spelled is always derogatory. Only when you're speaking Polish or Russian or Ukrainian or in other Slavic languages where Polak mean a Pole or Polish person it's ok.
21 Dec 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

Yeah, Admin because of his refusal of returning our Avatars! lol

Yes i miss my Avatar, the forum looks lame without them.
15 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

"intellectual center of Europe"

Firstly i said Warsaw was the cultural center of Europe before the war. Secondly who the hell Ukraine has that can compare to scientists and discoverers like Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Copernicus, Stefan Drzewiecki, Ignacy Lukasiewicz. Writers Adam Mickiewicz, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Stanislaw Lem, film directors Andrzej Wajda, Roman Polanski. Moron. The problem with Ukrainians is they see things like they'd like them to be, not how they were or are twisting the truth.
14 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Why does my 18yr old cousin who was born in the states speak perfect polish yet she cannot say a sentence without inserting English words?

If a child is born in the States parents have to force him to speak Polish at home, it's the only place he will, his friends all speak English, in school everyone speaks English to him. It has to be the first language and continue to be into the teenage years.
14 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

However, I could agree that the first generation of Poles abroad are Polish, but I will never agree that people, whose grandparents emigrated to America are Polish. They've never lived here, they were born abroad and thye use words like "busha" - no, they are not Polish.

I think that's acceptable. busha? anyone who says something dumb like that should just shut up, they're making themselves look bad if you can't speak Polish don't. I've lived in Poland till i was 9 and since i read in Polish daily i speak it perfectly.
14 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

what is it polish you have to live in poland your whole life and "feel the pain" with the rest of the poor shlubs out here in order to be truly polish?

HAHA good one. Like i said before it's childish playground jealousy nothing else
14 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Dżoana Krupa is not really Polish, her accent is awful

She just said her name in English that's all, and if i can speak English with an American accent and Polish with a Polish one that don't make me Polish too??
14 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I feel saddened to hear that some think that because I was taken from Poland as a young child that I am no longer polish

Don't worry what Dolphin says, I guess Joanna Krupa is no longer Polish but American since she's been living here since she was 5 years old,i'm sure America wouldn't mind accepting her lol.

13 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Ukraine has plenty of culture. It's a shame that someone like you is so backwards (and obviously, the child of peasants that ran away to America - are your parents actually legally there?) that you can't appreciate it.

Who do you know that has lived in the Ukraine?? I know a Russian scientist personally who moved from Russia to the Ukraine after the Chernobyl disaster he was one of many scientists over there. He lives here in the States now and has said in Russia and Poland there are theaters, operas, the arts, cafes there is culture nothing like that in the Ukraine. Someone who's an intellectual who's interested in those type of things said that.
13 Dec 2010
Law / Zloty lifts Poland's Economy [43]

Don't give up the zloty

that's what i've been saying for the longest, if it ain't broke don't fix it. No need for the Euro and other countries troubles to bring Poland down. The British are obviously the only smart ones in western Europe keeping the pound.
13 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Any facts to explain your amusement?

Parts of Ukraine belonged to Poland before the war, during the Commonwealth times 3/4 of Ukraine was Polish, Warsaw was the center of culture in Europe before the was, what did Ukraine have and what does it have today? no culture, no sovereignty, no money, so what exactly is amusing you Nathan? :-))))
4 Dec 2010
News / Polish Miracle-Die Welt [12]

The Polish miracle

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said this week a couple of remarkable contrasts. "Poland's streets were for decades a symbol of what we had failed." The name of his country they had previously associated with "disorder, poverty and disability." Tusk could go even further: "The Polish economy" and "Polish parliament" were - at least in older German dictionaries - synonyms for mismanagement and anarchy.

And now this: The head of government of a country that had established themselves in recent centuries in the loser and victim is almost permanently down, and announced what has been done over the last three years. 6000 km roads should be in office, constructed or renovated, not a bad plan, says Tusk, but now one of Peile already 8000th This new 180 km highway - for a country with almost no motorways modest, but a start. 44 stations were being modernized, not to mention the provincial airports - here Tusk praised especially the East Polish Rzeszow, which now has a direct connection to New York.

But not enough. In 2006 only 40 percent of children had had a nursery place, now some 125 000 had been newly created, and in two years will be at 80 percent his. "Practically every day," arises somewhere in the province of a new sports facility for children and young people. Even the National Health Service - now a sore point - hopefully one day will be "at European level". Anyway: The prime minister was one of the successes that Poland is the pressure of a "global lobby" (he meant the drug companies) stood as the only country in the world bought a swine flu vaccine and keep at the end so opinionated.

And so on and so forth: the abolition of conscription, withdrawal from Iraq, have begun construction of LNG terminals, planning the first nuclear power plant, successful privatization policy, good absorption of EU funds. Even the unexpected problems the last two years had survived the country: the financial crisis, the flooding in the summer, their losses totaled 0.8 percent of gross domestic product, and the crash of government aircraft in the spring. "The Polish democracy, the state, citizens have passed their test."

This all smells a little to the election campaign and may it be. On Sunday, the city and municipal councils, mayors and regional parliaments (Sejmik) elected. Surprises are expected? Actually, only one: Most of the town fathers and mothers can, especially in major cities, expect their re-election. Poland's cities and regions, not least because of EU accession, financially and psychologically experienced a major boost. Tusk presented itself during his speech before a wall full of photos that showed all Polish sites. Whether all these projects are specifically credited to his government, it is debatable, but one thing is indisputable: by Poland has been a move, the country is advancing with giant strides.


This showed the Prime Minister and humility is not his team have these opportunities, "as they arise in a thousand years, only once" created. But can it help she wanted. The window of opportunity is narrow: Poland had a "middle way" to go between necessary spending restraint on the one hand and a dynamic investment policy on the other, "without falling into the debt spiral in which more than half of EU countries is now added. And the window could close it quickly. Everyone knows in Warsaw: If the political mistakes of the one and national self-interest of others in the EU to continue further, Poland could fall into the role of the weeping third parties. The flow of EU funds could one day be much thinner.

Chancellor Angela Merkel advertises these days with an ad: No country has survived the crisis as well as Germany. With all due respect: This time, the often underestimated neighbors to the east have the edge. "Catch up Europe before Tusk announced in his speech as the target. No kidding: Poland is on the way there.
2 Dec 2010
Language / Polish Proverbs (American style?) [20]

what's the name of the show i don't think i've even watched this? He played a Polish American?
1 Dec 2010
Love / Polish women are complicated. Why? [51]

Why are polish women complicated?
have no ambition and sit and watch TV or Top Modlee/Mam Talen..

I think you got your nationalities mixed up
30 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

If we're all the same then why do some look down on others and protect what is theirs(material possessions, borders, national pride etc) so badly????. People point fingers saying they're "unjust, racist, selfish, paranoid " i wonder what those doing the pointing would say if they were on the defensive end. When the talk is about other nations and their possessions everyone is a liberal, funny.
29 Nov 2010
Life / Welcome to winter in Poland! (-19C tomorrow) [64]

I remember the winter of 2001/2002 in Poland when it was -20 a month straight -25 to 27 over night, in the eastern part of Poland with strong winds, great weather for vodka.

  • vodka_Pol.jpg
29 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

What about my wife that spent her whole life in Poland but is now moving to America with me in January? Will she then become "Plastic"?

Like my father who left Poland in his thirties who has a strong Polish accent

I haven't lived in America in 4 years, thus, haven't paid any income tax.

Yea according to him you're probably no longer an American
29 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

another 3 years and I'll be entitled to apply for Polish citizenship.

You're one of those people that imagines things to be a certain way and believes them. So what? you'll BECOME a citizen over time, you're a foreigner who moved to Poland, i was born a citizen and am of Polish blood and you'll think once you get your citizenship and live there you'll be more Polish than i am ?????? don't make me laugh. You must have some kind of issues with yourself with belonging there to even start a thread like this one.
29 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

But what do you know about Poland today? Nothing.

since i came here i've been back to Poland 8 times each time for 2 or 3 months, you just presumed that i havnt been there in 20 yrs.

Sorry, another 3 years and I'll be entitled to apply for Polish citizenship

I was born a citizen

American Polonia "Polacks" because that's what they are - they're certainly not Polish!

What YOUR theory on the meaning of that word is and what it means in reality are two completely different things. Its an American term, for Polish people all Polish people, specifically they mean Polish people who came from Poland or are in Poland NOT Polish Americans, who have assimilated and been educated there, they mean dumb Pollacks from Poland, like the ones who came here in the 1920's with no education.

you're just a Plastic Polack who is only Polish when it suits him.

Tell me, what would you do if America and Poland went to war? Would you come and fight for Poland?

And you're still a dumb f**k, of course i would in a heart beat, Plastic? you probably can't even speak or language well so shut up
28 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Anyway, you don't even live in Poland, so what makes you qualified to comment?

Me being Polish by blood and birth qualifies me.

You're just another Plastic Pole who eats kielbasa and thinks that he's a patriot.

You're not a Pole anyway you can look at it and never will be, EU "citizen".

And guess what - I like Polish culture and her history.

But you come on here and talk about Polish people call them Pollacks, get your head checked. Let me guess ur situation, you moved to Poland they don't wanna give you a job cause you're a foreigner, can't get no girl there cause you're ugly and so you come here and take your frustration out, getting close??