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Posts by sobieski  

Joined: 1 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 106 / Live: 95 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 2118 / Live: 1951 / Archived: 167
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Good
Interests: Polish culture and history, cooking

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12 Oct 2013
Law / International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu? [54]

The word "Nigeria" tells it all, doesn't it? In Western Europe we do know what this means. Maybe that is why you did not apply for a place at a university in the UK for example?

Still it does not explain why you feel the urgent need to go to Norway, and feel offended the Norwegians might agree with me and will stop you at the border. And why didn't you apply for a tourist visa with the Norwegian embassy in Warsaw? Because the word "no" would appear as fast as you could complete the application form?

And why did you apply to "study" in Poland of all places? Oil and gas...the UK is much better situated for that....I wonder how much it costs to "study" in Poland at a private "university". Maybe you could give an idea what you are "studying"? Maybe the subject "how to to get into the EU" ?
12 Oct 2013
Work / Average IT salary in Poland [60]

Can anybody tell me why there is an invasion of Indian IT people into Bydgoszcz, and this for salaries well above Polish ones?
I thought typical BPO cities were £ódż and Katowice?
10 Oct 2013
Law / International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu? [54]

Your story has holes as big as in an emmental cheese. What kind of company would sponsor your "studies" ? And on which conditions?

And could you enlighten us at which "university" you are "studying" and which subject?
And why the sudden need to go to Norway? Anyway they have an embassy in Warsaw, go there and apply for a tourist visa...
10 Oct 2013
Food / Is Domino's Pizza popular in Poland? [18]

That is because these fastfood chains in some way cater to local taste and customs. For example in Belgium McDonalds also sells beer with their burgers.
9 Oct 2013
Law / International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu? [54]

why is divorce so rampant about 98 percent here.

provide a link to that?
And tell me, why did you enrol with a private "university" to "study"...and why the first priority is to to "visit" Norway...since you are here to "study"

And where did you get the money from to "study" here? I suppose you also could "study" in Lagos or Kinshasa....or Nairobi....
9 Oct 2013
Food / Is Domino's Pizza popular in Poland? [18]

Yep, one is shortly going to open 2 metro stops from my place in Bielany. Still their website could be improved. It does not even show a menu or pricelist at first glance.

That said and done, if we are in need for some fastfood, we'd rather go to Amrit Kebab on Plac Wilsona.
9 Oct 2013
Law / International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu? [54]

Of course you could go to Ukraine, fake marriages are much cheaper to arrange there. But then, you would not have access to the EU...

By now of course we all know why you did come to Poland to "study". I am just wondering from where you did get the money to pay for your "university"?
8 Oct 2013
Law / Can a EU citizen participate in Referendum in Warsaw? [2]

I have a discussion with friends since some time. I am a registered voter here in Warsaw, and as a EU citizen have the right to vote in EU and local elections (the same as Poles can vote in my native Belgium). Does that mean I can also participate in the referendum in Warsaw?

Not that I want, I would abstain in any case, just to get the frequency down between the legally required limit.
8 Oct 2013
Law / International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu? [54]

A very fishy project in any case. It cannot be denied that all these private "universities" thrive on third-world "students" who suddenly have the urge to "study" in Poland... And in the same instance inquire about working permits and the possibility to reside in other EU countries. I never see any posting here from a Nigerian or Indian going to study at the KUL, UW, or UJ.
8 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / Use of UK/EU Driving Licence in Poland [15]

This answers to the OP question for sure.

The only issue I sometimes when I get stopped by the police, is that my licence dates back to 1983 and so the photo on it is not really very similar anymore :)
8 Oct 2013
Law / International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu? [54]

Delph you have much more experience in education as me..But I have the distinct impression that all these private "universities" for a part thrive on these Africans / Indians / Turkish who come to Poland to "study". There was a Nigerian on the forum I believe doing fishery studies in Gdynia...
7 Oct 2013
History / capitulation of Warsaw Uprising [16]

Exactly. The Poles always pretend they are snow-white as concerns WWII. The only country not collaborating with the Germans and other blabla. The truth is they did not get a chance to collaborate because the Germans did not allow them. And in the instances they could, they did. Blue Police, Brigada Świętokrzyśka, Górale...There is nothing in Polish genes preventing not to collaborate.
7 Oct 2013
Food / Where to go for the best steak in Warsaw? [77]

Reminds me of the recent burger fashion in Warsaw. The prices some venues charge for what is basically a burger with French fries and some veggies. Mind boggling. I refuse to go along with such fashions. First it was the sushi invasion, then the steak attack. Now the burgers. The culinary snobs always go for it :). And you have to been seen there by the right people, just to impress. I do not care a fig for some charolais in the intercontinental. We go since ages to a local place which is not fashionable - thanks God no expats there - serves decent and very unfashionable food for a local price. And enjoy.
7 Oct 2013
Law / Opening an English bookstore in Poland - what are the prospects and profitability? [17]

I dont know if Reddings is still going

Nope, sadly Reddings went out of business I think like two years ago. American Bookstore is to my liking very expensive. Although I browse through their books and later order them at Amazon.

The public library at ul. Meissnera 5 (Praga) has a lot of English-language books and very helpful staff.
6 Oct 2013
Law / International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu? [54]

just want see any other countries.

Nope. Let me translate. You enrolled in some private "university" in Poland where they of course they accepted you (being private, money counts).

You obtained, most likely through your "university", a residence permit.
And the first question on your mind is how to live in Norway.
So you are stuck in Poland. You thought it might have been the perfect back door to Schengen.
Bad luck :)
6 Oct 2013
Work / 3500 PLN gross - not happy with my salary (working in Warsaw for an international company) [55]

Infosys pays a basic salary + a language bonus. I think that is typical for all BPO companies. Native speakers get the highest bonus, if their language level fits into the job description, Average salary for a native speaker there is around 4200 PLN (including 1500 PLN language bonus). I am talking about gross salaries and entry/mid-entry jobs.

Of course general salary levels in £ódż are much lower as in Warsaw. Why it is a magnet (as Katowice is) for BPO companies.
3 Oct 2013
History / capitulation of Warsaw Uprising [16]

Maybe it is time for the Poles to look forward and not to be obsessed by the recent past. Relegate it to the history books. Put flowers once a year at some memorials. And not whenever something happens, come up with "some years ago we were fighting, the rest of Europe was not, and because of this bus tickets are expensive in Warsaw"
3 Oct 2013
Work / Living in Katowice (programmer, 3000 PLN) - is it enough? [65]

Two observations here. This forum is recently flooded by people claiming to earn much more as the average Jan Kowalski and then asking what they have to do with this money. Second, they are all from India, Turkey, Pakistan. Third. Soon the question follows how to get a permanent residence permit, and if they can work in other EU countries.
2 Oct 2013
Life / Pryzmat printer cartridges on Warsaw street [7]

I bought today first time a pryzmat printer cartridge. Set me back 30 PLN, whereas an original Epson costs in Saturn 90 PLN. It works just fine.
2 Oct 2013
History / capitulation of Warsaw Uprising [16]

There's a lot to be said for viewing the Warsaw Uprising as a tragic cruel and utterly pointless waste

General Anders for example thought it was madness.
30 Sep 2013
News / Silesians Vote in German Federal Elections [23]

NATO could act against Poland.

In case you did not know it, Poland is a fully-fledged member of NATO and the EU.

Silesian separatists.

Nope. They strive for autonomy. But this is a definition which you do not understand...
29 Sep 2013
Love / Polish women are angel [30]

i like to marry polish women.

Translation: I am from India or Pakistan, I do not live in Poland or Ireland but I am looking for a backdoor to the EU ?
26 Sep 2013
News / Silesians Vote in German Federal Elections [23]

A country which was nearly was wiped out in the last war because its couldn't afford the modern weapons to defend itself.

What does this have in common with the Silesians wanting to have cultural and educational autonomy?
Or the Kashubians for that matter?
25 Sep 2013
News / Silesians Vote in German Federal Elections [23]

Poland has no tradition with autonomous regions. In this respect Piłsudski was much more broadminded I think. I doubt the Silesians want to become independent, just as the Kashubians do not want that. They want autonomy in many respects (language, education), which is not the same as becoming independent, or looking for accession to Germany.

Besides Lower and Higher Silesia have in my view distinct identities.
In my native Belgium the German-speaking minority has full and equal rights (indeed the constitution is also written in German), and I as a Fleming can only applaud cultural autonomy