The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 6 / Archived: 92
Posts: Total: 4430 / Live: 533 / Archived: 3897
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

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22 Apr 2009
Life / Popular and Practical Cars in Poland [49]

Yeah ,i have seen the tricks they do...! I think i would feel safer in a Jeep if some mad Polish driver decides to use the same bit of road as the same time...!
22 Apr 2009
Life / Popular and Practical Cars in Poland [49]

they are still an expensive vehicle for most of Poles -

True , but there seem to be plenty of them about , driven by the richer Poles , and in any case she is bringing this vehicle over for herself , not to sell to somebody in Polska....
22 Apr 2009
Life / Popular and Practical Cars in Poland [49]

A jeep cherokee would be popular in Poland , and you can get parts for them over here , Poles don,t like automatics too much , so a stick shift would sell better....I just bought one myself in the UK , but i guess they are much cheaper in the USA....

If you look an alegro the Polish car site , you can see what it would sell for in Poland , might be a good idea to check out how much its going to cost you to import it , taxes and such , there is a thread about this on Polishforum someplace....
18 Apr 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

No hard feelings?

Ok , i did overeact somewhat....As anyone who has followed any of my threads will know , i do not hate Poland , far from it , i love Poland , and its people , but as most Polish people will agree there are a few things that are not so good about Poland , actually i could do a far bigger list of things i hate about England , but its not English forums...In my case the three things i have listed are the things that have caused me the most problems during my years in Poland....To be fair , my comments should have been on the ..things you hate ABOUT poland , not on the reasons you hate Poland thread , but i just decided to have a go about some organisations that seem intent on getting lots of money from people for doing a really bad job...I can see your point about Wroclaw boy complaining all the time , but sometimes people make mistakes , and find themselves in a situation they are stuck with and do not like....I think i have had a far tougher time than he has , but i expected it to be tough , and i am a survivor i intend to stick it out in Poland till i make it , or die trying.....Anyways , as you say , no hard feelings , ( shake hands ) I apolagise to you..
17 Apr 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I hope that you aware what most of your countrymen would have said

If any Pole in the UK said they hated something , and had a reason for doing so i don,t think any reasonable Brit would have a problem with that...Do you think that just because a person is not born in Poland , but lives and works there they must accept everything in Poland as perfect and wonderfull...?

And as for it being YOUR country , ha , if it really was your country i promise you i would not have moved here , would not have visited the place , and would spend every waking moment discouraging others from coming here...But its not your country , and thankfully most of the people i have met here are not biggoted prize tossers like you...
17 Apr 2009
Food / Recipe for Polish Zapiekanka [25]

food around my mouth

Yeah , that sounds like me.....I have trouble with the Polish hamburgers too...They cram tons of vegatables and stuff in them , then put 2000 litres of sauce and stuff in there , and give you a tiny plastic fork to eat it with....i wind up with it in my hair all over my hands , in my boots , and its an envoirenmental disaster on the scale of the Torre canyon...
17 Apr 2009
Food / Recipe for Polish Zapiekanka [25]

Not always , and they aint big enough to cope with the result of me cramming one in my face....
17 Apr 2009
Food / Recipe for Polish Zapiekanka [25]

polish pizza bread -- zapiekanka??

Love them , but seem to manage to get them all over my face while eating them...
16 Apr 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Example.... i have a friend who goint to receive money from the parents, instead he be happy, he told, yes a going to receive money, but i have to go to the bank, and maybe is close, o maybe they dont want to give the money, and the end he become angry......

Sounds like a fair assesment of Polish life there....
10 Feb 2009
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

There is some phrase about a beetle making a noise in the grass....highly tricky to say in Polish....

you mastered Polish if you are able to pronounce most of this...

mastered Polish?


slowly for me its doable.
try it 3 times. then its a tongue twister O.O

I like this little poem:
Chrzęst szczęk pstrych krów wprządł w słuch
Szept: "Trwasz wśród warstw łgarstw? Tchórz!
Stwórz wpierw z przerw werw, w chwil skruch
Strzęp chwalb - nerw ścierw czymś strwóż!"
- Stanisław Barańczak

my favourite one: rotmistrz z Tczewa, poczmistrz z Czchowa. Oh hell, I have trouble just trying to pronounce Basia Trzetrzelewska's surname.
1 Feb 2009


Women are women....some are , and some are not.....i don,t think Polish women are any different sexually from any other nationality...However i think its true that some races see Polish women are more easy to get sex from due to them being newcomers in a country , and perhaps a little more gullible than the local girls they have tried , and failed with....
26 Jan 2009
Travel / Entering Poland from Germany on the A4 motorway [23]

I remember the first time i came to Poland in 1997 the roads were a bit primative to say the least , but to be fair Poland has made great efforts to improve the roads , and i notice the difference,,,Its going to take time to make them perfect , in the mean time , just drive a little more carefully....I recomend you take a trip to Ukraine or Belarus , after driving there the roads of Poland seem blissfully smooth...
18 Jan 2009
Travel / Entering Poland from Germany on the A4 motorway [23]

I reccomend you drive over the border from Poland into Ukraine , very soon , like me you will think the roads of Poland are absolutly wonderfull compared the the pot holed rutted death traps of Ukraine....
10 Jan 2009
Life / Cost of converting cars in Poland to left-hand drive [58]

I tried driving on the left when i first came to Poland , hoping the locals would copy the idea , but after a few near accidents and lots of light flashing i gave up and drove on the right....
10 Jan 2009
Life / Cost of converting cars in Poland to left-hand drive [58]

The cost depends a lot on what car you have....some cars are very easy to convert from right hand drive to left hand drive , many have all the connections on the steering for both left and right hand drive if that model is exported to countries using both systems....As for sombody to do the conversion , you will have to ask around in your local area...More and more cars are being brought into Polska from the UK , so there are bound to be more people doing the of luck...
7 Jan 2009
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [246]

lizard with no legs or feet but it was not a snake.

That would be what we in the UK call a slow worm...looks like a snake , but is in fact a legless lizard Here is some news about bison...i posted this on the bison thread too....

Poland's bison hunkering down for winter

Created: 07.01.2009 12:11
Five hundred tonnes of hay and beets have been prepared for the winter months by employees of the Bialowieski National Park (BPN) to feed Poland's precious bison herd maintained there.

The director of the bison care facility at BPN, Jerzy Dackiewicz, claims that the recent drastic fall in temperatures means that the stocked food will be all the more necessary. The park has been feeding the bison throughout the winter months at a special feeding grounds for several years.

"If it is a light winter, we still prepare the food, but they prefer to graze naturally out in the fields and forest on grass and young trees," added Dackiewicz.

Park employees also intend to count the herd of endangered bison this year. If such weather - cold and frost - remains, then the herd will be fully counted in two weeks and results will be announced at the end of January. Current bison-count is approximately 450 animals.

The Bialowieska National Park is an internationally recognised protected area for this breed of bison. In the year 1929, the facilities for maintaining a herd of the endangered species were opened and the herd was started with only three bison. The park extends across the Polish border into Belarus
4 Jan 2009
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [246]

i get lots of newts well as some strange ones that are almost black...and of course lots of sand lizards....the cats like to chase them till the tail falls off and remains wriggling while the lizard escapes....