The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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20 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Tyś chyba upadł na głowę, może jeszcze sam włożysz na sobie kaganiec, się biczował i w kajdanki do krzeszła patrząc jak twoje kobieta jest brana przez innego faceta... Trochę więcej jaj
19 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Jewish women I guess

A rather known form of "alien" society which has been in contact with Poles since beginning of Poland...

It's not excactly the same as with Vietnameese showing up in Poland after ww2...
19 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Obóz Narodowców bardzo często i zazwyczaj jest wypełnione przez mężczyzn głównie (z czego powodu bardziej asertywne, mówienie wprost co z łatwością rani uczucia ludzi i otoczenia do okoła).

Kobiety są raczej zrażone taką formą komunikacji bo uznają to jako atak osobisty, a dla Narodowca. Taka reakcja na jego wypowiedzi są raczej spostrzegane brakiem dorosłości, manier lub wytrzymałości. (W zależności od części obozu)
19 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Takie teoretyczne wybryki pokazuje jedynie brak wiedzy na temat Narodowców, jeżeli narodowcy szukali sojuszników za granicą to w ramach konserwatywnej carskiej Rosji przeciwko Niemcom.

ZSRR nie była opcją, ani rzesza niemiecka.
19 Aug 2022
Feedback / The birthday of Polish Forums [31]

Wish every forumer well, I guess I am not a Polishforumist since I didn't know or remember the date. Dang I do not belong here huh?
18 Aug 2022
Travel / Is Poland a popular tourist destination for Swedes? [20]

I don't think so, have you met many Swedes in your life? Those few in the military sure will put up a fight. But if it got invaded, I would be surprised if they even knew of the word partisan even exist
18 Aug 2022
Travel / Is Poland a popular tourist destination for Swedes? [20]

If Sweden continues to be obstenate about it, Poland should do a Turkey negotiation.

We might withdraw out our consent for Sweden to join if they continue to refuse to deliver Polish national art back
18 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Może jeszcze Marsjanie nienawidzą Polaków, albo Atlandydowcy? Kartagińczycy?

Napisz nam Crow, kto jeszcze nienawidzi Polaków. Może Turcy?
18 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Bo witasz i ignorujesz wpływy Niemiec w Polsce, jak jednym z celów jest niepodległa i suwerenna Polska. To uniżenie się Niemcom jest kontrproduktywne, ma się zniżać wobec pana Bogu. Nikomu innemu, więc jak chcesz być fałszywy i sprzedawać dusze dla Niemców? Twoja sprawa, ale nie zmuszaj innych do tego samego błędu
17 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

Seems like I can't find the article so I can't confirm my source of information. Please ignore it.

With regard to transport of such fishes, companies can go great lengths as not to lose stockholders :)

But for now, can only relate to the information that is aveliable
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Not only a political decision, it was a religious decision, spiritual decision, moral, civilizational, technological too. Groundbreaking to say the least.

I try not to feel pride, just like not wanting to steal, plunder, murder or throw unnecessary obscenities.

All of my acomplishments I thank God for, not myself. I can only thank God that Poland is still on this earth.

You seem to be under the impression that I lack things in my life and try to draw pride from others achievements in the past, which is wrong. It impresses me and gives motivation and confidence that I may do the same or better.

Your accusations and suspicions are hollow as your measuring it after hollow boys
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Before Baptism of Poland, there were Polanie, Lędzianie, Mazowszanie etc.

You can tell your fairy tell your fairy tale as much you want. Your free after all, doesn't make it true tho
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Treated cause of religion wasn't my claim, so don't twist it. It's a Jewish myth, I only pointed out the ridiculesness of thinking that somebody outside a group based on faith would be treated 100% the same as a person that is within it.

Western societies have been far more monocollective (at least perceived itself as such) while Poland has been multi-collective.

Jewish collective has had a problem with the most dominant collective group in Poland after the thesis pushed by Polish far right groups that it was due to lack of cohesion of the Polish society/patriotism/faith/solidarity that lead to the partitions of Poland.

Why left wingers would rather blame the ruling social class solely,

I am more of the opinion that the international situation and choice of alliances had more to say and the unfortunate betting on Sweden as a resolution to Poland problems (later on Prussia/Russia/Austria depending on faction)

Polish internal disputes shouldn't be resolved by foreign powers, which certain factions wishes to draw in to the affairs of the Polish drama.
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Well I would be grateful to read about it if you happen to find it during your spare time. As I am highly interested in this with regard to battle of Grunwald and it's aftermath.

As I understand you do not see the church as an extension of the body of Christ on earth? I hope you do not think such thinks merely cause you are unable to control it or influence it. Or is it something else?

I remember my grandmother asking about Pope kissing the Koran,

I answered: what is the Catholic way? Love or hate? Kissing a book is an act of love,

Just as giving a liar a hug instead of chopping his hand off.

Which ways are that of Christ? Which ways are that not of Christ? Think about that
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]


Would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of any hint or knowledge about this curse and how long it would last?

It would make a lot of sense

With regards to religion, Poland as a nation belings to God. Any individuals betraying the cause on an individual level does not change that one bit.

We are free to choose God, but you can't deny that the Polish nation belongs to God and sees Jesus Christ as it's king of kings.

I am not writing this as if to proclaim that any person speaking or feeling connection to Polish culture isn't a part of Poland. Just stating that they are lost, outside and in the dark. No matter how many times they will mention that their lamp that is not lit was made in Poland
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Complaining about how world powers do what they do etc, what they should do etc. Ask any foreigner if Poles as a group behave as such.

It's for this reason Germans and Russians think of Poles as arrogant and "Pany" etc.

Talking from above

I try to be, someone has to
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

If you understood and read Polish history you would understand it.

With regard to treatment I sure know which groups are more human then others.
I am part of my beloved army ;)

I was born on planet earth, and if you are Polish you should know perfectly well that we as Poles act as if whole planet is given to us in safekeeping, but gladly give the responsibility to other nations to have less work to do. Get annoyed by other countries mismanagement, in comparison to Russians who think they don't own the planet but wants to deserve it to feel better about themselves and their misery
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]


Yes, we want to check if he is a true murderer like Polish nationalists from Jedwabne and other places.

If that statement was true, I wouldn't considered myself a Narodowiec.

By your use of slogans it only shows it's true frame tho.

If a group has certain minimum requirements to be it's member and a person refuses to accept those requirements yet cry over being outside of the group... Who is at fault? You write as if you would want the group to pretend as if they were part of the group...
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Do forgive pawian, his words are powerless and weak for a reason. As not to frighten posters, it's fairly obvious.

So he uses his words for provocation and judges your reaction to them more then what you actually think and ignores what you will think of him by behaving like that.

He is merely testing you to see if you have any decency and react in a decent manner to his accusations.

While others can see it as a challenge and an insult, he cares little for such way of thinking. So do please forgive him for his behaviour
14 Aug 2022
Travel / I'm so bored in Poland! [129]

Depends what one is used to, if a person got used to being excited by a lot of expensive adventures and hobbies then loses access to them. Regular things become dull and lacks challenges (due to increased dopamine resistance).

Which leads to higher need for a higher dopamine kick, just like with addictions. One reduces it by doing it less over a longer period of time. (Which is difficult)
13 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Jews hate the church so much, yet ask how it came to be that the holocaust happened. Ask yourself, ask any Jew what happened when Jews refused God through Moses.

Then ask again how much more terrible fate would happen by refusing the Messiah.

Jews can never destroy the Church, just as they cannot destroy Israel. Jews curse themselves by refusing the covenant.

Restrictions were for heretics and pagans alike with regard to such things.

Yet Poles with Jewish heritage live in Poland, survived and are so fully accepted as Polish that they aren't even considered Jewish by any means.

Yet one of the main goals and foundations of Poland is being part of the covenent and aid those who wish to join, to shine among others. To serve

Which is why no Pole can have any other lord then the lord and saviour Jesus Christ
13 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

That is a Jewish myth, I wouldn't say Germans were excactly safe anywhere in Poland. Wether they had ghettoes there or not, one of the reasons Germans build it in Poland was due to lack of peace treaty (No laws in place they formally had to follow) and enormous amount of Jews in Poland.

Logistically and jurisdicticly a lot easier for them. Safer however? Undoubtedly not

If you think Nazi's had Polish backing to build ghettoes and concentration camps then your supporting the German narrative (which was clearly shown in one of their most recent World War Two series)
12 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Difference is you see Jews in role of victims, you would rather kick boxers out of a boxers ring, while a Narodowiec would rather invite the Jew for a sparring match.

THAT'S the difference!

Jews play dirty, you should know that