The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 6 / Archived: 92
Posts: Total: 4430 / Live: 533 / Archived: 3897
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

Displayed posts: 539 / page 14 of 18
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4 Jan 2010
Life / POLISH DANCING (how to to this holding hands and such?) [11]

A number of times in the past i have been asked to dance by Polish ladies of varying ages , and even after declining i have often been dragged onto the dance floor , maybe its my stunning good looks , but more likely the novelty of dancing with an English person..

The problem is...i don,t know how to to this holding hands , twirling round kind of dancing , what we in the UK would call ballroom dancing , its not the sort of thing that was common in my biker circles in the UK...All the Poles i see dancing seem to be expert in this form of dancing , even the young ones , do they learn it at school , or do families usually teach their childern it...

I have missed out on the opportunity to twirl around some very pretty Polish ladies due to my lack of skills in this area , my style of dancing is the puppet with its strings caught in a fan heater type , ok at rock concerts , but not at the usual Polish events...

Perhaps my Russian lady will teach me...?
3 Jan 2010
Law / Shipping a car from USA to Poland [86]

Unless your car is something you really can,t bear to part with its much simpler to sell it and buy another one over in Poland....

I brought my cars over from my home in the UK , but that was a simple matter of driving on a ferry in the UK , and off in Holland..i could also load them up with stuff i wanted to take to Poland...If you are moving to Poland permanantly you have to be strong , and sell everything other than personal stuff....There is no point paying big money to transport stuff you can buy cheaper at the other end...
2 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]

If you had told me twenty years ago that i would be planning on marrying a Russian gypsy i would have laughed very loud , i knew very little about Gypsy culture , other than they do not have a very good reputation in my native UK , mind you , the people who cause a few problems in the UK , are not true Gypsies....Mind you , if you had told me twenty years ago i would be living on the wrong side of the Berlin wall i would also have found that rather amusing , but yet , here i am...!

No doubt i will learn much more about Gypsy culture from my lady , she is very proud of her roots , and if she is a typical example of a Gypsy , then they have had a pretty bad deal from the world in terms of how they are thought of...

My lady is kind , honest , inteligent , and is much loved by the children she teaches in Moscow , and it hasnt escaped my notice she is rather pretty too... Its certainly changed my idea,s of what a gypsy is...

I am sure there are the bad ones around the world , but to say they are all bad is very wrong.... I am still wondering if Polish and Russian gypsies are part of the same tribe in the days when borders moved around much more , or did not exist...?

Isn,t the internet a wonderfull thing...? after having a search on the internet i have discovered that the Ruska Roma , the Russian Gypsies are in fact decended from the Polska Roma , so it seems my Russian lady has a little Polish blood mixed in with the Russian..?
1 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]

I am afraid i don,t know very much about the Gypsy culture , but i have started to take an interest due to the fact my Russian lady is half Gypsy... I have yet to find out her full story , but she did tell me that her fathers family cut off contact with him because he married outside the Gypsy culture... Are the Polish and Russian Gypsy populations likely to originate from the same area...?
3 Dec 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

let me know where this wonderland is.

Its michael jacksons place isn,t it...i believe its up for sale if you have few zloty in the bank..
2 Dec 2009
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

My pole is pink and purple with just one eye!

Sorry..but thats just made me laugh very much.....!
1 Dec 2009
Off-Topic / PF members MEETUPS.....everyone welcome! [56]

That wasn,t badges , those ingrediants were in the programme where they showed you how to irrigate the African desert , or was it the making of a Dougal dog , its so long ago now i can,t remember....i still have naughty thoughts about Valerie singleton tho...
1 Dec 2009
Off-Topic / PF members MEETUPS.....everyone welcome! [56]

Maybe somebody could get some Polish forum shirts sorted.....we could then get our own national flags put on there , or our names...???
30 Nov 2009
Off-Topic / PF members MEETUPS.....everyone welcome! [56]

What about people ho dont have a Avatar or people who are not member of the forums?!

These people should be shunned of course , ignored completely...!
27 Nov 2009
Off-Topic / PF members MEETUPS.....everyone welcome! [56]

I just had an idea...which may or may not be a good one.....Would it be a fun idea if we all had small badges made with our Avatars on..? we would know who was who then...?

Of course it does not help that the avatars have disapeared from the forum...

Failing that we could all have our name tattooed on our foreheads...
26 Nov 2009
Off-Topic / PF members MEETUPS.....everyone welcome! [56]

I must plead guilty to all charges....Actually three 4 x 4 s but two are slightly broken...

You don,t live so far from me old buddy , so in the summer why not tootle up and chill out in my garden with a are welcome anytime...and the dog does not bite...
26 Nov 2009
Off-Topic / PF members MEETUPS.....everyone welcome! [56]

the social deprivation of living in a small town!

You should try living in a village....there isn,t even any traffic lights we can go and watch for entertainment...!
23 Nov 2009
Life / Anyone living in Szczecin? What's the city like? [69]

Anyone living in Szczecin?

Nooo very few of them are actually living....its kind of like the land of the living dead....lots of undead zombies walking around.....

Only kidding , i think its quite a nice city , quite a few people from other countries around the place , a lot of students , and some nice places to entertain yourself...
16 Nov 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Im sure there pretty bad in Zimbabwe too but thats not the point is it.

Actually Zimbabwe roads are pretty ok...untill you get out of town...
11 Nov 2009
Life / Orphanages in Poland [82]

Oh if somebody asks me for contact name to help Polish children i should pay for mental health check of this person , because if at any time in the future they were to kill or harm a child i would go to prison for it....Amazing laws they have in Poland...!

In future i will not offer any help or advice to people wanting to bring aid to Poland....too risky...
9 Nov 2009
Love / My husband is Polish and I was wondering why he drinks all the time. [66]

It sounds as though he has a problem with alchohol...this is something that only gets worse , and he needs to get help with this....First you need to get him to accept he has a problem , then he needs the will to want to change the situation.....I believe the first stage is going to be the biggest problem.....

I have had three friends die from alchohol....the first simply drank himself to death , the second guy , in Poland hung himself after his girl left him due to his drinking , and the third guy , also Polish was well on the way to dieing from too much beer when his life was ended by his drunken girlfriend sticking a ten inch kitchen knife through his heart....

I love Polish beer , and i can get drunk now and then with the best of them , but i don,t need it , i can go months without a beer , not a problem.....

I now have a Polish friend who is like a brother to me.....he has a problem too...turned up at my house a few weeks ago...he had been drunk for five days non stop.....

It seems part of Polish culture to drink constantly , and in large ammounts , but its really not good for you , and its often seen as a way to deal with your problems , but it just gives you another problem.....

I tend to drink quite a lot during out annual biker rally , a five day party which is great , but then after that its pretty rare for me to drink , as i am usually riding or driving , but many of my friends do it night after night , and yes even when they are going to be driving.....Its a problem in Poland...not sure what the answer is.....?
5 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up! [447]

I have lived in Poland for five years...never once have i experianced any hostility due to being English , and i doubt you will get any due to being Scottish , although they might find it harder to understand you if you have a strong accent...

If you are planning on starting a business here , you ought at least to visit the place , you will soon discover if its going to be a good idea ..or not...
5 Nov 2009
Life / Superstitions in Poland [60]

I remember when i first came to Poland i once moved a female friends bag from a chair and put it on the ground...this resulted in gasps of horror from all the other women in the room....Of course i should have known that putting a bag on the floor allows all your money to run away...

Since then i have never ever seen a Polish women put a bag on the ground , so it must be a common superstition...
2 Nov 2009
Law / Wish to start an Indian Store in Poland [34]

stuff from india are of low Quality.

So is Chinese stuff....Polish people seem happy enough to buy that in great quantity.....I am not sure that Polish people would want to buy Indian costumes , but maybe other stuff from India would be in demand...The thing is to do some research , find out if people are interested....I think it might be harder to sell it in Poland , than say in the UK , but not impossible....if you think you have a market...go for it...