The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

You seem unaware

Russia refrain itself from heavy casualties of modern conventional warfare. Thermobaric warheads and tactical nukes just like that is next stage.

And they will just warn in advance and then indiscriminately cover entire cities and areas. Then, only specialized units would move. Nothing massive. Bombing with tactical nukes and thermobarics then advance of specialized force for atomic warfare and tanks. Then again and again and again.

Somebody threaten their advancing force, they use ICBM on enemy Capital cities. Then again, tactical nukes and thermobarics then advance of specialized force for atomic warfare and tanks.

No defense from it. It won`t be war.

There were experts talking of it. Trust to Serbian source.
26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Poland will cease to exist

I doubt it. I have confidence in events to come. Poles would rebel against their government. And that would be that. Poland would change and find its balance within Slavic civilization. Most glorious moment of Poland yet to come. I am sure. New golden age.
26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Before the Polish-Lithuanian union that turned our attention east, Poland was pretty much integrated into catholic Europe.

Serbians, too. But, fortunately we had Nemanjic noble house (they were ancestors of Polish Jadwiga, too) and when Pope pressed Serbia strongly they gave him middle finger. If we Serbs could done it, you Poles also can. You have more options then we had. You can opt for Polish Catholic Church. Just sever ties with papacy. It anyway doesn`t help Poland in anything but only making problems. Have your own head of Church and call him Pope if you wish.

We would all, anyway, later evolve into the Slavic Christian Church.
26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

This isn`t for discussion because you don`t have information as I do. Where you live info is scarce. Here where I live we have info from all sides. When Russians decide to accelerate, it will happen quickly and you would change your mind in an instant. When that happen know this. If you live in Poland, you would be welcome in Serbia as refugee. I mean, even if Poland isn`t direct target. Anyway, come in Serbia, until the dust settles. Or in Hungary. Forget about other options. Just forget. Only Hungary and Serbia would be options. Mark my words, brate.

Russians are tired of sh*t and they will finish this once and for all.
26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

NATO isn`t able to protect anybody but only to lure Poland in problems and EU will soon collapse in chatasrofic economic disarey.

And don`t think of confrontation with Russia. At this moment Russia is so strong that can erase western Europe in an instant and USA wouldn`t give a sh*t but rather offer economic cooperation to Russia. That is reality. Regarding Poland, reality is that Russia don`t see Poland as a real threat. Yet. And that is good. Also, while Russia don`t give a sh*t for NATO, be absolutely sure that Russia taking in consideration fact of Poland being part of Slavic world and with it being deeply connected with Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary, etc. Russia more care how would consequences of eventual Poland`s disaster affect public in Slavic countries and would that have negative impact on public in Russia. (THAT IS ONLY THING THAT CAN AFFECT INTERNAL BALANCE IN RUSSIA). Point is, Poland is already more protected by its Slavic heritage then by NATO, EU or Vatican. But, if Poland make obvious mistake, forget statehood of Poland. In place of Poland, new Slavic states would emerge just like that.

Why do you say that, because of Kosovo?

Forget Kosovo. Its solved problem, the way it suits to Serbians, no matter its not obvious now.
26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

Before this crisis is over, Poland will:

* move out of NATO
* move out of EU
* declare neutrality on global military alliances
* show middle finger to the Pope
* enter in local alliance with Hungary and Serbia

If fail to do above mentioned, Poland will cease to exist as a state, when crisis is over.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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26 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Virtual heroes. Go speak like that in the face to Nikola Jokic or Novak Djokovic.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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25 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Why you people ruining this nice thread? I mean, whats the point? Are you retarded?
25 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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25 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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25 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Anyway, 'Serbian' isn't even a language; it's just a bastardised slang dialect of Croatian

Your fabricated propaganda won`t bring you anything. One thing on this stupidity of yours. Frankish chronicles (serious state documents) don`t say a word of Croatian language, territory or people. Only of Serbs. From Limes Sorabicus to Lusatia to the Baltic and Balkan Serbs. Croats are later Vatican invention and project.

Here you are, chuckie egg:

Wait for the Wiki in a new architecture of Europe and world.
25 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

The truth will set you free. Non can confront scientific truth and expect to progress.
25 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Here are two more words of not that strange English when deciphered from the angle of Serbian language >

dick --- dika (a man to be proud of, a proud one, capable man, there are female songs about their man `dika`, or mother can say `dika` for her son or even daughter, superlative form of `dika` is `dicina` read dichina- its kind of big dika, super dika)

predestined --- srb. predodredjen (directly same meaning as English counterpart)

See, primordial past of English is Serbian language. To understand beginnings of English language, Tolkien studied Serbian. Same way as Grimm brothers and Goethe examined Serbian mythology and concluded that without Slavic mythology German mythology can`t be understand. Slavs ie Sarmatians are foundation of Europe.
25 May 2024
Off-Topic / The case of Srebrenica, stance of Poland and international consequences [31]

Real genocide in Srebrenica happened on local Serbs. More then 3000 man, woman and children killed in various bestial ways. Then came Ratko Racow and liberated town of Muslim mujaheedine yoke. Ratko then saved all Muslim woman, elderly and children, around 25.000 of them, then things went wrong with Muslim captives that tried to run (well, I don`t blame them considering most of them was involved on genocide on local Serbs).

What isn`t clear here? Why representative of Poland didn`t demand that genocide on Serbs is mentioned in the resolution? Instead, ignoring suffering of Serbs, he voted for resolution that declared Muslim killed (without trial) captives as the victim of genocide. In situation when there was no genocide ideology among Serbs on Muslims in Bosnia, neither Serbs killed Muslim woman and children.

Are you high?

I would like to see what trial would Poles organize in Poland for eventual mujaheedine captives of Polish army, if without doubt is known that few weeks earlier those Muslim fighters mutilated 3000 Polish man, woman and children?

Tell me, dobri brate. How nice trial would that be? Especially if those mujaheedines don`t wait for trial but tries to run.

That is what happened in Srebrenica. See? You didn`t learn in mass media about mutilation on 3000 Serbian man, woman and children? By international genocide experts it was genocide. Muslims had even anti-Serbian and anti-Christian ideology to do that. By those same experts that what happened to captured Muslim fighters was murder out of revenge or during hunt when they tried to escape. It was crime. A war crime. But it was not genocide.

@Mr Grunwald@

Its not nice to BS when you aren`t familiar with facts but judge to others. Especially if you are Polish and spit on Racowie, only because official Poland say its nice.
24 May 2024
Off-Topic / The case of Srebrenica, stance of Poland and international consequences [31]

When Serbian Vucic thought he goes alone, Hungarian Orban approached and said ``No, you won`t be alone. Serbia is not the only sovereign country in Europe. Hungary also is. We are against that shameful resolution.`` Then, as they made a handshake, envoy from Slovakian Fico arrived and delivered message ``I have minor problems so Slovakia is at least `abstain`.``
24 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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24 May 2024
Off-Topic / The case of Srebrenica, stance of Poland and international consequences [31]

Poland stabbed Serbia in the back Crow.

No, no. Official Poland, yes. Leadership is completely corrupt and blackmailed. I assure you. I follow certain Polish youtubers, established cooperation and have very well inside info. There is the growing rift between Poland and Poles. With every new day Poles and other Slavs in Poland are more disgusted by their own government, by the NATO and EU. I am absolutely sure that before this is over, Poland would face internal turmoil, abandon NATO and EU and join in neutral block with Hungary and Serbia.
24 May 2024
Off-Topic / The case of Srebrenica, stance of Poland and international consequences [31]

There was the voting yesterday at UN at the proposal of Germany and Rwanda. In deal with NATO and EU powers they proposed UN resolution on, as they formulated it `Genocide in Srebrenica`. Target was Serbia and Serb Republic within Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as a complete Serbian people. Poland supported resolution and so, voted against Serbians. It was similar like with separation of Kosovo and NATO attack on Serbia back in 1999. Public in Poland would support Serbians but, official policy of Poland acted against Serbians. It kind of becoming tradition in state of Poland. At least in case with Kosovo case and NATO attack, official Poland resisted to dominant EU and NATO establishment. PM even openly admitted that Poland recognized Kosovo under the pressure from partners in EU. Parliament of Poland was even more clear. Adopted its own resolution, after its own investigation, about innocence of Serbs. Lech Kaczyinsky even was sources of scandal during UN GA session when supported Serbs and openly criticized EU and NATO powers because of pressure, injustice and attack on Serbs. Then, Lech Kaczyinsky and with him died last trace of sovereignty of Poland. Whatever NATO and EU powers suggest against Serbians, its becoming welcome by official Poland. No questions. Complete one sided darkness secured in mass media.

And Serbians. We learned yesterday that no matter all pressure, Serbia represent most influential country in UN. How so? See, thanks to fact that NATO and EU powers even changed rules in voting, it is apparent that more countries in the world din`t support resolution on Srebrenica. The voting on the resolution in Srebrenica has ended, 84 votes were `in favor`, 19 `against` and 68 `abstentions`. So resolution was adopted but, `abstentions` in this case means same as `against`, just countries chooses to vote as `abstain` not to anger NATO and EU powers too obviously. Material victory goes to the NATO and EU powers but Serbia manages to win diplomatic and moral victory no matter all what false media rapports.

Majority of humanity don`t think Srebrenica was a genocide but, as many ambassadors of countries explained, was a major war crime. Why is this difference important? For the genocide crime, a country or people needs to be motivated by desire to destroy some other ethnic group. That wasn`t case in Srebrenica. Out from around 30.000 people in Srebrenica (at the moment when local Bosnian Serb forces liberated town), around 25.000 people (including all elderly, young man, woman and children) was allowed and under the Serbian protection abandon the region to a non-war zone. Massacre happened on captured Muslim fighters, around 800 was clearly shoot unarmed, while less then 4000 was killed in escape attempt. Number of 8000 killed Muslims is great exaggeration considering that this number including Muslim fighters that even didn`t die on Srebrenica front but somewhere else but, they were (or even were not but just were added to increase number of dead) buried at Srebrenica memorial. Anyway, for this killing of captives trials were held and responsible sued and jailed. Both, Serbs Republic within Bosnia and Herzegovina and, Serbia, recognize the even as the sad mistake of Bosnian Serb forces regarding international laws in case with war prisoners. So, for the Serbs it was a war crime, not a genocide.

What is scandal in itself and this adopted resolution about Srebrenica fails to mention this (while mass media of the NATO and EU countries continue to ignore), real Srebrenica genocide happened on Serbs, considering that killing of more then 3000 Serbian man, woman and children by the Bosnian Muslims and worse Arab mujaheedines was the reason for the action of local Bosnian Serb forces to move and liberate area.

At the end, to underline once more. Official Poland again acted against Serbia and Serbians. Even sided now with Germany in attempt of Germans to rewrite history and portrait Serbians as the genocidal people, while, in fact, there is no people in Europe who was more victim of genocide then Serbs.

So goes the question to the official Poland. Why? Why, really?
24 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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23 May 2024
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Kashubians are nation in Poland?

Not necessarily.

If we try to grasp all the consequences of official Poland`s bad policy on strategic and vital Slavic interests, then, who knows, maybe Kashubia emerge as the independent state in a new architecture of Europe and world.
