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The tale of a land called "Fieldia" [6]
As the emperors influence grew larger and expanded ever closer, the fielders won plenty of skirmishes and even a battle against one of the emperors servants, a Duke of his newly conquered and acquired land. He called his land "Burn That Hill" little to say, he wasn't fond of anything being on hills. The name changed later on to Burthahill, and you are wise to remember this Duke and his grudge towards the Fielders as it's vital to understand the story later on.
The emperor started hearing about complaints and excuses from his Duke about a troublesome gathering of unknowers halting his expansion eastward. The Emperor was mildly surprised as he had never encountered this problem before, especially in the land close to or people related with fielders as he only knew as "unknowns".
The emperor decided to give the job of finding out about this issue to one of his other servants, a diplomat of some sort. Not knowing the language of these unknowers, the diplomat travelled to the kingdom of "Cause Substance", a very weird name I know. The people there are equally weird, but dearly loved non the less. Let's call it "Casub" for the sake of the story.
The king of Casub pondered about this issue and saw an opportunity of possibly outgrowing the emperor himself and gaining influence within the empire and told the diplomat he would contact these unknowers himself as he knew who they are and is able to communicate with them easily. The diplomat brought the information back to the emperor and now it was the King of Casub's turn to "handle" the fielders. The king of Casub had been watching his rival "The Duke of Burthahill" and his colleagues expanding by the sword in nearby lands, having little chance to prevail he sought it only fit to submit to their boss "the emperor" while gaining a rank and title higher then them. Not only did he cleverly secure his lands from attacks, but he also weren't any less important then his immidiate neighbors. Now these fielders had given him an perfect opportunity to improve his standing in the empire, possibly slow down or even halt this empire from growing larger.
So it wasn't without a reason that the king of Casub gladly contacted the fielders about all this ruckus. This is how "Little bear" and the fielders came in closer contact with the... Let's call them Casubians shall we? Not to be mixed with the "Whatwindowers" which are one of the fielder tribes.
King Casub explained that the emperor knew very little about us "humans living by the word" (it's a lot shorter in their native tongue) and he would more then happy to tell the emperor himself if they told him who they were. "Little bear" told him without much hassle that he had become the leader of these tribes out of the growing concern of this unknown empire. King Casub then told them about the empires main religion and how it was a huge driving force to expand not only to the people of the word but, also to other people they had never heard of. This made the fielders ponder over it a long time, and asked: Who should we talk to about joining this religion? King of Casub seemed rather surprised and answered that the religion is organized by a religious man in a far away land, far to the south where there was once an empire that his emperor tries awaken, but in a different version.
This lead to the events of Fieldia becoming baptized and joining the religious community we now a days call "The Catholic Church", King Casub married away one of his family members. A female mind you! In those times there could only be that form of marriage, between a man and a women. However, "Little Bear" had many females in marriage! Called wives! (We would call them concubines nowadays but, let's get on with the story)