The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2131 / Live: 991 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Do I have to repeat myself? I DO NOT support censorship! Meaning I am not the person responsible to what that historian adds or not to his paper! HE IS!
Mr Grunwald   
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

You telling me every journalist who have written about this is a historian? I haven't criticized the historian one bit! What is wrong with you? I even studied to become one myself!!! It would be a big laughingstock of me if I even voiced any opinion about shutting up an historian!

No! I am just saying I don't think the eye witness had his facts straight! And if he did then what happened next clearly shows this person ain't Polish! Which means it's another jab at the collectively agreed notion that Poles are not Nazi's!

It's tiring to read about all this Nazi/Fascist hysteria that the Anglo-Saxon public has to push internationally cause of their phobia of closet Nazi's in their own countries! Thinking it's the same elsewhere! What a bloody nuisance!
Mr Grunwald   
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Can ask does not equate "need to"

What law suits? Are we debating a lawsuit or a historical incident? This is in the history section...

Just cause I am critical of somebody doesn't mean that I think that a state should take action towards a person!!! Your authoritarian mindset is mind boggling to me! Obviously I think that journalist should rethink his actions! Not send police after him or starting a law suit...
Mr Grunwald   
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Then you can ask why the title of the thread is such? Rile up people without need?

I have nowhere written I would exclude the eye witness opinion from any books... Let me be clear here with you: I am an anti-authoritarian meaning: I dislike any authoritarian style rule that includes censorship, book burning, political jailing and mass shootings. Which is why I am strongly against any forms of socialism's whether they are fascist, nationalistic, communistic or social-democratic. Let that be clear once and for all jon357! Your insinuations have never been to my liking.

I am not criticizing the historians here, I am criticizing the journalists publishing this and the thread starter. I am in no way calling for any admin to lock it down or censoring it, I still have my naive hope somebody might learn from this discussion.

You want a thread about Norwegian history during ww2, I can happily answer that there. In an off topic section
Mr Grunwald   
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

1. We got a case of news sharing information about a supposed "Polish-Nazi" pushed by which type of Newspapers? Not to mention a subjective opinion of an eye witness

2. Said person has been found innocent by the communist authorities in the 1950's... Begs the question if said person actually was just a scumbag, not having any Polish national trait at all.

Seems to me it's another yet again attempt on trying to fracture any collective thought or feelings of the Polish nation, it's quite tiring to be honest. No matter how many times I read this, again and again
Mr Grunwald   
8 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

I heard from a family member who works in the food industry that having the animals relaxed right before their slaughtered increases the quality of the meat.
Mr Grunwald   
4 Feb 2021
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

Thank you, I appreciate it
I love trying out new ideas and discuss them. One of the positive aspects of Norwegian schooling was learning reflection on several different topics, preferably opposing views. It's a stark contrast with the doctrine of "wkówanie" where you learn things, but not necessarily why.

With internet search engines the knowledge is easily available and forums an arena for exchange of ideas and thoughts. Sadly many people use such arena's for their own entertainment, struggles or political fights. I am guilty of it myself as I pretty much grew up on this forum.

I have always appreciated this place, Harry was an thorn in my backside annoying me information which I felt like a personal attack as he evidently didn't "side" with Poland, but criticized it. Meaning joining the "commies" camp of patronizing and putting down anything Polish, especially thing most Poles consider an achievement.

Thanks to it tho, I know now what to expect from anyone trying to defame Poland. So I am more mentally armed for such discussions.

That's another side of the coin of being Polish, the many opinions of a few Poles on the same topic! :)

Oh and Ironside, keep being the political compass you always have been. The one who is not afraid to check ones allegiances
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
News / Poland's LBGT Seen as Dangerous Foreign Idea. [39]

Really? Which newspapers? I can search it up myself, just want to shorten the trouble for my brain's searching capacities. Google is so useful
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
Love / Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive? [93]

Fair point
I have to work with my "psychopathic" side, and some might add other things that aren't true. That has more to do with my social ineptitude more, then anything else. Work in progress as I like to call it
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [280]

I full heartedly agree, less taxation or even abolishing it for small firms could be the first step, and a media focus on being an independent and free citizen with means for a better life.

The more firms, the jobs being created etc. create a positive growing circle without government interference while it keeps her eyes open
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

To be honest, any country is more open then a Scandinavian country. I however prefer Poland anyways, even tho I have been to several other countries. It's something about the food
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
News / Poland's LBGT Seen as Dangerous Foreign Idea. [39]

Taking up sexuality as something to be publicly debatable is destructive for the unspoken truce. It's simply a private matter, people not understanding that... Thanks for making it obvious for everyone
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

You create the Pole you meet, if you give out emotions of a Pole being unable to have any virtues or good character. He/she will not try to improve his/her communication with you, simply by being obnoxious enough for you to want to leave them alone.

So it actually speaks more about you then about Poles in general, if that is your experience
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
News / Poland's LBGT Seen as Dangerous Foreign Idea. [39]

Your telling me LGBT are just individuals meeting together suddenly without communication to show off butt naked on the streets? :)

Domestic violence and alcohol abuse issues seem to be heavily derailed from any attention for excactly this reason, governments would much more wave a flag see thousands of people protest then get on with their lives.

Actually handling real issues are not a priority for them, especially as they don't think they can solve it. So every time I see a newspaper prefer to take up the topic of LGBT over real issues like alcohol abuse, domestic violence, increase in use of pornography, mafia or criminal elements taking hold in the country. It may make my blood boil, which I try not to happen as I rather enjoy my blood augers running low and my blood to be stable
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
News / Poland's LBGT Seen as Dangerous Foreign Idea. [39]

LGBT is an organization promoting the destruction of families, why you think people dislike it?

Just because it isn't as highly organized as a structure you complain it for not being, doesn't make it untrue that it's organized.

One of the barriers of Polish-USA relations are the U.S.A's handling of her community that doesn't adhere to heterosexual-relationships also known as normal relationships. And is now pushing for this trauma on her international relations globally, other states feeling guilty over it cause of harsh laws join in on this guilt trip. Poland has no reason to join in, and anyone claiming otherwise only prove themselves an enemy of Poland, trying perform subvert activities that do not belong in Poland
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2021
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

Pedantic as I am I'll start with writing that to me being Polish is a choice, I have always felt weird about my fellow Norwegians questioning my interest in Poland and things that are Polish. To me it was fully natural as my biological father is Polish and I associated every bit of upbringing I got from him with Poland. Wether it was movies we saw together (Polish movies/series), language patriotism lessons (Saturday's/Sunday's were dedicated to learning Polish grammar and how to say the months of the calendar in Polish), religion, my family's background and history. How it came to how it was my father got to Norway and why I was born in Norway. Who ruined our family's prospects and why, where Poland was&is located, history of Poland etc.

To me I allways linked Poland with loving her so, to me Poland was allways about love. Whenever I experienced bitterness, hatred, anger, loneliness I allways had patriotic music or something about Poland which reminded me of love.

Later on as I experienced life more and more I have come to appreciate it further, and even tho in my social background we are taught to hide our feelings, and only share it with God as most people seem to laugh at us for them. We are quite mysterious and misunderstood cause of that, many may think the worst of us. Simply cause we might seem so cold, while in reality we quite warm but, knowing of the consequences of sharing your feelings.

This is also why I love Poles so much, no matter what feeling one has, they share it with everyone. Wether it's negative or positive, terrible or awesome. A Poles emotions are sincere, and I want to grow closer to that, more then anything
Mr Grunwald   
30 Jan 2021
Life / "Weird" "Strange" "Unique" Polish Customs [36]

It was the combination I was thinking about west+east you know :)

You wouldn't have to ask, if you knew the answer already. So there are no stupid questions in this regard

I haven't experienced them being cooked (kiełbasa)
Mr Grunwald   
30 Jan 2021
Life / "Weird" "Strange" "Unique" Polish Customs [36]

Painting eggs in Easter, putting it in a basket (with some bread and sausage) then get it blessed with holy water at the church. It's a Polish-Catholic tradition
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / The tale of a land called "Fieldia" [6]

I am going to write the story in asterisks from now on *

More then happy about comments, suggestions and ideas. Currently pondering over writing a book about Polish history in a "fairy tale" manner
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / The tale of a land called "Fieldia" [6]

"Little Bear's" newest wife (He was conquering allright, just not lands. Or was it collecting? Never mind! And please don't ask me questions about this!) demanded that he had to recognize her first as the only wife in his presence. Her name was "Forclapping" (strange name I know...) and created a bit of an headache for the Lil'Bear. He announced loud and sternly that "Forclapping" was his only wife from now on. He had to live up to the Christian life of an monogamous marriage if he were to be seen as a Catholic by the church (meaning also the emperor as catholics see and strive for unity among it's members like one body and soul). For a while this lead to a peaceful and prosperous moment, until the emperor demanded Lil'Bears son to be raised at the emperor's court...

That son was called "Painfully Glorious and bold" which we can shorten down to: Painglor the bold".
Painglor the bold after having learned about the way of life at the emperor's court and being influenced by Christianity (by "The Mutes" mind you, it's the general term every "human by the word" uses for them. We simply call them Germans) after taking on the leadership of the Fielders after his father the Lil'Bear, he persuaded by words or sword that one must unite the remaining tribes of "The people of the word" before they fall under the rule of the Duke of Burnthahill or King Casub. Cause otherwise every human of the word would become a servant of the emperor!

Painglor the Bold began conquering neighboring land by the sword boldly (hence the name) winning approval from the emperor and the priest down in the south (that priest is called Pope nowadays and leads the Catholic Church so we say, which wasn't a clear nor easy thing back then mind you!) as more and more people became Christians. Even tho it dismayed the Duke of Burnthahill, as he saw those lands and people his to plunder and conquer. He couldn't do much, since the emperor wanted it this way. King Casub on the other hand was more then pleased that his family (Painglor the bolds mother came from that kings family after all) was increasing their influence.

After many years of conquest, the pope cheered on by a conflict between the emperor and himself about who is supposed to lead the church, sent in a quite clever manner a crown to Painglor the bold. Naming him a rightful and justful ruler of all fielders, this angered the emperor as the emperor had used a lot of time grooming Painglor the Bold since childhood and considered himself to be the authority about matters of state. (This divided the Germans and had consequences even to this day)

After receiving the crown and named King, within the same year. Painglor the Bold... Died... Leaving no clear successor as he had many sons, the emperor being busy with the pope. His sons divided Fieldia amongst themselves by allying different tribes and everyone calling themselves the rightful ruler of Fieldia. In a true Fieldian way I can assure you. While all this was happening both the Duke of Burnthahill, King Casub and other nearby neighbors saw their chance and either fought over who was to be king of Fieldia or grabbed lands they wanted.

All this went on until the uniter of Fieldia took the stage!
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / The tale of a land called "Fieldia" [6]

As the emperors influence grew larger and expanded ever closer, the fielders won plenty of skirmishes and even a battle against one of the emperors servants, a Duke of his newly conquered and acquired land. He called his land "Burn That Hill" little to say, he wasn't fond of anything being on hills. The name changed later on to Burthahill, and you are wise to remember this Duke and his grudge towards the Fielders as it's vital to understand the story later on.

The emperor started hearing about complaints and excuses from his Duke about a troublesome gathering of unknowers halting his expansion eastward. The Emperor was mildly surprised as he had never encountered this problem before, especially in the land close to or people related with fielders as he only knew as "unknowns".

The emperor decided to give the job of finding out about this issue to one of his other servants, a diplomat of some sort. Not knowing the language of these unknowers, the diplomat travelled to the kingdom of "Cause Substance", a very weird name I know. The people there are equally weird, but dearly loved non the less. Let's call it "Casub" for the sake of the story.

The king of Casub pondered about this issue and saw an opportunity of possibly outgrowing the emperor himself and gaining influence within the empire and told the diplomat he would contact these unknowers himself as he knew who they are and is able to communicate with them easily. The diplomat brought the information back to the emperor and now it was the King of Casub's turn to "handle" the fielders. The king of Casub had been watching his rival "The Duke of Burthahill" and his colleagues expanding by the sword in nearby lands, having little chance to prevail he sought it only fit to submit to their boss "the emperor" while gaining a rank and title higher then them. Not only did he cleverly secure his lands from attacks, but he also weren't any less important then his immidiate neighbors. Now these fielders had given him an perfect opportunity to improve his standing in the empire, possibly slow down or even halt this empire from growing larger.

So it wasn't without a reason that the king of Casub gladly contacted the fielders about all this ruckus. This is how "Little bear" and the fielders came in closer contact with the... Let's call them Casubians shall we? Not to be mixed with the "Whatwindowers" which are one of the fielder tribes.

King Casub explained that the emperor knew very little about us "humans living by the word" (it's a lot shorter in their native tongue) and he would more then happy to tell the emperor himself if they told him who they were. "Little bear" told him without much hassle that he had become the leader of these tribes out of the growing concern of this unknown empire. King Casub then told them about the empires main religion and how it was a huge driving force to expand not only to the people of the word but, also to other people they had never heard of. This made the fielders ponder over it a long time, and asked: Who should we talk to about joining this religion? King of Casub seemed rather surprised and answered that the religion is organized by a religious man in a far away land, far to the south where there was once an empire that his emperor tries awaken, but in a different version.

This lead to the events of Fieldia becoming baptized and joining the religious community we now a days call "The Catholic Church", King Casub married away one of his family members. A female mind you! In those times there could only be that form of marriage, between a man and a women. However, "Little Bear" had many females in marriage! Called wives! (We would call them concubines nowadays but, let's get on with the story)
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / The tale of a land called "Fieldia" [6]

A long time ago, before microwaves, cars and a boring situation. There was a time of chaos, people attacking and invading other people, treating your neighbor as if he had spoils that should had been your own leading to banditry on a larger scale, bandit leaders naming themselves kings as only other bandit kings could oppose their lies. Cause a king is a right and justful ruler, not one that brings his misery and misdeeds on to others... In this tale more precisely their neighbors.

While the vast lands of the old continent was in conflict (as it useally is) one of it's conflicts grew ever closer to the rather isolated tribes that were settled in what is today's Fieldia. The tribal chieftains of those days were busy enough with drinking, harvesting, fights when need to be and creating more life in general. It all changed however, rumors began to spread from one tribe to another, of one neighbors distant neighbor or other falling before a mighty army ruled by an emperor either by sword or words.

"What has to be done?" Asked the tribes each other, clearly other tribes could not defeat this emperor otherwise they would not have heard of him. One even became a king in that emperors fashion to avoid conflict with him! "What are we supposed to?" After many nights of drinking and quarrels, nowadays called debates. There was one fella, renowned by the name of "Lilttle Bear" he wasn't that little nor was he very beast like either like a bear. It was a crude joke which he had accepted which made people see his true nature more easily. He proposed to unite the tribes under the guise of him being a ruler, while every tribal leader would continue doing what they had done to this moment, "The little bear" would take care and ask for help from everyone when it came to "taking care of" this emperor. Most agreed, and those who disagreed either were left on their own and swallowed up by the emperors servants or reminded of how useful it is to count when harvesting grain when there is not one snowflake falling on your field, but many.
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / The tale of a land called "Fieldia" [6]

Beyond the vast Atlantic Ocean, past the realms of the past, lies a land of mystery. It has changed everyone it touches, waking up the worst of ones nightmares and faults or giving you best time of your life with food and music. This land is called Fieldia! With fields stretching across the land, touching forests, swamps, mountains and even a sea! To no big surprise, the people living there call themselves Fielders, when you ask one you might get many different replies as to why the field as a name was chosen but, it stands as it is.

You may ask, but how did this wonderful land come to be? Why haven't I heard of it before?! Let me tell you a story about this land and it's people, a story most gruesome! Filled with horror of the worst possible and dreadful acts known to man! But also of love, ambition and intrigue. This is the story of Fieldia.
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

Poland is quite stubborn so I agree to the donkey part, it's not being ridden however. More like... been given carrots for a long time and doesn't mind carrying a much larger cargo right now out of thankfulness.

So... don't take away our carrots or our memory of carrots.

German part of me is very small, like grandmother of my grandparent on fathers side. It would mean I could have like, what? Too little Serbianism to even consider it? I need to have my focus on Polish matters

Destroyed? Greeks or Romans haven't destroyed anything in Poland, only been giving ideas. What have they done to Serbia?
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

There many different variations of Christians and I am not talking about theological differences alone (Catholicism/Protestantism/Orthodoxy)
There are also professional differences and perspective/attitude differences: scholarly one/clergy, crusader/soldier/combatant, nursing/nun/motherly.

Different reactions, words and behavior depending on ones life and experiences. It ain't black and white: This: good for me, that bad for me.

There are variations of good, variations of bad, some things are mixed and others are so strongly good it's bad to call it bad, and some things are so strongly bad it's bad to call it good

I should call you a can opener from now on, the German part of me wish this thread to be purely about the thread topic but, alas it is what it is. A thread to discuss
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

I see that plenty of forum posters have walked in to the domain of a history thread, quite amusing to read it honestly. But still, let's clarify some things

"Tell me, what is wrong with Svetovid? Or Yarilo or Perun? Or Baba Yaga?

Why we here talk about guys from deserts?"

Crow, you are posting on a forum with members that are Christian (meaning somebody who believes that Jesus Christ is the God that Abraham spoke to in flesh, came down to earth so that we can rise up from not only the hell we were moving towards on this earth but, also from entering hell in the afterlife and be able to enter heaven),

so comparing Svetovid (which is seen as demonic or an attempt by satan to turn ANY human being away from the light which is Jesus Christ) in a religious context instead of a purely cultural one, which has more to do about: religion being used by pagans in the old times to collect and transfer knowledge and traditions to the next generation. (How to treat nature, relations, animals etc)

If you want to post about cultural heritage of Slavs etc, it is not an issue. Treading in to a theological debate is quite another.

I wouldn't say nothing, it had certain influence of the language (Polish), just like Norse mythology have on Scandinavian languages. One only needs to think of the name of the days in a week (Torsdag = Thursday meaning Thor's day)

To me it's symbolic in the way it shows it was used to give hommage to somebody who did a deed in the past (so much it was elevated to deity status before Christianity entered pagan realms) and now is being only used to organize your day. That surely is a great victory for Christianity, turning a lie in to a useful organizational tool instead.
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / "the butched launch of cyberpunk" by the economist (Poland in denial again) [19]

Most games these days have a very difficult launch, the larger the company, the greater the expectations and larger push from investors to launch as quickly as possible from fans as well. Just that: buyers expect quality product when launched, and investors want a quick buck and want that quick buck as soon as possible. By both pushing too much, the creative and producing quality of the game is reduced and expecatations usually not met.

So I would rather judge the product after a good amount of patches etc, if the company opens up for it. If the company launches the game, then adds nothing to it afterwards THEN it's 100% only about the money.

That's my opinion anyhow
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jan 2021
Law / Registering for military service in Poland. Is it mandatory? [34]

Most likely yes, but not with how the law is currently made up. Most likely there would be a general appeal by the government in the media, then rest of society would act out through media/church/jungle telegraph etc. the usual channels of communication in Polish society.

Just like with Polish uprisings, if a man at that time bails instead of going to the fight... well... good luck finding any relationship in Poland after that.

Are you serious? ...
1. Read Polish history
2. Check out Poland's geographical location
3. Learn about how Polish society is build up
4. Learn about Germany's national interests
5. Learn about The Russian Federations interests
6. Learn about how Germany solves conflicts now vs before
7. Learn how The Russian federation solves conflict now vs before
8. Wrestle with the probability of past actions or "traditions" in either Germany or Russian Federation being brought back during a crisis (such as war) or not.

9. Every state needs an army, the very core existence and reason of a state is it's monopoly on violence. Police is an extension of that, just that police is focused with resolving civilian conflicts on their own territory within their own state (internal challenges) while the army is trained, prepared to deal with external threats. In peacetime they co-operate and support administrative factions such like ministry of foreign affairs (or department depending on country) giving weight to diplomatically talks or support external allies for long-term or short-term benefits.

There is also the pre-emptive show of force and deterring tactics. Why attack/invade somebody who has tanks, when you can get the same what you need from hippies jumping around in the streets? (States usually focus on resources and possibility of an increase of tax-income, if the cost of external expansion is too high, like huge possibility of getting nuked or everyone ganging up on you. Then internal strengthening is more feasible)

PS: I didn't add Austria as they are now a minor player and don't seem to be dead set on world conquest or European domination in any sense that can be threatening to Poland's sovereignty