The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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21 Dec 2010
History / Old Polish Flag [17]

Thats got to be a new level of internet patheticness if your right......or the crapest attempt to sell a non existent product ever.....
21 Dec 2010
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

I wont have a wrong word said about LOT.
When I flew with them I had a very positive experience. On booking in for the flight home from Warsaw I found my bags were well over the limit(not really a surprise as they were stuffed with military collectables like helmets and gasmask tins lol) when the lovely girl behind the desk pointed this out to me and told me I owed $115 in excess I gave her a blank look and said "Dollars,sorry,I dont have Dollars,Im Scottish." ,honestly,I was mentaly unpacking my bags already,debating which clothes to dump and telling myself I could by more shoes when she looked at me with a straight face and said,"Ive weighed your bags again,this time Ive adjusted for the weight of the frame(it was a RuckSack) so,have a nice flight." and that was that,no excess when she had me bang to rights :)

Oh,that and the fact that when we had a near miss in bad weather over Manchester the Pilot took evasive action like a fighter pilot,I think I was the only passenger on board who saw how close we'd come,a relative works for the ATC and confirmed there had been a near miss incident......
23 Jun 2010
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]

ever hear of "fight or flight"?


play the danger down or play it up to the point of panic...

ie,fight.or panic and run.....anyone who has been in a "real" fight,as oppossed to a bar room punch up, will recognise that to function in a fight you have to play the danger down.....

"rather silly display of foolish pride"

Not my quotes,having studied the uprising in detail and having met and discussed it with many actual former AK fighters I stay neutral on the rights or wrongs of involving a 1/4 of a million civilians in a pitched battle with no real hope of victory and only relying on your soviet "allies" to save the day.
19 Jun 2010
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]

Going to slaughter like lambs would,in its awfull way ,be a perfect description of the thousands killed in Wola.
So,wait untill an armed mob is hounding you out of your home in the middle of the night(after 4 years of near starvation diet) along with the surviving members of your family,you are in an unreal,sureal situation,"seriously,do these guys really want to kill me,my wife and my kids?what do I do,throw my shoe at them and try to escape or stay with my family and hope for a last minute reprise? "

I can absoloutly guarentee that no one thinks they are really going to die untill the very seconds before it happens,thats human nature, and human nature has only a few ways of coping with extreme stress,play the danger down or play it up to the point of panic...
19 Jun 2010
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]

Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising?
You claim people in the west only know of the ghetto uprising.....hhmmm,maybe some do,probably more know of both and even more have never heard of either,the vast majority of people I should imagine fall in the last group.

Lets put it in another context though. At the time of the Ghetto uprising the western powers didnt yet have a foothold in mainland europe,vicious fighting was drawing to a close in North Africa,the second U Boat happy time was in full swing and the war in the far east was going badly for the allies then all of a sudden,from deep in Nazi occupied territory came news of a gallent little last stand and a bloody nose for the germans.

Fast forward to August 1944, Paris rises up against the nazis, British,Canadian, French and American (yes Polish too.) forces are engaged in bitter struggles,V1s are rainning on south east england the war is still dragging out in the far east etc etc,frankly,as far as most people in the west at the time,and therefore their descendents there was far more going on than a "rather silly display of foolish pride" only miles from the advancing Soviet(allied) forces.

You complain about the lack of knowladge regarding the warsaw uprising,but you know what,I know a hell of a lot of people who know the basics,what,who , when,but have yet to meet anyone ,including Poles that knows about the 45 Prague uprising. Yes there may be gaps in "our" knowledge regarding Polish history,but there are huge gaps in " your" knowledge of (real as oppossed to chauvanistic and whinny self pitying blame every bugger else) many aspects of "our" history. I could name many but that would not be the point.
15 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

with which we produced the fastest tank in the world

aye,so fast they made the romanian border in days.....

Stg 43 and Stg 44 use different parts, non of them them borrow from M1 or any US design, period.

Your right,copied from the Finnish saumi....muppet.

Oh we're definitely better in WW2

Face it,if "you" were that fookin good you wouldnt have been occupied until 1989 ...muppet....
9 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Poles took a very poor tank and made a Panzer III equivalent (from Hildebrands own words) it had very little of the original british crapbox left in it.

Agread,to a point,but,I think you'l find without British and french chari...sorry,help,Poland would have had no Tank force at all.....

Also Blitzkrieg is a myth, unlike in Russia, France and everywhere else Poles actually stopped Wehrmacht

You got that right,Blitzkreig was a myth as far as its use in 1939 against Poland is concerned....The germans hadnt worked it out yet and got everything "wrong". After the practice run of Poland the germans learnt many leasons and their following campaigns were closer to true blitzkreig.

On the contrary it did not lose like the French and British, it managed hold Germans along the entire border

Thats just bollox mate and you know it. If it held the "entire border" how come german units were deep inside poland within hours?

In addition Poland was forced to fight over half a milion Soviets

Again bollox,official Polish response to the soviet invasion was do not fire unless fired upon.

So if you state that Polish Army was weak then how do you describe the French/British/Low Countries

Ive already said in my first post that the western allies were weak in 1940,but,big surprise chauvanist Pole gets all uppity and boo hoo " we are the best at everything but the world just doesnt see it..." God,whats it like having a national charector these days(unlike the heros of the 30s and 40s) of a petulant teenager?
8 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

this 7.5 ton tank was arguably the best machine used on both sides of the conflict in September 1939.

Ie,a licensed copy,with some mods,of the british vickers.

the West and communist Russia parroted how obsolete and weak the milion strong Polish army was

Well,lets face it,it was weak,in terms of not being mobilised and being scattered very badly. In 39 the Poles in places put up some of the most heroic defensive AND offfensive actions of ww2 but that doesnt detract from its overall weakness,ie,it lost,just as the french and british did 6 months later.....
14 May 2009
Life / Gypsies or Roma: European and Polish attitudes towards [87]

ok,thats just a ROFL moment :)
Mind you,if you go back far enough thats all any monarchy in europe ever was,some dude called himself king then his kids were king for a couple of generations then some one else said,nope,Im king now,and on and on....

Ok,links still not working but Ive seen these guys on TV Im pretty sure :)
14 May 2009
Life / Gypsies or Roma: European and Polish attitudes towards [87]

links not working mate.
If its one showing some Roma behaving like an idiot or something from the 17th century, Its Ok, I dont dispute a lot of Rom are scumbags.And I studied psychology just long enough to be dangerous so I like to get to the root of things.

But not all. All I was trying to get to the bottom of was ,why did this culture develope,one where theft from non Rom is not seen as a crime etc In a way it doesnt sound much difference to old imperialism,"take what you want from "them",theyre not like us and hate us."

Double click on the YouTube video and it will open in another window/tab. ;)
14 May 2009
Life / Gypsies or Roma: European and Polish attitudes towards [87]

Thanks for the clip.
Yep,Tourists flock to flamenco bars and then join in with the "locals" in saying how dirty the gypos are f,drying their clothes on rocks,yuck..". It would make me laugh if it wasnt all to common an attitude.

Take as you find I say. My best neighbours,the ones on my street Id trust with my house keys are of genuine Romany stock,settled down obviously as I dont live by the side of a road:)

"yeah,but the ones in Eastern Europe are different" I always hear......Well,D'oh,treat a group of people so frikkin badly for centuries ,condem them to an itinerent lifestyle,push to the margins of sociaty and see what happens. Sure some could live with the "nice" people,musicians,etc,ie ,pet projects. Add to that a holocaust in ww2 that very few people seem to have heard of and when they do are amazed at just how brutal it was,a higher percentage of european roma died than jews per head of pop'. And in most cases locals were more than happy to help or casually observe the nazis get rid of these "vermin".,with a history like that what do you expect a peoples to do? Yeah,sure,there are laws now,and oppertuinityies that I grant you are being squandered by Roma as I write,but,someone tell me how long,how many generations it takes for a whole people to regain trust in the rest of the world? Atleast the jewish people got a country,from what I see and hear all the european Roma got was more of the sameuntill a few years ago,and,oddly enough,inclusive laws only seemed to be passed when EU membership was being persued.....
8 May 2009
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

To be fair Donkey,before you learnt a little about Poland you may have heard of Coppernicus and Marie Currie and presumably Walensa but honestly,Kopernik ,Maria Skłodowska and Wałęsa?


Yep,production lines,maybe a week tops,from pretty much scratch,that was the RAFs biggest problem in the BofB,not shortage of 'planes but Trained Pilots,but this is veering away from famous Poles now :)

Er,that lass from My Family,Denby Ash,was something like Dombrowski before equity name change,
Oh, and Rula lenska,every ones fav' ginger countess in a catsuit :)
8 May 2009
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

Well i wonder if there was a rule, shoot a German down over Europe and make sure hes dead if you can. Shoot him down over the Channel or GB save the ammo.

There probably wasnt ever a written rule along those lines but I wonder how many people followed something similar.
I suppose its easy for us now to say what is right and wrong,but ,seeing as an aeroplane could be produced in a couple of days and a pilot took months to train ,pragmaticaly,when an enemy who has proven himself over Rotterdam and Warsaw,not to mention Geurnica,to be ruthless and intent on invading your island,do you really play nice or do you try to kill every last one of them? I always remember Max Beaverbrook in The World at War,when he's asked if there was a code of the air during the battle of britain(he was a spitfire pilot) has a look that you give a child who asks a silly question and then planly said ,no,they were trying to invade our country .
8 May 2009
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

Its fascinating stuff about 303,at a time when the RAF was scrapping the bottom of the barrel by cutting Pilot training back to a minimum the Poles were kept in a holiday camp in Blackpool. I think a couple of Poles served with my G' Uncle in 501 Sqdrn RAF right through the Battle of Britain so I imagine total Polish contribution was much larger than the 2 PAF Sqdrns.

It will be interesting to find out just how wide spread shooting baled out Pilots was amongst all the other nations during the Battle though,Im pretty sure plenty of native Britons did the same,after all,these barstewerds were trying to conquer their country,if they baled out over the channel there would have been a 50 /50 chance by the next morning ,after a bit of a bath,Fritz would be back dropping bombs over little snodberry in a shiny new 109.
8 May 2009
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

Most good Pilots were "nutcases" back then. It took a certain charector to be willing to take off in canvas covered flying petrol tanks with only 30 odd seconds worth of ammo. I say hats off to them all(apart from that gerry who bombed my aunties chip shop...)

And here here for Josef Konrad,if nothing else the world got a damm cool vietnam movie out of him :)
" Karol dont surf"
16 Jun 2008
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Because It isn't...

yes it is,its eastern to this place.....

Besides, If any of yours say "eastern europeans" there's 99.99% he thinks Poles, not Russians or Uks.

dont get your knickers in a twist,before you guys the "eastern europeans" were bosnians or years eastern europeans will be romanians and bulgars...

But,yourself and the wannabe Pole are missing the point,you carp on about negativity towards eastern europeans yet your only retort is ..we arnt from eastern but central europe....why not stick up for your neighbours a bit instead of giving the impresion its OK to slag off eastern europeans just as long as central europeans arnt involved?
16 Jun 2008
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

For a start it shows a certain double standard. I dont here any Poles saying,"no,eastern europeans arnt like that.." all I hear is,"Poland is not in eastern europe..." sorta like they are saying "well,your probably right about those pesky east europeans but were a better class of finacial emigrants coz were from central europe..."
15 Apr 2008
History / Is there a list of those in the Polish Army during WWII? [193]

Africa and Italy will be 2 corps
served in england your best bet is the sikorski institute in london,sorry,I really must make a note of the address but a quick web search will find it.