Travel /
Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]
that just a few is enough to disturb the competition significantly.
It is not only that they draw some girls.It is also that:
1.They increase the demands of the rest
2.They scare the girls so that they see the foreigner as sex thirsty low level dirty man instead of a gallant foreigner with bright intentions
3.They bring awful conservatism by not allowing their girlfriends let other guys talk to them or dress as they used to dress before or worse by converting them to muslim faith.
In this way they create an army of frustrated white males who would have found relief if the colored had not been there.
Here we do not talk about countries like Sweden where the girls are wise enough to avoid coloreds and instead arab women make the right choice choosing white men leaving muslim men sexless and tending to raping to discharge their frustration.
If the same white-first behaviour was adopted by slavic females there would be no problems but due to historical,social,economical reasons and the pussifying of slavic males the situation is reversed to that of western countries.