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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Alone the Turks in Germany make already many problems due the difference in the cultural heritage...only some very naive people would believe that wouldn't be the case in a much bigger form if the whole of Turkey would join the EU!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Europe as the Germans understand is it the "christliches Abendland"'s our heritage and our cultural imprint even if not all are regular church goers.

Turkey is so much different that those few square miles which officially belong to Europe mean nothing.
We don't want Mosques in our countries, nor muezzins howling in our streets, nor discuss if our women have to wear a headscarf...period!

Turkey is so not Europe!
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Ah ha! :) But there is nothing good in trying to emulate better not try! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Umm..wait a minute:

Poles for the most part are reserved and try to be very respectable/quiet

Turks being the loud and out going group

the Germans are very quiet and in a shell at times.


Poles and Turks are very similar in many ways

Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Still Greek can't be racist

Cut the crap!

Remember the link about greek elite military group singing of their hate against everything turkish?

Why are you trying to present a reality which just is not true?
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Greeks had many problems in the past (olive skin).

Do you live in Germany?

How do you know?

I am Greek, I like Turks

You are not speaking for your people it seems:

Turkish court bans YouTube access

Access to the popular video-sharing website YouTube has been suspended in Turkey following a court order.
The ban was imposed after prosecutors told the court that clips insulting former Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk had appeared on the site.
According to Turkish media, there has been a "virtual war" between Greek and Turkish users of the site, with both sides posting insulting videos.

Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

It is normal we are similar.

No...Greeks and Turks don't appear similar in Germany.
For example this beating of an old man happened before by Turks but never by Greeks, that's why people wondered...maybe the Turks have a bad influence on you?

Greeks are integrated fine, Turks are not.

Actually you are puzzling me and I think other board members do seem so strange for a Greek...I doubt you are a real Greek!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

That's bad...but you brought that example again and again.

What about this:

Before Christmas a 76-year-old pensioner was beaten up on the Munich metro. His two assailants were, in one of the more unlikely criminal teams, a German born Turk and a 17-year-old Greek immigrant. The attack must have marked the first time a Greek and a Turk have fought on the same side.

How should I judge the Greeks now after that?


You are nice on forum !

I'm just a nice person! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

This is the difference between the Greeks and Turks.The Greeks want to change and become europeans,they always look how things are done in Europe while Turks want to remain Turks,they are proud and do not want to change

Greeks are Europeans...Turks not!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

In Germany Greeks still face so many problems.

Which ones?

About 350.000 people is not much to speak about...Germans know Greeks mostly because of their food and restaurants.,2144,3127654,00.html

A recent proposal to set up Turkish-medium schools in Germany was strongly criticized by politicians. The response ignores the fact that one immigrant group in Germany, the Greeks, has for decades had its own schools.

Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Surely not. You've probably bullied your 'opponents' into submission so that they were afraid to admit ignorance

Bullied by ME?
The sole German on a board full with Poles, Serbs, English, even Jews???

To much honor!!! :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
30 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I'd be walking around in expensive sandals or Birkenstocks, wearing a beard and bathing irregularly.

Admit it! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Sorry Lukasz...but your germanophoby took you in this time!

There was no arson...
Even the turkish police could find no hint.
It was rather some sparks of abused power cables in the cellar when they get handled wrongly by in stealing power from neighbours illegally and such...

What do you think of death Turkish people in fires in Germany. Not a one case. İt is happening very often

Very often??? How often....
Not nearly as much as turks get criminell in Germany!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761] was the old man's fault that he got beaten up by the righteous youth! Sure...

And it's the Germans fault when the men kill their wifes and daughters because of "honour"!

It's the Germans fault when the boys have no respect for their teacher and prefer to roam the streets with open knifes in their pockets instead going to school.

It's the Germans fault that they don't know german good enough to even fill out an application form!

The bad, evil Germans....the same which give them handouts and pay them regular welfare checks even as they are unemployed and absolute worthless to the society and are likely to stay that way.

Makes one wonder why they prefer the horrible Germany instead of going back...
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I'm not interested in visiting Turkey anyway...but what do you want to say?

That I don't have the right to be angry about the turkish dregs in our ghettoes and their behaviour?
How would a turk in Istanbul react if a group of german boys instead of sitting in school learning something tramples a turkish old man nearly to death in the train just because he asks them to stop smoking in the cabin?

Don't tell me you would have much compassion and understanding for these youth...'s the old man's fault, isn't it? He probably didn't smile at them enough...
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

But unfortunately Turks in Turkey don't like you.

So...who is the xenophobe here??? :)

PS: Turks not liking a tourist wanting to spend some money would be a first...
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

25% of tourists who come to turkey are germans. so germans like turkey and turks. maybe not german nazis like us but normal kind germans do ;) at least 5.5 millions who visit here every year.

If you had read my posts you would know that even I do like turks - IN TURKEY!

Even this forum shows Turkey shouldn't enter EU.

You will find most Europeans think the same! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I don't see the prejudices vanishing...they belong to the human EVERY humans psyche if you like it or not!

Some negative prejudices are destroyed by positive experiences some are strengthened by negative experiences.

The people just aren't going to be all-loving-tree-huggers...just accept it!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

.....Germans like everybody..... so long as they can feel culturally, intellectually, athletically, or especially technologically, superior.


The US is the world capital of public relations

Then why is Germany's image world wide much better than that of the US???
Not very efficient PR then, isn't it?
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

The Poles are largely indifferent to them as people, they let them get on with their work. If the Turks were to set up mosques everywhere, that may change the picture.

It isn't the quiet turkish kebab maker who becomes a problem in the big cities...
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

i think he only defends Turks cos he doesnt like Germans ha ha

Yup! :)

Bratwurst Boy, are there ANY nationalities (apart from German obviously) that German people like???

Germans belong to the people which are traveling around the world most of all.
They go there to see and experience new people and cultures, learn languages, enjoy the food...
Would a xenophobic people do that?
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

If he want to become Chancellor then he must be nice to Germans first (and I really doubt that he will be alike to the dregs in the ghettos - and he will speak fluently german probably, not to mention having a good education)

Lukasz? Why this interest in Turks so suddenly? What did your DNA test show? Are you part turkish maybe?
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]


Ooookaaaay...when you don't want to have a serious discussion you should say so!

PS: It isn't the german youth being on a criminal rampage through Berlin! I want to see you smile to those turkish louts who are beating you to the hospital....

PPS: When you smile at one openly he might think you are gay and are coming onto him...he will hurt you baaaaaaaaaaaaad! :(
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

as to Turks you need more time be patient. Maybe you are going to have so loyal citizens like Jews before WWII ... don't do this mistake again.

You really have no idea, don't you?
Do you know that most of these third and fourth generation-problem-turks who live in ghettoes in their parallel societies speak worse german than the first generation who came here for work???
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Germans and Poles are not best friends ..

How much money and support you get from Turkey?
How much money and support you get from Germany and EU???

I dunno what you are looking for in friends Lukasz...

I thought Germans are building museum about expeled immigrants ...

And you are supporting Schwan because you think she is an "enemy" of Steinberg who want's such a museum be build? Do you have an idea how hypocritical you sound?

I think you support the Turks because Germans can't stand them...

We will send you our uneducated, unemployed, islamistic, backwards turks gladly over once the polish economy is gearing up and searching for cheap try to assimilate them! Have fun!

We will then speak again....
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

You speak as an outsider....4 weeks in Neukölln or Kreuzberg and you would see it differently, promised!

(I mean...I like turks Turkey that is!)

PS: And your germanophobie is as least as strong as my stop usinig words like "nazi-propaganda"!
(You are still calling Germany the "enemy" in another thread)
Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Maybe it is time to try to assimilate Turks ?

They will rather try to assimilate YOU to THEM!