The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Przelotnyptak1  

Joined: 22 Nov 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 1 Dec 2024
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Posts: Total: 371 / Live: 363 / Archived: 8
From: USA Grand Rapids
Speaks Polish?: I do
Interests: Variable

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7 May 2019
Po polsku / Katowice-gdzie mogę spotkać ludzie? [58]

Poznałem pana Łyżko, pisząc bzdury w Random., gdzie wydał opinie o stanie mojego umysłu,dokładniej mojego braku kompetencji, zdolności myślenia., Zaoferował,bezpłatną pomoc w tłumaczeniu angielskiego tekstu na polski. Zdaje sobie sprawę, że po czterech dekadach.

pobytu w Stanach, mojej polszczyźnie,brak polotu,łatwości w formułowaniu zdań.
,doboru właściwych słów,
Pomimo niedociągnięć, oferta pana Łyżko,była szczytem bezczelności.
7 May 2019
Po polsku / Katowice-gdzie mogę spotkać ludzie? [58]

Czy znacie "Polski straszny jezyk" od Jana Miotka?

Panie Łyżko!
Twoje, śmiechu warte, dziecinne "zmagania" z Kaprysem, przypominają wróbla, który z cala powaga,planuje atak na orla
7 May 2019
Po polsku / Katowice-gdzie mogę spotkać ludzie? [58]

Fajnie, że uczy się polskiego. Problem w tym, że nie przyjmuje do wiadomości, że popełnia błędy

Popełniane błędy, choć drażnią,pobłażliwie toleruje,co drażni,jak zadra to, zupełny brak samokrytyki.
Człowiek nieświadomy swoich limitacji
7 May 2019
Po polsku / Katowice-gdzie mogę spotkać ludzie? [58]

Oj, ćwicz, Łyżko, ćwicz ....

Byłem świadkiem jego niezdarnych "popisów, jako tłumacza, zawiłych trudnych do tłumaczenia, niekompletnych napisów z płyt nagrobkowych.
Rozumiem jego potyczki. Język polski,bogaty w niezwykle subtelne różnice, niuansy, rozumiane, dostępne tylko szczęśliwcom rodzonym w naszym kraju.
Należna jest mu pochwała, za wytrwale, uparte starania.
Bezczelności mu nie brak i to właśnie jest powodem pozornego braku tolerancji, gdyż Google ma przed sobą daleka,trudna drogę,aby dorównać np. Kaprysowi.

W większości przypadków,tłumaczenie z użyciem Google widoczne jak wysypka na twarzy nastolatka
13 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

Impossible to ignore. their posts strategically located, excrement piles. Once you drop your guard and step in it, the sole of your shoe is contaminated, impossible to clean.

Just send it back to miscreant with all the nonsense and unpleasant odor
13 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

You got drunk and maudlin, as usual. It is not funny anymore. Stop harassing me.

From a mature man one would expect cohesive ,well versed response not boorishness, ignorance.Then the exit every coward takes, innuendo sick fantasies of sexual

deviancy, wrapped in lie. You are aware of course, you could have said that's enough, I detest humor ,sarcasm. irony. I understand,ehough.
Why get on all four if up right is more natural for a human

I owe you no explanation, just to show your ignorance, I don't remember last time I have had a beer
12 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

Though I don`t go to the gym,

I feel your pain , just change koteczku to malpeczku it will fit like a glove

Pan kotek był chory i leżał w łóżeczku,
Więc przyszedł pan doktor
Jak się masz koteczku?
Źle bardzo -gorączka?
Źle bardzo
Koteczku -oj długo, ty długo
poleżysz w łóżeczku

This part of the forum is English only.

Though I don`t go to the gym

Sickness , not feeling up to par? There is one other possibility. you may feel neglected / unappreciated I know ,I know!!! all of your posting/arguments, and I can count

your victories on one finger of my left hand. Don't despair even you can possibly win ,sometimes. All you have to do ,is try harder, or pick on feeble/frail opponent

As an adviser have given my best Now it is up to you .Landing on all four paws and hitting the keyboard ::))
11 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

it is called stork protection of frogs. Or fox protection of hens. :):)

About same as you protecting women .Don't question your intensions, but results guaranteed deserter, weakling as a protector same as open invitation for a wolf
11 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

But you originally directed this question to Chemikiem, I didn`t know it was to me too.

Chemikiem shmenikiem As a good coward, she dangles the question, twisting in the air, then hides behind her female persona

That leaves me with you ,her stodge, to answer the question

woman`s right to be free from abuse and violence, t

Who the hell is promoting such criminality?
Conservatives don't need feminism or you to understand basic lows of GOD. For ages we, the real man protected our women, without
question or hesitation. if needed we will do it again and again, We ,to show our generosity and big heart, invite you and Delph can join the ranks of the protected

Sorry, this is getting more and more incomprehensible,

You are so right, try to deal with you and Delph all day long, you will go bonkers for sure:::)))
10 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

Yes, sometimes they exaggerate because nothing that people do is perfect.

Perfect? it is disgusting, bordering on criminal

Why the hell I am answering so many of your postings? After a reflection, I conclude I like sense of humor, especially in my opponent, Not much of an opponent, never the less with a decent sense of humor::))
10 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

Weren`t Poles often called the tragic Don Quixotes of Europe? I am Polish, so I must act like one. :)

What do you mean, must? You must answer rationally, use reason and logic and stop acting like doormat, must stop
pretending ,farts and good quality perfume smell the same. And for Gods sake be done fighting those dangerous WIATRAKI.
By the way I am waiting for your answer . What are those unknown women's rights, that you are fighting for, so tirelessly??

lack of imagination about what when their own children become the representatives of things they hate so much.

Whoa!!! don't let your imagination to run wild .In this case fallow brain, lows of nature, reasoning power, good example. Imagination
in this example, you can skip, especially when your sons teacher, resembles Delp
10 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

flags don`t defile the national symbols. A rainbow flag isn`t a flag anymore but a banner.

Pawian !

Why do you defend sick attempt to connect Polish flag with a symbol of homosexuality? This is even more twisted ,than your attempt to present yourself and and every libtard as noble defenders of women rights Which rights ,precisely are you defending, and which are denied to women , today?

What you and your friends are lamenting is the fact that not every men is ready to be a doormat and a arss kisser what you are fighting is a law of nature, you are fighting

a mirage, my dear Don Quixote Liked or not we are different, not as opponents but two halves,that creates perfect entirety
In the future I will talk to you about man and a manhood .You can drive a truck trough the gap in your knowledge
10 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

* Waits for the response of 'I must be a man-hater' or an 'ugly short dyke'

Wait no longer. It is obvious you are a feminist. How far you take your grieves, makes all the difference.
No one on the right wants a woman to be his servant. Some times the only way to fight absurd is with absurd answer. I do not judge you to harshly

Because I do not know enough about you, except for your leftist tendencies, your unjust handling your responsibilities as moderator. Understandable you are a lib

One other indication of who you really are is your involvement in defending undefendable.I am talking about exchange of postings, between
me and one of your so called "sisters", vulgarizer extraordinaire."Woman" whom shamelessly invades strangers
, most private area, grabs the genitalia all of it in public and you rushing to her defense, Do you wonder why I question your impartiality.

You are to intelligent ,your writing to elegant and precise not to notice glaring inconsistency, for instance, where did the "ugly short dyke" come from?

Post is to long already, what I wan to convey to you would take ten pages not one post
Ps What rights are you denied, so you are obligated to fight for?
10 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

but I have always fought for women`s rights and will continue till my last hour. Give up all hope because I won`t stop.

Where did you get the idea that ,"rightists" as you label conservatism, are against women rights. Nothing further from the truth.
You just see excessive demands as rights . Do you support Virginia law, for instance, allowing doctor and the mother to murder a baby born alive and outside mothers body?

Do you agree that's the woman right?
10 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

creature - used to refer to a life form that is unusual:The unicorn is a mythical creature.

Admit you sprang your own trap. Those who correct minor mistakes of others ,sooner or later fall into contraption of their own making

Your excuse sounds like guy admitting to an adultery. Yeah but that was with a woman other than my wife ,besides ***** is dead now
9 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]

.The horror that women suffered throughout the 20th century at the hands of men

As always ,abundance of sense and logic in every one of your posts.20th century Polish men ,without any responsibility and ton of free time on their hands,

entertained themselves on the beaches of the French Riviera unless they were busy winning fortunes in the famous casinos, while heroic women ,fought and die, fighting the wars started by mean spirited men.

I suspect you believe in the importance of your writing, but a person with on once of common sense, considers such, of no importance what so ever.

I mean submissiveness. It is some kind of a mental fetish for you, right?

Are you talking or just planting malicious tumors?? Did you read Dirks posts,?. Dirk and fetish ? Must be delirium, try to wake up
28 Feb 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

The most heavy mass rapes happened in poland btw. Even nuns got gangraped

Where do you get information? Germany by far. for ages Russian soldiers were allowed to rape ,women in the conquered country.
In Poland ,Russians were forced to pretend "friendship", besides two Polish armies would have rebel, not something Russians could afford , at the time

bother me, that i couldnt care less and in reality i give a **** about it.

How very German of you. Some of you even claim. you have rejoined ranks of the humanity. Then like a bad dream you reveal your kind, for what you really are
28 Feb 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

BB you are so wrong.Don't believe me...follow the link and research for yourself.

No harm was intended in this instance. Some of it I do believe it is every day knowledge, some I don't because you showing preference for a German point of view

Look Israelis remember distant injustices of Masada Arabs or Muslims remember Crusaders French Canadians remember Arcadia, why do you think we should forget Nazi Germany? In my own family in our Family Book five innocent slayed ,two without the trace not even ashes remain, and somehow I should forget.

then there is long history .I am just now for a third time . reading eye witness account of the rape of Slavic Mazury
28 Feb 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Soviet command. However, there were no such instructions, or any instructions whatsoever about the Poles

BB you are so wrong. Learn about your country more before you comment on mine .Polish women were raped no question about it by Russians and Germans

We were "allies" plus there were two Polish armies fighting alongside Russians As far as Germany, Russian soldiers were allowed to rape and pillage with

impunity according to unwritten war low ,centuries old. For full three days .Saying remembered even today;"Kak my pajdiom w Germaniu tam my dadiom pa rubcu"

And they certainly did Horrible!!
27 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Russians look a bit different.

Come on Dirk, not you . you not going to fall into this trap assume that we randomly select four groups of people from four different nationalities 100 Poles 100Czechs

100 Ukrainians and 100 Germans, Dress them in similar uniforms ask them to remain silent and see if you can find who is who we are white Europeans that all there is to it
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Their faces make me think they are at least 80% Slavs. 49% of Celto-Germani

Germanic machine of propaganda and disinformation never sleeps .Divide and conquer.t his time on economic front. Goal remans the same
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

perhaps he recognised your accent? Perhaps he also spoke Polish?

Right you are, accent probably80% Than other superficial factors , hair, clothing , if in the 1960 or 70, look of a cornered ,untrusting animal, influence of UB , In the eyes of

Anglo- Saxon we the Poles supposed to be some dark sinister caricature of a white western European Makes me wonder why historically Polish women were addressed as BIALKA ,I suspect not for black hair ,dark brown complexion and slanted eyes .They the Anglo-Saxon-Western Europeans used this method for ages, to justified treatment of Slavic people
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

We are all mongrels to varying degrees.

Milo I am 0% of a mongrel, 100% Slavic :))) Got my tests 9 or 10 months ago .Very proud ,but I like you, even as a mongrel LoL
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

..don't know why especially women....just an observance.

You like most of hetero men, pay more detailed attention to women than men , that's whereespecially comes from.
Ukrainians if you look from historic perspective are ,mostly descendants of Polish peasants escaping oppression ,almost slavery, into the wild east ,,sparsely inhibited area Polskie,Dzikie Pola
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

My experience was the opposite .people were guessing I was an American and I am 100% Polish, so I insist ,white European can be of any European nationality, except for southern Europe. Rest of it is rubbish
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Germans or Ukrainians, including those from the cities.

I would except your answer as honest attempt ,to clarify but I doubt your sincerity, because ,previously in Random Chat you posted same nonsensical anti Polish peace

of propagandas as in your resent post. Probably copy from some book of Hitler era
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

It would be interesting to know for me if Poles can spot any visible difference between Polish and Ukrainian appearance.

What difference? We are the same people

Some look 'more Eastern' to me, some don

What do you mean Eastern? Don't operate in generality , you have something on your mind or just blowing smoke up my ......
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

artists and the audience and tell me again about a typical Polish look.

Nutrition ,diet , have got lot more to do with your bone structure, than your genes There is striking difference between children born in u USA and their parents born

in Poland.
My father, 100% Polish 195 cmm wzrostu ,blond hair. blue eyes carbon copy of Bjorn Borg, how is that for typical?, Any talk of typical is rubbish