The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 4 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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20 Jun 2024

What do you mean all the rest?

Don`t you feel disturbance in the force? Close your eyes and contemplate on the rest.
20 Jun 2024

Polish efforts now are not blessed by the ancestors. That is why artillery and all the rest failed. I shall pray to my Slava Saint St. Archangel Michael (personification of my ancestors), so he tell few words for Poland to our beloved Christ and His Mother.

So our Polish kin join us Serbians and Hungarians.
20 Jun 2024

I am ashamed when see Poland in a such a stupid role in Ukraine. Much better that we together flatten Vatican and make Roman woman love us.
8 Jun 2024
History / Its decided. If Germany interfere in Silesia, Russia would support Poland. New winds [17]

Germany is the machine. Still. Desperate for resources, as always. At a time when EU and NATO turning to a bloody joke. When world isn`t Uni but Multi-polar, when you can`t just jump on other continents and loot. So, we see what will happen. What must happen. Poland will happen. Poland is isolated from other Slavs. It seams like that. Germany and Poland are in NATO and all what happen within NATO is suppose to be NATO thing. At lease, that is how Germany`s and western European magnates would like to be. That Germany`s attack on Poland, that will come, represent NATO`s internal thing.

And it would pass if not for Serbia on the map of Europe. We would never accept that, even if Russia decide not to interfere. So, when Germany move on Poland, Serbian public would react and destabilize wide region. Then, western Europe would move against Serbians, and then, Russia would be forced to react, on behalf of Serbia and Poland.

We Serbians would never calmly look at the demise of Poland. Poland won`t be sold.
8 Jun 2024
Love / Swedish Love for Poland [46]

well, i was referring to sorrow between friends and family,

Don`t worry. Discussion just nicely developing.

Sweden is already in the EU (the real one) and NATO.

Yes, but as we all know, as much as the EU is still real, the EU is a joke.
8 Jun 2024
Love / Swedish Love for Poland [46]

We Slavs ie Sarmats are great inspiration to Sweden. They can join us in Orban`s suggested Central European Union.
8 Jun 2024
Love / Swedish Love for Poland [46]

On the second thought, yes. Sweden was reprimanded and got the lesson.
5 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Polish news too quiet about Djokovic - the best male player ever in the history of tennis [5]

Official Poland orchestrate it all. Traitors to Poles and all Slavic. Not just Djokovic. Serbians are completely ignored in mass media since those massive protests in Poland, decade ago, in support of Serbian Kosovo. During protests was spat on NATO and EU. Polish police reacted at one occasion and a lot of Polish young was beaten and harmed by the police.

Regime in Poland fear from Serbian influence on Poles and all Slavs in Poland. To lure Poles in mad suicide and sacrafiction for NATO, EU and Rome`s magnates you must isolate them, among else, from Serbs, too. Firstly from Serbians.

That is why I say that Poland didn`t fall. Battle for Poland is ongoing. From within Poland and from outside. Trick is to avoid harm of Polish children in the process. We must care for it, as much as enemy don`t care.
5 Jun 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

In the wake of WW3

One of these days Milorad Dodik, President of Serb Republic within Bosnia-Herzegovina needs to meet with Vladimir Putin.

But, who is Milorad Dodik, beside he is the leader of Bosnian Serbs. Milorad Dodik is also heavily sponsored by the Polish magnates from the USA Polish diaspora but, also from Poland. Magnates that tend to stronger ties with Anglo world and normal ties with Russia. Magnates that would like to see balance within Slavic world and Europe restored. Thru strong Serbian state. As it was in deeper past. So no more friction. All via private company of the Corey Lewandowski, Trumps aide.

So, Milorad Dodik is the man of balance for the Polish and Russian magnates. And he mediate. Let us wish him luck. We who love Slavic civilization.

Sastaju se Putin i Dodik


Interesting. Isn`t it. Milorad Dodik, Serbian leader from Bosnia-Herzegovina that has support of rich Poles and Russians.
5 Jun 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

You clearly have no idea about how it is to live under RU occupation

Oh, I know all it well. But, I am not ONE SIDED as you are. Brate! Why brate you forgiving to those that mutilated your ancestors at Arkona and you don`t wish to see reality of your kin? What evil spirits clouded your eyes?

Complete history of Rome, Greeks and western Europe is looting and enslaving. ALL they achieved is thru deception and stealing. THEY used the moment and seized the power at one point of history. THEY re-directed wealth flow in Europe and world. THEY pushed Slavs ie Sarmatians and pressed so much what remained of our people and of our ancient noble families (because we also have our `immortals`) so that we were reduced to defense. Life in misery and long night. So our people fled from its own ancestors, from itself. Fled to false world created by the evil magicians of Rome and western Europe. False good life, from the blood of worlds.

So now Russia arises. That power what remained of our almost completely ruined civilization. Arises and says NO. What you stole, you stole, you won`t stealing anymore. What you assimilated, you assimilated, but NO more. What you killed in multiple genocides, you killed, but you won`t kill anymore.

That imperfect Russia said that to THEM. to the masters of lie and evil manipulation.

SEE, THIS IS TRUTH, BRATE. Truth is that we never sow happy Russia. Only Russia in agony. But, they now rebelled. Russians rebelled. So help us God, we Racowie are with them on this one. For the ancestors and golden freedom!

And what official Poland want. Monument to Bandera. To sacrifice Poland`s Slavs for the good of Rome`s black nobility. No, Poland`s officials don`t have credibility to do that.

And when you see battle standard of Sarmatia, our Dragons and fire-steels, you take your best aim and shoot at Serbians, if you have heart for such betrayal of your ancestors. That, assuming you are Polish. Your own blood and soul will rebel agisnt yourself and you will finish as the madman.
4 Jun 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [129]

Don`t give Polish coal to the western European vermin! Let them eat all their sh*. Proklete kur*e.
3 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Poland's aid to Serbia if Vatican invades - part 2 [8]

Good to know that somebody of Polish ethnicity giving serious thought to the idea. This makes me happy and feel safer. And I can imagine Grom easily deal with Swiss guard, yes.

But how could Maradona's hand help Serbia?
3 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Poland's aid to Serbia if Vatican invades - part 2 [8]

I contemplated and concluded that we have necessity of this topic here.

So, before we continue, to in advance answer to those who always tend to cut discussion before it even started, and now may question logic of the thread or the title. Yes, thread is logical because Vatican can invade countries no matter that officially has only Swiss Guard, that I know of. For invasion Vatican uses its enormous financial and material resources. Its influence. Vatican done it already in history through crusades, via governments, countries, secret services and via its missionary work, via network of Catholic Church, all in service of expansion of its power and control. Regarding particularly Serbia, yes, Vatican already invaded us. One can easily google on this. One may even ask did that invasion ever ended and where is border between past invasion and the new one.

Plus, thread is logical also from the angle of Polish love to Serbians with whom are Poles kin and historically related. In itself, thread would tackle interesting dilemmas and may help to Poles to face certain questions and seek the answer to them in themselves, no matter they take part in discussion here or not. To non Poles, thread may be interesting for better understanding of the Poles.

So, let it me ask the question which answer may even decide fate of Serbia and Serbians. Would Poles come in our aid, as they did during Turkish Ottoman invasion? I want to know, in situation of maybe imminent WW3, what would Catholic Poles do if they have to chose, would they support Vatican`s invasion on Serbia (no matter for of invasion) or they would opt to side with Serbians and send help to us.
1 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Racowie`s school of seduction - practical advices, but let me hear you first [9]

Good thing with a `Female competition` is that actually, in that game, you really can finish with female B or C whom you fascinated at first moment, while female A becoming irrelevant. In that case, the game made them even more hot :)

Or, you can lose all three of them. He, he
1 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Racowie`s school of seduction - practical advices, but let me hear you first [9]

If you want woman A, you approach and get her. If not, her loss.

Life is not ideal. `Female competition` is the good as the option in case you are desperate but you don`t wish that to became obvious. So you insert `competition` (if conditions are met for that) while in reality you giving last chance to the female A, before your exist strategy, as you said, in search for the another woman A.

There is that rule. Never pursue a female that you didn`t fascinate. So, you can give more time to some female only in case you aren`t sure about her first signals. Example. She maybe react positively at first but then she looks like reserved. Reasons may be various. It may even be her trick. So, you seek the way for some more time. But, I suggest, never to waste too much time.

Sure, honesty. Lies, pretense and manipulation are for the weak.

I see. Yes. Honesty in that sense, I agree. Never tried essentially to lie about myself, what really I am. Trickery is one thing but, manipulation come back to one as the boomerang.
1 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Racowie`s school of seduction - practical advices, but let me hear you first [9]

Confidence and humor, for sure. honesty? Are you crazy? You admit her about your primal desire? Or, something else?

For my opening here I would point out at the competition among females, as your valuable tool. you know the situation. Few females. A is your target but after first cold reaction by her (or something) you give just a little bit more attention to the female B or C. Preferable to the one where you sense you attracted her (but you still want female A). So the female A notice that chemistry between you and her friend and just out of pure female competition she starts opening to you, to prove itself as the alpha female.

When you apply this rule timely, it always brings interesting results.

Oh, I love these games.
1 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Racowie`s school of seduction - practical advices, but let me hear you first [9]

Before we relax, because pressure of politics is too high, let us, we Serbians and Poles, kindly ask our Russian brothers not to help, Duda and Polish speaking government, to burn Poland. Brate Putine, please outmaneuver Duda and Polish speaking government and make Poland safe so we are all happy. We love you!

Now, we relax. Party!

Music for the background > Not that it must be like this > It can be like this or on academic level category females, which I even prefer, but let us have a hint > in any case man is a man and woman is a woman >

So, people, how you doing seduction?