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Posts by sobieski  

Joined: 1 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 106 / Live: 95 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 2,118 / Live: 1,951 / Archived: 167
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Good
Interests: Polish culture and history, cooking

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17 Dec 2013
Study / Are there any German or British universities in Poland? [21]

I hope every thing is clear now Mr. sherlock holmes ^_^

Nope. Our labrador speaks better English as you - far better as it goes - At which "university" will you "study"?

Clark "University"...Care to ask any competent employer how they value your "degree" ?
17 Dec 2013
USA, Canada / Are prices for Laptops, Cell Phones or Tablets in Poland cheaper than in the US? [18]

A friend of mine living here in Warsaw is a Canadian. He bought his IPhone 4 in Canada for about half the price you would pay in PL. Of course here you have the bundles = telephone+subscription...But if you analyse the conditions, you are much better off buying a phone separately.
17 Dec 2013
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Most women are bossy. Polish women are expected to take a big share of responsibility for their marriage, children, household and husband.

This looks department depends on individual perception. I generally do not take male opinion about male looks with the exception of gays.
Few years ago a distant relative of mine went to Britain, she hasn't been well traveled, neighboring countries like Germany and such but nothing further afield. I happened to have a conversation with her on Skype. She said "My God, people here are so very ugly". A Question of perception - that all. Some types of looks are more general in their appeal and some not. Everyone have the right to his[/quote]
I did not want to tell this, but for once I tend to agree with you more or less.

Think about it, there are tons and tons of Polish professional models, not so many men

The same in my home country. But single +30 females are not shunned there for parties...and nobody expects you to show up with a partner at a "serious" social occasion.

OK, my embassy sends invitations for the annual party to Mr/Mrs. and Partner. But I guess that is diplomacy :)
17 Dec 2013
Study / Are there any German or British universities in Poland? [21]

He did. I wonder when the request for a working visa will come.

They're all Polish, but some payed some cash to grand foreign diplomas for graduates. For example:

These are companies issuing "degrees".
17 Dec 2013
Life / Cigarette prices in Poland [27]

Sadly a benefit that's being lost as it becomes more and more impossible to smoke anywhere.

Very good. I have zero sympathy for smokers. I cannot wait for the big freeze to come, and seeing them standing on the pavement outside of the office :)
16 Dec 2013
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

The thing about having a partner is half true though, a single Polish woman (especially over the age of 30) is shunned. It's hard (and boring) to explain, but basically it's because every social event that people are asked to here requires you to bring a guest, (weddings, christenings, etc. etc.) so it's handier to have a bf/gf (even if you hate them!)

Something is in this, and after all these years in Poland I haven't figured out why exactly. Single women tend to be invited much less often for social occasions here. My wife thinks this is because in other couples might look at her as "threat". Stupid thinking if you ask me.
13 Dec 2013
Life / Best place to buy cigarettes in Warsaw? [23]

I remember that my smoking friends told me the Marlboros sold there were smoked much faster as the ones bought in the West...and that they had a bit of a strange taste..

I do not smoke so I can't judge that.
A bit off-topic but an English friend of mine once bought their a copy of Window. He thought it was English, but t turned out to be...Bulgarian :)
12 Dec 2013
News / Why are Czechs more effective than Poles and Poland? [116]

ask Slovaks - they would probably tell you, that Czechs were like parasites on slovakian people and after the "divorce" cleaned them totally ;)

Yes, Tiso was a good example :)
12 Dec 2013
Law / Visa for Work in Poland [29]

Don,t worry they will not be looking to live next door to grandma..their eyes are turned towards the West.

Same happens here in Poland. They all come to "study" here at some private "university". Remarkably none of them is going to study at one of Poland's public universities.

These "universities" are not taken serious by any company in Poland. First thing you notice that once they get registered at one of these "universities", they ask about being able to work and live in other EU countries on the base of their Polish "student" visa.
12 Dec 2013
Travel / English cigarettes - where to buy in Poland? [41]

And are their prices much lower as in a kiosk?
Because my sister is coming over with her husband, and they always buy cigarettes in large quantities.

I noticed this guy is posting the same text in very thread concerning cigarettes...Could it be something fishy? For a starter, the name of the company would be welcome.
12 Dec 2013
Life / Best place to buy cigarettes in Warsaw? [23]

5zl per packet (so 50zl, a little over 10 quid a carton)

Surely not the known international brands. If yes, they will be very similar to the ones they sold once in the Stadion, and will vaguely resemble cigarettes :)
11 Dec 2013
Travel / Christmas Fairs in Poland [9]

That is how a skating rink in Old Town arises. It has to be hit of this winter

At the Old Town already see where for a few days will you can slip on the ice. City Hall hopes that the in the winter it will be one of the biggest attractions of the capital.

Ice rink will have 20 to 30 meters. The next step will be to set the band and lighting installation. But that's not all. - Ice rink will not only be lighted, but also beautifully illuminated and decorated festively. Besides, it will be surrounded of 40 spruces provided by Urban Forest - said Agnieszka Withers from the press office of the town hall. Right next to the skating rink skate rental will be placed. The whole will be surrounded by booths where tired skaters will be able to eat a meal and warm drinks offered by the Old Town restaurateurs. It is they who, not to mention thirsty attractions Varsovians, will the most benefit from the rink. Slide is likely to attract crowds of the curious, and those in the cold days will be happy to eat something.

So the ice-rink will be after all on the Rynek. Mind you, it is good location for it. If they throw in some gluhwein, that would be even better :)
10 Dec 2013
Travel / Ryanair flying domestic in Poland? [46]

Yeap, that's what I also figured out. We are still figuring out though if we could manage to go on a weekend trip with only hand luggage :). And yes Modlin by taxi is an extra factor (unless we trust one of the daughters with the family car, I think the answer is a very big no :)

Too bad it is six hours by train - although when you see IC tickets Warsaw-Wrocław...not cheap either. Now I understand why Wroc doesn't come to Warsaw to buy his Cheddar :)
9 Dec 2013
Travel / Christmas Fairs in Poland [9]

There isn't one in Warsaw rynek this year?!

Nope there isn't one. Just one of these typical Warsaw stories. In summer they started to re-lay the Rynek with new cobblestones. (Btw why to start this in the midst of the tourist season, God knows) This of course was delayed and delayed....

In the meantime there would be an ice-rink on the Rynek - also a good idea btw, and because of this the traditional Christmas Fair could not take place there. But instead of moving it to Rynek Nowego Miasta or Plac Zamkowy (on both locations it already has been), it was moved to...under the concrete shadow of Dworzec Centralny.

Then, because of the ongoing and delayed renovation works on the Rynek, the private sponsors of the ice-rink pulled out. End result: Big zero.
9 Dec 2013
Travel / Christmas Fairs in Poland [9]

Has anybody been to a Christmas Fair already in Poland this year? The one here in Warsaw is a very sad affair. They've put near the Central Railway Station, and a sadder location I cannot imagine. It is also very small. During the past years it was on the Rynek, much better location.

I heard the one in Wrocław is quite nice.