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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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16 Nov 2014
Life / Poczta Polska Is Killing ME! Transit time. [28]

Poczta Polska Is Killing ME!

oh, don`t say that Pane. Its not ok to publicly spit on that institution. Decent people rule there. For us Serbs Polish Post Service is beacon of light because resisted to partition of Serbia and see Kosovo as part of Serbia
8 Nov 2014
Polonia / Polish satellite TV abroad [40]

i would like to have better access, here in Serbia, to the Polish satellite TV. Poland should increase its media activities
30 Oct 2014
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

I doubt that Bismarck has said such a stupid sentence.

Me, too. Bismarck actually wanted to see Balkan as part on new German reich.

Balkans were important as the "gate" to Bosphorus, and particularly the connection between the Black sea and the Mediterranean sea. All Great powers had their interests on the Balkans and supported different Balkan states at different times.

Its not only about strategic meaning of region. Balkan is the old core of the Western world, birthplace of it. So, Balkan has significant moral meaning. It is prestige place for world powers to control.

Both Balkan wars were just the "preliminary round" of the Great war.

Exactly. Events on Balkan were additionally complicated by the meddling of western European powers.

Just think what would the USA have done had the Balkan states not been members of NATO?

Serbia still isn`t part of NATO. Serbia declared its neutrality on global military alliances. But, that is exactly the problem in the eyes of the west of Europe and USA.

Exactly Paulina. Turkey and Poland are strenghening their friendship. I am happy to see that. There were lots of activites, exhibitions, films, concerts in Turkey about Poland and many Turkish people attended them with pleasure.

Its not about friendship. Its about `killing Poland softly`, by annihilating Polish interests on Balkan, while west of Europe holds Poland.

But, Serbians still hold, as would Turkey learn in a harder way.

How then was Erdogan able to get all these generals arrested? How was he able to block YouTube and Twitter in Turkey? I believe that was just the beginning; especially now that he was "elected" (cough, cough) president.


Turkish propaganda movie on the Net, part of Neo-Ottoman euphoria >>>

The Glorious Turkish Ottoman Elite Troops vs. the whole Polish & Serbian Army -1444 Varna

30 Oct 2014
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

Polish president was on a two day visit with his wife in Turkey to celebrate the 600th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 315th anniversary of continuous peace between Poland and Turkey

ha? sure?

Serbian president was on a two day visit with his wife in Turkey, too. i`m not sure for what reason.

Are you sure that our presidents knows what they doing?

But if you watch Erdogan turning Turkey into an islamist state, I wouldn't trust them and I certainly wouldn't want them in the EU. I have no idea why Polish politicians seem to promote this idea. Are they kissing up to the Americans?


If you continue this way, your view would be more and more closer to the view of the George Friedman
29 Oct 2014
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

What a clown.

don`t say that for Mr Friedman. Many has plans for Poland and so, Friedman, too.

But, particularly in this case, Friedman said some things that could be truth. Turkey is mortal enemy of Poland. We knew it after all, already. What makes things even worse is that is Poland in alliance with its strategic enemy- Turkey, via NATO. At the same time, i`m not just sure that Poland can count on USA.

Interesting that Friedman didn`t mention Britain and France on the side of Poland. Isn`t it?
29 Oct 2014
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

Merged: George Friedman predicts clash of interests and even war between Turkey and Poland

Interesting elaboration by George Friedman

So, by the Friedman, Turkish power, among other regions, influence Balkans. Its obviously region where directly clashes Polish and Turkish vital strategic interests. As Friedman suggests, Poland fears from strengthening of Turkey

George Friedman Predicts war between Turkey and Poland

22 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Which western European country would assimilate more Poles and other Slavs in next 50 years? [12]

Which western European country would assimilate more Poles and other Slavs in next 50 years?

I contemplated on this question considering general mega-trends and after all, reality of what`s going on.

Here is my list:

1. Germany
2. France
3. Britain

Of course, USA and some other countries would also assimilate great number of Slavs but, i here want to focus on west of Europe.

So, basically, we have decline of population in Slavic countries and increase of population on the west of Europe. By analogy, right belong to the majority, to the bigger population. That`s how we know that European Union won`t keeps to the Slavic but to the other cultures. Meaning, rate of assimilation of Slavs will increase and accelerate. Moreover, after assimilate that much of the Slavs in already long historical period, west of Europe may give itself right to claims that what are today, still Slavic lands/countries.

We live in era of the final end of Slavic culture (ie civilization).
17 Oct 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

Merged: Should Poland change its policy on Russia and take more friendly stance?

Events in Europe accelerate and i have that feeling- that politics of official Poland goes in wrong direction.

As a Serbian, considering my (and of my people) deep warm feelings for Poland and Poles, i want to say that official Poland needs to change something. i beg officials of Poland.

Anyway, i am glad that my opinion isn`t isolated. Point is, politics of official Poland needs to serve to the Poles, not to outside powers. Russia can be partner. Poland isn`t destined to be in eternal conflict with Russia.

Spot this >>>

Poland Sees Reality

October 15, 2014

It seems certain of the Central European countries are not going along with Washington's desires to isolate Russia due to .... :

So let's consider Hungary, a NATO member whose prime minister recently named Putin's Russia as a political model to be emulated. Or NATO member Slovakia, whose leftist prime minister likened the possible deployment of NATO troops in his country to the Soviet invasion of 1968. Or NATO member Czech Republic, where the defense minister made a similar comparison and where the government joined Slovakia and Hungary in fighting the European Union's sanctions against Russia.

Then there is Poland, which until recently was leading the effort within NATO and the European Union to support Ukraine's beleaguered pro-Western government and punish Putin's aggression.

Long live Poland and Poles! Poland to Poles!

Regards from Serbia my sisters and brothers

letter to Admin

Dobri Pane Admine,

You know that i never question your wisdom, Pane. Just, i have suggestion and kindly ask.
These two threads should stay separated. Topic there isn`t same.
Thank you in advance.

Your loyal,
11 Oct 2014
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Russia is not European culture.

It is. Russia is European culture.

Considering how much German blood flows in the veins of Polish people I guess we can call them brothers too.

Its actually the opposite. Eastern Germans are most probably entirely Slavic. Just assimilated and Germanized former Slavs.

I beg to differ!

Please, spare me of these nonsenses.

Things change. Take this example... We in Serbia have medieval chronicles. Back in the middle age, German King Barbarosa visited Serbia, among else, in order to settle the deal about Germanic miners who wanted to come to work in Serbia. Then, as it is written in chronicles, during the dinner, German King and his complete escort, eaten with their hands/fingers. It was considered utter savagery in medieval Serbia. Even peasants in Serbia were more advanced then German king. And look at the situation now, after many centuries of Germanic/Anglo-Turkish/Islamic schemes around Serbia and after Slavs failed to coordinate, Germany is prosperous while Serbia tries to cope.

But, things would change again. Already change.

The term Slavic culture is as meaningless as Germanic culture in describing modern nations.

Wrong. Term `Slavic culture` is far to be meaningless. i often in my life sow how similar/same cultural bonds connects Slavs, while at the same time establishing clear difference between Slavs and non-Slavs. Culture is fundamental thing of any civilization.
8 Oct 2014
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Both are Slavic culture and both are European culture. Lots of overlap in food, language, traditions etc.

genetics even proved that Polish Slavic population represent paternal population to the more eastward Russian Slavic population. Meaning- Russians are Polish settlers who dispersed on East in time immemorial (Proto Slavic era).

By the same genetic experts, if we sum it up, Poles themselves represent mainly children of the Balkan Slavic population (from Balkan ice age refugium) that in time immemorial migrated along the Danube river up to Baltic. Later, from the Ukraine (from Crimean ice age refugium), more Slavs arrived in Poland and gave admixture to the the Danubian branch already settled there.

At the end of great inter-Slavic migrations, still in time immemorial, large groups of Slavs from what is today`s Russia moved back to Poland and even more westward, moved to the Balkan and what is today`s Ukraine.
8 Oct 2014
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Polish food producers should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia

i agree to it.

Putins next target could be Poland. so a little pain now could be worth it.

in my opinion, this comment of yours is quite nonsensical. Very nonsensical

But, tell me now, what if (let us think of Putin as of very evil man; i think he isn`t but, let`s say...),.. so, what if Putin`s next target proved to be Britain or France or USA maybe. See, in any case, thanks to NATO and EU leading powers who uses Poland as their shield, first victim would in any case be Poland. So, why would Polish food producers suffer in advance? Why not let them live good at least now? Later,... weeeell, later would some Anglo-American invent some new joke about Poles

Poland: Farmers block highway in protest at EU response to Russian sanctions


Belgium: Watch Polish farmers dump peppers outside EU parliament

More on this truly horrible tragedy. Can you imagine? All that wasted food and lost profit

Poland: Thousands of peppers dumped by Polish farmers angry at the EU

When we are at it, in Spain farmers burning flags of EU

Spain: See farmers burn EU flag on bonfire of peaches

Spain: Watch farmers dump thousands of potatoes at anti-EU protest

Too bad that we don`t have some people who are farmers, here on this forum. It would be interesting to see how would they comment political events. It would be observation from the angle of true victims of EU (and USA) policy. There won`t be any BS in their comments. Only sad reality.

Poland: Tomato farms feel the rot as Russia's sanctions bite

Poland: Sanction-hit farmer hungry for trade with Russia

Polish farmers fear consequences of Russian sanctions

Poland should get out from the `circle of hate with Russia`. That situation only helps western European control of Poland. Poland should take rather neutral stance on Russia. Let west of Europe and USA deal with Russia on their own.

Just for the record. i doing my part. i eat those Polish apples like a worm. Polish apples are everywhere.
19 Sep 2014
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

Well, man,... Its a serious sh** in Poland when PM speaks nonsenses to Polish students.

c. Lied to Polish students? How?

There is article about it on Polska Gazeta. Tusk tried to convince Polish students that he acted on the base of international law when he violated Serbian sovereignty

Question to Polish prime minister from student of Warsaw university when he have meet with students:

Sprawy międzynarodowe: Kosowo i tarcza

In English:
Why you break international law and ignored most of Polish people and recognized Kosowo? (...)
Prime minister in answer assured that Poland didn`t act against Serbia and that he personally ``love Yugoslav culture`` He said that Poland have to do the same as another countries of the world and that Poland needed to balance between world powers.

PM Tusk salute Polish students, while tries to convince them that he knows what he doing and that he in fact love Serbs

Kosovo's separation. The International Court of Justice determined that the separation did not violate international law, so why wouldn't a leader of country recognize it's independence?

Nobody sane in Poland don`t believe in that. Its a political court. It doesn`t matter what says The International Court of Justice that speaks from the angle of USA/western European interests. UN charters guaranties Serbian sovereignty.

USA and west of Europe ridiculing with international order. Poles expect more then that from their leadership.
19 Sep 2014
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

i know that Polish PM Tusk lied to Polish students and plus, recognized Kosovo separation from Serbia, forcing that way Poland to take part in partition of Serbia.

Those must be main reasons for Polish hate on Tusk. Poles don`t like that their PM blindly follow EU dictate and at the same time act against Serbs.
31 Aug 2014
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again?

Impossible. Times changed. Back in past, two factions of Slavdom/Sarmatia in wide sense (essentially it was Sarmats vs. Scythians) clashed for Moscow. Today, Moscow represent distant cousin but, important point of balance for Poland.

If Russia collapse, Anglo-Germanics and Chinese would grab everything. Plus, Germanics would take Poland, on the top of all, like the strawberry on the cake. Just to prove the point, which state that all Slavs must extinct.
27 Jun 2014
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

The world knows you are lying.

Actually, you are wrong. Most of the Slavs in the world, not only in the Slavic countries and not only Russians, would tell you that destruction of Yugoslavia represent something more then that what was presented in the most powerful mass-media of the leading Islamic, EU and NATO countries.

Then, there are countries of non-aligned movement that in great majority support Serbian stance. Then, China, Brazil, India. Even, Australia, Canada and many other European and other countries who spoke against Serbs, even back then when they spoke against Serbs, just followed dictate of the magnates from the leading EU and NATO countries.

Serbia is a shining star lighting the way to slavdom, Poland must cradle it and defend it at all costs.

yes. Whenever was possible, whenever Poland had enough strength, whenever Poland was capable to do something for Herself, Poland came to help us. Complete history of Poland shows us that true Polish elite quite well understand what existence and vitality of Serbians on Balkan means for Poland. Anything different performed by Poland is just daily politics, while in reality Poland knows that any attack on Serbs means direct attack on Poland.

What is interesting same meaning Serbia has for Russia. Seams that both Poland and Russia, needs Serbia and Serbs for their strategic actions in their relations with hostile non-Slavs. But, not only that. Both, Poland and Russia, also needs Serbia and Serbs as the kind of point of balance in the intersection of their interests in Europe. Serbians preventing hostility between Poles and Russians. In that sense, yes, Serbs leads Slavdom.
27 Jun 2014
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

you are mistaking. First of all, there are no Polish troops in Bosnia. As for Kosovo, we Serbians and our government have perception that Polish troops on Kosovo protects Serbs and, my people is grateful for presents of brotherly Slavic Polish soldiers there.

Polish PM Tusk and Serbian PM Dacic, Belgrade, 2013

Prime minister meets with visiting Polish counterpart
26 Jun 2014
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

listen. i am old member of this forum and believe me, very few people dared to compare Serbs to Turks. Those were on the first place people who wanted simple to provoke but basically didn`t have true information. One just needs to visit EXIT music festival and to see how average Serbian looking like... as any average central European. Yes, Serbians survived and paid gave price in their lives and sufferings, for the freedom. From the back in middle age, most numerous Slavs, they were catastrophically reduced in numbers. God knows, if Poles, Ukrainians and Russians didn`t come on time and help us, who knows how would things develop. If it depended on Britain and Germanics we would today still exist within the borders of Ottoman Empire.

Anyway, as for Balkan as the cradle and original home of Slavs (with it of the entire Western world), i agree. That is old core. In that old core even original universal name of ancient Slavs survived. Serbian ethnic name is nothing but native and local version of the foreign form- Sarmatian name. From there, from Balkan, ancients slowly migrated along the Danube (and other net of rivers) and populated Europe. With time, they moved old core from Balkan and Adriatic to the central Europe and Baltic see on Rujan island. There, on that line another form of local native Sarmatian name survived in the form of the Sorbs.

With the collapse of the Northern Serbs/Sarmatians (Sorbs), core of the Slavic civilization ultimately moved to the Poland and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwleath, where as you know Balkan Serbs played role of the military elite. You know, its not just accidental that Poles do have legends about their Sarmatian (Serbian) origin. Name of Polani tribe is young in comparison to the name of Serbians (Sarmatians). Polani tribe was just part of the conglomerate of vast Sarmatian (Proto Slavic) world. By the meta ethnicity Poles are Sarmatians and, they knows that. They knows it very well.

PIERSI - Bałkanica (Official Video) [HD]
14 Jun 2014
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Well, Poles are Catholic Christians

that`s not the problem

Poland is great Slavic country and, Vatican`s collaboration with Germanics already in history troubled Poland and Polish interests. Poles knows this and, they also know that it is expected from them to issue kind of pressure on Vatican in that sense.

The problem is Austro-Hungarian Empire, which divided Slavs, religiously, to Catholics and Orhodox, and politically, culturally to the some point. Other problem is Byzantine heritage of Eastern Slavs, and that byzantine spirit differs them also from other, western Slavs, who were germanized over the centuries...

Both, Catholicism and Orthodoxy and plus Islam contributed to the divisions among Slavs. All Slavs should found way to, at least partly, turn to the faith of their common Slavic ancestors- rodoverie.
11 May 2014
Life / Public Masturbation now allowed in Sweden, Would this work in Poland? [43]

Poland is a strict religious country with a strong Catholic and Jewish heritage.

yes i know. i myself, as a Christian feels that Jewish influence within Christianity. What can we do..

But, don`t forget Svetovid. Svetovid still live in Poles, in all Slavs. He didn`t die. He can`t die. He is God. Great one. i assure you that Svetovid wouldn`t have understanding for the masturbation on public places. i am absolutely sure about it.
23 Apr 2014
USA, Canada / Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money. [62]

but of course its not about nationality. if in situation to choose man of different nationality, Polish women would only think that it could be advantage of Poles. In her mind, it would be matter of stability, not matter of nationalism. Then, if she skip that phase and want to go into something `exotic`, nationality won`t be in question.
23 Apr 2014
USA, Canada / Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money. [62]

i agree to it. Poles comes first. Yes, in Poles they would see stability and that goes as priority for Polish women. i was only commenting Polish women stance if they choosing between Serbian and American. guaranteed, its not question of money. Of course, every nation has w*******, equally among women and `man`. We here speak of standard and normal Polish women