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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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13 Nov 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

Harry, do you deny that Duda took part in marking the Polish Independence Day?

Beautiful, beautiful, Poland is awaken. You know when would Anglos assimilate Poland? Never, that`s when. Never!

Polish patriots march through Warsaw on Polish Independence Day

Marsz Niepodległości 2015 - przemówienie - ks. Jacek Międlar

Poles, my brothers, we Serbians are with you. You are true leading people of Europe. You are the hope. i have tears in my eyes from great joy when see how is spirit of Polish people strong. God save Poland! Poles protect Her!

Slavia Mati! Sarmatia Besmrtna!

There is the God. There is the Poland.

Transmisja Marszu Niepodległości z Warszawy

13 Nov 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

President Duda delivered a moving speech in Piłsudski Square

i would remind that i was right. Again. Duda came to Poland's Independence Day parade, exactly as i predicted (not only me, of course).

So, Duda spoke at Pilsudski Square. Isn`t that quite symbolic? Remind you of something? Intermarium, of course. Duda insist on it.

by the God, Poles are restless. i love them, i sympathize with them and i understand brave Polish brotherly people. This image shows that Poles demand independent Poland and they are willing to defend their fatherland. Well, this is for sure clear message to all who intend to suggests another partition of Poland.


I was surprised that so few people fly the the Polish flag in my village here in lower Silesia, I think that many of them have lost their sense of pride in Poland, or they just can't be bothered.

i believe in Silesians. They are good Slavs and loyal to Poland.
10 Nov 2015
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

We are very close to moment when would Polish politics staring to speak more balanced on all European powers that had impact on Polish past. Truth would then reduce British, French and USA influences in Poland, same way as before that Russian and German influences were reduced.
7 Nov 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

my main conclusion about Poland's post-election political scene is that are Polish political parties vigilant. Great changes are coming. Polish politics becoming realistic, more balances on all important powers and centers in the world.
5 Nov 2015
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Theyre waved right through in belarus.

yes. Belarus also done great job for itself, Poland and Russia. Belarus imported quantities of Polish apples at least as much as Serbia did. i think that Belarus and Serbia saved (still saving, to the end of year) at least 40% of Polish apple production and re-exported it in Russia.

Keep calm and eat Polish apples

4 Nov 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Good news from realm of Intermarium. No matter all pressure, all lies, Slavs in the region continuing to gather around Serbia, while Serbia focusing to prevent western Europeans and Islamic world to grab warm seas from Intermarium >>>

Serbian and Bosnian governments to hold first joint session

Serbian PM Vucic welcome in Bosnia

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has said Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina "must build the future together."

Warm welcome to Serbian PM Vucic in Bosnia. Cooperation, business, Slavic solidarity, functioning without meddling of foreigners ... above everything. Events of strategic importance for Poland, as understand all who understand politics. Then also, as many of you know, in middle age Bosnia was one among Serbian lands and Bosnia is ancestral land of Polish Jadwiga who originate from Serbian Nemanjic Imperial dynasty.

Let me show you something or better, let me remind you of something of extraordinary strategic importance for Poland. In time when this even happened, this about Yugoslavia and Serbia, very few people in Poland understood that this actually happened to Poland and to unborn Intermarium. Some did.

Spot this > focus your attention on clip at 3:57 (when Saudi prince thanked former USA president Bill Clinton: ``Muslims will never forget your deliverance of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, Kosova``; Clinton was in shock that Faisal said that publicly, spot his face)

Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal Remarks - Prince Turki Al Faisal thank Bill Clinton

This is direct proof that USA had strategic deal with Islamic league about destruction of Yugoslavia and partition of Serbia. Partition of Serbia had to lead to cut of aces to warm waters/seas of Mediterranean, to Poland and, to future Intermarium. Considering that Croatia feel loyalty to Germanic civilization, deal considered that is region (former Yugoslavia) split between Germanic and Islamic zones of control, what was old idea of Otto Von Bismarck.

If you ever asked yourself why did tragically died Polish president Lech Kaczyński so violently defended Serbia (aside emotional reasons over old Polish-Serbian connections), now you understand. By killing Serbia, Anglos tried to kill future of Poland.

But, Anglos mistaken. Serbians still didn`t say their last. Revival of Serbian power and influence rising hope that Dalmatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo could all be saved for Intermarium.

In the center of your arguments is Serbia not Poland, try to change it in order to stay on topic.

Poland is exact center of all my arguments. If we Serbians, in our resistance, ever gave examples of bravery in fight against overwhelm Slavic fores, it is only because Poland was able to support us. For Poland was first to come in our aid when our medieval Empire crumbled under the Ottoman invasion. If Poland didn`t come, we wouldn`t make it.

Glory to Poland! Long live ​​Miedzymorze!

Polish military parade 2014 - Armed Forces Day

"ULANI ULANI" (vocal) - Polish Patriotic Military Song (Piesni Zolnierskie)

ROZKWITA£Y PĄKI BIA£YCH RÓŻ / Buds of White Roses Were Opening - Polish patriotic song
3 Nov 2015
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

No, Poles aren`t ignorant. They don`t ignore anything. They are well aware of the facts and only idiots would be surprised by the Poland`s actions in time that is in front of us. Poland and Poles is about to finally try to do something for themselves, thanks to historical circumstances and without being patronized by so numerous false friends (within NATO and EU) of Poland and Poles, who in fact utterly despise them and hate.
1 Nov 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Some day hopefully Serbs may see the light, apologise for their atrocities and join NATO themselves. If NATO will have them?!

Serbians stood to overwhelming foe and defended themselves and Slavic South from the attack of NATO-Islamic league-EU coalition. My people endured openly militarily attack and attack in mass media.

NATO`s and EU`s governments started to settle (transported them with NATO transport airplanes) mujaheedines in the very hearth of Europe, in Bosnia, back then in chaos of Civil War in former Yugoslavia. This with Arab refugees is just continuation of that old plan. Only Serbians were obstacle to that. i can`t hardly found words to describe proportions of western European and USA failure and idiotism. And it is quite abominable that still there are Slavic countries within NATO and EU. Blessed Polish Duda represent example of awakening
1 Nov 2015
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

In an environment of quite urinated Europe and increasingly hostile world, we Slavs have to start to think of other options. So, let me just rise this thread as a reminder that, if all other options fails (Intermarium or Eurasian Union), we Slavs have where to retreat- in Slavic Union, no matter be it confederation or federation.
31 Oct 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Intermarium in song, thought, and action: Belarus, Ukraine, and Hungary

Hungary Backs Acceleration Of Turkey's Accession To The European Union

i sometimes have problems to understand Hungarian policy.

Why encourage Turkish accession to EU? What with Turkey when EU inevitable collapse? Is Hungary`s intention to suggest Turkish accession to Intermarium? Imagine all Turks freely settle wherever they want within Intermarium? Then, add to it upload of all non-Whites from western Europe if just some right-wing Nazi regime come to power on western Europe (that what remain of EU)? Even if Turkey stay out of Intermarium we shall have great influx of refugees of any kind.

Or maybe Hungary rely on Turkey just on the short run and not on the long turn? well, i don`t understand.
24 Oct 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Only naive people believed in EU. What could come out from the project of monstrous countries such are Germany, Britain and France. Abomination, that`s what
23 Oct 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Should Poland exit the EU immediately?

i would say that necessity that Poland abandon EU accelerate. Some would be surprised with Poland`s moves.
16 Oct 2015
News / Homosexual lobby steps up infiltration in Poland [110]

now is the right time that homosexuals of Poland align themselves with Polish patriotic policy. After all, they are homo but they are Poles, too. As Poles they have rights and obligations.

How about that homosexuals sacrifice themselves for Poland and not that only parade all day long for the sake of western European magnates. Who gives a sh** how they practice sex if they are normal on other fields.
16 Oct 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

Imagine scandal if during Independence Day parade Duda publicly says that he can`t look anymore how west of Europe policing the world by their dirty schemes and that west of Europe of our time turned to be like some old Russian empire of the past but even much worse.... that are western European ugly deeds even more imbecilic then deeds of Soviet Union and that is especially nasty that USA using all Europeans as condoms.

hey people, it is truly interesting that i can`t found anything about what Duda says about Kosovo issue. Did he already said that he consider Kosovo to be Serbian province and that would official Poland annul its shameful Kosovo recognition?

Maybe we hear about it during Independence Day parade
15 Oct 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

people, people, Duda would come. What else he can do? To wait for next mandate? to wait that west of Europe become honest partner to Poland? to wait for even deeper assimilation of Poles? Sure not. Duda isn`t little child.
14 Oct 2015
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

Selfish England failed to be honest partner of Poland. So Poland go now to take care of Her own interests.
14 Oct 2015
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

Poles, you can consider that are old alliances violently broken and betrayed by Britain. Britain is now Polish mortal enemy that eagerly and openly works against interests of Poland, in every opportunity, on all meridians.

Brace yourself Poles.
14 Oct 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

Those who think that Duda won`t come to Independence Day parade mistaking. He will come. He must. Poles are increasingly aware of their tragic situation within EU and NATO. They don`t wish to serve to anybody and so neither to western Europe, neither to the USA, ie- false Polish friends in NATO and EU, who lure Poland in sh**, while hate and humiliate Poles in reality and work against Poland`s interests and on the long run seek to assimilate Poles and grab Poland. So, Duda must go to Independence Day parade to preserve control over the processes that accelerate and moving in direction of ​​blessed Miedzymorze.

Plus, you have powerful magnates in Poland whose interests at this moment overlap with the interests of Polish people and that is necessity for preservation of Poland and Slavic world, especially Slavic world on the Baltic-Balkan line that is loyal to Poland. So those Polish magnates don`t like when see how Greater Albania project develop and expand onto the Serbian lands that gravitate to the warm seas/waters of Mediterranean, what is supported by Britain, France, USA and Germany. Serbia still hold, at least virtually keeping Kosovo and Metohija under its sovereignty but status of Kosovo may soon be resolved. Dalmatia that is within Croatia (ie Germany`s realm) is already taken form the incoming Miedzymorze. Now partition of Serbia threatening to absolutely cut Poland (ie Miedzymorze) from warm waters of Mediterranean. British pressure on Serbia these days is truly upsetting and we entered in era where Britain openly works against Serbia, against Poland.

You see my friends. That i telling for years already on this forum. it is THAT deception that western Europe and USA created in case with Serbian question. They created image that harming Serbs means harming Russia. Strategically, yes it harming Russia. But strategically, harm Poland and that also harms Russia. Not to mention that in disputes of Poland and Russia, Serbians always sided with Poles.

No my friend, don`t mistake, harming Serbians was destroy interests of Poland. All the time. Harm Serbians and cut legs of Poland, cut Her possibility to influence access to warm European waters. Harm Serbians and destroy vitality of Poles. Nothing isn`t that important for power of Poland as the status of Serbians. All Polish patriots understand that and that is the reason why they support Serbians.

So, having all this in mind, Duda would come to Independence Day parade. Today its not obvious but tomorrow it will be, Poland would need services from those layers of society that organize Independence Day parade. Poland would need Her children, Her patriots.

Many would be surprised but, not those who understand how modern politics work. Let me tell you, Poland now rising Her head and collect all Her power for most probably last historical attempt of Poland to brake free. It means that would Poland annul its Kosovo recognition and if necessary even militarily intervene on the behalf of Serbia,... go out of EU, go out of NATO, pledge to form Miedzymorze and, Poland would become lethal when come to Her interests.

Moment of truth has come.
3 Oct 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Uni-Polar world order is over. We now live in world that is in period of transition into the Multi-Polar world. Time for Poland to choose, to exist as center of one unique civilization (​​Miedzymorze) that emerged from within Slavic world, or, Poland may choose to stay in EU and to assimilate into Germanic civilization, in a world that globalize.

Now, its not only choice of Poland and Poles but of all of us who live on Baltic-Balkan-Black see line. All of us facing similar choices. Just, Poland have chance to lead, to become global power. Multi-Polar world is opportunity that Poland waited for centuries. No, not for centuries. For millennia.
1 Oct 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Yet, most Serbs are dreaming of joining it. :):)

to finish it, to finish it. But, i see that are Poles restless and wants all credit for themselves. Its not nice you know :)
30 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Check Polish history, Poles chose strong ties with Europe more than 1000 years ago. :)

not quite. At first, Poland was richer then western European city states. Not only richer but even more modern, cradle of democracy and pluralism, even multiculturalism (sure not in vulgar sense of the word). Then, when city states evolved into nations, they robbed Poland. Since then Poland run for western European money, while at the same time escaping from its own poverty and Russian backwardness.

Now, Poland have chance to again be richer then western Europe. Plus, Serbs would also have more money then western Europe and Poland can choose- to run for its own money or to run for Serbian money. Whatever Poles choose. When we speak of Europe, one who have more money, that one is the West.

Poland would have built NOTHING without the EU. Ingrates who would still be struggling to get to their 1000 zl a month backward state-owned company "jobs."

see. Its all about money.

EU is now like an old exhausted granny. Very ugly.