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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 1768 / Live: 384 / Archived: 1384
From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

I didn't need it in English but thanks anyhow.
Please show me examples of where I did this stereotyping said culture being "angry and unindividualistic." My main task here is to find out what "Black Culture" is according to people and determine how it's different than Hip Hop culture or Rap culture, or Thug culture (pick one).
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Yeah, that's not news to me though. Are you trying to say that this Hip Hop appeal in Poland has grown out of similar roots here in Poland or...
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Ok, gotcha, so you're not a fan of the modern expression of Black Culture?

As stated, I think that term is incredibly inaccurate and nonsensical. Can someone define "Black Culture" and tell me how it's different than Hip Hop culture?
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

How is this relevant to "Black Culture?" in Poland?

I'm guessing you're a fan of such culture as it most certainly has a reductionist affect on individuals and their capacity to be objective. Now please allow the gentleman to answer:)
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Look, just try to stay on topic sunshine and let me worry about my troll status. Now what on earth does the second world war have to do with the slave trade to the new world?

In your opinion who is supposed to be feeling guilty regarding these events?
What is the point of this question which you asked me: How could a person born after 1945 have either known of first hand or committed a war crime, huh, smart guy????

How is this relevant to "Black Culture?" in Poland?

ok nunczka, i'm leaving it.
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

@Foreigner, you seem to have understood nothing of what I've posted. Should I have explained in Polish or German?-:)))

The problem is you don't seem to understand what you're trying to say either.

nunczka, that's a heartwarming story, I don't really believe you though. I don't know a thing about you so you'll have to not take that as an insult but rather a comment on e-communication. Nonetheless, suppose it is true, in what way does that support Lyzko's claim and what is Lyzko's claim?
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

What you've written makes no sense at all. You're simply using one of your opinions to validate another without providing anything quantitative.
You don't even know if his ancestors were involved in the slave trade to the new world, you're just making an assumption with, (surprise, surprise) nothing objective.

In English an opinion is NOT the same as a fact and you have provided precious few of the latter.
8 Aug 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

It seems no one is really holding JPII to the standards. The miracle attributed to him is no more legitimate than Casey Anthony's testimony. And yes that is a very good point Smurf, one I'd like people to comment on: How can people adore someone who helped pedophiles and child abusers escape justice? How is that defensible?
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

So what you're saying is, it's your opinion. Thank you for the compliment by they way:)
Oh, I neither understand your question nor its relevance to the topic.
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]


Who you are you to say that there no such thing as black culture? I dare you, I double dare you to stand in front of the Jewish community and say in front of them with a straight face that theres no such thing as Jewish culture.

You realize that simply because there is no "black culture" does not mean there is no jewish culture.
Jewish=religion almost inseparable (not indistinguishable though) from all that is Hebrew
Black=skin colour

Your comparison then is not accurate nor is it relevant.

Having said that, the less influence there is of ghetto thug culture on Polish culture, the better. What are the effects on society of this other than a disregard for speaking intelligently or even comprehensibly and a general dumbing down of youth?

No more than a post-War German ever shoved a single Jew into an oven, the enlightened and sensitive still feel guilt about the sins of their fathers, not matter HOW long ago the crime was committed!

Do you have anything quantitative to support such claims or is that just your opinion?
3 Aug 2011
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

It's tough to pin down without going into a rant, but I find myself being forced to keep a lot of seemingly useless things here because my better half insists we'll need the broken bit to the thingamabob which her brother also owns...maybe it stems from having to hang on to every bit of paper regarding taxes and registry and crap like that...
3 Aug 2011
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Ok I have one! Well, two actually but the first one is really a European thing.
It's cramped.
Maybe it's just my experience but I find that there's a bit of a pack rat syndrome here, anyone else experience that?
3 Aug 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Does it stand to reason then that Poles can take pride in the accomplishments of Russians? Egyptians? only if they are half Polish and half russian or Egyptian... even 1/3 and 1/4 could count too :)

Does having the same haplogroup count? The majority of western european men actually share a common ancestor with king tut. So what with all the intermingling over history, it stands to reason some Poles do belong to this haplogroup. My point is, at what point does a person admit they had nothing at all to do with something, don't take pride in it but still admire it all the same?

I certainly dont feel sad or disdain or angry or nothing at all.. if he didnt go, like so many others and fight, things would be much different < it could have changed history> but he did and I am glad, and I am proud he wore his uniform to save others.. makes me feel good.

The course of the world very likely did not depend on your grandfather's contribution, however noble it was, during the war. I'm glad you feel good about his actions though and take issue with any suggestion I'm telling you not to. As far as pride goes, see my previous query.

let me ask you, do you have any family in the past that might have fought for whatever reasons they believed in ? And do you think highly of them for putting themselfs in such a dangerous position? Why does it bother you so much that others want to be proud to begin with? have you ever accomplished anything in your life you can feel good about? do you ever hear good things from someone when you accomplish a goal?

yes to all questions but I feel proud about the things I've done or caused to happen and I feel other emotions which are also positive regarding things I had nothing to do with. Your perspective allows one to feel pride for being born in a particular place or for having a certain eye colour or for belonging to a gender group. It's ridiculous.

The reason why this annoys me is(here comes a simple idea that will take a lot of writing to properly explain and if you make it through then you have my respect on that), other than lazy thinking, because of what it leads to. What I mean is, it affects the way we communicate for the worse. Take your example. All that is required to program people is for there to be a politician telling you what to think or say. Politicians love oversimplification and this kind of thinking leads to gross oversimplifications and that affects you for the worse in the long run. Here's an illustration:

Are you proud of your family?- For sure I am!
Are you proud of your grandfather?-As sure as there was hair on his ass!
Are you part of this country?-Damn straight I am!
Do you take pride in your country?- Of course I am, this country has accomplished so many amazing things!*
Are you proud of everything we stand for?- As God is my witness!
Are you against tyranny?- Of course I am!
Are you against everything "they" stand for?-Of course I am against "them!"
Do you support our country, us, against them, that country over there?-Hell Yeah! They can go to hell!

And that easily you end up with people referring to nations as they would an individual such as in the line with an "*" symbol. Even in the media you'll regularly read or hear that "China did this" or "India wants to do that" and other such inane oversimplifications and nobody thinks in anything beyond the most elementary patterns. And it all begins with a failure in vocabulary.

The other things that happen are refusal and denial.

People, if they want to take pride in anything attributed to the nation they belong to, are loathe to accept any blame or shame for things attributed as well, call it human nature. Nothing is ever "their" fault because anything negative simply never happened "that way" and it is always because of what the other country did (never mind that countries aren't characters that get up at 6 and eat breakfast at 9 and so on). In the case of denial, people just deny that anything is wrong because that would force them to admit that the very way they have thought and looked at the world is deeply, deeply flawed.

The same people who puff themselves up and take so much pride of, let's say "their" military will turn around and refuse responsibility. If they're confronted about historical treachery or something like their government sponsoring a military coupe or the bombing of civilian targets by "their" military, they'll say I had nothing to do with it. It happened half-way around the world from me." Or you'll hear this one "I wasn't even alive then, how can they blame me for that?" if told they should be pay reparations for slavery or colonization in the past. And in those instances they'd be right, it's just once things are positive then they're on the bandwagon.

Feel whatever you want to feel but there's no reason to feel offended that someone else thinks beyond the pale upon the same matter.
3 Aug 2011
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

And I love Poland, and her people, who care for each other, not like here, in the USA, where we have many out to take what they can from all.

I'm under the impression you don't realize how much that happens here in Poland as well. There are many, many people here with a real "screw you" attitude and do not hesitate to cheat anyone and everyone.

It's silly to hate a country though, a country is far too complex an idea and reality to try and pigeon hole. There are some days where Polish habits drive me up the wall.
3 Aug 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

you can admire a painting you son did or you can be proud of a painting your son did.

Well presuming I've taught him something to contribute to that then yes that makes sense. Him taking pride in what his great-grandfather did is simply erroneous as he had nothing to do with what great-grand daddy F4 did.

The meanings of the words "pride" and "admire" are not the same, they are related but different, if English is not your first language then it's a somewhat forgivable mistake but a mistake nonetheless.

Does it stand to reason then that non Poles can be proud of what Polish people accomplished generations ago? Does it stand to reason then that Poles can take pride in the accomplishments of Russians? Egyptians? Greeks?

The correct answer should lead you to the conclusion much of your pride has been misplaced during your lifetime.
3 Aug 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

it's like you read one thing and then responded to something completely different.
Being proud of something is not the same as "admiring" or "appreciating" others or what they accomplished. Just because it makes no sense to do one does not preclude the others. If that makes sense to you then I'll consider that your apology.
2 Aug 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Why? What a bland question, can't that be asked of any ethnicity and culture? Because of the general nationalism, history, culture, language, and group heritage that is represented by these people like with all other ethnicity.

My god this hitting the nail on the head!

It has long been a curiosity of mine that people take pride in things that they neither accomplished nor affected...
30 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

The ignorance by the majority of you tit heads is something to behold!
Seriously, a nation is not a person. "England" didn't rape anyone and "Poland" isn't trying to be English. The absurd oversimplification of referring to a nation as one might a person has to stop.
4 Dec 2010
News / Strange object over Poland's Silesia [27]

it was all just finishing up as I was typing. I guess it was more around 15 min. prior to my typing it.
The initial light was odd, given the perceived distance from where I am it must have been quite large (comparing also to the jet that appeared later) but it didn't seem to move. I went back to cooking then when I went back to check it was gone but jets were criss crossing the area. The 2 that were closest to my location appeared to be the same and crossed very very close to eachother- there's no way, with the amount of available airspace that commercial pilots would do that.
4 Dec 2010
News / Strange object over Poland's Silesia [27]

About 10 minutes ago, my girlfriend called me over to take a look outside:
there was a strange light just sitting in the sky, it almost looked like it was aflame.
Now ten minutes later there are at least 6 planes criss-crossing over that area.
Anyone else notice this?
1 Nov 2010
Life / My experience in Poland 15 years ago as an American trying to live and work there. [167]

Hey man, first and foremost, that was good writing.
Fcuk the haters.
You at least have the guts to look at life from the dark side and still come out well enough. Some of these other naysayers lack the ability to actually be introspective and critical- they'd have a breakdown if that happened. Seems like you've come out on top.
1 Nov 2010
Life / The Polish Dream - move out from Poland as fast as possible [73]

I really believe that too many Poles make life difficult for one another.

My observations do corroborate your sentiments. It's funny in a sad way, Poland is in many ways like a team filled with superstar players who compete against each other instead of the other team.

And I'll state it again:


If owners/employers were on the receiving end of such contracts, they'd cry bloody murder, yet this seems to be the very tune which locks in the frequency in terms of their employee value. I've seen it far too often and across too wide a spread of business activity.

It's a joke really.
29 Oct 2010
Life / The Polish Dream - move out from Poland as fast as possible [73]

I agree with a lot of the sentiments here. One thing that really drives young people away is the disparity in wages to what an entry level person will get vs what their bosses get. I think the fact of the matter is:


There, I wrote it.
5 Apr 2010

[Moved from]: Descendents of Czesław Ira in Chicago?

Well are there any? My little Ms.'s father wants to find a long lost family member. This is all the information I got. Anyone know of anyone with the last name "Ira" that came from Zapolice born around 1926 (ish)?
23 Mar 2010
Love / Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married) [125]

really?? do you know how to read sarcasm or does common sense blow right thru your
one strand of alph alpha hair?

That's the thing, you're kind of unable to properly transcribe your thoughts into words and still have them convey the thought you were going with. Naturally I wouldn't give you the benefit of the doubt.

Im speaking of traditional weddings..our north american ones, you know the ones you
thought you had to tell me about.
I also didnt equate anything with it, most of the people I know arent married, its not
so traditional anymore , least not in this day and age..

maybe instead of tellin people to smarten up you should do the same.

See, here you actually wrote quite a bit but evaded making a sensible or coherent point towards whatever argument you had imagined prior to writing. Seriously read your repsonse, you wrote "it's not traditional anymore" but then added "least not in this day and age." Y'know the word "anymore" kind of made the last part redundant.

You were speaking of "traditional weddings" as opposed to matrimonial services or las vegas style weddings or what? It didn't need clarifying.

And yes you equated a man buying a ring with wanting to spend the rest of his life with a woman. My point was that divorce is commonplace in North America and that isn't because only women want them.

Women inherently want freebies of some sort.

Men do too, it's a human condition. Your woman hating is pathetic. There are plenty of women in the world who are strong in a way you (nor I for that matter) would be able to imagine. Don't forsake women, maybe shirk the society that breeds this princess syndrome you write of. Reject the apparent simpletons that cater to this train of thought but don't villainize women. Erudite enough for you? Don't answer.

Now both of you, this is me being right and you two fcuktards being fcuktards. See these pearls of truth I'm sharing with you and cease being swine.

For the record I don't think Polish men are doormats. It seems society here is geared towards the husband focusing slightly more on bringing home the bacon while the wives are much more focused on family upkeep. Are Polish men complaining?
22 Mar 2010
Love / Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married) [125]

That begs the queston; why do women get the big diamond and men don't? ...which corresponds with women 'needing' to be the center of attention in this and in so many other venues.

it goes back to when men were the sole bread winners coupled with persistent marketing from De Biers. Financially speaking, the whole 3 months salary was just a number put forward by the industry which would net them the most cash. Sure, nowadays, women make just as much money but that's the thing with societal practices, they all don't change at the same rate or for the same reasons.

Isnt it the man who goes out and picks the ring???
so that would suggest hes making his betrothed the center of attention
because he wants to spend the rest of his life with her... correct??

It is expected of him within North American society. If a man could forgo the whole ring shopping scenario, he would. What's interesting is that you would equate buying an expensive ring for a woman to signify something more than what it is. Many a cheater has blinded his quarry with shiny rings and such.

Of the happiest married people I know, not one of them spent money on nor received an engagement ring.

Zimmy and Patrycja19, both of you seem to think in the simplest and most unimaginative paradigms. SMARTEN the FCUK UP!
22 Feb 2010
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

If we assume Polish women to be equal to Western women, then why should Western women be able to receive more material goods and things than their Polish counterparts?

sorry, i know this is old but do you know how f'd up this rhetoric is of yours? If we are to equate a person's worth to what material goods they should or shouldn't have access to then god help us all and just smash us with an asteroid.