The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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24 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]


Because of pussy talks? Man, we are in a last times. If I am to die I want to die with pussy on my lips. Even literally.
24 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Well, how else would you talk to a pussy? Talk is talk. There is time for talk and time for something else. Woman are subtle. And honest if you wish. They don`t get what they need, they go. Like cats. Its the other question that man mostly fails to understand them and do them properly.
24 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

They sometimes want only to talk. Long long talk. Like cats. Try that sometimes. You don`t need di*k for those talks. Maybe. But, long long talk. Woman are so delicate.
24 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]


Tell me, prijatelju, did you ever truly talked to a pussy? Truly. Dedicated the entire night just to talk to that great wonder?
24 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

In my experience I have to agree with that,Vaginas are not always quiet..... :-)

They talk indeed. From whispering to chattering.
24 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

But it was the ancient Greeks who developed homosexuality into its present form.

That's right. The Greeks made homosexuality a means of birth control in the limited space of city-states.
23 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Tell him Lenka, please. I can`t do it all alone here.

...and most repulsive if you are a fagot...

Yes. Proof that ancients were not fagots. They loved pussy in a most natural way.
23 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

English word PUSSY says it all. It coming from Serbian KISSING.

Logic is obvious. That see all who had ever gave thought to a pussy. Is there anything better, more beautiful and gentle then a pussy. What a decent man can do about it then kiss it and cherish it in unimaginable ways. Most venerable human organ ever. Thing of all joy.
23 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

You English would rather be Indian then Serbian and Slavic in origin, seams to me.
23 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

First postulated in the sixteenth century due to people noticing similarities between Latin/Greek and Sanskrit.

Because they didn`t want to see that Sanskrit itself coming from the Slavic. Not to speak of Latin/Greek. Sure, plus all kind of Mediterranean/Asian influences. But, foundations are Slavic.

No, not. Are you running out of medication?

Genetics of Serbians overlap in 60% of Lepenski Vir skeletons. Plus, Lepenski Vir people has tallest skeletons among ancient skeletons. And who are tallest Whites in average? Serbians. Where Serbians live? Their ethnic core is what was Lepenski Vir.

Not to speak of modern scientific clues, discoveries on many fields, linguistic studies, etc.
23 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

They're both Indo-European languages so there will be obvious similarities.

How you think Indo-European? Look how even term sound stupid. Term created by ``scholars`` in colonial times.

11.000 BC to 5.000 BC what was European civilization was Balkan. Rest was ice still in retreat after ice age. In fact 11.000-9.000 BC what is now western and central Europe was covered in ice 2 km tick. So, what was Europe was literally Balkan. Those are facts.

Now, you tell me that we now in Europe speak language that is Indo-European in origin and not Balkan or Serbian and Slavic in origin? You say that people that gave Lepenski Vir culture (at a time when they were sole European civilization) spoke some Indo-European language? You think they needed India to be influenced to speak? You think they were mute?

Please. Fu*c western European scholars. Fu*c stupidity in modern informative era.
22 Jun 2024
News / France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants. [95]

You are a complete dreamer! In 2020 the Serbian army was only 32,000 strong!

True. But, you have 2,1 mil Serbian man in between 18 and 45 years old. Go check it. Then, there are those up to 55.

I know what I speak.

Then also, I here speak only of Serbia. Add to it all other ethnic Serbs in other Serbians lands all over the former Yugoslavia. Plus, in Romania, Greece, Bulgaria and Hungary. Not to speak of those all over the world. Now, without diaspora, speaking only of ethnic Serbs on Balkan and South-Eastern Europe, when this global shi* start there would be at least 5 mil. fighting ready Serbians that will willingly fight were Serbia says to fight and Serbia can serve only to Slavdom or would collapse. When I say only to Slavdom I mean we Serbs knows our role of point of balance between Russia and Poland, and, we know of our role in the region because Slavic South exist only if Serbia exist.
22 Jun 2024
News / France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants. [95]

Only 10.000 ??? Send us 100.000!

I said 24 hours. And minimum.

But don `t worry. It won`t come to it. There will be total war and Serbia will officially enter war. In full mobilization its around 2.1 mil solders. With reserve of man up to 55 years old its more then 2,5 mil. Same for Hungary. Its 5 mil capable and highly motivated man. I am sure that no matter strong combined force of local western European satelites (Romania included) Serbia and Hungary can provide in total at least 1 mil soldiers for front in western Poland.

And plus, when Serbia enter war, Russia and Belarus will enter on the side of Serbia. Meaning, on the side of Poland. Then also there are Slovakia and Czeska, whom I can dare to trust.
22 Jun 2024
News / France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants. [95]

@Bratwurst Boy

You forgetting that Poland itself would be weakened considering complete game around Ukraine. Why do you think western Europe wants to lure Poland in conflict with Russia. One of reasons. But, even if war is directly avoided, Poland would be weakened.

Still, why do you think that Serbia and Hungary grouping? Just for our own safety and reserve plans regarding western European regional satellites? Why do you think that official Poland allowed arming of Serbia from Russia and Belarus via sky of Poland?

Because Poland knows from where won`t come the knife in the back. And where can Poland count on certain support. See? Hungary and Serbia.
22 Jun 2024
News / France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants. [95]

There is a big plan

Of course. When western Europe lose war with Russia, if they are still alive, they will attack Poland. What else western Europe can do, desperate as they are.

Or, if they are able to defeat (let`s say hypothetically) Russia, the next day if they win, they will attack Poland. Why would they let Poland exist?
22 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Nonsense, brate. Illyrian was a Slavic language. I renounce so called indo-germanic linguistic school, and fabricated politically colored propaganda of western European scholars.

In short, as a linguist myself, I'd have to side with both Maf and Milo and dub your notions double bullox!!

Slavic languages are fundamental for all other European languages. We Slavs ie Sarmatians aren`t newcomers to Europe but natives.
22 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Take the word `pussy`. Take it and you would feel clear connection. Spot >

pussy --- srb. translate as `pička`/read pichka (but originate from `pusa` to kiss).

But, listen how you got word pussy in English. In Serbian we say `pusa` for `kissing`. Its synonym to `poljubiti` to kiss.

So, see, in their wisdom ancients were blunt and literal. By kissing (pusiti) that venerable organ, they named it pussy. `Pussy` is from Serbian `pusa` - kiss.
22 Jun 2024

You are also an imperial Russian who supports Putin and his war.

A very stupendous statement.

Its not Putin`s war. Its pacification of bandera nazis sponsored by a certain financial circles outside of Russian and Slavic worlds.
20 Jun 2024

F*ck it. A kto umarł, ten nie żyje.

Yes. Many feel like that. So we shall again have death arenas for sport.
20 Jun 2024

I see once proud Russia going on a begging mission to North Korea. North-f*cking-Korea... I mean,

I know exactly what you mean, dobri i plemeniti brate. May our venerable ancestors save us all. This all is madness and grandeour joke in which many naive and not that naive will die.

You're surprised that Poland needs South Korean tanks

Horrendous. I am ashamed of both my kin, Poles and Russians. Its a death race who is more crazy here.

Last times! Last times!

I want to awake from this nightmare.

Awake, near some beautiful hot naked woman.