The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2131 / Live: 991 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
19 Apr 2021
Love / Are Polish men cold? What do they like? [33]

If a man seems cold and distant he doesn't trust the women yet and might most likely be testing that women to see how her reactions are, how interested she seems to be, what values she has, the second he drops that test phase and seems even colder or distant and wants to get away. She most likely "failed" the test and is totally demotivated to continue the relationship in any form, it's then women often think they can "save" it by being physical. That only helps with desperate men, that women rather despise in the long run so it's a wrong tactic to use.

Be vigilant but, not combative. Pay attention to his opinions. Ask what he thinks, don't assume certain things if he brings it up. He might assume something can be wrong if he had bad experiences earlier and just wants to weed it out.

If he asks you: "What type of food do you like?"
He most likely asks it to just have a topic to talk about, how you bend it shows wether you know what a man wants. Like... "I love (type of food) and I make the best (type of food)"

Or if you have no clue about cooking: "I love (for example pizza... Yeah beats me too) and would love to learn to make it perfectly, especially for a certain someone" Here you can try to be a little cold while speaking while looking like you are waiting excitingly for his reaction or be a little flirty with a smile. Depends how you read the situation earlier and what the women's goal is.

Polish or not depends more on what values are more important and what he would have to tolerate. Stay away from topics you have no clue or expertise about and most likely say only to be accepted by the group, they are often opposites and downright a mood killer.

Music, food and passions are good topics to pick
Mr Grunwald   
18 Apr 2021
Po polsku / Kobiety odrzucają politykę kościoła [56]

Jaja to ja mam, a jeszcze ich nie robię ani się w nie wtrącam nie zaproszony!
A sexmisja to była komedią a nie przekazem!

Widzisz, znowu ten uśmiech. Ja jestem zbyt poważny jak piszę. A jak teraz napisałem trochę z humorem to na bank o tym usłyszę, i znowu wracam to poważnego humoru.
Mr Grunwald   
18 Apr 2021
Po polsku / Kobiety odrzucają politykę kościoła [56]

A od kiedy to Ironside mówi że rozmawia za wszystkich kobiet, zwłaszcza w Polsce? Lol

Przecież to ty raczej Pawianie piszesz że reprezentujesz kobiety i zabierasz im wtedy głos. No chyba że ktoś z tobą nie zgodzi. Ale to raczej trudne bo masz taki urok osobisty jak piszesz.

Ja i Ironside z drugiej strony musimy znieść cokolwiek co w naszą stronę leci bo uważamy że mają własną opinie, więc często ją słyszymy Lol
Mr Grunwald   
18 Apr 2021
Po polsku / Kobiety odrzucają politykę kościoła [56]

Problemem jest błędny sposób komunikacji, chodzi o potępianie grechu, a nie grzeszników. Niestety, bardzo często osoba bierze takie sprawy osobiście i jako atak samego siebie.

Jak patrzysz na siebie jako ofiarę lub że się jest atakowanym. To łatwiej się zamknąć i nie słuchać co druga osoba mówi i czemu. Zwłaszcza jak to jest krzykiem niekontrolowanych emocji.

Z drugiej strony jest też frustracja takim zachowaniem (czym się związujesz i czego uważasz za ważne)
Mr Grunwald   
14 Apr 2021
Po polsku / Kobiety odrzucają politykę kościoła [56]

I tu jest problem, są teorię które uważają że preferencje seksualne rosną po urodzeniu dziecka.

Słyszałem głównie to co mówisz od bardzo konserwatywnych środowisk, zwłaszcza ewangelickich którzy podchodzą do sprawach wiary w sposób dosłowny. Więc proszę mnie nie wkręcać nieswoimi myślami bo mi trudno sobię wyobrazić ciebie jako fundamentalistę
Mr Grunwald   
14 Apr 2021
Po polsku / Kobiety odrzucają politykę kościoła [56]

Dzięki wolnej woli mamy możliwość popełnienie błędów i zła (nieświadomie lub świadomie)

Zwalając wszystko na pana Boga to jak umywanie rąk, zwłaszcza jak to zło nie jest sprawą pana Boga ale ludzi! Kuszonych oczywiście przez moce zła poprzez ulegnięciu się złych emocji/myśli.

Przecież bycie dobrym nie miało by takiego samego znaczenia gdyby ta osoba nie jest w stania czegokolwiek zrobić w sytuacji napotkania się z złem

Pacyfista naprzeciw komuniście/faszyście

A to że ktoś ma złe nałogi (czy to erotyczne, nikotyna, alkohol itd)
Nie zwalnia osoby od poprawiania się.
Nie patrząc na tło polityczne danej osoby lub grupy
Mr Grunwald   
14 Apr 2021
Po polsku / "Razem" chce aby Jan Paweł II nie był już honorowym obywatelem Warszawy [14]

Doskonałości oczekuję od pana boga, a to że ludzie popełniają błędy jest niczym nowym. Pytanie tylko jaki jest poziom tego błędu, bo w pewnych sprawach jest większe zgorszenie od innych. Wystarczy się zastanowić których ludzi się chce mieć w bliskim otoczeniu a których się odpycha
Mr Grunwald   
14 Apr 2021
Po polsku / "Razem" chce aby Jan Paweł II nie był już honorowym obywatelem Warszawy [14]

Tu się nie zgadzamy, klecha jest osobą obeznaną w piśmie. Jako reprezentanta bym bardziej patrzył na mnichów i sióstr zakonnych jeżeli już mowa o reprezentacji. A każdy członek kościoła jest częścią kościoła, zwłaszcza w wierze katolickiej.

A o problem który ci chodzi to, niestety struktura kościoła jest bazowania na tradycji rzymskiej. W którym autorytet ma sporo do powiedzenia
Mr Grunwald   
14 Apr 2021
Po polsku / Kobiety odrzucają politykę kościoła [56]

Przypominając sytuacje kamieniowania, to podszedłby do LGBT. Ale nie po to aby im mówić że dobrze robią. Tylko że popełniają błąd i muszę się od tego oddalić.

Nie pałować, ale też nie kłamać. Błąd błędem zawsze jest. Po prostu do poprawienia.

Wprowadzać społeczeństwo LGBT w błąd mówiąc że co robią jest w porządku jest zwykłym kłamstwem. Ich cierpienie się tylko powiększy
Mr Grunwald   
14 Apr 2021
Po polsku / "Razem" chce aby Jan Paweł II nie był już honorowym obywatelem Warszawy [14]

Mam wątpliwości co do poziomu przeciwdziałania Jana Pawła drugiego na ugrupowania w kościele (te najbardziej zboczone i które wykorzystają kościół do własnych celów niż zajmowaniem się rozpowszechnianiem religii)

Nie pomaga to że ugrupowania które nie wierzą w boga i w dodatku patrzy na kościół przez pryzmat klechów którzy bawią się w politykę, nie rozumiejąc rolę kościoła.

Zgadza się, problem leży w tym że są tacy którzy wykorzystują kościół w najgorszy możliwy sposób
Mr Grunwald   
13 Apr 2021
Po polsku / Staram się polepszać się po polsku :) [85]

Masz ukryte ambicje aby nas zmienić w lingwistów języka Polskiego? :)
Gramatyka jest jednych z moich niewielu wad.
Mr Grunwald   
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]


what about poland tho? also free of tyranny of vatican?

What tyranny you speaking about? You a citizen of the Vatican state? Stop spreading bullshit


means the Vatican must be peacefully pacified, deprived of instruments of power.

This only shows you don't have a clue about the role of the church... Your engulfed with hatred towards God, Christianity and the Croatian Clergy. One of them is warranted (the Croatian one)

I am tired of your posts Crow, even my patience has limits. Blasphemy and an conscious and evil attack on the church is the final straw.

Congratulations Crow. You have done what I thought impossible. I'll leave this forum forever.

No more posts from me. If anybody wishes further contact with me. They are welcome to PM me. I will be considering deleting my account as well. This is intorable
Mr Grunwald   
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

If you judge a country (not state you mean?) by it's politics. Let me tell you, it's no different in other places. It's actually worse, just a lot more smiles and better rhetorical trainers.

Focus on the things you love :)
Every shop does that, trust me I have worked in one. The oldest are put at the front and clueless customers buy it without checking the expiration dates. Sloppy shop-workers and unpopular products sometimes get then sold that way before being thrown out.

Start reading labels (nutrition value, what they are, what they do to you and ingredients) you might get a shock. Most products contain suger for it to last longer. And remember what the dentist says about it effects on teeth... Now imagine it having same effect on your inner organs...
Mr Grunwald   
21 Feb 2021
Life / Mulberry trees not only in Poland. [16]

I just know of different fermentation's processes (one that doesn't require sugar as an ingredient)
In case of pickles (kiszone ogórki) it's without sugar .
How excactly it's done remains a mystery to me. I just need to research it a lot more.
I remember seeing a video about it, but forgot it's content (how to do it etc) so I'll have to look it up.

Discovering the unhealthy consequences of sugar I avoid it as much as possible. That includes alcohol, although when I am in the shape I want. I can imagine a sip or two (wine), just preferably one with low content of suger
Mr Grunwald   
21 Feb 2021
Life / Mulberry trees not only in Poland. [16]

I had to google it (never heard of it before in English) and can't remember seeing it.

You can even make wine out of them?!
I got a lot to learn about winemaking (it's a future thing I'll dedicate my time to when I'll be able to)

Have you had a lot of experience with it? (Winemaking)

Huh, jam aswell. You use sugar or something else? (Hoping for non-sugar here)
Mr Grunwald   
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

I didn't mean "romantic" in the form of courting, but in the form of art, politics and ideals. Be under no illusions, I have never tried courting anyone on this forum. Last time I got attacked for being a German sex-tourist. I was merely tried to write something positive about Belarus and Ukraine, not knowing much about said countries. I tried to compliment the local cuisine (the food) and their women. I was directing this towards a male audience

I would prefer to stay out of this thread, but alas I keep getting dragged back in to it.

Then you have been very lucky meeting only women who does that. My experience have been different at my workplaces and it had gone so far as doctors are being warned about giving sick leaves as the system is being abused.

How it's in the U.S, Poland or U.K with the health sector. I have no clue and can't write about it
Mr Grunwald   
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

I'm not sure why you think(...) but in the end most people settle for what they can get... That's life.

Depends, my view on this has been taken from matching statistics on dating applications. (it´s fully accessable on the internet) Which many of these posters are thinking about. Then who one settles for begrudgingly is a different matter, I only wish that people were able to settle for one without having a grudge in doing so. Yes I am a romantic and an idealist in this regard. Fully knowing that certain spheres of society want different things (to what most men on this forum and in general seem to be quite... perplexed about or simply ignorant)

low-class or low-value men tend to prefer: homebrew alcohol, pre-made food of low quality, in large quantities as to show off among other class members a "status" of being able to afford more of it and dignifying it as masculine (the type of goods) compared to wine which they see feminine as the ladies they meet look at it as higher class and desire it themselves. *facepalm*

mid-class, acceptable males to a certain degree tend to prefer: beer, healthier food, still potentially pre-made and acessable in the store but, more expensive. Again being able to afford more of it (the same type of goods) gives status among themselves. and same as low-value men look at wine or other alcohol drinks which they often see women drink and prefer as feminine. Confusing things.

High-rank men tend to prefer wine, healthy expensive food, preferably hunted and prepared by an cook (restaurant, at home or dinner-gatherings) where knowing wine and ones own and foreign cuisine is vital as not to stand out or look foolish. Understanding perfectly well the quality and process of making wine and it´s value.

The type of food also lead to the quality of mindset and body. The more junk you eat, the more junk you become basically.

Oh, don't worry, (..)"Za mundurem panny sznurem" ;))

I have never had any doubts about finding myself a women, it´s allways been more of a question of finding the one I want the most or more precisely the one I need. Now I don´t know if there are any women like that out there. So I just let life be as it is and focus on myself for the time being and solve whatever comes my way. (life)

Paulina may write what she wants, patronizing or not. I have been quite patronizing through my posts here on PF (which I would be surprised if you haven´t noticed) as my perspective on people (in general) is that most seem to pretend being adults, but actually are kids in grown up bodies (me included). Difference is that when I cry about my feelings or percieved ill-treatment. I can easily declare it what it is, yes I am acting like a little girl crying out on an internet forum about my issues. Difference is, you think I don´t know ****. I know ****, ive lived through **** and I am tired of it. I prefer to learn every single day, about new things or people. Even **** if I have to, even tho I dislike it.
Mr Grunwald   
20 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]


no but the red army did so why would thy help their enemies?

To make peace with them? To have any chance of governing the place? Only with the intent of wiping the locals 100% like the Nazi-Germans planned on doing in former Prussian controlled areas with Poles if they had won that it would work. And that is if the world would accept it as a new international norm or not.

By basically removing the Soviets only chance for a credible translator between the Polish society and the Soviet leadership (thinking that default-general rules apply to Polish society, relativism -.-)

They shot themselves in the foot. Outside forces tend to think that those governing Poland are there to protect Polish society from outside influence. I tell you... it's Polish elites job to keep em happy and satisfied. As to save the world from them :)

Until you understand that, you will allways misunderstand Poles
Mr Grunwald   
20 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]


Look at yourself, you said that you gave up women (...)That's why you are not and never would be an incel.

Quote had to be shortened
Thanks... An Incel is an involuntary celibate (He got no chance with women) I am a voulentary celibate. After I understood people in general, that people test each other and why+that people were not afraid of me, so they basically thought they could do whatever they want. (I tried to calm people down and not give the impression og being dangerous as I had decided to counter-act very strongly against anger so not to act with physical violence uncontrollably. So I avoided threatening people a.k.a testing through with physical force. So I tested unconciously through by giving an opposite option of what somebody was doing. People felt or thought that I had a hard time saying «No» too thinking me as weak. While in reality I had a very polite upbringing, having to be gentle+kind etc. honoring my heritage etc.

Which people around me had no clue about or were simply oblivious towards.

After I came to that realization, I was a bit insulted that thought of me as weak or having no reason to fear me. But I calmed down, and got into a mode of "I will show them all what I am capable of, and everyone who have ever underestimated me"

Then I learned about emotional intelligence, how women operate. (What they do, what they say and why, why they forms groups as teens and throw each other out of it. Then reinviting etc)

I also shortened down every addiction I had to only wanting God in my life (filling myself with as much love as possible, as not to deteriorate after such realizations cause I realized I felt a bit bitter. And I didn't want to end up as a bitter man.

Found purpose and avoid as much interactions with women as I possibly can, stopped dating, focusing on my career. Basically limiting my contacts to closest friends+family and focusing on my career in the army.

So yeah I post here from time to time to have social interactions. As I have it limited as much as possible, knowing that meeting any of you from here is rather a low chance. I post rather freely and open.

Before I was, one can say addicted to the thought of having sex with women. Now I rather not think about it, the arousel still exists. But the motivation/interest is basically non-existent anymore. I understand gay people more and more to some degree, hopefully I won't turn gay tho
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]


The problem with incels (through our history) is that their lack of a partner tend to make them seek other men in the same situation (think of a Lion pack basically) and create some obscure idea that their willing to die and fight for (basically having nothing else to do, they seek purpose). Then calms down after that movement possibly grows and changes the narrative in society (Think Nazi's in Germany 1920-1940)

Young men without prospects (not only in courting) make one of the most unstable and volatile elements in a society. How horrible as it sounds, America has been lucky so far. Imagine them organizing rallies and conspiring to overthrow society upside down, from pure revenge.
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

I wrongly assumed you would want to be conscious about a man's needs. Nevermind

Why would you think you would have to be not yourself? Putting an effort, is not being yourself?

Well tell me this then, which man would you prefer (theoretically)

One who would declare that he loves you, and only wants you infront of all his&your relations.

Or just you and living in a flat together
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

Hook up's I mean one night stands,

Also I wouldn't be telling everyone you don't see marriage as Holy (religions/believer or not)

Men value loyalty a lot. Telling everyone around you that promising loyalty towards one another in a social setting... isn't...

I hope you understand what I mean
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

Demographics are dropping, divorces increase (more children without a mother or father role model or even lack of both)
Hook up culture increases, marriage is seen as less and less holy.

It's bad
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

I understood it, as performing it was meaningless (Novichok pointed out from a very cynical point of view that it wasn't)

While I think it was not only foolish, but downright shooting yourself in the foot. Otherwise the Soviet Union would have over 20k military officers/personnel in fighting the Germans during 1941-1945. But would also have chance of having a somewhat more docile Polish population and giving the opposition a hard time countering Polish officers serving beside red army units. (Actual Polish officers, who were also pre-war government connected)

But having them executed at Katyń, gave no hope for any Pole to have any good opinion or relationship with the Kremlin. It also got worse after the Warsaw uprising despite the people's army attempt at helping it (Berlingowcy) cause the red army did not contribute, even when it was within their means to do so. (No arty support or landing rights at airports for American/British airplanes)

The relations soured so much, that even today suspicions are high among basically all political parties towards Kremlin. It's basically, if one wants a n sovereign independent Poland. One can't and shouldn't contact the Kremlin cause it would be senseless

Spreading love is quite different, from spreading political influence. Also the political influence your pointing towards. Very much ended after the religious wars in Germany. The Vatican had some influence within Austria-Hungary (on the Austrian emperor, no doubt)

But saying that the Vatican had political leverage after 1918 is rather ignorant
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

I know that, thank you. Still it insults me more then anything else. If it wasn't for my cold and calm nature I would had a tantrum every time I was accused of it.

If the Polish left were sincere, I could call it patriotic but it stinks with Targowica and a way of simply scoring a political point.

Most political parties in Poland are also very short sighted with the EU. While I see it as a long-term possibility which was never possible to imagine in history
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Yeah, but it would be riling up Polish leftists crying to Brussels calling us fascists and giving Poland more trouble
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

I wouldn't be surprised either to be honest, but yeah. Hopefully most of the right-wing posts from American users aren't confused with Polish-Right wingers...

It would just give Poland more headiches
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

I actually wonder about that myself, can't come up with any terms I have heard right now on the spot.

Maybe "low-grade women"
Haven't used it myself of course (even tho that swearing one mentioned here on the forum could have given me nightmares)
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

There used to be a strict hierarchy (feudalism), where the elite basically told all women to buzz off the top-males.

Now that women got brainwashed into thinking there actually is like a free picking of top notch males, they become unhappy and 60% males get desperate. Then they tell me (the 60%) that I don't count anymore... right...

Well off you go then! Let's see how that works for you all! I'll improve my life, get a career and stay out of politics.