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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Dec 2013
Threads: Total: 76 / Live: 12 / Archived: 64
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From: USA
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7 Jun 2011
News / Another Polish city honors President Reagan [49]

They're socially conservative

That's probably what they meant. Are the communists in China no longer communists because they chose a capitalist free market economy?
7 Jun 2011
News / Another Polish city honors President Reagan [49]

A roundabout in the Sławinek residential district of Lublin, eastern Poland, has been named after former US president Ronald Reagan.

The idea of honouring the late statesman, seven years after his death, came from city councilor Marcin Nowak of the conservative Law and Justice party and the KoLiber Association of young Polish conservative professionals.

According to Nowak, Ronald Reagan was one of the greatest personalities in the history of the 20th century, whose servives for the overthrow of the communist system cannot be overestimated.

Reagan's two terms of office, from 1981 to 1989, coincided with the crumbling of the Soviet empire, the Solidarity revolution in Poland and the imposition of martial law. In 1981, several months after the formation of Solidarity, the Reagan administration warned Moscow and the Warsaw regime against anti-Solidarity actions. After the imposition of martial law in December 1981, President Reagan supported the Polish cause.

In a special address he said: "Poland is not East or West. Poland is at the centre of European civilization. It has contributed mightily to this civilization. It is doing so today by being magnificently unreconciled to oppression."

In addition to this Reagan roundabout in Lublin, there are Rondo Ronalda Reagana (Ronald Reagan Circle), Tarnow, Poland; Ronald Reagan Square, Krakow, Poland; Ronald Reagan Statue, Warsaw; Ronald Reagan Park, Gdansk, Poland; Ronald Reagan Roundabout, Wroclaw, Poland; Ronald Reagan Monument, Wroclaw, Poland.

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7 Jun 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Rap culture is only popular among youth with low IQ so no need to worry about a whole generation getting lost. :)

I think the new polish generation should not listen to black music as it can promote violence sometimes

Rap music as sometimes called sieczka by critics in Poland has been proven to make people dumber.

Also people should know just who really they're integrating their neighbourhoods with. We don't need anymore "White flight"
pretty soon we'll all be forced to live in the suburbs.
6 Jun 2011
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

I live in New York & I am sure the best Pizza place is just a 200 foot walk away from my house LOL

You must live in Manhattan and be talking about Lombardi's. Those nationwide chains like Papa John's or Domino's, Pizza Hut that's crap. Local, little neighborhood pizza parlors is real pizza.

I'm a fan of it but the Italians and Americans will always do it a little better.

You tried American pizza Seanus?
5 Jun 2011
Language / Polish sayings [237]

każdy kij ma dwa końce (each stick has to two sides to it) everything can be looked at from two points of view
4 Jun 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1443]

Do you eat 'buchty' in the States, Penn?

Never had them is the States or in Poland.
Have you tried Parowce in Poland, remember having them in grade school. Dough cooked in water, served with whipped sour cream or diced strawberries mixed with sugar. We ate it for breakfast.

Mix the yeast with milk. Let stand until they grow. Add milk, eggs, sugar and flour, a little salt to taste and knead the dough, let stand until grow. Re-knead, from the dough do the balls or squeeze them with a glass. Hang on for a moment to let it grow. Pour water to a wide, low pan, put gauze on it, tied and boil the water. When the water starts boiling, apply the noodles on a gauze, cover with the bowl or another pot and steam of approx. 7 minutes. Parowce of grandma serve with whipped cream or with strawberries mixed with sugar.

no, these are reserved for special guests only

Or some uninvited guests, who thought they have a free meal ;)
4 Jun 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1443]

How about with ribs (żeberki)? In almost 7 years of having lived in Poland and near a milk bar that serves them, I haven't even tried them yet.

They're ok you haven't missed much. I prefer Ribs American style BBQ. As for a side to them someone introduced me to potatoes and this cheddar cheese, sour cream,dill and garlic all melted together topping. Really good. But that's American food, different thread lol.
4 Jun 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1443]

What would you pair them with in America?

I eat mushrooms Polish style, with for instance cubes of cooked beef and the sauces can be bought in any Polish store. I hardly ever see Americans in general eating mushrooms, supermarkets don't have a wide variety either, unless it's an Asian (Oriental) store, Asians seem to love them.

Oh, do you get łazanki across in the States?

Yes. Polish American stores, some in big Polish communities like NY or Chicago are huge, and you can buy just about anything from Poland from Knorr or Nałęczowianka to furniture.
4 Jun 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1443]

Have you tried maślaki mushrooms, Penn?

Of course i love mushrooms, tried just about every kind podgrzybki, prawdziwki, Kanie, pieczarki.

A rich meal is a good treat once in a while.

True, i'm sure everyone would love to eat organic hormone free meats and veggies that haven't been sprayed with a ton of chemicals and grow in a pile of fertilizer.
4 Jun 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1443]

Oh, Poland is a great country for game birds and quality options to complement them. Mushrooms or mushroom sauce are legendary!

Especially if the animal is one from some private farm, all natural and the mushroom picked in a forest. Just makes the food taste so good.
4 Jun 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1443]

Tripe (flaki)

omg i tried them twice i felt like vomiting afterwards, shredded cow stomach, eww. Czarnina (duck's blood soup) tastes much better, but again knowing what it is restrains me from consuming it. I believe it's a regional dish Kasubian not Polish in general. There are so many other good Polish dishes besides gołąbki or Ruskie pierogi. Last time i've been to Poland ate some delicious stuffed roasted duck, with potatoes with a creamy wild mushroom sauce.
20 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

True most Jews have assimilated well into the society of the country they live in. They know they're Jewish, many still practice the faith, but also see themselves as something else, like everyone else not different.
20 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]


25:00-30:00 min. of the video posted, I would have never guessed that some average Brookyn blacks know so much about Jews or have read books about them.
20 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

.Big cheese ADL Abe Foxman (whose life, along with his mother & father) was saved by Poles, and now runs a $75 million a year racket, is also featured.

Good man, wish there were more like him.
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

My name is MAGDALENA. Thank you.

Sorrry.. Co ci się tak nie podoba ze zdrobnieniem?

What do you mean by that? General ortography rules are kinda similar to Spanish

I know.. Spanish was just an example, i used it because Spanish also has many As

Nothing. Did I say there was?

U said you prefer the southern over the "standard" America, i can see how anyone possibly could lol
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

I think you're right there aren't that many, they just get freaked out when they hear a word or two with them and fear they wont pronounce it right, give up. Polish has a lot of As especially at the endings, also "ka" it's pretty much pronounced like it's written like Spanish.
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

I personally like Russian, Czech, some dialects of English

No Polish Magdalenka??

esp. southern US

What's wrong with the Northern?
Standard(Hollywood) from the video sounds the nicest to me
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

Polish say that Czech sounds like baby talk

We say that about Russian language and they say Polish sounds like baby talk also lol. I've also heard from my Mexican friend that it sounds hard, macho.

IMO, Polish sounds better when spoken slower.

I think so too, you hear it properly some Poles talk real fast and it sounds like one long mumbled word.
19 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

When spoken softly by a beautiful woman next to you, you bet :)

Same with American English coming from an educated beautiful woman like Laurie Dhue