The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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21 Jan 2016
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

It is all about Poland. You Brits are against Poland. Actions of British governments proves it. Britain first attacked traditional Polish loyal brothers- Serbians, then isolated Poland and now starting political pressure on Poland. What is next? Economic sanctions to Poland and then war against Poland?

No they don't

you shall see. They would hit Britain if Britain continue to provoke and demonstrate its moral collapse and, that would be that. Only reasonable people like Corbyn giving me hope.
21 Jan 2016
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

Nobody cares about him or Serbia.

you can be absolutely sure that Russians care just enough so that is Serbia able to prevent any Russian hostility on Poles and, Poles care just enough to be able to know that they have to trust to Serbians, not to western Europeans and their satellites anywhere.

This time no British scheme with Russians. What is enough is enough.
21 Jan 2016
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

No room at all to talk about the morality of others.

go see what J. Corbyn speak about Milosevic and back then British Blair. By the Corbyn, Blair should been in jail, not Milosevic. And Corbyn is British No.1 politician, not the Cameron.

But, good, good. Just give us your worse so that we Slavs better recognize that snake behind German imperialism, that British snake that orchestrate and manipulate everything. You Brits are neither worse, neither better then Germans. You are all the same
21 Jan 2016
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

He of course means

what i mean... its hard to think of only one British crime on Slavs. On Poles, Ukrainians, Yugoslavs, Serbians, Russians.

But, as a Slavic patriot and protagonist of New Commonwealth, i can say one great THANKS BRITAIN for you, by your criminal activity, helping to Slavs that they better understand each others.

Do not let the Western decadents ruin Poland with their NGOs.

Great truth has been said here

Not really: Britain has fairly decent armed forces, not like the collections of a few men with hunting rifles which meant Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo all suffered invasions from 'Slavic' 'heroes'.

Oh, spare me of fabricated tales of your criminal government, in situation when even most powerful political opposition to Cameron in Britain, respectable Jeremy Corbyn criticized Britain`s criminal activity against Yugoslavia and Serbia in conflict in former Yugoslavia, claiming how are Serbians absolutely right and innocent. It was easy to powerful Britain to found (and sponsor them) satellites in former Yugoslavia among pro-Nazi and pro-Ottoman Turkish individuals but, truth shall win at the end. End of British power.

After all, if you want to learn about background of bloody Civil War in Yugoslavia, incited by western Europe, i suggest you to listen Polish Jerzy Robert Nowak >

Rola Niemiec w rozbiciu Jugosławii >
21 Jan 2016
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

i see in today`s news that Britain continue to provoke Slavs. Mistake Brits. Mistake
12 Jan 2016
News / PiS and Russian political/economic interests [70]

Its obvious now anyway. We are unstoppable. Our enemies can only fart in their rage.

Gift for people here... song of Serbian Lepa Brena about `her` Hungarian lover...:

Rejoice, sing and dance
12 Jan 2016
News / PiS and Russian political/economic interests [70]

Let me explain to all of you who don`t understand.

Trick is that Poland and Russia recognize minimum to each others interests and that are in process two things avoided- humiliation of Poles/Russians and too much maneuverable space to western Europe for meddling between Poland and Russia.

Here, on scene coming Hungary and Serbia. These two countries are bridge that needs to provide conditions that cooperation between Poland and Russia flow no matter third factor. Poland don`t need to ask (and that way avoiding public humiliation) Russia publicly of anything and the opposite, Russia don`t need to ask Poland, in case that EU imposing pressure (example of sanctions). Serbia shall provide reserve routes from Poland to Russia and opposite. Hungary shall safeguard Poland from eventual EU sanctions. Both of these countries by their actions creates maneuverable space to Poland and Russia that they makes adequate political/economic moves no matter all western European actions.

Now, in case of Poland particularly, as public see, Hungary and Serbia doing some services to Poland and sooner or later would pressure of Polish public force Polish politics to align its politics with Hungary and Serbia. That way, it would appear that Poland follow Hungary and Serbia, while in reality, behind the scene, Hungary and Serbia just provide cover for Polish patriotic forces. It is actually Hungary and Poland that already aligned their politics with one future Poland, that would just come. So, Poland uses Hungary and Serbia as shield.

i clearly see how that functioning. This time, people, we are one step (at least) ahead of our foes. It is so because China emerged and multi-polar world. It disturbed balance of power in the world and west of Europe have problem to accommodate. What is also important, USA already care of her own interests (accepted multi-polar world- still not publicly), abandoning solidarity with western European.

This all PiS understand.
12 Jan 2016
News / PiS and Russian political/economic interests [70]

Poland is absolutely right to make deals on energy with Russia. Why not? One Germany for example extremely depend on Russian natural gas. Germans don`t hesitate to buy it from Russians, no matter at the same time, enormous German investments in new technologies on the field of energy.

Now, why would Poland exclude itself from business with Russians? It would be idiotic from numerous aspects. Sure, Russia would know to appreciate loyal business partners. Anybody sane respect its good business partners.
28 Dec 2015
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

history of France, at a time when Poland was in alliance with France and systematically mutilated by Germany

France's collaboration with Nazis revealed


France's archives revealing details of collaboration with Nazi Germany have been declassified. .............

When Germany invaded France in 1940, the two countries signed an armistice. The German army occupied northern and western France, while the French collaborationist Vichy government ruled the rest of the country. The Vichy regime worked with the Germans and introduced anti-Jewish laws, banning Jews from public life and restricting the jobs they could have.

28 Dec 2015
Law / Which is the best city in Poland to open a kebab shop? [56]

people, best cevapcici are of mixed meat- beef, lamb and pork. Now, considering that Turks don`t eat pork, they degraded original Serbian recipe. To them it was similar as Persian kebab and they named it that way (but kebab is different recipe, plus kebab is bigger then cevap). i suppose in original kebab they put camel meat

Hi crow hope you had a nice Christmas, I think that I will give the Albanian kebabs a miss, but I am happy to share popcorn with you anytime.

dobri pane brate, marry Christmas to you. i would have one in January but i am among those who pray that we celebrate it twice

Plus, i would drink one for Svetovid

have you been on the rakija Crowie?

good one

Dunja (quince)
28 Dec 2015
Law / Which is the best city in Poland to open a kebab shop? [56]

No, they don't. This is just your wishful thinking again.

ah that Harry, eternal Muslim protagonist here. Poland isn`t England. Poles are for peaceful coexistence, while English took it all wrong- they subjugate themselves even when nobody ask them to subjugate. Very nasty mentality

Every shopping centre has an outlet selling kebabs, Turkish food is growing in popularity, etc etc.

28 Dec 2015
Law / Which is the best city in Poland to open a kebab shop? [56]

Btw It will be really Turkish kebap running by Turkish..

why would Poles expose itself to Turkish cook and to food that originally even isn`t Turkish? If Poles want oriental version of it is Persian kebab. But, if Poles want original version of the dish, they should taste Slaveno-Serbian cevap. Turkish kebab is nothing but mixture of two influences on Turks, Persian and Serbian.

This thread is absurd. Turkish cook.. to put cross on myself. Where goes this world

27 Dec 2015
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

Romania, same as Hungary, Moldavia, Baltic states or Greece (and some other countries) belong to Slavic cultural area and what is most important, all these countries, with wise policy could be seduced to join in Slavic conglomerates such is Intermarium project, for example.
27 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

Strangers have their interests in Poland and they have their man in Poland. So, no wonder that masks now falling down and goes pressure on Duda when Poland tries to force independent policy.
26 Dec 2015
History / What are Poland's pagan roots? [62]

One of greatest theological questions of our time should be this > How is spirit of the faithful affected by the fact that these refugees that coming these days, have faces most similar to the face of the son of the God? One of liars in a long line of liars was Danish Bishop Absalon who toppled the statues of God Svetovid at Arkona back in 1169. He did it to grab the land of native Slavs, land of northern most Serbs, by hostile foreigners called Wends. Then, if it wasn`t enough, Absalon lied against Svetovid but, not on behalf of Jesus Christ but for his own greed. He lied to assimilate, to destroy old faith. Ultimately, Absalon manipulated both- Jesus and Svetovid.

And look at us today. We witnessing new time again.
26 Dec 2015
History / What are Poland's pagan roots? [62]


In my contemplation

do you pray to Jesus or to Svetovid or to both? Me myself to both


Jesus Christ (modern recreation of image)


Svetovid (one interpretation)

What is interesting, in artistic presentation, Jesus looks more like Svetovid then he himself >
26 Dec 2015
Feedback / Why are threads deleted or send off topic list? [60]

in my contemplation i sometimes feel that is owner of this web site Polish who have Serbian wife. Sure, its not necessary that Pan-Slavic elements here result from that. No, it is quite possible that this web site just tend to be modern and sane.
21 Dec 2015
News / URGENT: Chechens refugees found a Islamic State in Poland [37]

i don`t worry too much because i know how would this finish. Lost battle doesn`t mean that is war lost. We, people from Baltic, Central Europe and Balkan would finally unite and protect our specific interests. That for one. Then or in the meanwhile, all who had come to grab, would be dispatched out from our lands.
21 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Poland can't go on it's own. Poles are showing that they can't govern themselves.

no. Events rather suggests that west of Europe giving its best to preserve its control over Poland, while Poland struggling to escape assimilation.
20 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

just, Serbians decided to pay the price and they want their independence, they themselves rebuilding their countries declaring military neutrality on global military alliances, while opening itself from investments from any country in the world on equal ground. Serbs looks for EU merely as for customs-free zone and free flow of people. At the same time Serbs sued NATO countries for compensations in damage back in 1999. Interest rate on all demands for compensation are already enormous. Interest rate plus principal debt as a whole is astronomical level of money.

Western Europe and USA would learn that they don`t rule this world and that still there are global rules.
20 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

If Poland wanted to EXIT the EU, it would have to pay back to the EU all the grants/monies given to Poland in the last few years.

It would demand international conference. Speaking in economical terms, western Europe greatly profited from EU. Then, EU followed NATO in policing the world. Many countries already and would demand compensation. We all know how NATO and EU functioned, by dictate of USA, Britain, France and Germany. NATO is even tool of just those four countries. So, Poland may ask that those countries pay all compensations to third countries, including to Poland for all Polish loses in non-Polish wars and also, Poland may ask for non-material compensations (moral damage to Poland, fear of population for involvement in wars, etc).

All in all, Poland don`t owe any money to anyone.

i am sure that would Poland profit from going out of EU and NATO. In any sense. Sure, there would a price to be paid but, freedom never goes without price.

Only Serbia demand from NATO countries compensations that estimates more then 100 billion USA dollars, as compensation for damage of infrastructure, nature, loss of population and economy, because of illegal attack back in 1999.
20 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

They will not be allowed to take just the cream of the EU without giving something back.

EU was trap, among else, to take Silesia from Poland. i predicting escalation on this subject, too.
20 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Wise words

i hope that would Polish diaspora support Poles at home, in Poland, in intention of Poland to regain its independence, secede from EU, go out of NATO and declare formation of Intermarium.

i shall pray for internal unity of Poles
20 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

no. EU is itself dictatorship. Once you are there they would do anything to keep you assimilating and draining your life.
20 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

To most Poles, the EU and NATO symbolize that Poland is now part of the West after having been forced to be a Soviet vassal state in the post-war period. (...)

i absolutely agree with your position here.

Far more important to Poland is the support of the U.S. and being sheltered under its nuclear umbrella. (...)

Considering historical reasons and development in what is now Ukraine, Lwow would be in Poland again. Rightfully. International community made mistake and slightly recognized Ukraine in its borders created by communists. Now is needed international conference dedicated to Ukraine, where several peoples must be asked in case with real borders of that state: 1. Ukrainian people, 2. Ruthenian people, 3. Russian people, 4. Polish people, 5. Serbian people. All these peoples played role in history of what is now Ukraine and had their historical provinces/states there. Also, all these peoples are Slavs and we here speak about internal issue of Slavic world.

I can assure you that many Poles know fine well that the United States is not going to protect Poland in the event of war with Russia.

that is also great truth.

Most probable scenario is that would USA tried to act on the behalf of all Anglo interests and offer deal to Russia, behind back of Poles. But, in this historical moment, Russia shows all signals that wouldn`t accept any deal behind back of Poles.

Indeed. Poles aren't stupid - they know fine well that if the German economy is so closely linked to the Polish one, then Germany will have no choice but to defend Poland in the event of attack.

how nonsensical sentence
19 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

considering that events accelerate, it would maybe prove to be wise by Poland to leave EU, altogether with NATO. Bye bye evil and nasty masters