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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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29 Oct 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

brain? Marsupial dear, what are you now tries to do? To f** me in the brain? i warning you. i have belt of virginity around my head

Hey Crow, being occupied by the West, but not being part of it -- how's that working for you?

No, they aren`t West. They just declared themselves to be, poor greedy creatures.

Anyway. Joy is ours. All ``Empires`` that tried to digest Serbians at the end drooped dead, so these would drop, too.

Back on topic please
28 Oct 2016
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

BRAKING NEWS - business opportunity!

Good news for Polish agricultural producers. Especial relief for Polish apple producers that are more and more dependent on Serbia`s and Belarus capacity to receive their apples due to re-export deals and shipments to Russia. It even seams that would for Polish agricultural producers become possible to include Israel in re-export of their products to Russia.

Till now, via re-export, Poland sold about 40% of its apple production to Russia. With Serbia`s `free trade zone` deal with Russia, next year it would be at least 60%. Include Israel in it and it could be even 80%.

People, members of forum and guests, please, feel free to share this news with other Polish web sites.... business opportunity. Long live Slavs! Long live Poland!

"Free trade zone talks with Serbia to start soon"

Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev on Friday announced the start of free trade zone talks between the Eurasian Economic Union and Israel and Serbia, respectively.

Serbia successfully mediate in Hungarian-Russian agreements considering EU sanctions to Russia. Considering that Hungary lost 6,5 mlrd USA dollars in last 3 years, Hungarian food producers looks with great hope in new agreements.

One can ask, what this news have with Poland but, see, that`s the point. Hungary tries to save itself from western Europe and USA circles of Clinton`s kind, but Polish politicians must be much more corrupt- why would they care for Poland`s lost profits, for any Polish interest. Really, why? Their own money flow is what matters.

Oh new joy! Reexport of Polish apples to Russia via Serbia can increase.

Russia wants more apples from Serbia as soon as possible and, we can`t give them what we don`t have. So, we would buy even more apples from Poles and sell even more to Russians.
28 Oct 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

By the good God, this Ivica Dacic..... Serbia continuing to stubbing EU with penis... once again, beautiful example how should venerable Poland behave with EU

Serbian FM: Stop lying that Russians are to blame

Ivica Dacic on Friday denied the claims that Serbia failed to open any new EU accession negotiations chapters in October because of Russia.

27 Oct 2016
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

True. Erdogan claims he IS Turkey and that his opponents are the sworn enemies of Islam:-)

classical dictatorial stance. All know that Erdogan thinks of himself as of Sultan.

A very cunning politician indeed!

Indeed. And he now generally wants to improve relations with Slavs.

I was reading most of your post in this forum and all you promote is "islam hate".

not true. Simple, that`s what you say isn`t truth. On the first place i like things to be clear. Fair business with anybody who pays taxes to state. That`s my moto on this forum. People know me. Then, among other things, i raised question of decapitate (by the Turks) heads of Polish nobles that are still in Turkish possession. i loudly ask that Turks give back those heads to Poles if they really care for good relations with Poles and Slavs in general.

crow. please shut up already. dont try to sell slav ******** in this forum anymore please no poles really care about your serbian blood. they simply do not care.

i understand that you for sure don`t care.

and its so ridicilious you keep talk about historical facts and skip the part of serbians holocaust agains muslims in balkans and rapism agains them numbers reaching number of 36000.

that is `my dear` anti-Serbian war propaganda. So, don`t be deluded by those numbers. Please, 36.000??? Even if soldiers of Bosnian Serb army have two penises instead of one, that number is great exaggeration. Seriously man, i assure you, cases of rape were rare and were regularly sanctioned (perpetrators were punished) by authorities of Serbian side. Not to mention that, unfortunately, crimes of rape were committed by all sides involved in conflict.

how great serbian race is and how common it is with poles but you know its millions of kms away from the truth I was in both poland and serbia and I can guarante you that bro you should evoluate maybe millions of years to be like poles.

i would contemplate on this.
26 Oct 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

As if crow. Crowexit is about it. Sometimes you make me mad.

why is this so, my dear? People who don`t have to say anything, don`t speak. Those who have to say something, they speak. i say that Ivica Dacic`s statements greatly helping Poland. You don`t share this opinion?

He looks like the Serbian version of Mr. Bean.

well, he little bit looks like bean, that`s for sure. Still, seams that he understand politics.
26 Oct 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Nobody would be able to prevent people from going out on streets demanding formation of Intermarium. Not in Poland, not anywhere from Baltic to Balkan.

When we are t it spot stance of defiant Serbia

"Better not to open chapters than undermine our interests"

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said late on Tuesday that Serbia "as serious state must preserve its independence."

At best possible timing for Poland, Serbia consolidate.
23 Oct 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

To secure itself, from any `inside` and /or `outside` thoughts on that trap- ideas on Konopischt Poland, official Poland- Polish FM Waszczykowski, in his last visit to Serbia, nicely said that Serbia represent key Poland`s regional partner. This was very important to be said by Polish FM. This was direct indication that Poland stays loyal to best values of ideas of Sarmatism from time of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, where Serbians themselves were military elite and iron fist of Polish Kings. It was also message to Croatia that Poland won`t tolerate molesting of neither Catholic Serbians, neither the Orthodox Serbians by traditionally pro-German and Nazi regime in Croatia, that recently even for those reasons came in conflict with Vatican. Not to mention Croatian alliance with Bosnian and worse Arab mujaheedines, against Serbians, during Civil War in former Yugoslavia.
23 Oct 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

A union Slovakia + Poland + Hungary + Czechia + Croatia would probably be the best place to live in Europe,

Not quite. No place can exist in dis-balance from within, with neighbors and with world powers. It is merely about Poland by the Konopischt pact, that sought to develop Poland solely as Catholic, with maximally distinguish Slavic element, with Germany as primary allay. Idea was born some 140 years ago, in back then Austro-Hungaria where they gave a lot of thoughts how to destroy Slavs.

If we even presume that such a state come to existence, in a modern world, initially by this formula - Slovakia + Poland + Hungary + Czechia + Croatia, the day after formation of state, Slovakia and Czech Republic would seek to go out. Then, first misunderstanding with Germany and Croatia would stub Poland in the back and Hungary would stay neutral. Initially, such a state wouldn`t have support of any world power. If try something like this, it would be last Poland`s historical mistake. After that failure, Poland as we know it, wouldn`t exist.
23 Oct 2016
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Some Polish apple farmers won`t survive on market due to EU sanctions on Russia >> an article >>

Polish apple farmers bear brunt of EU-Russia economic war

".......... prices will probably fall further. So ............ many farmers will not invest in their orchards, .............. Polish traders have had some luck reaching Russia via re-exporting apples through ............ Belarus and Serbia, ........... "There is a crisis," said Mr Maliszewski. "And some farmers will not survive it."

22 Oct 2016
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

hypothetical Intermarium? Hardly. Its necessity already.

Anyway, theoretically, Intermarium would be open for any country that you mentioned. Adding any of those countries wouldn`t change fact of Intermarium`s Slavic foundations. All today`s non-Slavic countries on the Balkan-Baltic-Black see Danubian line (in Europe and not only Europe, after all) are historically heavily influenced by Slavic culture.
21 Oct 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Let me show to brotherly and sisterly (considering that i`m not sexists) Poles how one needs to deal with EU. Poles, middle finger to EU. Vote for politicians who are capable to give middle finger to EU. Giving middle finger to EU is very healthy.

Let me show you. Spot >>> Serbian FM to EU: There'll be no progress? Well, there needn't be
Source: b92/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2016&mm=10&dd=21&nav_id=99480


Ivica Dacic, Serbian FM, while giving middle finger to EU

Belgrade is reiterating that EU integration is one of its priorities, but is at the same time telling the EU that the pressure exerted on it, that is becoming more frequent, is "unacceptable."

See my dear Poles.
21 Oct 2016
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

If that`s truth what you say, then venerable Kracow would be improved and shine in all its beauty as the Capital of Intermarium.

Reason why choosing Kracow? First, its very old Slavic and Polish city, with great history and tradition. Then, Kracow isn`t important only for Poles but also for the other Slavs, as great cultural center. Just to mention that remains of noble King Władysław Warneńczyk lie in Kracow and, He wasn`t just Polish but also King of many other Slavs, among them King of Serbians, too. Also, Poland would be largest country within Intermarium, so honor to give Capital to Intermarium, as for me, goes to Poland. Plus, having in mind Poland`s contribution to consolidation of idea of Intermarium. Not to mention, that Poles represent biggest ethnic group/people of the future Intermarium.
21 Oct 2016
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

i would suggest this solution for official languages within Intermarium:

* Polish and English as two equal official languages in whole of Intermarium
* In every country of Intermarium, side by side with Polish and English, you in addition have main official language of that specific country
* Also, on regional level, side by side with Polish, English and country`s official language, there should be, as fourth official language, language of national minority where that minority represent regional majority

We must have one Slavic language as primary official language in whole of Intermarium, because Slavic heritage stays as main cultural background of confederation. Not because somebody insist on that but because its reality.

Again, for the political Capital of Intermarium, i suggest Kracow. i know Serbians would be satisfied. They know that this way or another Belgrade must be financial center.
20 Oct 2016
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

[moved from]

Irone brate, we Serbians would like to see long living and sustainable Intermarium. We don`t wish to depend neither from the Russia, neither from the western Europe, USA, China, Patriarch in Constantinople, Vatican, London or anyone. Sure, all would get their measure of respect but its the personal level.

We need Intermarium neutral on all global military alliances. We need fair business chances for all who wants to invest in countries of Intermarium. We need spirit of Intermarium. We need Intermarium`s dream, same way as American`s have American dream. We need strong Intermarium`s army.
20 Oct 2016
News / Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media! [90]

Merged: Do you sense informative blockade of Poland ? Give real info to Poles!

Let me tell it openly. i sense that Poles aren`t informed enough (speaking of great majority of population in Poland). i also sense that many information that Poles receives coming from western European media centers that on one side keep Poles obliged to certain prejudices, while on the other side preventing and inhibit Poles to change their way of thinking when it seams natural considering Poland`s environment and having in mind reality.
18 Oct 2016
Life / Life in Poland for Indians !!! [40]

i suggest you to open private school for Kama sutra teachings. We gave you Buddha but, now time is that you Indians influence us Arians.
9 Oct 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

people, you know how they preventing abortion in Saudi Arabia? By vaginal mutilation or simple killing girl by stones. Its all in sharia people. Why am i telling this to you? Well, because of Poland`s EU membership and EU becoming Eurabia, as many many individuals already mentioned that, some seriously, some half jokingly but, step by step EU coming to it.

That is exactly the reason why i mentioned Kama sutra, already. That or Sharia. What would you? Neither? So, you would .... in the name of Christ? same way as THEY .... your ancestors and Svetovid in them, all in the name of Christ? And Svetovid had tolerance for sexual teachings. With teachings, girl hardly needed abortion.
7 Oct 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

i merely tries to suggest a way.

If young one is educated well, it won`t even come to situation for abortion. Joy of sex, all obligations and consequences of it, as well as erogenous zones, should be studied, not considered a shame. Its all in the book.
27 Sep 2016
News / Goran Bregovic`s concerts banned from Poland ? [30]

Bjork must play in Serbia!

what i know Bjork isn`t Slavic (ie Sarmatian) and Sarmatian connection can`t help her. Seams that to be problem. See, we Sarmatians from time to time makes few mistakes but it all finishes within Sarmatia in mutual gain.

But, as for me Bjork can sing.

And he wants Ukrainians who don't want to be Russian vassals to go fvck themselves!

We Serbians recogniozed Ukrainian nation when Ukrainians themselves decided that to be. Back in those times Serbians opposed to both- to Russians and to Poles, in order to support Ukrainians. It was dangerous, you know but, Serbians despite that supported Ukrainians.

simple, must listen and see

Kayah i Goran Bregović - Warszawa - Hala Koło - 08.09.2016 - Live - Byłam różą

Goran Bregović - Ne Siam Kurve Tuke Sijam Prostitutke (i`m not w****, i`m prostitute)

bdw, as additional info, for those who don`t know >

This title of song isn`t in Serbian but in Macedonian language.
21 Sep 2016
News / Goran Bregovic`s concerts banned from Poland ? [30]

What we Serbians seek is to have normal relations with Russians. Sometimes warmer, sometimes cooler but still normal. That`s what Poles need, too. Not hate. i even think that on the personal level hate don`t exist among people- Poles and Russians, especially when they meet in third countries. What appears to be hate sometimes coming from political influences. But, Polish and Russian normal relations are in vital Serbian interest and we would have it.

See, people like Goran Bregovic can always help that Slavs found scent of mutual understanding. Minimum of it.

Goran Bregovic is rare Slavic musician that is popular equally among Poles and Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians. In whole former Yugoslavia. Generally, music and songs in Serbian are gladly listened from other Slavs. i presented some of his performances in Poland. Here is the one from Russia >>

Goran Bregović - Maki maki (live)

Bosnia >>

Goran Bregovic - Serbetico

Spot this ..... especially for fans of Goran Bregovic

Goran Bregović - Ne Siam Kurve Tuke Sijam Prostitutke (i`m not w****, i`m prostitute)

ahahah ahahahah hahah Wroclaw had broken the blockade! Goran Bregovic performed in Wroclaw! Poles love Brega and Brega love Poles!

Wrocław: X lat Ethno Jazz Festival GORAN BREGOVIĆ & WEDDING AND FUNERAL ORCHESTRA - Hala Orbita, 07.09.2016 godz. 20:00

Goran Bregović z zespołem Wedding and Funeral Orchestra wystąpi we wrocławskiej Hali Orbita 7 września w ramach obchodów X- lecia Ethno Jazz Festival.

Down with ban of artists and down with idiotic politicians!

After all, free passage for Sarmatians anywhere in Sarmatia ;)

MUST SEE >> interview >>>

BREAKING MUSE: Goran Bregović ma pomysł na Wrocław / Bregovic's idea on Wroclaw 2016

Goran Bregović - Kalashnikow (Wrocław 2016 - Hala Orbita)
21 Sep 2016
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

i also hope so. But, i doubt it. It because Britain more and more reminds me on some post-war country that cope to elemental problems of existence. Like that Britain moved to war and lost it and there are consequences, bills. Anyway, social tensions will increase and that would fuel turmoil within society.
20 Sep 2016
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

what did people expect exactly?

i don`t know. It stays in the title of article

Anyway, i suppose, people seek to survive and prosper.
20 Sep 2016
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

An article by The Guardian. A personal story

Poles on Brexit: 'I don't think many will stay. Life in Britain is tough'

Polish people in Britain and back home tell of uncertainty amid reports of xenophobia and UK's refusal to offer any guarantees

How would you know if you have not been here for 20 years anyway?

Don`t say that CNN now spread anti-British propaganda?? Its deeply pro-Anglo media house and BDW, its a rare case when rapports from CNN goes hand in hand with rapports from some other and especially from Serbian media that are, as all sane people nicely know, truly and absolutely trustworthy, what is real rarity in Europe and on our planet.
19 Sep 2016
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Who knows, let us hope that decent Polish workers and families won`t be massively targeted by British restless mob. Let us hope that we won`t see more of those ugly rapports of Poles being attacked and exposed to all kind of humiliations.

Also, nobody can`t deny that we live in interesting era. Maybe, just maybe, time has come for greater homogenization of Slavic peoples, all due to dictate of interests, if not for anything else.

comment and video by CNN

UK's Polish community targeted in hate crimes

One of the largest and oldest immigrant communities in the UK is facing racial tensions and increased hate crimes since Britain voted to leave the EU.

18 Sep 2016
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Let us stay on topic. These days Poles are targeted in Britain. Its a fact.

what like these guys?

that photo if proven hoax, part of war anti-Serbian propaganda. Just google that topic.
18 Sep 2016
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

... where they would compte between themselves to raise the minimal wage.

Sure, Britain is overrun with workers from former British colonies and from countries where Britain actively took part in their destruction. Its kind of boomerang effect. Just, governments have its own aims and those aims often differ from interests of own population. Now, people have to compete for survival in environment created by the oppressive and worldwide terrorist British government. For now, good standard of living provided social peace, while things gets nasty as we see.