Life /
3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]
Ant, you are mixing things. Many cultures want to keep their families together but have not experienced communism. Look at Britain, for example. Under the Conservative administration, the family was afforded due prominence (I'm not a Tory btw). The judge weighs up the totality of factors and, under International Law, 'the welfare of the child is paramount'. Rightly or wrongly, Poland is a very religious country (inflated a bit) so therefore the impact of religion on any decision is elevated. Child abuse would never be rewarded here.
International Law is a highly specialised area, ant. I think you are just making things up that they don't have experts in numerous relevant areas. What experience do you have in this area, may I ask?
Ant, I've had seminars with the leading professor in Europe on the Hague Convention of Child Abduction (as part of my LLM programme). In fact, I have his seminal work in this area (finished with the help of Prof McEleavy). I can safely tell you that there are key obligations incumbent on Poland and that it isn't a pick&mix style piece of legislation, littered with opt-outs and the like. I wrote a paper on it and scored very well (albeit 11 years ago, LOL) so I'd be happy to discuss how you perceive Poland to have acted with reckless abandon and thus hate its insipid approach.
Also, have you learned anything about entrenched mindsets? When sth becomes ingrained, it can take a long time to shake off. Westerners would do well to recognise this and to be more understanding of what Poland went through during those 43 years.