The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Feniks  

Joined: 14 Mar 2024 / Female ♀
Last Post: 18 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 790

Interests: Reading, Hiking, Science, Travel, Art

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22 Oct 2024
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [148]

My name is not Jesus, its johnny reb.the sinner just like every other mortal man.

So that's your excuse to say the vile things you do to forum members? The real life stalking of them that you do? Being a sinner makes everything you say and do acceptable?

You're nothing more than a hypocrite.

You don't have to be religious to be a good and decent person but then you wouldn't know anything about that.
21 Oct 2024
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [148]

you have no idea what the definition of a Christian even is.

It's not someone that posts filth like this:

Thats it, you done already, Lucy. 馃構
(Wipe your chin)

You're completely delusional if you think that your words and actions are in any way those of a Christian.
21 Oct 2024
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

To it looks like there are bones in it... I still say tail of some critter.

I agree with you. The only reason I mentioned stomach is because of Pawian's response to Alien thinking it was stomach. Not dark enough for oxtail and I don't know if that's even popular in Poland.
21 Oct 2024
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

Of what animal?

So it is a stomach? Sheep?

I was reading this article yesterday which some might find interesting. The first on the list made me want to vomit as it invoked unpleasant childhood memories....

Unbelievably, beaver tails are also on the menu!
21 Oct 2024
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

I like the one with cottage cheese sweet filling.

I have only tried this once as I haven't seen it since. Absolutely delicious. Although I think it tastes more like a cake than bread.

not that great. All because of GMO crops.

I presume you mean Polish bread in the US. GMO crops are banned in Poland.
21 Oct 2024
History / Information required on location of WW2 prisoner of war working parties ( arbeits kommandos ) in Poland [15]

but here are still some more links....

Thanks for taking the time to look for me BB. I have got all the paperwork I could find from British sources.

I have military records, papers from ICRC and all records from The National Archives.

Sadly, my relative didn't complete a Liberation Questionnaire which would have been useful.

I read the camp was called "Britenlager", because of the high number of british POWs

Yes, I've read that too. Stalag VIIIB was one of the largest and most notorious POW camps.

also maybe contacting the Russians.

Done, but no joy.

Good luck! *waves*

Thank you BB, and for taking the time to reply.

* waves back*
19 Oct 2024
History / Information required on location of WW2 prisoner of war working parties ( arbeits kommandos ) in Poland [15]

Did you already also have the Info from the Lexikon der Wehrmacht 眉ber den Standort K枚nigsh眉tte?....of course in German but online translation is possible:

Most of it I already knew BB because of information contained in the Lamsdorf /Stalag VIIIB/344 website, now the prisoners of war museum website. The same goes for your wikibrief link but it did specifically mention E88 Kommando, the working party attached to the Prezydent mine:

E88 Hohenlohe Hut - We艂nowiec - (District in Katowice-1951) Coal Mine "Kr贸l" (King) East Shaft - "Agneschaft" - Agnes Hut Colony
prisoner of war (177); Shaft "Agnieszka" - eastern shaft of the mine "Kr贸l" ("Kr贸l-艢wi臋ty Jacek") in the Agnieszka colony; ("K枚nigsgrube" - K枚nigsh眉tte / mine "Prezydent" - Chorz贸w)

even with a foto from some prisoners

I see a lot of photos of Stalag VIIIB POW from various websites, so far I've not been lucky and spotted one of my family member but it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I was incredibly lucky to find mention of him in a fellow POW war diary which had been uploaded to a website along with hundreds of others. I picked one diary at random to read and found that not only was this POW in the same regiment as my family member but that both had been captured on the same day in the same place in France. Their POW numbers were consecutive too meaning it was likely they were both processed at the same time. What are the chances of that!

I have been told by a member of staff at the Centralne Muzeum Jencow Wojennych that the majority of records of Stalag VIIIB prisoners are in the Russian State Archives. They were seized by the Soviet Army after the camp had been evacuated. I did contact them using Google Translate and I did get a reply that confirmed that they did hold British POW records but didn't have the resources to search for them.

Thanks very much for your help :)
18 Oct 2024
History / Information required on location of WW2 prisoner of war working parties ( arbeits kommandos ) in Poland [15]

As an update I have since found out that my family member was put to work in the East Field of this mine in Chorz贸w, although during WW2 it was known as K枚nigsgrube Ostfeld.

More information but in German:

he was in a working party named Agneshutte/Agnieszka

The Eastern shaft of the mine was known as Agnieszka.

Maybe one day I'll go on the Industrial Monuments Route to see the hoisting tower of the Prezydent shaft.

Don't suppose anyone here would have any idea about how to find out if wartime records were kept about this mine? Long shot I know.

Probably about as likely as getting the rest of my family member's POW records out of the Russian State Archives.....
18 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread - part 2 [720]

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18 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Arts and crafts [124]

When we moved to another place my parents took that dark, patterned carpet with us

I guess that's what people did. My parents took the carpets with them when we moved to a different part of the country. By then we had an expensive Axminster carpet although still equally hideous. Unbelievably, in yet another part of the country, I had the same carpet on the floor of my current home. First thing I did was to have it ripped out along with all the other carpets.

To maximise the value of their art collections, billionaires employ various strategies and tactics

I find this obscene. What does a billionaire need yet more money for. Greed, pure and simple :(
I will read the link it came from later.

I think people have the right to think and say that something is crappy.

Me too. There's way too much snobbery in the art world.
18 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Arts and crafts [124]

Twombly is gallery art; something intended to be viewed in a large dedicated space.

I get that but for me it doesn't make any difference. The only thing the red scribbles suggest to me, other than being painted by a child, is that maybe the artist was angry and venting when he painted them.

Art is a very personal thing and I understand that you like abstract paintings but I can't see what you see in them. They go way over my head!

Once you create something new that hasn't been done before in art you automatically get a place in the pantheon of "great artists"

I agree and it seems to be all about what has become 'fashionable' at the time regardless of whether the art is actually any good. Damien Hirst and his sheep in formaldehyde springs to mind.......

Once the artist dies his works go up in value.

That's almost a given although in his case he was hardly starving in a garret somewhere.

Art usually goes up in value with time, so that's a good long-term investment. You don't have to like the art you're buying - what's important is that you know you will sell it with profit later on.

This is true but sad at the same time. If I wanted to make a profit on artwork I would definitely choose something I like that could be put on display. I feel anything otherwise amounts to little more than greed and is an insult to the artist. But then, I often have views contrary to other people.
10 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread - part 2 [720]

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10 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Polish Music. [270]

Lenka originally posted the video and it is amazing. Can't find it online to download on my phone though :(

Here is a short but interesting article on the making of the video:
10 Oct 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

Actually, it is!!!

Yes, I edited my post:

Are they pieces of wood from the tree you cut down?

They would look nice oiled and sanded.
10 Oct 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

Think from a completely different perspective.

I didn't think they looked much like mushrooms, they remind me of carved pieces of wood. I have a small box carved from wood that has those rings in it. I know that's not what this is though.

this riddle is connected with things I talked about in another thread.

That could be anything then! I will have to think about this one.

pieces of wood.

Are they pieces of wood from the tree you cut down?
10 Oct 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]


I had to google that as I'd never heard the name. We would call them Jerusalem artichokes.

What can you see???

Are those 2 different types of mushroom or the same one showing the underside?
7 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Polish Music. [270]

L.U.C. feat. Kwiat Jab艂oni, Bela Komoszy艅ska - Koniec Lata

@ Milo, liked the Riverside and Akurat songs.
7 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Things We Love [288]

You were supposed to think of a girly girl in a flower dress! Lol

What can I say! I guess I don't think along the same lines as everyone else ;D

I feel like a weirdo here in UK and all holidays/ weekends you have to do, do DO

I guess people don't want to think they've wasted their weekend just doing chores when they've worked all week.

I like relaxing as much as doing, depends on the mood I'm in and time of year. I like being out when the weather's nice but I think I was a dormouse in another life. I could hibernate from October to April. Under a duvet. With a book of course :)

Spend an hour preparing and eating your breakfast, play boardgames

Sounds good to me!
7 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread - part 2 [720]

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