Life /
Grisly crimes in Poland [92]
What adds to the tragedy and makes me feel sick to the stomach is that people literally walked by, saw what's going on and didn't help her.
People? That's a very conveniently gender-neutral term.
Why don't you climb down off your feminist high horse and admit that these
"people" were actually
two women?
"Two women who witnessed the brutal attack on 25-year-old Lisa in Warsaw have given testimony to the police.
Surveillance cameras recorded that the women watched the situation for a short time, but did not take any action. Why?",114883,30759215,widzialy-jak-dorian-s-krzywdzil-lize-ale-odeszly-zeznania.html?
Yes, indeed, Paulina, why?
Your profile states that you identify as female and your posts leave no doubt that you are a feminist.
So tell us about the pathology of these two women.
Since you feel so self-righteous speaking out on behalf of the female victim while ranting against the accused male then clearly you can also tell everyone about female indifference when literally witnessing the whole thing.
So, the conclusion is - you can get raped and killed in plain sight in Poland and noone will help you. That's the reality.
If you believe that then why did Poland suddenly become such a low trust society? You can start with yourself and your feminist movement.
It's plainly written here in this article that he's a Pole
By birth or naturalization?
Look at the pathology
It's better to look at the ideology.
The so-called
"silent march" slogan
"Miała na imię Liza" is straight out of the leftist Black Lives Matter playbook #SayHerName. Where is the originality?
Then there is this cliche feminist talking point:
"We are fed up with living in danger".
As if Poland is on par or worse than South Africa, Sweden, Brazil, the UK and Israel when it comes to women being the victims of crime.
Hint: Poland's crime rates are well below other European countries and globally.®ion=150
But this doesn't fit the feminist narrative.
Neither does what is known as the
"gender-fear paradox" which describes how women show higher levels of worry despite lower victimization rates while men have low rates of worry but higher victimization rates.
Such scum needs to be locked with the key thrown away.
I agree.
Both of you are glaring examples as to why Poland doesn't have a jury system. Neither one of you could be trusted with being impartial.
Psycho Polish males rape and murder foreign migrant women.
More leftist-approved talking points. Yawn.
It is so predictable now in all Western countries being confronted with unfettered mass migration.
Such phrasing is deliberate with the intent to demonize and browbeat the native male population into silence while conferring victimhood status onto all migrants and in particular migrant women.
It goes like this: If one Polish man commits a crime in Poland then all Polish men are to blame. When one migrant man commits a crime in Poland then stretch reality to the breaking point to try to identify the migrant as Polish. If that fails then just blame all men but never the migrant.