"....since the liberation of Poland from the Germans was already almost a fait accompli....."
If you want to quote, quote. Paraphrasing is not quoting.
I wrote:
the liberation of Poland from the Germans was already 100% assured without the Uprising.
If you want to offer a different opinion, do it, instead of that sarcastic "really" question.
Your amazement at my claim should be followed by yours. Like this:
There was a reasonable probability that the Soviets army would run into such German resistance in Poland that they - the Soviets - would never be able to go all the way to Berlin.
Is this what you are claiming?
There is no other claim you can make IF you want to challenge mine. Which, of course, would be laughable. I mean that the Soviets would be defeated in the battle for Poland, and that Germany, being on its last legs, would be victorious and capable of continued occupation of Poland.
Your post is a classic example of what happens when the poster reacts irrationally and emotionally without thinking things through and resorts to that standard deflection of "Really?" Yes, really. The war was already in the bag. The reason it continued was an unreasonable idiot at the top and the unreasonably obedient idiots at the bottom.