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Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side?

Crow  154 | 9531
8 Oct 2011   #1
once more

Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? i mean, when it comes to strategic interests
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
8 Oct 2011   #2
Because it's not until now that the vatican cared that much about the Catholics in Poland. Poles are more like protestants at the side of the vatican calling themselves Catholics at some point. The inquisition is famous but, for it really to happen or a minor part of it, a German king had to Rule Poland (saxon kings). Otherwise the Vatican itself didn't have too much influence on Poland (especially being partitioned. While in german provinces there were wars over being protestant or catholic and competition. Also by many (also the Vatican) Germany was allways more important then Poland.

It's not after Johannes Paul II that Poles started pilgrimages en-masse to Rome I think.
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Oct 2011   #3
Crow, I'm not sure if you are aware of the nutjob known as Leo Zagami. As his name suggests, he is Italian but fled to Norway. Nonetheless, he still offers a lot of insights into the operations of the Vatican and why they favour certain powers. He has done interviews with a guy called Greg Szymański (part Polish, I presume) and you might learn a lot from those :)
valpomike  11 | 194
8 Oct 2011   #4
The Pope is German!!!!!

The Germans never did, or will they like the Polish, because they know we are much better than they are.

Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Oct 2011   #5
*yeah that has to be it*
* = sarcasm button.
Natasa  1 | 572
8 Oct 2011   #6
I read that Vatican in the period of christianization of Slavs (we were a serious candidate too at the time, our Tzar Dushan asked for Pope's blessing for his empire, thought of converting to Catholicism, but Pope's lack of support against Hungarians), didn't have high opinion (euphemism) of the Slavic population, their officials unofficially agreed on that, that Slavic catholics have to put in more effort than others, to prove their faith to be regarded equal to other Catholics, which lasted a while according to the sources I encountered. And I didn't encounter much :(
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
18 Oct 2011   #7
Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? i mean, when it comes to strategic interests?

You would have to go back to the times of the Holy Roman Empire and start there to get some sense of history where it concerns relations of the Church and countries like Germany...Also research the Guelphs and Ghibbilines...Also, the history of England from the time of Henry VIII, when the Church came under mortal attack in England...Also, research the takeover of England by the House of Orange, Cromwell and other miscreants...Many British and German interests coincide.

In the past 100 years, many other forces have also been at work to 'bend' the Church in certain ways...Jews are always at the forefront of attacks on the Church; some under cover, some out in the open...Jews dominate Germany now, so draw your own conclusions.

In any case, the Church makes a big mistake in relation to the Orthodox Church by basically rejecting it, thus isolating Slavs in Serbia, Russia, the Ukraine etc.

I have problems with Christian Pharisees, because remember what Christ said 'When two or more of you come together to pray in My name, I am there'.

A belief in Christ, and His clear words in the Gospels, is more important than rituals created by man, even if they have the best intentions.

I'm not sure if you are aware of the nutjob known as Leo Zagami. As his name suggests, he is Italian but fled to Norway. Nonetheless, he still offers a lot of insights into the operations of the Vatican and why they favour certain powers. He has done interviews with a guy called Greg Szymański (part Polish, I presume) and you might learn a lot from those :)

IMHO, both Zagami and Szymanski are dis-info artists, dealing out a kernel of truth surrounded by exaggeration and wild accusation.

If you are interested in some of the darker intents of the Roman Curia and their janissaries, and partners, go here:
pawian  226 | 27453
18 Oct 2011   #8
=Crow]Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? i mean, when it comes to strategic interests


BTW, how many divisions does the Vatican have? :):):):)
Palivec  - | 379
18 Oct 2011   #9
once more

Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? i mean, when it comes to strategic interests

I'm not sure, but I hope Serbia is the solution for Polands problem...
OP Crow  154 | 9531
18 Oct 2011   #10
let`s say that Poles and Serbians needs each others
hythorn  3 | 580
18 Oct 2011   #11
I have been learning about Serbian history, for which I have to thank you for your kind explanations
however I have been speaking to quite a few Poles about the connection with Serbia and they really
do not have any feelings about Serbia at all

outside this forum, do you know any Polish people?
are they pro Serbia? because none of my Polish friends give Serbia any thought at all
pawian  226 | 27453
18 Oct 2011   #12
because none of my Polish friends give Serbia any thought at all

Come on. Do you need to be so straightforward? Do you really want to hear about Crow`s heart attack? :(:(:(:(
sascha  1 | 824
18 Oct 2011   #13
BTW, how many divisions does the Vatican have?

too much

now, that the rcc has a german pope, its logic that they are on the german side. when the pope was polish i dont think that there was much connection special one with germany. all in total the rcc is always tending to the ones with enough influence and political power...

rcc is pure selfish in that perspective to secure safe spot and enough support of one of europeans powers...
hythorn  3 | 580
18 Oct 2011   #14
Crow is OK
He is the sort of straight talking individual who would prefer to hear the truth rather than a sanitised version of the truth
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
22 Oct 2011   #15
The real question is why are Poles and Germans so often on opposing sides.
OP Crow  154 | 9531
22 Oct 2011   #16
because Germans historically tend to destroy Poles

and, saying so, i don`t think that Vatican coordinate with Germany to increase pressure on Slavs (on Poles- in particular situation)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
22 Oct 2011   #17
Look at how you phrased your response. That kind of inaccurate language perpetuates improper allocation of blame and reduces understanding the distinction between today and yesterday.
OP Crow  154 | 9531
22 Oct 2011   #18
the way i responded is absolutely by the standards of the world in which we live in. Let all people think and found their own response
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
22 Oct 2011   #19
It is absolutely not. More importantly it only confuses the question to which I put forth.
You can think what you want but the problem is that you are thinking what you "want" the facts to be and not what they are.
OP Crow  154 | 9531
22 Oct 2011   #20
i don`t know what is the purpose of your analyzes

but, seams that you want to suggest how i needs to formulate my responds. Don`t do that. i am man of free spirit, i am Serbian
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
22 Oct 2011   #21
You can tell me not to and I can go ahead and ignore your demands, you being Serbian in no way affects that I am also a free spirit. I am suggesting how you can formulate your thinking before you go about with poorly formed responses. The kind of thinking you were entertaining invites others to do so as well- road to destruction. Pick your words carefully and re-evaluate how you approach the question I posed.
OP Crow  154 | 9531
22 Oct 2011   #22
i respect you. It would be good for Poland if just Vatican show similar respect to Poles, instead to constantly work in a favor of Germany
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
22 Oct 2011   #23
I agree but what I was getting at is the lack of cooperation between the 2 neighbors is even more important. It is crucial that happens with or without the support of the Vatican.

I return respect to you with equal measure:)
sascha  1 | 824
22 Oct 2011   #24
germans like or tend to control/rule. if they see the chance they will do that. at times by force, now economically...the vatican is just at the moment added value to the domination attempt
OP Crow  154 | 9531
22 Oct 2011   #25
I agree but what I was getting at is the lack of cooperation between the 2 neighbors is even more important. It is crucial that happens with or without the support of the Vatican.

in any case, as i said already. Problem is that Germany appears to be natural enemy of Poland. That what is good for Germany, it is bad for Poland and the opposite.

Crucial idea in German statehood is anti-Slavic idea of `Drang nach osten` (Drive to the East) and their elite see Slavic Poland as obstacle to it. That`s the problem. Germany constantly works against Poland, on all meridians- in neighborhood of Poland, in areas close to Poland and in any strategic area of Europe where they can harm Poland`s vital interests.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
23 Oct 2011   #26
germans like or tend to control/rule. if they see the chance they will do that

Poles are exactly the same, it's just that they tend to do a worse job of controlling and managing compared to their Germanic neighbors. Are we to fault the Germans for doing better in this regard.

This is so typical of Polish thinking- whatever the problem is, it's completely someone else's fault.

Germany constantly works against Poland, on all meridians- in neighborhood of Poland, in areas close to Poland and in any strategic area of Europe where they can harm Poland`s vital interests.

It that really is the case then perhaps it's time to try to amend this in ways that haven't failed in the past. If it's really the case then ffs figure out how to correct it, maybe then Poles will get the respect they feel they deserve by virtue of being Polish.

Start by getting rid of:
-the dog **** every where
-political arrogance and thuggery
-the sh*t storm called infrastructure
-the inability to combine the concepts of efficiency and bureaucracy
-the inability to cooperate unless under a foreign whip
-the absence of standards in everything except bread and kielbasa

*end rant*
sascha  1 | 824
23 Oct 2011   #27
Poles are exactly the same, it's just that they tend to do a worse job of controlling and managing compared to their Germanic neighbors. Are we to fault the Germans for doing better in this regard

maybe the reason is the slavic vs. the germanic mindset? ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9531
11 Sep 2015   #28
Vatican now support Serbians. Does this mean that now Vatican support Poland, too? No more deals with German Protestant magnates? God knows we needs Vatican`s support if we were to form new Commonwealth because west of Europe already complaints.

In any case, Vatican agree with Serbia on Kosovo. Vatican refused to recognize separation of Kosovo from Serbia. Kosovo is Serbian territory and Vatican respect Serbian constitution where is status of Kosovo nicely explained. Plus, Vatican accepted Serbian complaint in case with stance of Catholic clergy in Croatia that issued beatification of the Cardinal Stepinac who was involved in genocide on Serbians during WWII. A mixed commission of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church would consider historical facts from the Second World War era and the role of Catholic Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH).

Serbian president meets with Pope Francis in Vatican

More proofs that we are now loved and that we love

Source: "No rush to make Stepinac saint; no recognition of Kosovo" / b92/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2015&mm=09&dd=11&nav_id=95409

another proof that love and mutual understanding exist
OP Crow  154 | 9531
10 Feb 2020   #29
All who consider themselves a Christians should see this and learn how to avoid being manipulated by religion >>> Truth about Medjugorje

>> go to video 1:10:26 >> Supposed appearance of Medjugorje Holly Mary took place 1 km from site where entire Prebilovci village of Orthodox Serbs (children, woman and man) was thrown in the pit and killed by Croat Nazi ustashe (aka banderists in Ukraine) during WWII and, exact site of Maria`s supposed apparition is on the exact place where entire monk brotherhood of Serbian Orthodox monastery was slaughtered by Nazi Croat ustashe in WWII. Supposed apparition took place in 24 June 1981, exactly same day when 30 years before those Serbian monks were slaughtered on that site. Its not the coincidence. Its manifestation of demonic symbolism.

That is Medjugorje. Now, who could go there to pray to Christ and call himself a Christian.

Pope Francis have negative stance on Medjugorje but no apology came to Serbs from Vatican yet.

Sons of Herod (genocide in independent state of Croatia WWII)
10 Feb 2020   #30
Yes, we get it Crow. Catholic Croats commited atrocities against Serbs. Nobody denies it.

Should I now start posting about all the atrocities commited on Poles by Orthodox Russians?

But maybe, just maybe, religion had nothing to do with it? Maybe it was just human hatred, resentment and lust for power (as it usually is the case)?

Get a grip of yourself, brate.

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