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The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews

jon357  73 | 22632
29 May 2024 #241
fvcking another guy's ass.

You mention that constantly.

It must occupy your every thought.
Novichok  5 | 7883
29 May 2024 #242
You mention that constantly.

You remind me to... plus I really hate the LGBT pervs and their in-you-face presence everywhere.
Hey, Vlad, thanks for keep these scumbags away from Russia's kids.

BTW, did you know that your Thought Gestapo arrests about 3000 Brits for posting what your Gestapo doesn't like while Russia arrests only 200?

That world-famous British freedom of speech...I pray daily for more Muslim migrants in London to replace the last white azhole.
jon357  73 | 22632
29 May 2024 #243

You're obsessed.

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