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Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
27 Jun 2022   #451
That is a difficult situation,

Of course it must be very sure to act differently in the same situation to show such a righteous rage!

Not only be sure of one self but knowing that the whole people will do what is right in such a situation.

Maybe that's why people with a different history, who as a people have failed in such a situation, like Germans, lack this righteous rage and show more "understanding"'s also psychological.
Paulina  19 | 4493
27 Jun 2022   #452
Imagine for a moment Poland acting like Russia....invading western Ukraine for some historical reasons/grievances whatever....

It's difficult to imagine, to be honest... Majority of Poles don't consider Ukraine to be a "fake" country, we respect it's independence and their language. There is no big Polish minority in Ukraine that would have to be "saved". And a few objectionable monuments and street names isn't a good enough reason to invade a country...

Do you think the Poles as a people would try to overturn the polish government from the streets to end this invasion?

First of all, such an invasion could happen most probably under an authoritarian or totalitarian regime, rather than in a normal democracy. Poles already stood up to such a regime during communist times. Of course it was easier for Poles, because that regime was forced upon Poland by a foreign power, so it wasn't viewed as unpatriotic to fight against it - on the contrary. Nevertheless, those opposing the regime were experiencing repressions, even a martial law was introduced. People were being sent to prison, fired from certain jobs, sent to the army, even if they didn't qualify for service, getting killed during strikes and protests.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
27 Jun 2022   #453
It's difficult to imagine, to be honest...

Agreed! But not impossible....

I have learned from posters like Iron that there still exist polish grievances and resentments as in cases like would need a leader building on that, stoking it for a long time though....someone like Putin. Not an opressive foreigner but a national "patriot" helping Poland to get it's place at the "sun" know the drill!
Kashub1410  6 | 580
27 Jun 2022   #454
@Bratwurst Boy
That would require PiS to become more radical, ruling with konfederacja that is mainly lead by Grzegorz Braun (highly unlikely to co-rule and Braun leading it) while biggest opposition party would be a radical nationalist party filled to the brink of ONR members.

Very highly unlikely
Like:0.000001% of happening
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
27 Jun 2022   #455
It actually only needs ONE was the case with Hitler.....with Stalin.....with Mao....with Putin....and nobody could believe Germany becoming the Third Reich even 10 years before....not democratic, developed, intelligent, civilized was unimaginable! And Russia after Gorbatschow? We loved it! Putin was a nobody back then...a pale weak bureaucrat from the third line....

*knocks on wood* ;)
Paulina  19 | 4493
27 Jun 2022   #456
But not impossible....

In theory everything is possible, but that would be a very unlikely and wild scenario. Even Hitler needed a "good enough" reason that could "justify" invading Poland (German minority) in front of his people.

The Polish society would have to reach a higher level of insanity not only than the Russian society, but also than the German society under the Nazi rule, I guess. I don't know what would have to happen for something like this to take place...

I have learned from posters like Iron that there still exist polish grievances and resentments as in cases like Lwow....

But Ironside is a Konfederacja supporter. They're Polish nationalists. Some of them are pro-Russian, so maybe they would be willing to join Russia in partitioning Ukraine, but they're getting only a few percent of support in polls.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
27 Jun 2022   #457
In theory everything is possible, but that would be a very unlikely and wild scenario.

....but my question wasn't so much about the possibility of that scenario....hence my plea "to imagine"!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
27 Jun 2022   #458
Some of them are pro-Russian

Where from did you take that nosense? From PiS TV Propaganda? Are you another PiS supporter that lies about not supporting them?

Agreed! But not impossible....

Look Poland doesn't have a tradition of expation or imperlialism. What more we argue a lot as you could notice on this forum becasue by deeply ingrained instynkt we want to reach consensus.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
27 Jun 2022   #459
More like part of the meaning of being a Pole, argue to find consensus before acting or enacting anything, preferably without objections instead of withering away or doing nothing. We are part of this world either we like it or not, have responsibilities and train verbally as much as possible while growing. Preferably in peace, hopefully not getting bored to the point of being at war, containing war like wants within the realm of discussions, debates within one's own country instead of outward
pawian  226 | 27572
27 Jun 2022   #460
many Germans keep thinking about it!

So Crow was right that Germans desire Polish lands. And that we need to cooperate with RuSSists to avoid German invasion? :):):)
BB, think twice before you act. Do you want to experience the RuSSist occupation once more? That dejavu will not be nice to you.... hahahahahaha You will lose your bike, watch, washing machine, fridge and TV set. And you know what will happen to the females in your family, including your great grandma? :(:(:(:
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
27 Jun 2022   #461
So Crow was right that Germans desire Polish lands.

Do you need Crow to tell you that? If you don't know that much what do you know?

We know what is possible in the worst case, even if now unimaginable....

Poland want an independed Ukrainie, as well as Belarus it wouldn't make sense to take back those lands after ethnic cleasing and all isuess involved.

IF there is no independed Ukrianie but Russian puppet any land gained there is better that a current border.
In reality at the moment there is zero will or talk about Lwów.
It would make a lot of sense to get Królewiec or a part of Belarus to push away threat of military operation from Warsaw to Barnowicze.

seriously Pawian?

serius and pawian do not meet in the same senstence.
Paulina  19 | 4493
28 Jun 2022   #463
Something funny for a change - one Russian guy hanged a big portrait of Putin in his building's elevator in Moscow and put his camera next to a CCTV camera. Check out people's reactions (watch the whole thing!) ;D:

That was posted in 2021 - I wonder what the reactions would be now...
Lenka  5 | 3542
28 Jun 2022   #464
I actually find it very sad. Well, the part where you can see people being wary because they don't know whose looking
Paulina  19 | 4493
28 Jun 2022   #465
@Lenka, yes, true, but those two young women cracked me up - I mean the one who pretended to bow down before that portrait of Putin and the other one was filming it or taking photos lol
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jun 2022   #466
still exist polish grievances and resentments as in cases like Lwow...

I wouldn't call it grievances. I mean if we talk about Germany, you lost he war, you have done this and that stuff and you can explian that los of the lland in that way. You payied the bill, In fact Germans sell it like that, no reperation for Poland you got those lands, no nothning you got this lands and so on.

In every other case when the WWII is being an issue between Poland and Germany.

What you can say to Poles? You won the war (really?>)? Yet from practiacl results it looks like Poland lost the war as badlly as Germany. Why those land were taken? I mean if some were taken - tough - but they cut to the bone, if they take more you could call it Dutchy of Posnan.

If not for those German land it would be too pathetic to even mantain that Poland suposed to be a part of the Allied powers from the start.

I say that Poland lost the war in 1939 and all what followed was just a waste of time, efford and blood.
About 1/3 of the Polish population if not more have family that calls from those lost lands.
So I wouldn't say that Germany and Poland are in the same situation.
Korvinus  3 | 612
28 Jun 2022   #467
....but my question wasn't so much about the possibility of that scenario..

Obviously, there would be no boots on the ground. But:

- Rada already passed the law that grants Polish citizens a lot of additional rights
- Zhydolenski announced the simplification of border crossing between Ukraine and Poland
- Poland wants to host the UNFAC Center for the Reconstruction of Ukraine in Warsaw
- Poland and Ukraine have agreed to establish a joint venture for the production of weapons. Poland needs the joint production of weapons to gain access to the remaining weapons technologies in Ukraine. This is the production of aircraft engines, missiles, armored vehicles, electronic devices and other types of weapons

- Poland and Ukraine agreed on the supply of electricity from the Khmelnitsky NPP to Poland
- Mateusz Morawiecki: "Poland will be able to re-export Ukrainian grain to the Baltic ports, receive cheap electricity and participate in projects for the reconstruction of Ukrainian infrastructure"
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
28 Jun 2022   #468
I wouldn't call it grievances.

How would you call it?

Obviously, there would be no boots on the ground. But:

And once Ukraine joins EU even such history as with Lwow can be shared....I know....but that wasn't my scenario! ;)
pawian  226 | 27572
28 Jun 2022   #469
Polish citizens a lot of additional rights

Like me? What was I granted?

- Zhydolenski

Spare yourself those antisemitic allusions, Mr Kurvinos.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jun 2022   #470
How would you call it?

Nostalgia and questions about logic and fairness.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
29 Jun 2022   #471

I can't agree with you more.
People like Lyzko just the idea of these divisions in society.
I don't know why.
Historically Jews came to Poland because it was the last safe haven for them.
Yet he choses to ignore that historical fact.
Lyzko  44 | 9719
30 Jun 2022   #472
On the contrary, Milo!
I've already acknowledged that fact on any
number of separate occasions, if you'd bothered to read them:-)

Poland indeed was a safe haven for Jews, as was Lithuania in the years prior to the pogroms during the middle to end of the 19th century.

While Poland did in fact have the most sizeable Jewish population in Europe for numerous years, indeed nearly a century from the mid-1800's until around the early 20th century, that relationship gradually turned sour when far many Poles, especially in the countryside, realized they could play footsies with Hitler in exchange for political favoritism.

Crying pity of it all is of course, that Poland coincidentally had the largest single resistance movement in wartime Europe, perhaps as large as France. To this day, certain Jewish groups continue to label ALL Poles as Anti Semites, which is of course a completely unfair espursion cast over an entire population.
Crow  154 | 9552
30 Jun 2022   #473
Poles and Russians and Serbs in between!

Jednego Serca Jednego Ducha
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
30 Jun 2022   #474
Poland coincidentally had the largest single resistance movement in wartime Europe, perhaps as large as France

Larger, stronger and better organised than the French Resistance.

To this day, certain Jewish groups continue to label ALL Poles as Anti Semites

And that is what makes me angry.
That Jewish narrow mindedness.
Crow  154 | 9552
1 Jul 2022   #475
Larger, stronger and better organised than the French Resistance.

Don`t forget support of Serbian chetniks that helped against banderists.
Lyzko  44 | 9719
1 Jul 2022   #476
I agree, Milo, so kindly don't dump me into that unfortunate category, if you wouldn't mind:-)
No offense, mate.
Novichok  4 | 8568
1 Jul 2022   #477
Larger, stronger and better organised than the French Resistance.

So what? Neither had any significant effect on the war outcome except for that idiotic Warsaw Uprising that delayed the Soviets' march to Berlin.

With about equal populations (F - 41, P - 35) Poland lost 5.6 million and France 1.5 million. So who was smarter?
Lyzko  44 | 9719
1 Jul 2022   #478
For every Jean Moulin, there was one Witold Pilecki.
Then there was Janusz Korczak, nee Goldstajn (??), who accompanied his own Jewish orphans willingly into the gas chambers, unless this story is apocryphal, which
I suspect it isn't.
Alien  25 | 6434
1 Jul 2022   #479
Polish mother, Jewish father.
Was he Polish or Jewish?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
1 Jul 2022   #480
Polish mother, Jewish father.

According to Jewish rules that makes him a Pole.

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