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jon357  72 | 23528
25 Jun 2022   #391
Russians who don't support Putin are passive and still accept his misrule

That is a r*ssian characteristic. They have a need for an autocrat.

Putler will be carried out of the Kremlin feet first, followed by a period of the usual chaos until the next one emerges.
mafketis  38 | 11178
25 Jun 2022   #392
It isn't easy to overthrow a leader.

No. But Poland did it. Ukraine did it. Lots of countries have, but Russians are too lazy or apathetic... they are victims, not of the Tsar, but of their own fecklessness and cowardice.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Jun 2022   #393
Reminds me of Galleazo Ciano

Nonsense. Ciano was a fascist and, regardless of whether he had any warm feelings for Poles (maybe it had something to do with Poland awarding him Order Orła Białego in 1938), he was clearly on his Third Reich's allies side in the war, whilst my support for Ukraine is evident, so your "analogy" fails.

Now, f*ck off.
pawian  226 | 27585
25 Jun 2022   #395
but of their own fecklessness and cowardice.

That is this fekking traditional Russian fatalism. Poles organised revolts and risings to overthrow the yoke while Russians always believed nothing can be done and all efforts are futile.

he was clearly on his Third Reich's allies side in the war,

So why did other fascists hang him in 1943?

Now, f*ck off.

No. I will tease you a little more. :):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Jun 2022   #396
So why did other fascists hang him in 1943?

Not hanged but shot and not in 1943 but in 1944. He saw the war wasn't going as planned, so he tried to switch sides. Didn't work they way he planned.

No. I will tease you a little more. :)

*rolls eyes*

If you really must. But I don't find it amusing.
pawian  226 | 27585
25 Jun 2022   #397
so he tried to switch sides.

It means he wasn`t so fascist after all, as you claim. :)

I don't find it amusing.

That is the penalty for fraternising with bad people. Blame yourself, not others.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Jun 2022   #398
he wasn`t so fascist after all

He was when it suited him and wasn't when it didn't. A shady character in any case and I don't appreciate being compared to him.

That is the penalty for fraternising with bad people.

Bobi's not a bad guy. Some of his views need to be somewhat adjusted but it will sooner be done in a civilised manner than with a constant stream of abuse.
Crow  154 | 9560
25 Jun 2022   #399
Poles should look at the development from the bright side. EU was ugly. Russia can be only better. No way it can be worse. At least no more gender joke, pachamama, banderists, ustashe, etc.

Plus, with time, working with Russia we- from Baltic to Balkan can hope to save our specific interests.

Let us pray.
pawian  226 | 27585
25 Jun 2022   #400
Russia can be only better.

Yuk! I can`t contain that puke!

Bobi's not a bad guy

Yes, he`s an angel, in fact.
The Angel of Death.
jon357  72 | 23528
25 Jun 2022   #401
Bobi's not a bad guy

When the mushroom cloud rose over your house, he'd have a vodka and gherkin to celebrate.
mafketis  38 | 11178
25 Jun 2022   #402
Interesting thread showing a sliver of the mindboggling level of corruption in Russia....

This is what Russia wants to normalize anywhere it take control (and the serfs support that).

Hopeless basket case culture...
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
25 Jun 2022   #403
a vodka and gherkin to celebrate.

no, a vodka and pork fat.
Crow  154 | 9560
26 Jun 2022   #404
I think it can be said that Russia has effectively diverted the EU's attention from Poland to itself.

Thank you Russia.

Yuk! I can`t contain that puke!

RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
26 Jun 2022   #405
Corruption? To be honest, everyone here is corrupt. Even the ballet companies are corrupt, the armies are corrupt, the governments, any person from the street. All corrupt. It's normal.
mafketis  38 | 11178
26 Jun 2022   #406
. All corrupt. It's normal.

No it's not. Of course some level of corruption will exist in every human society.
But endemic corruption in every sphere of life as a normal way of doing business is not normal, it's pathological and one reason that anyone with a choice runs away from Russain 'culture'.... and it's another reason rich Russians always have a getaway plan and/or move as much of their family as possible out of the country.

Russia - pathology and dysfunction.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
26 Jun 2022   #407
It's normal in Russia, I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear, I know other countries arent that corrupt. It's weird to think that there are countries without extreme corruption, to me, because it just seems normal.
mafketis  38 | 11178
26 Jun 2022   #408
It's normal in Russia, I meant

I understood.

it just seems normal

See? There's your problem right there! You accept it. It will never change on its own so Russia will remain a backwards and primitive third world country (with atomic bombs).

Don't you want a better future for your children? Or do you want them to be serfs under the Tsar's boot as well?
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
26 Jun 2022   #409
Russia isn't a third world country. And what I am meant to do? I am just existing, not to harm anyone or do anything wrong. But, anyway, anyone who doesn't like it can leave, I can leave if I want in the future. No, I don't like corruption, but what can I do? In fact, I hate corruption, I wish things were fairer. Look at the Mariinsky Ballet, as an example of something poisoned by corruption, see the dancers they have in low ranks who are better than even the principals. That isn't fair or right, but who can change it? The people at the top can, an ordinary person can't. It's really that simple.
mafketis  38 | 11178
26 Jun 2022   #410
what I am meant to do?...what can I do? In fact, I...who can change it? The people at the top can, an ordinary person can't.

Why Russia is a third world country - an infantile population conditioned into learned helplessness....

This is why Ukraine is very different - they stand up for themselves at the individual and collective level (as do Poles) rather than quivering in helplessness like frightened children.
Paulina  19 | 4505
26 Jun 2022   #411
Some of his views need to be somewhat adjusted but it will sooner be done in a civilised manner than with aconstant stream of abuse.

I honestly doubt that his views can be changed in any way. I think you're being naive. He's here to present his views, not to change them.

And, anyway, Bobko is a guy who has no problem with the fact that innocent people are getting killed, cities destroyed and a country ruined to satisfy his country's imperialistic ambitions. Human life doesn't seem to be even a blip on his radar. He doesn't care. He doesn't seem to have any conscience and empathy. Do you think you can teach empathy and respect for human life to someone who has none? He is an adult man already. How are you going to do that?

Or maybe you also don't care?

It's strange to me that you get so invested in abortion issues, or women not wanting children, but at the same time you call someone like Bobko "not a bad guy". Russian soldiers are killing children too, not only adults. Children who have names and hopes and dreams already.

That isn't fair or right, but who can change it? The people at the top can, an ordinary person can't.

No, the people at the top won't change it, because they thrive on corruption. Only ordinary people can change it. Russians can't keep waiting for someone else to do that for them, because then the change will never happen. You have to take matters in your own hands. You have to organise yourselves. You, young people, could bring a change to your country. If not now, then once you're adults. You just have to believe that it's possible, that you can do it. Believe in yourselves. You're the future.
pawian  226 | 27585
26 Jun 2022   #412
but at the same time you call someone like Bobko

Very good point. Is Kania double faced?? :):)
Alien  25 | 6438
26 Jun 2022   #413
People in russia will not change anything until russia wil not loses this war. We must only wait a little.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
26 Jun 2022   #414
It just won't happen though. No one wants to be the first, even if they don't like the way Russia is run. It's too dangerous. You can end up killed, imprisoned, poisoned, anything. And even some of the ones who hate, for example, the corruption, benefit from it. For example, well there are a few already who have them, I know this girl, in my class at Vaganova, she is extremely anti-Putin, anti-corruption, etc., even religious. She has a patron, at the age of 16. This might sound innocent to an outsider, but having a patron in Russian ballet is basically prostitution. The patron bribes the people at the top of the ballet circles to give good roles, positions, etc., in exchange for sex.

My point is, it just won't happen unless honest people get to the top. Everyone else is too scared or doesn't want to for another reason. But with the risks, can you really blame people for not changing things? It's basically suicide.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 595
26 Jun 2022   #415
effect change through mass protest - they're obedient and passive (sheep).

Maf, Maf!!! Wery easy to protest and be disobedient when guarded by a demented, disoriented bunch of commie sympathizers, with no consequences
for the act of disobedience. The picture changes when assessing obedient, passive sheep, conditioned by the centuries-long oppressive, brutal rulers, where the act of disobedience equals death. I do not think you and I are equipped with the knowledge needed for survival.
mafketis  38 | 11178
26 Jun 2022   #416
can you really blame people for not changing things?

...yes.... Do you think communism in Poland was easy to change? Yet Polish people managed it.

Do you think the Ukrainian protests in 2004 or 20013-14 were easy? Yet Ukrainians managed it.

Right now Ukrainians are being killed for their desire for freedom and they're still not giving up.

Russia is an African or Latin American style dictatorship (with a Big Man poltiical system). Tha'ts why it's so unimportant in the world and why it never will be important. Countries are important not because of the Big Man leading them but because of the citizens.
Bobko  27 | 2128
26 Jun 2022   #417
Yes, he`s an angel, in fact.
The Angel of Death.

Whoa! Very quickly I graduated from "charming Nazi officer" to "Angel of Death". The irony that the policies Paulina and Pawian advocate for the world to pursue will bring 10x more death - is somehow lost on everyone. But hey, it feels good and it feels right!

If only you guys knew what a doofus I am in everyday life.
jon357  72 | 23528
26 Jun 2022   #418
Only ordinary people can change it.

Generational apathy and fear are hard to shift.

Then again, they had a revolution once so maybe there's hope.

Not much, but hope. Especially if they can be broken up into countries. They are after all a federation rather than a country.
pawian  226 | 27585
26 Jun 2022   #419
charming Nazi officer" to "Angel of Death"

Mengele was charming. That is why his victims called him Angel.

the policies

What policies???
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
26 Jun 2022   #420
Would you die for politics? Because in a situation like that, death would be inevitable. Most likely, whoever started it would be killed or become a brutal leader or be chased out of Russia.

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